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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMaster99
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TheMaster99 Benevolent Cyberpunk

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Everyone, please keep in mind that the entire website was rewritten from _scratch_. There are guaranteed to be issues, as well as features that haven't been rewritten yet. Stuff like this takes time, and we all just need a bit of patience. Now, to answer some questions: > Total PM count is broken for me - it is displayed as 81, when in fact it is nearing 200. I believe the counter now displays the number of inbound PMs, instead of every single one (it doesn't count your own PMs anymore). >Still impossible to access the site via roleplayerguild.com; all cached information has been cleared a couple of times, so this shouldn't >be an issue. Mahz is working on this, to my knowledge. >Do I understand correctly that BBCode/HTML-style tags are going to be brought back? (and many other formatting questions) Yes. As I said above, not everything has been re-implemented yet. BBCode will be back soon (presumably after more important things have been taken care of, but I can't say that with certainty since I'm not mahz). As I said before, we just need some patience here. >Oh yes, I remembered - the formatting tends to take its time to kick in (I am writing this for a rather powerful PC that typically loads >script-heavy pages instantly, Firefox browser). The formatting is rendered when it shows up on your screen - it doesn't instantly render, because first it needs to detect that it needs to render, then actually do it. This will be fixed whenever mahz is able to find a good solution. As for it not working _at all,_ that's news to me. But again, that should be resolved once mahz finds a solution to it. >In-thread online markers haven't been implemented (same as forum-view Subscribed-markers). I think you get the idea by now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

Member Seen 7 days ago

I am aware that not everything has been implemented yet - I am predominantly just listing the things I didn't notice being (explicitly) mentioned in the TODO list in the opening post. That, and I find that some things should be prioritized over others a bit more - such as "hide online status" carries very little importance over matters concerning basic text structuring issues on a site that is specifically dedicated to creative writing. Font colors and such are more often than not abused by people, but line breaks? Got to have line breaks for IC posts. > As for it not working at all, that's news to me. I read the note on the solution Mahz currently has for text formatting, and hence I'm aware that we're dealing with a clientside solution - the issue was, indeed, that it occasionally takes either a very substantial amount of time to trigger the rendering of the text, or the rendering doesn't trigger at all. Sometimes it takes a second or a few, sometimes I can stare at a page for several minutes and nothing changes (although it seems that scrolling the post off page and back sometimes fixes the issue and makes the rendering process finally trigger). Edit: No, rest of text, you are not quote.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamer
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dreamer DakotaLDE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Good job on the update, it looks really smooth now for the most part. A little colorless without avatars but heading in a very good direction
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GraceGirlX


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

> I rushed the relaunch out the door, so I still have a lot of development work to do on the Guild. I work best under debilitating pressure. > > Issues I'm currently working on: > > - **FIXED** Post formatting seems broken on this server even though it's working on the test server. > - **FIXED** Can't send PMs to people with capital letters in their username. > - **FIXED** Topic/RP subscriptions were left out of the migration. Oops. I'll migrate them over sometime today. > - **FIXED** Topic subscriptions aren't being sorted correctly. > - **FIXED** Needs to adjust visibility queries for mobile-sized device. (Fixed enough for most mobile users to log in and do basic things, but still needs more work.) > - Topics got stripped of their `is_sticky?` metadata so now there are no sticky topics. Need to re-migrate that data and restore them to power. > - There is no New Topic button. > - I need to port over everyone's avatars and sigs. > - Sessions expiring too soon when `Remember Me?` is checked. (Having trouble verifying that this is an issue) > - Receiving PMs doesn't update your PM count, just sending them. Makes it impossible to see if you have new PMs from just looking at PM count. > > Random things: > > - Need to import enough BBCode to make old posts editable. > - Darken background of input boxes. > - When a post is deleted or hidden, and if that post was the latest post in a forum or topic, then the forum or topic should update their `latest_post_id`. Right now a hidden post will show up on the homepage and everyone clicking on it will get a "Forbidden" error. > - I want to be able to toggle the forum into a "read-only mode" so that users can still browse while I fix large issues. > - QQCode/BBCode were dropped for now until I can dedicate some time to find some better Javascript parsers. I do want to support BBCode and things like `[hider][/hider]` tags once I get things sorted out. > - You'll notice that post formatting (on new posts, not posts from the old system) kinda just pops in to place as you're scrolling through posts. That's because I use your browser to render posts instead of making the server do it. It's a quick hack. > - I need to add pagination to the page that lists all of your private conversations. And I need to get it done before one of those people with 100k convos DoS's the server by visiting that page. > - The only thing users can edit right now is their email. I need to flesh out the "Edit Profile" page. For example, you used to be able to toggle on "Ghost Mode" which removed you from the "Who's Online" box. > > And plenty more. Are you working on the Editng of the posts for RPs and Convos?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AdamantiumWolf
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AdamantiumWolf The Starwolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Thanks Mahz for all the hard work and time!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

