Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laue
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> Are you referring to me? Sorry if it was confusing. No, I am not. As for your character... I see nothing wrong there. Accepted. Feel free to copy that to the character tab.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BrodZ11711
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BrodZ11711 Master of the New Age

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Done and Done. Cant wait till we start
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

**Appearance:** ![](http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs5/i/2005/128/b/0/Paladin_by_H_Minus.jpg "enter image title here") Underneath the armor, He has short, neatly-cut, black hair, and rugged (nearly clean-shaven) facial hair. His eyes are a deep blue color, and he has a light skin tone. Whenever he isn't wearing his armor, he usually wears a combination of a white shirt, and brown leather pants, often accompanied by a white cloak bearing the insignia of the Paladins of Altea. Underneath the cloak is usually a brown belt carrying his sword and dagger. **Name:** Varkasan Trenact **Race:** Human **Age:** 21 **Alignment:** Luminous Knights **Personality:** Varkasan is a very approachable fellow, despite how some people may view Paladins. He is friendly to nearly everyone he meets, while still maintaining the image and discipline of Paladins as an elite fighting force of Altea. He tries his best to find a peaceful solution to conflicts, and will avoid violence if at all possible. However, this does not mean he is any less capable in combat. Varkasan is a skilled swordsman, perhaps not as good as some of the older warriors, but he is excellent in his own right. His skill is also backed by an unwavering drive to fulfill his duty as a Paladin. "Patriotic" would be a word to describe him. His loyalty to their cause is almost zealot-like, as he will do whatever it takes to ensure peace between the people and The Mages, or purge any magic that is deemed to be a great threat to his kingdom. Because of this, he is nearly incorruptible, and will most likely choose duty over any temptations and personal emotions. However, this also makes him susceptible to being manipulated if someone had the rank to command him, and the charisma to hide their ulterior motives. **Bio:** Varkasan was born to a family who resided in the town of Paltrica, located near Meridian. His father was a soldier, while his mother was a simple housewife. He lived a relatively normal life for a boy like himself. Though he had always looked up to his father and aspired to follow in his footsteps. Not out of a drive for glory like most, but rather a subconscious sense of duty and responsibility to the land he was raised in; a kind of moral debt to Altea. His father often taught him different sword-fighting techniques in order to prepare him for the future, knowing fully-well he could not stop the boy from his dreams. At the age of 17, Varkasan enlisted into the military and quickly made himself known to his superiors with his combat skills, and unwavering loyalty to his kingdom and people. His ability to resist both great fear and temptation so that he can carry out his orders made him a candidate for becoming a Paladin. Since The Paladins are considered greater than the common soldiers, at the age of 19, Varkasan accepted the offer without hesitation. He spent the next two years undergoing the special training needed in order to wield the power of Luminosity. The two years were some of the hardest of his life, but his zeal managed to carry him through where some would surrender. He was an amiable person to be around for several recruits and managed to make friends and allies out of them. Then there were some who took advantage of his loyalty. An example was when he was tricked into cleaning the bunks of a select group of recruits when they had planted evidence implying that the instructors assigned him for that task. Only when Varkasan had inquired to their superiors about being assigned to cleaning the same bunks for several days in a row was the deception discovered, and the guilty party punished. He heard the instructors say something like "If they ever pass, the shadows will be at their backs for certain..." Varkasan was unsure what this meant, but now he tries to remind himself to be wary of manipulation. At the end of his training, he underwent the dangerous initiation needed to hold the power of Luminosity, and he survived. Varkasan was both joyful and relieved. Because of his skills and overall reliability, he was quickly assigned into a unit and given his first assignments. **Initial Spells/Techniques:** - _Luminous Blessing:_ Varkasan will enchant an object, covering it with the power of Luminosity, thus giving any normal piece of equipment anti-mage capabilities. This is usually used on his combat equipment, though he can also use it for other things if the situation calls for it. The duration depends on how concentrated he makes it. - _Sunlight Flare:_ Using concentrated Luminous energy, Varkasan is able to create a floating