Heroes of Beacon is dedicated to Monty Oum, who passed away on the second of February, 2015. Our creative work here is a tribute to the man who inspired it all. Thank you, Monty Oum.
We love you.

We love you.

Heroes of Beacon: Chapter Two
The Conference Folder
Contest of Champions
Heroes of Beacon: Creative Content Gallery
Old Interest Check
Heroes of Beacon Previous Chapter
(Special Thanks to @Crimmy and @Krayzikk for pretty much everything about the new Conference Folder!)
This roleplay will follow the story line of RWBY: Volume 1. With added emphasis on school life and training for the tournament, which will later be revealed in Vol. 2, the RP will revolve around character development and will be open to plot changes and ideas from everyone who participates. There is no real script you have to follow, this is just supposed to be really fun. Move at your own pace to create your character and their story.
Character Sheet
- Everyone should know the rules by now. I will try to be nice about them, but any stupidity is right out.
- Endeavor to be civil to your fellow RPers. Everybody participating in this RP are people just like you. Maybe.
- Casual standards please. At least a paragraph or two, and try to post at least once every few days if not more often.
- Do try to enjoy yourself. However, keep in mind that this is a semi-serious effort at good literature we're attempting. Not some platform for kinky fanfiction or fantasy. If your idea of fun is sexual/romantic themes, or any derivative thereof, and only that, that is not acceptable. There's a time and a place for romance, and it's not as a substitute for the core elements of RWBY.
- If you are going to be incapable of posting for more than several days, you must let me know. THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL. If you disappear without telling me your character has a very high chance of being wiped
- Excessive off-topic conversation will be met with unhappy frowns. Should that happen, there will be frowns all around.
- Now that we're a little deeper into this story, I'm allowing players to control more than one player character. All additional characters must be discussed with the GMs. Additional characters are not always available for creation, so keep that in mind.
On Fading Away
The hunters and huntresses of Remnant aren't the only ones doing battle against the forces of anonymity and obscurity. We as writers face them too, and they're far more difficult to pin down or address than a creature of Grimm. In terms of player count, Heroes of Beacon is massive, and while I truly want to provide an enjoyable and immersive experience for each and every one of you, it goes without saying that sometimes, people will be accidentally ignored, forgotten, or left behind. If this happens, please do not be afraid to speak out. To remedy the situation, follow these rules.
- If you want to write your character interacting with someone, but your teammates are unable or unwilling to assist, let me or a co-gm know. One of us can try to set something up for you that'll hopefully satisfy. Additionally, it's a perfectly viable option to get in the OOC and say, "I'm looking for interaction, who's available?" Of course, if this doesn't work out, the first option should be fallen back upon
- If your character gets 'stuck' in a position that limits your opportunities to write, let me or a co-gm know. We can try to work you out of it. An important, perhaps even critical aspect of this RP is that not everything happens linearly. A person may write of an event happening IC days ahead of the IC time at which everyone else is, for instance. The fluidity of time means that situations where you might feel locked out can be turned into opportunities
- Above all, if you feel that you have been ignored or forgotten, speak out immediately. Don't sink back into the shadows, waiting for someone to notice you and speak out on your behalf, and then get upset down the line that nobody would reach out. Please bring yourself to our attention. In particular, use the @Mention feature to unavoidably call someone's focus. I feel terrible when people feel as though they are being excluded, and we are totally open to criticisms concerning not paying someone enough attention. My ideal RP would be one where everyone is active and included all the time, and to bring that closer to reality, do not be afraid to call attention to yourself.
A Helpful link: RWBY Wiki For all things RWBY.