[hider=Yuji Tenma]
**Real Name (Optional):** Yuji Tenma
**Character Name:** Mr. Black Hell
**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Male

**Beta-Tester?:** No
**Personality:** A smartass with a joking personality. It is not easy to get him down, but he usually resorts to cracking jokes as a coping mechanism. Though he isn't a cynic, he has a habit of pointing out the bad parts of any situation before the good.
He is an obsessive power gamer completionist when it comes to MMOs and takes time delicately memorizing every detail about the game, fighting in every area, and trying to get the best gear and weapons as well as coming up with the best character builds he can.
**Brief Real Life Background:** An average teen, who spends all of his free time playing MMOs as he is infatuated with them. He managed to get a Nervegear after saving in advance, but Sword Art Online was sold out when he finally had the chance to get it, so he pirated it with some regret on his part.
He was probably one of the few people unfazed by the dying in real life part of SAO, and took SAO's real life perma-death as a challenge.
**3 Main Skills:**
One-handed Straight Sword
Light Metal Equipment
Battle Healing
**Special Skill?:** Straight Sword Tracing: This skill allows Yuji to quickly spawn into the game an imperfect copy of any Straight Sword he knows the name of and has seen. He may keep this copy for as long as he does not have any other weapon in the inventory. Furthermore, all the sword's stats and information are automatically generated based on his level.
If he traces a level 50 sword and he is level 20, he will spawn a level twenty sword with appropriate level 20 stats. However, since it is imperfect it will generate a -6 debuff on all the sword's stats. An imperfect sword always has a set 65% chance to break.
So, when the sword breaks it must be retraced. Tracing back together a broken sword is a one minute and forty five second timer. Not only that, but because the weapons are just instances created by the skill itself, they are untradeable, not even with any special items.
**Other Skills:**
**Current Weapon:**
Yuji does not possess a permanent weapon, however he does have four straight swords he currently knows, he usually traces on rotation.
Anneal Blade +4: A +4 version of the Anneal Blade he traced from a friend.
Death Count +3: A Black straight sword with a white skull design on the grip. Traced from a person's random monster drop.
Money Swinger: A golden bladed straight sword with a dull grip. Traced from a person's random monster drop.
Flame Dance: A red and black straight sword with a flame design to it. Traced from a person's random monster drop.
**Current Armour:**
A fairly decent set of black light metal armor with a white skull and cross-bones design on the chest.
**Play Style (Optional):** Violent and suicidal. Nuff' said.
I love your milkshakes, Mcdonalds. I'm lovin' it.
(hiders seem to not work atm.)