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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The room was lit dimly, the iridescent blue lights on the ceiling and floor providing most of the light, before the massive overhead screens activated, both displaying the same picture. As each team was formed, the 4 were displayed above, and Ozpin named each in turn, beginning with the examinees from the Emerald Forest, each pair receiving applause from the audience.  "...And that concludes the teams formed from the Emerald Forest pairing ceremony. Moving on, we have the teams formed in the Forest of Forever Fall..." Ozpin said, with an air significantly lighter than the speech he'd given before. Almost looked like he was happy, even. Of course, the Forever Fall pairing ceremony hadn't gone off with as few hitches as its Emerald cousin had. Many were injured, unable to attend the ceremony for a few, but it didn't matter, they had passed the test and were now among allies. Even if they did not stand beside their comrades for the final bit of the ceremony, it was cemented that they were together; a team, that shall stand together, or fall divided.  "Daniel Dalton, Priscilla Montgomery, Greyson Ortega, and Robert Fallson, your team was the first to unite, and after both releasing and then killing the imprisoned Minos Bull, you secured their cards, the Ace of Spades. From this day forth you will work together as team Rampage.” On the giant screens, the four pictures moves in a row, and above each of their heads appeared their letters: RPDG. “You will be lead by...Robert Fallson! Good luck, young man." "Next we have Kuhaku Shiro, Abel Fulgurate, Sapphire Rode, and Gren Orchid, who managed to defeat one of the academy's advanced combat machines with its limiters removed, showing great use of their surroundings to heavily damage the old train tunnel atop it, and retrieve the Queen of Clubs cards. Unfortunately, due to their injuries Mr. Shiro and Miss Rode are unable to attend. That said, you four will unite henceforth as team Swansong, and Miss Sapphire Rode will lead you." Another round of applause echoed throughout the auditorium, heightened, perhaps, by a note of sympathy. "Marcus Goldstein, Diamond Frost, Oswald Connoly, and Aurellius Bellum. Your team, though fragmented at first, came together after two of your number roused a sleeping Datura from its mountainside respite. Though Mr. Connoly's wrist was broken in the ensuing fight, your four managed to blast the Grimm into pieces, and pick the Kings of Spades from its body. You are hereby dubbed Team Moderation, as a reminder that even the most powerful and...headstrong hunters must restrain themselves to work as a team. You will be lead by...Marcus Goldstein! And yes, the irony of making the one with the most firepower the leader of MODA is not lost on me." "Next, Vivienne Evangeline, Ineko Irandi, Indigo Kafka, and Seilber Vulpez. Your performance in the dreadful region of the forest called Arachne's Tangle, so named for the thick webs that shroud the area in darkness, was most admirable. To challenge an Ariadne on her own turf, pluck the Jack of Diamonds from its nest, and return with only minor acid burns is no small feat for fledgeling hunters. You will now work together as team Silverpoint, led by...Seilber Vulpez." ”Now, before I continue, I must sort out an egregious mistake for which I must apologize. Victor Glade, Rayna Bryson, Jayden Xiang-Delacroix, and Rakim Ali. You have my assurance that senior team Catapult will be held personally responsible for their actions.” From a sparsely-populated section of the crowd, an angry female voice shouted, “Kaput!” Ozpin glared pointedly, though not without a hint of sorrow, and continued. “Their mission was to do nothing more than test you by protecting the Queens of Hearts, but I need not tell you that they were needlessly brutal about it. From hereon-in, your group is entitled team Jormungandr, and you will be led by Miss Bryson.” “Pan Neverell, Hansen Forrester, Gretchen Forrester, and Mary Ovisaries. Your team exhibited a remarkable degree of synergy, lasting from the moment you were ambushed by a rogue Wendigo til the hour in which you pried the Jack of Spades cards from the underground Itzamna nest where the Wendigo chased you. While the Wendigo escaped, you have more than demonstrated your ability by surviving both the onslaught of it and the Itzamna. You will now work together as team Pilgrim, and young Pan Neverell will be your leader.” “Finally, we have Mokuren Sabella, Geni Hung, Jack Orpheus, and Gray Lalunebleu. While the last team to assemble, and your synergy not without its issues, you were nevertheless courageous in your attempt to take on a Salamander nest. Though scorched and under attack from all sides, you managed to steal the King of Diamonds cards and retreat without any casualties. You are hereby united as team Gilgamesh. Team GJGM will be led by Geni Hung.” Ozpin took a pause as the teams finished being announced, before he tapped his cane on the floor of the stage once. ”You have all performed well in coming this far, but this is merely the first step of the miles ahead of you. For now, rest and take joy in your victory. For the next four years, the people beside you will be your allies, friends, and your peers. Take some time to get to know them, for your lessons begin tomorrow. Dismissed.” At that note, the crowded audience thinned as students returned to their daily lives, and the teachers simply returned to their classrooms. Ozpin, as he does, simply faded into the crowd, leaving the teams to their own devices for the time being. ((Before you reply, please take the time to transpose your sheet into the Characters section. We're going to need 'em))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Beep...Beep...Beep... "U...Uh? What...What's that noise?" Having drowned in an ocean of the abyssal, black void of unconsciousness, Kuhaku was finally breaching the surface of his 'slumber'. An odd, steady beeping sound being the method of his awakening. Eyes slowly opening, his vision was blurry and distorted at first. Blinking, he found himself staring at a ceiling. "Wh-...where am I?" In an attempt to sit up, he realized he was laying down. He also realized that he couldn't sit up, a shocking wave of disorientation rattling through his body as he tried. Okay, then. But, he