In the world of Pokémon, criminal organizations were well known for two things: complex plots and losing to kids. After the teams found themselves in defeat, they just seemed to have vanished from the world of Pokémon. For five years, no one has heard anything of them... until now. Things have changed since five years ago. The leaders of the Teams Rocket, Aqua, Magma, Plasma, Galactic, and Flare have become much more ruthless. They have begun taking over the Regions of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos.
In the years before the re-emerging of the criminal organizations, all Trainers, both upcoming and experienced, had to register in order to be allowed to become Trainers. This way, those that tried to bring back the old Pokémon gangs would be able to be hunted down and punished much easier. However, that all changed when Team Rocket re-emerged. They found a way around the system, and the others soon followed.
However, in the island region of Rendoh, there exists peace. People and Pokémon live happily in peace and harmony. The island region is small, but has steadily been growing. So far, the region has two certified Gym Leaders. In the city of Kouren, is the 7th certified Pokémon Academy. It is here that a group of young Trainers near graduations are gonna be forced to mature sooner than they expected.
So, the basic premise is that a group of people, about 5-6, will be playing as a group of promising young Trainers. They'll learn of the conflict, and must travel forth through the regions to see what can be done. I will not be playing one of the PC's, as most GM's tend to do. Instead, I'll be controlling major PC's and in general just doing GM stuff.
GM: rawkhawk64
Co-GM: Fantasy Dreams
CS as follows:
Badges (no more than 2):
Current Team (max 6, only two Pokémon may be evolved by one stage, no legendaries, and Shinies are allowed):
I'll need 4-6 Trainers, so that's your CS. Please be sure to put them in the Characters tab. However, I'll let a few people play some low-level grunt NPC's. If you're interested in that position, post below or PM me. I like to keep things simple, and I'll be a little bit lenient.
As far as the actual antagonist Teams, just know that the Leaders are all the same as before. Also, Team Magma has moved to the Johto Region for purposes of not getting too much Team Rocket while also not having Magma and Aqua fight over the spotlight.
I'll be running the show, and will be controlling the heads of each team (CS's will be up later), and FantasyDreams will be helping me along when I can't be there, and will be controlling the Admins of each Team. Our word is final in this RP, but if you play nice, we'll all have fun.