sphere of light which he can move at will. Same as his previous ability, the duration of the sphere depends on how much energy he puts into it. The sphere creates an aura of Luminosity that slowly burns up mana within its radius. Contact with the flare itself is very dangerous for a Mage. For non-mages however, its effects range from the warm sensation of a hot summer day within the aura, to a sunburn from touching the flare itself. - _Holy Armaments:_ Similar to Luminous Blessing, a piece of combat equipment is enchanted with energy. However, instead of coating it, the Luminosity takes a more concentrated form. For example, it can create spikes of light appear from the front of a shield to deter melee magic attacks, or create a transparent visor of light onto the openings of a steel helmet for extra protection. Takes the same amount of energy as Luminous Blessing, but he needs more energy an skill for greater armor and weapon additions. Varkasan has a mastery of this ability, in the sense that he can swiftly change the arms additions on his equipment as needed. However as a novice, his augmentation options are limited **Skills:** - _The Guardian:_ While not an entirely special skill, Varkasan's fighting style involves playing defensively, and using the opponent's moves against them. He usually lets the enemy make the first strike, and counters it. When an enemy tries to come for him at close range, he either blocks or parries the attack in an attempt to disarm them or throw them off-balance. He tries to see where the enemy attack will come from, and will respond with equal force in the opposite direction. Included in his tactics are outlasting his opponent in a battle of attrition and endurance, and advancing upon them once they feel the effects of fatigue. While blocking and countering, he tries to gauge how powerful his enemy is, and judging how much more he will need to wear them down before beginning his own assault. He may not be the one to make the first move, but more often than not, he will have the final say. - _Titan's Endurance:_ In conjunction with his defensive tactics, Varkasan can withstand a large amount of fatigue and punishment. More so than other Paladins can. He can withstand long and tiring marches, as well as drawn-out battles. By the time most soldiers are losing their morale and energy, he can still maintain himself at full combat effectiveness. However, even he has a limit. It's just that it's quite higher than most. Some would say abnormally so. However, this also means that it takes much longer for it to fully recover as well. Varkasan needs this kind of endurance to make his Guardian style of fighting work to its full potential. - _The Arbiter:_ Due to his preference of avoiding conflict, Varkasan is an able negotiator. He is capable of listening to others and inferring things about them based on what they say. With this information, he attempts to reach a common ground with the other party. He may not always agree with what the other believes in, but he can understand where it comes from, and he actively tries to find a way to settle things that would be in the best interest all who are involved. **Combat Strategy:** Varkasan will always begin a battle by enchanting the necessary equipment with Luminosity. With his equipment now being deadly to Mages, he is capable using his fighting styles against nearly all enemies. He will usually let the opponent make the first move before responding with the necessary counters. If he has the time, he lets them continue their attacks until he thinks they have used up a lot of their energy and stamina, and thus, less capable of dealing with his own attacks. When dealing with multiple enemies, he uses his Flares to scatter them and lets the Flare's aura deter them from regrouping while he tries to deal with the separated ones. If given enough time, he can actually create a makeshift barrier using the Flares (though it would expend a lot of energy especially if it was made to last). He creates and removes various Holy Armaments to his weapons depending on the situation. He makes use of that ability more when he is pressed for time and must quickly eliminate enemies using a blitzing rush of attacks augmented by different Holy Armaments which he swiftly places and replaces to keep himself unpredictable. **Unique Equipment:** - _The Sentinel:_ The sword and shield set used by Varkasan. A wealthy friend and fellow recruit of his had it crafted for him as a Paladin graduation gift. It was designed to be more tough and durable than a majority of standard-issue weaponry. This complements his defensive fighting style as his weapons can stand large amounts of punishment without fear of breaking or degrading quickly. However, this also means they are heavier than usual gear, and take more energy to move. - _Guardian Armor:_ A standard-issue variant of Paladin armor given to Paladins whose duties revolve around the defense of territory and crowd control. It has slightly more armor than the usual armor, however it also gives enough space for the wearer to move without restricting it by too much as most heavy plate-armor would. The difference between this and the standard set is only slight, however.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Holy crap I made a wall of text with that CS... Does anyone know how to make the Hider in this new setup so I can compress the picture?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laue
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