could still look around. Looking around him with his golden hazel eyes, there was...a curtain surrounding him where he lay. Odd, what was that for? Looking to his right, he discovered what was making the beeping noise. It was a monitor or some sort, with a jagged line flashing across its screen. A heart monitor? What were those called, EKGs? Kuhaku frowned and took a breath when he heard a new sound as he did. A sort of wheezing/hissing sound. There was something on his face. Reaching up, he attempted to touch his cheek when instead of touching flesh, he felt cold, hard plastic. Blinking, he realized it was an oxygen mask. Why was he wearing an oxygen mask? Looking at his hand, he then noticed something odd clipped to one of his fingers that had a red glow to it and saw a cable leading from it and up to the heart monitor. His heart rate rising, questions rapidly flooded his mind. Why was he on oxygen? Why was his heart being monitored? What else was he connected to? As the beeping from the heart monitor grew slightly quicker, he looked at both of his arms and was mortified to learn that his gloves were gone and replaced by white bandages. As he examined the bandages closer, he saw something in his elbow. Another long, clear tube. Touching it, he winced when he felt something sharp and metal in his arm. Tracing the tube, he saw it led to an IV drip that hung above his head. Panicking, his breathing grew more rapid. The heart monitor began beeping faster. Moving his head, he looked down at himself and saw that he was laying in a hospital bed and that he was covered in uncomfortably warm sheets and blankets. Pulling them down slightly, he saw that his clothes were replaced by a set of white hospital pajamas. Where were his normal clothes? While at it, where were his weapons Kladenets and Perun? Panic rising, he turned his head and was slightly relieved to see that his clothes sat neatly folded in a chair to his left. His sword and shield set leaning against the same chair. Finding the strength to finally sit up, his head spun. Dizzy with questions. What in the hell exactly happened to him? Where was he? Why was he connected to a heart monitor, IV drip, and oxygen mask? What was the last thing he remembered? He remembered flying into Beacon on an airship. A student orientation and address from the Headmaster Ozpin. That night everyone slept in the same room together. The...test. Wait, the test! What happened with the test? Did he not make it? Did he fail? What happened to him? To his teammates? As he tried to force himself to remember, his head began to painfully ache. Frowning, he began to break out in a cold sweat as his panic and anxiety grew. Was he back at Beacon? In its Infirmary? Why can't he remember anything else? He felt alone, his fear began to set in. Pressing his hands against the sides of his head, and closing his eyes shut tightly, his breathing grew more and more rapid. The heart monitor's incessant beeping invaded his thoughts and only made things worse. He wanted to rip off all of the medical equipment and run. He was scared. He was tired. "S-...so...ti..red..." Opening his eyes, he realized how heavy they were becoming. Laying back down, he closed them sleepily. Unable to process any further information, his mind and body began to shut down. The heart monitor's beeping slowed. Before long, the shackles and chains of his exhaustion snaked over his body and began to drag him down. Dragging him down into the black ocean of his dreams. Sleep bringing a temporary peace. Or so he hoped. It was the same recurring dream he's had for years now. He was submerged in a vast, empty, and never-ending ocean, floating on his back in the middle of its inky-black depths. Its dark waters were cold and drained him of the energy to move, limiting him to merely existing within its icy embrace. Vision blurred from being underwater, he knew what he should've been looking at was the moon or night sky above the surface, but there was no such image. It was as if the stars were stolen away, hidden by dark clouds. His eyes peered at nothing but more darkness. Sometimes in his dream, he was able to turn his head slightly to look over his shoulder. To stare at the abyss beyond him. But, he never had the courage to gaze into the void in his dream. He never found the courage or energy to save himself from drowning and swim to the surface. To him, the darkness surrounded him from both sides. It was inescapable, his death within the dream inevitable. As his body slowly sank towards the black behind him, he knew it was only a matter of time. Lungs burning from having held his breath, he always wondered why he didn't just give up immediately. To embrace the cruel and cold darkness. His lungs unable to take anymore, his body forced him to cough out in an attempt to take in more air. Only for his body to be filled with the same dark water that surrounded him. As his chest filled with liquid, the horrible sensation of drowning gripped him. No matter how many times he tried to fight and struggle to change the outcome of things, it always ended the same. With his quiet and lonely death. As the darkness filled him, he could feel the last bit of warmth and life he had left slowly leaving his body, his eyes glazing over. As he slowly died, his hand reached out towards...anything. Only for nothing to be there. His heart felt heavy with sorrow, but it didn't matter anymore. The vast ocean swallowing him whole as he sank.