> Mahz. When will you add the ability for the moderators to actually delete posts? Hiding them is better than nothing, but it does mess up posts-per-page. Or at least it did in the past.
One of the key performance upgrades I implemented during the rewrite is that each post in a topic has a `post.idx` (post "index"), a number that starts at 0 and is incremented every time a post of the same post-type (IC, OOC, CHAR) in a topic is created. That way, if you go to `?page=10`, then I'm just executing the super-fast database query of "find posts in this topic with idx 100-109".
To implement a true "Delete", I need to add a trigger when a post is deleted that decrements the idx of all the posts in the topic that come after it.
Not hard, just unfortunately removes it from "quick patch" territory. I've added it to my TODO list.
I'm settling into a pattern of addressing quick patches during the week and then tackling big features on the weekend. So at least one server deploy each week.
I look forward to see what else I can fit in this weekend aside from BBCode.
> Something I would like to see- a low priority feature, of course- is the ability to edit thread titles without having to grab a moderator. It would help for adding/removing tags to the thread title, such as `Open` , `Accepting` , `New` , etc. No rush, for you're already busy, but it is something I would like to have some time.
Good point, that's pretty essential. Added to my short-term TODO.
> I'm on mobile and has it been figured out why the site keeps logging me out so much?
Thanks for the report. Thought I fixed this for everyone.
Basically, when you login, it creates a cookie in your browser that lasts 1 day or 1 year (depending on if Remember Me is checked).
I doubt any mobile browsers let you debug your cookies, but here's what that looks like in Chrome:
What browser are you using on mobile? I'll see if I can reproduce it.