No hiders ATM sadly. Only those hiders which were posted before the upgrade remain, and they are hard-coded in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BrodZ11711
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BrodZ11711 Master of the New Age

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I've actually been talking with Mahz about these upgrades. Hes looking to bring Hiders back but not only that. A search bar
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laue
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Rultaos: Ok, I have a minor nitpick: - Sunlight Flare: At early stages, Luminous Knights are able to conjure light intense enough to give someone (a non-mage) a sunburn, not exploding objects. Maybe leave that as a potential upgrade for later? In the beginning, Luminosity is only an anti-magic measure. Later on, you can have some serious augmentations for it (like making it solid). Once you fix that, feel free to post it in the character tab.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by brokndremes
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brokndremes Sleepless One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Was about to post. Didn't realize the update changed how formatting worked, but I'm too tired to fix everything at the moment, so will do so after I catch some sleep. Until then, I bid you all a good night / morning / evening / whatever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Laue: Ah, so you're saying I should basically make it a ball of light that is conjured, and not imbuing it into objects? In order to get rid of the part of the object having to break apart for it to work? I suppose that can work out too. I was thinking that the object was just used as an instrument in order to more easily concentrate the light energy instead of having to manually stop it from dissipating in the air. And the part where the object shatters and shards fly around like a frag grenade were just an after-effect. Though like I said, I guess just making a ball of light could work too. Alternatively, the object could be used, but when it breaks apart, it just does so harmlessly with large pieces of it falling to the ground as the flare stays in mid-air. Unless of course you're saying that Luminosity shouldn't be able to do that in the early stages at all. I'm sorry if I sound like I'm pushing this, it's just that my character's theme revolves around Luminous enchantment. But if it doesn't work, I can just stick to the regular light ball. What are your thoughts on it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Laue
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@Rultaos: The way I figured is that the spell has enough force to simply violently destroy an object, like a sword. If that's the case, this is way too powerful for an initial version of the skill. And concentrating energy through an object in order for it to be more powerful sounds awfully like a Focus, which is also an advanced technique which will become available to characters a bit later on in the story, as they get more powerful. As for my second character. --------- ![Eddy](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/211/e/4/skilled_sniper_by_satibalzane-d595dcw.jpg "Eddy") **Name: ** Edward ("Eddy") of Ashenos **Race:** Elf **Age:** 98 **Alignment:** Mage **Personality:** Above everything else, Eddy is loud and hot-headed. He has no patience for such things like manners or tact. And this has gotten him into trouble countless times, and yet, he continues to speak his mind loudly, no matter what. Those who can tolerate his brutal honesty find that Eddy is a rather good person. He is loyal to his true friends - after all, out there you can only trust each other. Though very few people are considered his true friends nowadays, as "friends" have left him (figuratively) burning before. Eddy knows that various strangers most likely will seek to use him, and so he will do the same, and they can expect no more loyalty than they themselves offer. **Bio:** Eddy does not know his parents. He never did. He was found in the wilds by some hunters, who lived in a remote and small village, outside of Altea's civilization - the village of Ashenos. Eddy proved to be a natural with a bow, and at the age of 16, he discovered that he was also a mage. Luckily for him, no Paladin appeared out of thin air to capture him. Nor did the villagers care much - it could be an useful tool to survive the merciless wilds when mastered. One day, a group of bandits settled in nearby. The poor village was made as a target for extortion. When the thugs came to "negotiate", Eddy simply told them to "go fuck themselves", which prompted an attack on the village. Although there were some casualties, Edward's magic and