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Geni's knees wobbled a little as he looked over the large crowd in the auditorium of the prestigious school of Beacon. He could feel the butterflies in his belly as the names of the Forever Falls teams we're read off. Why this was so nerve racking for him, he had no idea, but he would have to do his best to ignore it. Geni payed close attention as the names of the other teams were read of and show to them on the screen above. Unfortunately, he had no idea who most of the other students were, Geni had not really taken the time to talk to many of the students that had walked off the airship with him when he first got here. But he did not worry to much about it, he would have plenty of opportunities to converse with the other students, especially the ladies. Geni was surprised about the amount of beautiful women attending this school, and not only that, they would be sharing dorms, better yet they would be in the same room. Geni had been excited about this, at least until he realized he only had one girl on his team, and the rest was just a sausage fest. Geni snapped to attention when he heard Ozpin apologize about a Team Catapult, or Kaput. Apparently they were brutal about something and ended up in trouble. Geni had not idea how a rookie team was able to survive against a senior team and still come back with no casualties. There team seemed like a team to reckoned with, and they were the perfect team to annoy the hell out of. Geni would have to find out were there dorm room was so he could begun operations. Geni then stiffled a laugh when he heard there team name."Jormungandr." There team name was a snake? Although Geni was not sure he was translating correctly or was just wrong, it was still funny to him. After another team was introduced and welcomed, the best team was finally up, Geni's team. Although he was not so sure about his teammates, he liked there team. They were the odd ones out, the cool kids so to speak, at least that's what Geni thought. Geni puffed up with pride once he heard of his teams heroics being announced, they managed to steal the King of Diamonds from and flaming Salamanders nest, and came back with out a single casualty. That was defiantly a sign of awesomeness, and if it was not, them he did not know what was, and Geni hand to admit it was worth stealing something with such a cool name, King of Diamonds. Then Geni's praise stopped when he heard there team name, "Gilgamesh." "What a name." Geni mumbled to himself sadly. He was defiantly not expecting such a name for such an awesome team. He would not stand for such a thing, he would strive to change this teams name and give them a better, one deserving of such an awesome team. Geni's tail flicked around aggravatedly as he listened to Ozpin's words and permission for dismissal. Geni quickly turned to his his teammates and looked at each one of them in the eyes. " I will not stand for this!" "I vote that we should get out team name changed." He said in his best stern politician voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Now that she stood at the podium, Diamond was having trouble believing she actually passed. Technically this was her first time ever purposefully fighting a grimm, one of that size no less. Even though it did make her laugh like a madwoman as she helped butcher it. The fact that it was a giant plant might have had something to do with the fact that she remained without a scratch, although she was certain some overtaxed muscles were going to hurt tomorrow. Combine that with her past, and she could see why one might not accept her. She didn't exactly try to make friends either...
Earlier... She was standing outside in the gardens, hoping for some peace and quiet before the life of a student claimed her. She had to snicker at herself. Diamond Frost, the wannabe huntress in training. If you told her that two years ago she’d have laughed at you and dragged you to a loony bin. She was facing a flower patch, one hand supporting her on her black cane and getting a drag from the smoke in the other. All in all, a nice day… “You? Freeze!” she heard an immature voice behind her. Oh for the love of… WHAT! Diamond thought as she turned around, cane ready. “Can I help you?” she asked, the words polite but the tone clearly far from it. In front of her was a girly clad in red and black, looking more lost than intimidating. She eyeballed her for a second too long for Diamond’s comfort before she composed herself. “Uhhh, ahhh… I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else. Aren’t you related?” the kid said, waving a scroll in front of her with a picture on it. “Yeah! to him and to every other guy in a hat and white coat.” Diamond said with a cold voice. “What can I say, Red, he has a great taste, but no, sorry, never met him, not even in prison.” she smiled as she saw the girl flinch at the nickname and then at the mention of prison, she she liked to call Juvy. “Ooook… do you know by a chance where-” At this point Diamond yawned, the sound blocking what Red over there was saying, “-is?” Diamond smiled and pointed to a random exit she didn’t know where it led. Red beamed her a smile and a thanks and turned to leave. Gods, the kids were so gullible! “Hey Red!” She called behind her, making her stop and turn around to face her again. She took a drag and breathed a puff of smoke right into her face: “I have no idea what’s that way. A piece of advice for life: When you grow up, stay away from girls like me.” she said, tipped her hat and left the area, her interest in the person lost.
Looking left and right, she took in her team. Working with someone was a whole new thing. So far she always worked alone, whether it was pickpocketing on the streets, stealing a piece of art from an apartment or just generally trying to stay alive in Juvy. She shuddered as some less than pleasant memories popped to her mind, quickly banished by a shake of the head. That wasn't to say she had a problem with it. She didn't mind, possibly even enjoyed it. Not that she would let anyone know just yet. While the headmaster claimed the irony was not lost on him, it was on her. Didn't it actually make sense to put a guy used to observing the battlefield and multitasking in charge? That and he had a fucking TANK. One doesn't argue with a caliber larger than their own fist. She didn't quite get what Mr. Goldstein intended to do if he was picked for a fight in one of the combat classes - save for demolishing a wall to get that infernal machine indoors - but in the worst case scenario and if the teachers allowed, She just might fight his fights. After all, that was exactly what she did during the initiation when some of the smaller grimm housed in the Datura got too close. She'd call that plan F. Getting off of the stage, she completely lost interest in the ceremony. All she wanted to do was to get out of the room so she could go out light a smoke, take a bath and fall aslee... Yeaaaaaaah. The thought of sharing a room with three guys was scary, but sharing a bathroom with them was downright horrifying. Well then again, it was most likely better than Juvy. Sighing, she turned to the rest of them: "Well gents, now what?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

