**Name:** Dysmoira "Dys" Bazgard
**Race:** Dwarf
**Age:** 28
**Alignment:** Luminous Knight
**Personality:** She's a rough-and-tumble, honest speaking, ale guzzling dwarf. Dys doesn't mind fitting into those stereotypes one bit, and she'll readily share a good dwarf joke over a mug of ale when she isn't on duty. The one time you wont see a jovial smile on her face is when she's facing magic, or magic users, which she openly despises to a zealous degree. Surprisingly, she is insatiably academic, and you can rarely see her without a book of one form or another in her hand.
She is openly charismatic in her own right, and willing to talk and joke with just about anyone, but is hard to truly befriend - she wont consider anyone her "true brother" until they've proven themselves, whether through battle or otherwise. When you are her true brother, you will know it, and the perks of it are her undying loyalty. For a true brother, she would willingly take their place on the gallows.
What Dys cannot abide by almost as much as mages are people who feel sorry for themselves, and she will get noticeably frustrated the more people around her wallow in their own weakness, emotional or physical is all the same to her. Her motto is, "draw strength from your weakness, and realize in your strength you are weak - then learn to get over yourself". She has moments of self doubt just like any other, but she refuses to let them get in the face of her duty.
**Bio:** She was taught from a young age to feel the anger of her ancestors in her bones, the fury for the magic that once enslaved their noble race and diminished their pride. In retrospect to that, growing up in the wealthy Bazgard Clan was disheartening to Dys, as everyone around her preferred living behind the shield of the Luminous Knights, crafting their weapons and armor, and tinkering with their newest inventions. Dys even hated the Luminous Knights for a good portion of her life, mistakenly thinking that they kept the dwarves underfoot to steal their inventions to take the glory that dwarven invention wrought for themselves.
She trained relentlessly and angrily as she grew into her teens. She would practice with the weapons her father forged, and would test the armor her mother crafted. She gained a reputation among her neighbors as the "Young Battleaxe", as much for her fiery personality as for her fighting style in the local arena. Dys proved to be a brute force during combative trials, and her parents realized she wasn't meant to live a life of crafting in the Undermountain. They brought in a peculiar teacher to instruct their daughter in not just the ways of battle, but also in her academics (which Dys tended to ignore).
Dys's instructor, much to her initial dismay, was an elven woman named Vivace dai Remethiel. The woman was calm and tranquil like a still lake, held her patience like a mountain, and had outlandish ways of telling Dys just exactly what she was doing wrong. Dys became fed up and stormed from her instructor more than once, but eventually they began to see eye-to-eye when Vivace literally flipped Dys over in the middle of a lesson and beat the young dwarf senseless for her snottiness and insolence. After that, Dys was much more apt to listen to what Vivace had to say, though the elf had to put her to the knee on a few more occasions.
The elf completely changed her outlook on life, and over the next ten years of being under the tutelage of Vivace, Dys transformed into a whole new person. Her instructor became her hero and role model. She held a fire in her heart to join the Luminous Knights, as Vivace once had, and to learn more about the world in all it's wonder. She gained her insatiable reading habits from Vivace giving her "pop quizzes" about books that the dwarf was supposed to have read as her homework, and when Dys hadn't read them her punishments were worse than when she failed in her combat training or mouthed off.
After just over a decade of tutoring Dys, Vivace passed away from age. The young dwarf was shocked and dismayed, she hadn't realized that her infuriating but wondrous instructor had been so old. To honor the elf's memory, Dys practically ran to join the Luminous Knights so that she could spread the fighting styles Vivace dai Remethiel taught her across the battlefields of magical tyranny.
**Initial spells/techniques:**
- _Cataclysmic Force:_ Dys slams her battleaxe or fists upon the ground, object, or person and creates a three foot wide by two foot tall semicircle of outward expanding Luminosity in front of what she hit. This shock wave isn't capable of being manipulated by Dys, and she uses it mainly for combat control as it moves forward on it's own until it dissipates into nothingness seconds later. (During later levels of this spell, it would be a full circle of expanding Luminosity from the target location. The expansion would stop ten, fifteen, twenty, etc. feet from where it began depending on it's level, and it's dissipation period would happen ten, fifteen, twenty, etc. seconds from the beginning of the spell)
- _Negation Force:_ She creates two one foot by one foot shields that float over her forearms. This shield moves with her, and is incapable of being placed over another portion of her body. (During later levels of this spell, the shields would morph into wing-like protrusions floating along her arms and back, capable of being bent and flapped to block attacks)
- _Liquid Force:_ The only spell Dys is capable of controlling as a projectile, it appears as a one foot long snake made of light, bending and twisting chaotically as it slithers toward it's intended location with varied speed. Sometimes it travels fast, and other times it is slow, and it all depends on how well Dys manages to cast it. When it reaches it's target, it wraps around whatever it is like a python, attempting to squeeze the magic out of it. She uses this spell the least because of how finicky it is. (During the later levels of this skill, it becomes more and more like a python, growing in size to a maximum of three feet wide by twenty one feet long. It's power and speed both remain chaotic through out it's leveling)
- _Battleaxe Mastery:_ She is skilled in using the weapon through her constant practice during her life in the Undermountain, and her furthered training among the Luminous Knights. When she has one in her hands, she is a brutal fighter. Though she may not be as swift as an elf or human, her strength is put into every swing and the force is staggering.
- _Elf's Cunning:_ She isn't just brute force, her time with her elven instructor taught her cunning. She is exceptional at using her environment to her advantage, and quickly surmising effective escape routes should the need arise.
- _Rei'shi:_ When she cannot hold her weapon in her hands, she was taught the elven hand-to-hand fighting style of Rei'shi. This style is primarily defensive in nature, and when used it appears as though the user is fluid in motion, blocking attacks with open-palms and shifts of their body. It primarily focuses on the use of the arms and upper body, while the lower body is kept light and free to move. Rei'shi is a practice of unwavering patience, as it offers no offensive attacks.
- _Repair:_ She has learned through growing up in her Clan to repair armor and weapons. She isn't master-level at it, but her aid can be handy in a pinch. She typically carries around a small supply of repair materials on her person.
**Combat strategy:** In combat, Dys would be one of the first to go in to test the waters while still playing it safe. She is aware that her poor control over her Luminosity spells make her a prime target, and she will actively juke her opponent. Her primary fighting style is with her battleaxe, and she tries to create as much reach as possible with her weapon to counteract her diminutive size, her main attack with her weapon would be _Cataclysmic Force_.
If her weapon is taken away, or the space is too small to use it effectively, she switches to Rei'shi and employs _Negation Force_ so that her blocks and body shifts don't leave her wide open for magical assault.
She prefers to leave _Liquid Force_ entirely alone, unless under extreme circumstances.
**Unique equipment:**
- _Vivace's Virtue:_ A battleaxe her father gave to Dys when she announced that she would be joining the Luminous Knights. Apparently he had been prepared for that particular announcement, and presented her with it immediately. The battleaxe is one of her most treasured possessions, named after her beloved teacher. Sometimes Dys fondly calls it "Vivi".
- _Mother's Blessing:_ A unique set of armor made by her mother specifically for Dys. It was bestowed upon Dys before she left to join the Luminous Knights, and she has grown familiar and accustomed to it's maneuverability.
- _Necklaces:_ A pair of seemingly plain necklaces. They hold tremendous sentimental value for Dys, and she wears them at all times.