skills with the bow helped Ashenos to drive out the scum. Not willing to wait for their retribution, the hunters each parted ways and abandoned the village. In the following decades to come, Eddy experienced it all. Running from the Paladins, smuggling, caravan raiding and even some assassinations within The Undercity. Over the years he had quite a few true friends, though most of them eventually died in this dangerous line of work. He experienced quite a bit of betrayals as well, usually when it's time to share the loot. So Eddy has learned to be careful around his "teammates". And now, he's heading to another small village near the edge of Altea's civilized frontier - The Misala Village. Rumor is going around that someone is searching for a group of mages for a very specific, dangerous, and extremely well paid job. Even if turns out to be a trap or a hoax, it is a good idea to check it out. **Initial spells/techniques:** - _Flame Crash_: Eddy shoots a ball of fire skywards, leaving it floating high up in the air. At his command, it will come crashing down to the target location. - _Fireball:_ An ageless classic, Eddy has learned this one from a spell tome he got in The Undercity. While he is yet unable to use anything but the most basic form, throwing an exploding ball of fire at someone is still extremely effective. - _Trailblaze:_ Once activated, this spell will leave a trail of fire in his footsteps. Used as a means of "kiting", moving backward while attacking with fireballs and arrows, and hampering the opponents ability to chase him. Eddy can create a flame trail up to 10 meters of length, and flames last for a minute. **Skills:** - _Survivalist:_ Eddy has a bow, a trusty knife, and an endless supply of fire. As well as the knowledge to use them. Living of the land is what he has done for most of his life, and it is his second nature. - _Experienced Hunter_: Eddy has hunted some quite nasty critters, avoided others. Either way, when it comes to wild beasts, he knows nearly everything. Unless it's an creature mutated by a Scar. But he learned to avoid those. - _Herbalist:_ As an extension of his survival skills, Edward has learned a great deal about herbs, especially on how to treat various wounds and sicknesses with them. Or which ones could be used for venom or poison. If Eddy tells you not to eat those berries, you really shouldn't. - _Complete utilization:_ With a beast slain, no part of said beast should be wasted. All it takes is a knife and a know-how, and a beast's carcass can be used for far more than just meat. **Combat strategy:** Eddy, being an archer, prefers to stay at range, showering his opponents with arrows and an occasional fireball. To keep his opponents on the edge, he leaves his Flame Crash up in the sky, waiting for the opponent to take the wrong step. Eddy's favorite strategy is forcing an opponent to dodge either his arrow or his fireball only to be hit by Flame Crash immediately after. Trailblaze allows his to keep his distance from melee attackers and slow down their advance. **Unique equipment:** None. All Eddy carries is either bought in Undercity, stolen or made by himself. All of which makes their quality rather questionable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

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@Laue: Ah alright. Understood, I'll get to the edits in a sec EDIT: Edits are finished, changed the Flare ability and made some minor adjustments to his Combat strategy. Just gonna wait for the all-clear signal before I transfer it =)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laue
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

All OK now Rultaos, feel free to place it in the character tab.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by brokndremes
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brokndremes Sleepless One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

**Image: ** [His face](http://imgur.com/wPJIUkt.png). Ru wears simple leather clothing, tougher than wool or linen, but still comfortable to go about both daily, and nightly business. When travelling, he carries a pack and a worn, but still water resistant cloak which sometimes acts as a pillow. **Name: ** Ru **Gender: ** Male **Race: ** Human **Age: ** 21 **Alignment: ** Mage **Personality: ** Ru tries his best not to take life too seriously. Wandering between Meridian's outlying towns, he has made many acquaintances, and also a decent amount of enemies, and has grown to believe that as life gives, so it takes away. Ru likes to take things at face value, but knows that others often will try to deceive him. A somewhat ironic trait, coming from a thief and an illusionist, but past experience seems to teach that constantly wondering whether the people beside you will later betray you simply becomes tiring. So long as he still has his life and a mostly intact body, why not live and let live? The paladins are the exception to Ru's uncaring nature. Their presence is a threat to his way of life, for if they knew him as a mage, he would surely find himself dead, or worse, trapped. **Bio: ** Ru was born to a denizen of Meridian's