"Wow, leader. Who woulda thought?" Robert said to himself out loud, playing with the idea in his head. "Well now that I think about it, we did talk about it back at the airships. Being the first to finish does give you a lot of time to talk about stuff." Robert stopped daydreaming to notice that the auditorium was starting to get empty pretty quickly. He looked down into his hand to see a piece of paper with instructions on how to get to their team's room. One of the faculty must have given it to him when he had been staring off into nothing like a goof. "Alright team! To our room!" he shouted, pointing and then making his way to the nearest exit. As he walked to the room, he would occasionally check behind him to make sure he didn't lose track of anyone. That would be a pretty bad mistake to make right after becoming the official leader of team RPDG. As they traversed the hallways of Beacon, Robert turned and began walking backwards, occasionally looking forwards again to make sure he didn't bump into anything or get them lost. He did this so that he could face his teammates while speaking to them. "So what should our first order of business be when we get to our room?" he asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 11 days ago

Sapphire Rode - Infirmary


Sapphire tossed in her sleep like she was having a horrible dream.

"The tunnel's collapsing, everyone get out!" "Sapphire what did you do?" "They're not going to make it?" Voices echoed inside Sapphire's mind causing her to shake her head violently in her sleep in a subconscious effort to get rid of them. Then one cut cleanly through all the rest. "Shameful Miss Rode, a cave in of that size takes time. You surely would have the opportunity to escape if you'd moved faster. Perhaps this will teach you a lesson." "Dad, no, please. DAD!" Sapphire shouted in her sleep. She felt a sharp pain on her right arm which moved with painful slowness towards the center of her palm. "DAD!"


Sapphire sat straight up, her breath was coming in raggedly and she was sobbing. She was not wearing what she usually did, instead she was dressed in clean, white, sterile hospital cloths. Her gloves were gone, the scars running over her hands clearly visible. Sapphire was still panicking but even in her state of agitation the adrenaline in her system was starting to break down and as it did pain coursed through her chest. Sapphire lay back down slowly, she pushed up her hospital shirt and and probed the pain stricken area with her fingers. It was slightly swollen, and looking at it deeply bruised. Based on the pain she was feeling Sapphire decided it was a broken rib. Slowly so as not to agitate it Sapphire inventory of her surroundings.

