Name: Nero Manson
Race: Human
Age: 16
Alignment: Mage
Personality: Nero has a dark and brooding personality, and he is almost unable to speak to people do to his being alone his whole life. He knows how to speak, and he's fairly fluent in the language of the living, but socially he is unable to pick up on cues unless he read about it in one of his psychology books or maybe a novel.
Bio: Nero's family was a reclusive one that lived in the woods, and he never saw any other children. For years he spent all of his time exploring the old manor house, and gathering interesting relics of his family. In the gran library their were thousands of books, and his parents expected him to learn on his own. To be quite honest he never saw a single living person, not even his parents, for his entire childhood. After reading almost all the books Nero inadvertently found his way into the _other library_. There he found books on a multitude of less savory subjects, and he ended up studying the ancient magic of his family.
Nero's Great something Grandfather, from about 250 years ago, had studied magic arts. Nero learned about the magic that his ancestor had studied, and began to practice with it. There were more then enough appropriate focuses in the house, sequestered away. In time he settled on a sword, made with beautiful craftsmanship. Over time he trained and trained, for maybe a year, but then he found his parents in the one room he never went into, theirs. His parents were dead, skeletons with singed and broken bones and he developed a morbid sort of fascination with them. For future reference he sealed them up in a couple of boxes, and packed them away in his stash of stuff. Then he realized the one other rule that he had, it mustn't have been them who'd said it. So he packed up after a bit of planing, and began on his first venture outside...
Initial spells/techniques:
God Form : Nero takes his blade and draws the symbol of the gods in the air, then he thrusts the blade in the ground, then he shuts his eyes for a second and when the open they seem to be made of pure light in the shape of the god symbol. He then uses a powerful battle stance and fights with strength and talent.
Shadow Form: Nero takes his blade and draws the symbol of Shadow in the air, then he thrusts the blade in the ground, then he shuts his eyes for a second and when the open they seem to be made of pure darkness in the shape of the shadow symbol. He then uses a seemingly undisciplined battle stance and fights with speed and ferocity.
Yin Yang Form: Nero takes his blade and draws both the symbol of the gods and the Shadow in the air, then he thrusts the blade in the ground, then he shuts his eyes for a second and when they open they seem to be in the yin yang symbol out of light and darkness. He then uses a battle stance that seems like some place between the last two and fights with both a ferocity and discipline, confusing the enemy and truly perfecting battle. Doesnt last quite as long as the other two, so he tries to figure out what he should use on his enemy instead of useing this stance.
- Mastery over Sword-craft
- Master over Magical lore, knowing all about the different techniques that his Ancestor had observed as well as all the information gathered up on different magics and magical beasts.
- Master Herbologist and Zoologist, knowing all the different plants and animals that can be eaten and what they can be used for in healing and magic from his books.
- Master Historian, with all the books and time in those 10 or so years he was actually functioning enough to do things like read before he found the other library he had read all the books in the first library. Many of those, that weren't on the sciences were on history, and many of those were written by contemporary from his family. He has a good account of the last 250 years committed to memory, give or take a decade or two since his parents time and their death.
Combat strategy: Mostly Nero just fights with his blade, but when he feels he has to he goes into one of his battle trances depending on the enemy he has to fight.
Unique equipment:
- Sword of ages - The sword that Nero wields, a long straight blade with no guard.
- Journal - He keeps a leather bound journal with his family crest on it, a yin yang type symbal made out of the god and shadow symbols, he hopes to someday commit it to the Other Library.
- Shadow - 
- God -