underground, into an unremarkable, and rather unfortunate family with far too much to worry about already. By the time Ru could walk, it seemed he had wanted to get away. Not from his family, who he loved, or the life they had, which, while not great, could definitely be worse, but from the undercity. His early years were fairly unremarkable, but as he grew, he came to discover more about the world around him, and the more he glimpsed of the sunny world above, the more the undercity felt like a prison. For a time, he resented being born down here in the dark, away from the light and the open plains. But when he discovered he was a mage, he came to realize he should be grateful. Had he been born above, and lived above, and been discovered above, his world would have changed to make the former prison of the undercity seem as wide and open as the entire world. And he also knew that it would be dangerous to stay below, for although the luminous knights would never fully purge the criminal and magical element from below, each time they tried, a few wouldn't be able to flee fast enough. And so after one such raid, Ru fled, taking everything he could and made his way to wander the surface, free. **Initial Spells/Techniques: ** - Replicate: Ru creates a short lived illusion of himself. This copy has very little physical strength, and can easily be revealed as merely an illusion upon touching it, or destroyed if hit with sufficient force. - Blur: Ru makes his form harder to distinguish, blending into his surroundings and becoming hard to focus on, as if you were looking at him with your eyes crossed. When heavily blurred, people seem to have an aversion to looking in Ru's direction. His illusions can also do use this ability. - Telekinesis: Ru can move objects magically. It is easiest to simply *pull* things closer, or *push* them directly away, and while he can rotate objects and move them in other directions, it takes more concentration and willpower to do so. Ru cannot seem to affect himself with this power. **Skills: ** Ru is quite handy with daggers, but is also familiar with short swords and crossbows. While he won't be winning any fair fights against a trained swordsman, Ru prefers to fight with as many advantages on his side as possible. Locks of all sorts are no match for his skilled fingers, allowing Ru to enter and leave without a trace - other than the valuables that leave with him. Ru is accomplished at scaling buildings in order to reach more discreet points of entry, and those skills can be applied to climbing other surfaces as well. Of course, Ru would be a rather poor thief if he had no skill concealing himself, a skill which is greatly enhanced by his magic. Although he has a small collection of poisons, he prefers not to use them, and most, though debilitating, are non-fatal. (In short, *Familiarity with daggers, short swords, and crossbows, lock picking, climbing, moving stealthily, and poisons.*) **Combat Strategy: ** When forced to fight, Ru tries to use anything he can to his advantage. When blurred, blows that opponents thought would land can easily pass through empty air as their eyes deceive them. He uses this quite effectively with his replicates, exploiting peoples tendency to block blades they see coming towards them, even if they aren't particularly real. His telekinesis is used to destabilize his opponents in battle, making them trip up or lose balance. As a thief, not an assassin, Ru prefers not to kill, only to occupy his opponents long enough to escape. **Unique Equipment: ** Ru keeps several daggers and lock picks hidden on his person with a dingy short sword strapped to his hip. His crossbow and bolts tend to remain hidden within his pack along with whatever food and other possessions he has at the time. Although there have been times he could have purchased better equipment, he still carries on with what he has.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PyroFox
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Would Enchanting count as a spell or a skill?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laue
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A skill. Spell section is exclusively for combat. Skills are for skills, combat or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Petulant
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Oh my word, I love this premise! Do reserve me a spot, I'll get to work on the CSs right away when I get out of uni today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laue
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

In hindsight, when I was developing this I kinda thought to myself: _"It's more or less the premise of Dragon Age. It has it's own version of Fade as well!"_ Oh well, it's downright impossible to be completely original in this day and age anyway, and Dragon Age is a great franchise. @brokendremes: accepted! Feel free to copy it to the character's tab.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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SaekoGami The Mad Queen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