How can I take off my signature?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Currently you cannot do that since Mahz still needs to flesh out the "edit profile" section (which is where signature changes are done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 4 days ago

One update that just happened was a clarification of RP subforum standards -- shout out to @Gat for pointing this out initially some months back -- so that they are now written to explain what actually goes on. Hopefully, this will make people a little less scared of Advanced, as well. ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

> One update that just happened was a clarification of RP subforum standards two cents about that -- and I know this has been talked to death and I'm not helping, but hey, it's me -- I like the word 'Generally' more than the word 'Minimum.' Let's face it, they're soft limits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

> > I'm enjoying the new update! This definitely looks so awesome! My one erk is the way to get to a thread from the subscriptions page. That is slightly annoying especially when I'm normally on a Ipad. > > Can you elaborate? So the way to get to the thread is by the little link looking thing with a small arrow, it's fairly overshadowed by people's users so it makes it much more harder to click on it when on an Ipad or mobile device which is what I'm normally on but I'm finding time to use my laptop more but figuring out a way to make it easier to get to new post on a thread would be more mobile-user friendly is what I'm really saying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

indeed. The system of large text for the post link and small text for the username responsible for said post was far easier to work with. Right now, even on a laptop, it is easy to accidentally click the username instead of the post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hey can someone tell me how to post an img. I now its down their in toggle but the example is not helping me that much. EDIT: Never mind :P I'm just stupid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dunno if this was asked before, but will youtube embedding come back, or...?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mahz
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Mahz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Admin Seen 13 days ago

Added avatars, signatures, and a way to hide all sigs. Go to your profile -> edit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Just a strange error I encountered, but every time I log into RPG on my Mac (Windows bootcamped), it says "Internal State Error." It works when I use incognito mode, but fails when I regularly use Chrome. I hope that the issue is eventually fixed when some updates are made!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mahz
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Mahz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Admin Seen 13 days ago

> Just a strange error I encountered, but every time I log into RPG on my Mac (Windows bootcamped), it says "Internal State Error." It works when I use incognito mode, but fails when I regularly use Chrome. I hope that the issue is eventually fixed when some updates are made! Wow. I'll try to find it in the logs. So it happens after you type in your creds and press submit the login form?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

Member Seen 7 days ago

Avatars overlap with text (or "slide behind" text) in narrower windows. I sometimes appear to be randomly logged out when I have "Remember me" ticked. Including when I haven't even closed the browser in between. Still sometimes cannot access the site via roleplayerguild.com. (Caches cleared.) Links frequently try to direct me there rather than the alt domain, which means that I frequently end up on (or even am forcefully redirected to when trying to write into the address bar) the "If you're still seeing this" page.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mahz
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Mahz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Admin Seen 13 days ago

Fixed the remember-me/sessions-timing-out issue just now. It won't go into effect until you login again (i.e. a new cookie gets created on your browser). - Without "remember me" checked, the session lasts 1 day - With it check, the session lasts 1 year (i.e. until you manually log out again)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mahz
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Mahz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Admin Seen 13 days ago

> Avatars overlap with text (or "slide behind" text) in narrower windows. > > I sometimes appear to be randomly logged out when I have "Remember me" ticked. Including when I haven't even closed the browser in between. > > Still sometimes cannot access the site via roleplayerguild.com. (Caches cleared.) Links frequently try to direct me there rather than the alt domain, which means that I frequently end up on (or even am forcefully redirected to when trying to write into the address bar) the "If you're still seeing this" page. 1. Thanks for letting me know. I'll put some more effort into mobile-sized views again tonight to fix that issue. I'll try to be better about checking for mobile-device compatibility before I deploy. 2. I can't do anything about that "If you're still reading this page"/"Stale page" issue. Quick explanation of DNS: Where `roleplayerguild.com` points to on the internet is data that is cached by every ISP and their ISPs for different lengths of time instead of having to repeatedly ping my DNS record every single time someone navigates to roleplayerguild.com. Once their cache expires, they look up my DNS record and cache the new value. Sounds like your ISP's caches are slowly updating, just not all at once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

> > Just a strange error I encountered, but every time I log into RPG on my Mac (Windows bootcamped), it says "Internal State Error." It works when I use incognito mode, but fails when I regularly use Chrome. I hope that the issue is eventually fixed when some updates are made! > > Wow. I'll try to find it in the logs. > > So it happens after you type in your creds and press submit the login form? Actually, it just immediately shows "Internal *Server Error" (i got "state" and "server" mixed up srry about that) when I enter the website. It doesn't give me a chance to log on or at least even see a trace of the website, which is pretty weird, considering how well RPG functioned for me excluding the minor lag spikes that sometimes pop up. I'll just repeat this to be safe and clear confusions; this only happens when I enter RPG normally on my Macbook (Windows bootcamped) without going into Google Chrome's Incognito mode. My Surface Pro 3 registers RPG very well, but RPG on the Macbook dies within 0.5 seconds after typing the address in. I'm wondering if it has something to do with stuff on _my_ side at this point, however, so I will keep looking into it.
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