> In hindsight, when I was developing this I kinda thought to myself: _"It's more or less the premise of Dragon Age. It has it's own version of Fade as well!"_ Oh well, it's downright impossible to be completely original in this day and age anyway, and Dragon Age is a great franchise. > > @brokendremes: accepted! Feel free to copy it to the character's tab. Been a tad busy and have been meaning to ask if I could join, was going to make a character kinda like Morrigan from DA too XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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![Dysmoira](http://i.imgur.com/OUD1uE1.png "Dysmoira") **Name:** Dysmoira "Dys" Bazgard **Race:** Dwarf **Age:** 28 **Alignment:** Luminous Knight **Personality:** She's a rough-and-tumble, honest speaking, ale guzzling dwarf. Dys doesn't mind fitting into those stereotypes one bit, and she'll readily share a good dwarf joke over a mug of ale when she isn't on duty. The one time you wont see a jovial smile on her face is when she's facing magic, or magic users, which she openly despises to a zealous degree. Surprisingly, she is insatiably academic, and you can rarely see her without a book of one form or another in her hand. She is openly charismatic in her own right, and willing to talk and joke with just about anyone, but is hard to truly befriend - she wont consider anyone her "true brother" until they've proven themselves, whether through battle or otherwise. When you are her true brother, you will know it, and the perks of it are her undying loyalty. For a true brother, she would willingly take their place on the gallows. What Dys cannot abide by almost as much as mages are people who feel sorry for themselves, and she will get noticeably frustrated the more people around her wallow in their own weakness, emotional or physical is all the same to her. Her motto is, "draw strength from your weakness, and realize in your strength you are weak - then learn to get over yourself". She has moments of self doubt just like any other, but she refuses to let them get in the face of her duty. **Bio:** She was taught from a young age to feel the anger of her ancestors in her bones, the fury for the magic that once enslaved their noble race and diminished their pride. In retrospect to that, growing up in the wealthy Bazgard Clan was disheartening to Dys, as everyone around her preferred living behind the shield of the Luminous Knights, crafting their weapons and armor, and tinkering with their newest inventions. Dys even hated the Luminous Knights for a good portion of her life, mistakenly thinking that they kept the dwarves underfoot to steal their inventions to take the glory that dwarven invention wrought for themselves. She trained relentlessly and angrily as she grew into her teens. She would practice with the weapons her father forged, and would test the armor her mother crafted. She gained a reputation among her neighbors as the "Young Battleaxe", as much for her fiery personality as for her fighting style in the local arena. Dys proved to be a brute force during combative trials, and her parents realized she wasn't meant to live a life of crafting in the Undermountain. They brought in a peculiar teacher to instruct their daughter in not just the ways of battle, but also in her academics (which Dys tended to ignore). Dys's instructor, much to her initial dismay, was an elven woman named Vivace dai Remethiel. The woman was calm and tranquil like a still lake, held her patience like a mountain, and had outlandish ways of telling Dys just exactly what she was doing wrong. Dys became fed up and stormed from her instructor more than once, but eventually they began to see eye-to-eye when Vivace literally flipped Dys over in the middle of a lesson and beat the young dwarf senseless for her snottiness and insolence. After that, Dys was much more apt to listen to what Vivace had to say, though the elf had to put her to the knee on a few more occasions. The elf completely changed her outlook on life, and over the next ten years of being under the tutelage of Vivace, Dys transformed into a whole new person. Her instructor became her hero and role model. She held a fire in her heart to join the Luminous Knights, as Vivace once had, and to learn more about the world in all it's wonder. She gained her insatiable reading habits from Vivace giving her "pop quizzes" about books that the dwarf was supposed to have read as her homework, and when Dys hadn't read them her punishments were worse than when she failed in her combat training or mouthed off. After just over a decade of tutoring Dys, Vivace passed away from age. The young dwarf was shocked and dismayed, she hadn't realized that her infuriating but wondrous instructor had been so old. To honor the elf's memory, Dys practically ran to join the Luminous Knights so that she could spread the fighting styles Vivace dai Remethiel taught her across the battlefields of magical tyranny. **Initial spells/techniques:** - _Cataclysmic Force:_ Dys slams her battleaxe or fists upon the ground, object, or person and creates a three foot wide by two foot tall semicircle of outward expanding Luminosity in front of what she hit. This shock wave isn't capable of being manipulated by Dys, and she uses it mainly for combat control as it moves forward on it's own until it dissipates into nothingness seconds later. (During later levels of this spell, it would be a full circle of expanding Luminosity from the target location. The expansion would stop ten, fifteen, twenty, etc. feet from where it began depending on it's level, and it's dissipation period would happen ten, fifteen, twenty, etc. seconds from the beginning of the spell) - _Negation Force:_ She creates two one foot by one foot shields that float over her forearms. This shield moves with her, and is incapable of being placed over another portion of her body. (During later levels of this spell, the shields would morph into wing-like protrusions floating along her arms and back, capable of being bent and flapped to block attacks) - _Liquid Force:_ The only spell Dys is capable of controlling as a projectile, it appears as a one foot long snake made of light, bending and twisting chaotically as it slithers toward it's intended location with varied speed. Sometimes it travels fast, and other times it is slow, and it all depends on how well Dys manages to cast it. When it reaches it's target, it wraps around whatever it is like a python, attempting to squeeze the magic out of it. She uses this spell the least because of how finicky it is. (During the later levels of this skill, it becomes more and more like a python, growing in size to a maximum of three feet wide by twenty one feet long. It's power and speed both remain chaotic through out it's leveling) **Skills:** - _Battleaxe Mastery:_ She is skilled in using the weapon through her constant practice during her life in the Undermountain, and her furthered training among the Luminous Knights. When she has one in her hands, she is a brutal fighter. Though she may not be as swift as an elf or human, her strength is put into every swing and the force is staggering. - _Elf's Cunning:_ She isn't just brute force, her time with her elven instructor taught her cunning. She is exceptional at using her environment to her advantage, and quickly surmising effective escape routes should the need arise. - _Rei'shi:_ When she cannot hold her weapon in her hands, she was taught the elven hand-to-hand fighting style of Rei'shi. This style is primarily defensive in nature, and when used it appears as though the user is fluid in motion, blocking attacks with open-palms and shifts of their body. It primarily focuses on the use of the arms and upper body, while the lower body is kept light and free to move. Rei'shi is a practice of unwavering patience, as it offers no offensive attacks. - _Repair:_ She has learned through growing up in her Clan to repair armor and weapons. She isn't master-level at it, but her aid can be handy in a pinch. She typically carries around a small supply of repair materials on her person. **Combat strategy:** In combat, Dys would be one of the first to go in to test the waters while still playing it safe. She is aware that her poor control over her Luminosity spells make her a prime target, and she will actively juke her opponent. Her primary fighting style is with her battleaxe, and she tries to create as much reach as possible with her weapon to counteract her diminutive size, her main attack with her weapon would be _Cataclysmic Force_. If her weapon is taken away, or the space is too small to use it effectively, she switches to Rei'shi and employs _Negation Force_ so that her blocks and body shifts don't leave her wide open for magical assault. She prefers to leave _Liquid Force_ entirely alone, unless under extreme circumstances. **Unique equipment:** - _Vivace's Virtue:_ A battleaxe her father gave to Dys when she announced that she would be joining the Luminous Knights. Apparently he had been prepared for that particular announcement, and presented her with it immediately. The battleaxe is one of her most treasured possessions, named after her beloved teacher. Sometimes Dys fondly calls it "Vivi". - _Mother's Blessing:_ A unique set of armor made by her mother specifically for Dys. It was bestowed upon Dys before she left to join the Luminous Knights, and she has grown familiar and accustomed to it's maneuverability. - _Necklaces:_ A pair of seemingly plain necklaces. They hold tremendous sentimental value for Dys, and she wears them at all times.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Petulant
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@Laue: I've never played Dragon Age, so I wouldn't know about that haha! Maybe I'll check it out. Here's my first character nonetheless. After seeing how I did, I might enter another (if that's okay) or just tweak this one to be better: --- **Image:** - ![](https://36.media.tumblr.com/d81e59f7cb74ffcb55016567fe073dff/tumblr_mwqxmomTl91rdww9fo1_1280.jpg "") **Name:** Freiya Arkaos **Race:** Human **Age:** 25 **Alignment:** Luminous Knights **Personality:** If Freiya were to summed up with one word only, it would be "angry". Due to the constant pain caused brought upon her by the scars on her face, Freiya is nigh always in an irritated mood and prone to snapping angrily at those who further bring down her abysmal mood. Due to the pain, Freiya always carries a wine-skin on her person, allowing small sips of alcohol to take the edge off of the pain. When sufficiently calmed down by the drink, Freiya is a very somber person, uncharacteristically able to focus on tasks for a person under the influence. Freiya does not socialize much due to her prickly and melancholic attitude driving others away more oft than not, but she prefers it that way. Harboring a deep seated hatred for the mages and their kind, Freiya will strive to become stronger and garner more influence among the Luminous Knights to fulfill her personal vendetta against the mages who stole her father from her. **Bio:** Born a non-magical child to two mages, Freiya's mother died shortly after her birth, leaving her to her father's care. During her childhood, her father Jumal Arkaos would become the only mage Freiya would ever confess to loving or having respect for. Her father taught her to read and write, alongside taking care of her other education very well despite the constant supervision of their family of two. Upon reaching the minimum age required to join the basic training to become a Paladin, she joined with her father's encouragement. She trained diligently. While no prodigy, Freiya was as strong physically as - if not even more so than - the boys of her age group. This was her life until she was thirteen. Before all went down in flames. Unbeknownst to her, her father had taken up teaching some orphaned mage children magic in the Undercity, as a passage from their home's cellar led to the seclusive area. While she had known of the children, even adopting some as her younger sisters, her father had kept her in the dark of the secret tutelage sessions. Seeing fire and smoke come out of their cellar, Freiya had recklessly charged into the Undercity through the flames in a desperate search for her missing father. And find him she did right before a fiery explosion of magic gone wrong went off. The explosion resulted in the death of her father and the characteristic burns on Freiya's face. Now orphaned by the same children she had adopted as her sisters, the seeds of a vendetta were sown. Life went on, until she had completed her basic training and it was time for the ritual. There had been lingering traces of magic in her scars, and like all mana did when coming into contact with Luminosity, so did Freiya's scars ignite into a white blaze. In agony, the young Freiya still did complete the ritual. As the last traces of mana from the scars were burned away, the accident had a curious and unfortunate effect on the young Freiya: The scar felt like it was always on fire. Despite the constant crippling pain as her now eternal companion, Freiya managed to recover with milk of the poppy to help her sleep and through sheer iron will, albeit barely. Now an adult, Freiya serves as a fearsome Paladin of the Luminous Knights. **Initial spells/techniques:** - **Luminant Burst:** Pumping her sword full of Luminosity for short bursts, Freiya can effectively parry spells with her blade. Needless to say, the effects of using a Luminant Burst on a mage leads to gruesome results. - **Ki-Tan : Beginner Level:** Showing surprising amounts of aptitude for the ancient art, Freiya has received some tutelage in the usage of Ki-Tan, mainly to reinforce and enhance her body to suit her battle style. Yet she is only a Paladin and the Overlords at Meridian hardly have the time or interest to tutor her further, so Freiya is mostly left to her own devices with advancing her skills with the ancient martial art. **Skills:** - **Rage of the Fallen:** Freiya is strong physically and this is further augmented to frightening levels by adrenaline and her natural fury. While not supernaturally strong or exceptionally fast, Freiya could easily take down almost any untrained, larger man. - **Iron Will:** Used to the pain brought to her by her facial scar, Freiya can easily ignore damage caused to her in combat. She will charge on like a stampede and won't slow down until she's dead. - **Battle Instincts:** Freiya possesses a good amount of primal instinct for battle, being able to almost subconsciously feel and read the flow of battle. - **Iron Liver:** Freiya has an extremely strong tolerance for alcohol and is able to carry out any task as well as a normal person would sober. Freiya has developed and honed this skill for years. (Yes, it is a skill.) **Combat strategy:** Freiya fights like a berserker. She charges and strikes down at her opponents with heavy, debilitating blows with little to no care for her personal health. Relying heavily on her well-honed intuition, Freiya fights instinctively and brutally. Freiya is at her deadliest when angered, where a single blow from her sword can easily be fatal to whomever is fighting her. **Unique equipment:** - _Claymore:_ A standard claymore of the Paladins. Freiya prefers this particular heavy weapon over all others. - _Wine-skin:_ Freiya's personal wine-skin, which she always carries with her.
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