She was in a hospital, an infirmary obviously. The Infirmary at Beacon Academy. Now Sapphire remembered, fighting the automated combat mech. The explosions from her 'teammates' attacks. The state of the tunnel. She'd seen the decay and damage caused by the fight and she'd taken her shot, she'd destroyed the mech and it would have been a bloodless fight if not for that bumbling fool. He'd screwed up her exit. Now she remembered, her injuries had been caused by the tunnel collapse. Thankfully she'd been close enough to the exit so not as much debris had fallen on her compared to the mech otherwise she'd be dead.

It was then that Sapphire became fully aware of exactly where she was. Perhaps her brain had not had time to process what it was seeing before or else it was simply blocking the conclusion from Sapphire's mind but finally it broke. She was in a hospital. Sapphire started to hyperventilate again. The heart monitor cuff around Sapphire's upper arm related a signal to the monitor that caused it to send out a number of very fast beeps.

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep,

"No no no..." Sapphire said to herself the sound merging into white noise. She held her arms over her ears trying to block out the sound of the heart monitor.

Doctor she's lost too much blood. You've done all you can, you saved the baby but her prognosis isn't good. She may not live to see the dawn. You should inform Mrs. Rode's family of her condition.

"NO!" Sapphire screamed, she grabbed the IV line in her arm ripping it out violently. A small but steady stream of blood began to flow from the injection point but Sapphire didn't care. Next she tore off the heart monitor cuff shoving the machine back with enough force that it hit a wall with a loud clatter. Sapphire threw off the hospital blankets and hoped onto the floor her panic temporarily nullifying the pain in her chest.

When she straightened Sapphire saw her cloths sitting on a chair. There were some scorch marks, and damaged from the debris but it looked like someone had repaired them quite thoroughly. Then on the night stand Sapphire saw something that calmed her wildly beating heart, Morpheus and Phobetor, currently retracted into small boxes strapped to two leather bracelets. Sapphire hurriedly pushed them onto her wrists. The feel of the familiar leather calmed her and she sank into a chair likely meant for visitors. The weight of a million different things crushing her. Sapphire started to cry, her father had always told her crying was a sign of weakness but there was no one around to hear it so Sapphire let the tears run free.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Though he had always been a big guy, it was today that Abel stood tallest. As he stepped off the stage, a rare smile graced his face. He looked around at the other students, just now finishing their heartfelt round of applause, before casting a glance at Gren. To be sure, he had never pictured what sort of man lay beneath the hulking armor, but he hadn't expected an orc. He had no qualms about his new teammate's race—he had already proved himself in battle, and despite their brief confrontation concerning Abel's unscheduled flight from the junkmobile, no hard feelings remained between them. Gren was every inch the warrior that Abel was proud to call his ally. Seeing their faces projected larger than life on the auditorium's screens and the name 'Swansong' formed to christen them cinched it all. As for the others, his joy extended to them as well, though they were not here. Having just half a team onstage while all the others had four (most of them seemingly uninjured, no less) put a small dent in his satisfaction, but the guardian wasn't about to let that get him down. Ozpin choosing Sapphire as leader initially surprised him, but after a few moments of consideration it made sense to him. Kuhaku seemed reckless, Gren a little oblivious, and him...well, leadership didn't exactly suit a defeatist. Abel envisioned a smile spreading across Sapphire's face as he and Gren delivered the news to her hospital bed, not recalling the cold silence and shut-in recalcitrance that she had displayed every second her psyche wasn't occupied by the rush of battle. For a few moments, the speech was thrown off track as Ozpin called out a few seniors for giving another team a rough time. While he initially thought that it was a good thing that the other newbies had been run so ragged, after the girl shouted Abel realized that he was close enough to see her. She and two others stood apart from the other students, in a near-empty circle of open space surrounding them. The mocking face of the boy, the stiff righteousness of the girl, and the scornful, unabashed look on the face of the faunus convinced him that they didn't deserve his sympathy. Now that he thought about it, it almost made him mad to see the faces of senior that had leveled their unfair advantage to bully their soon-to-be peers. When Ozpin continued speaking, Abel was glad for someone else to focus on. Hearing about PHGM didn't surprise him at all. Pan, Hansen, Gretchen, and Mary had seemingly formed a connection long before their cards sealed the deal. The mention of facing an entire den of Itzamna only cemented the fact; Abel had experienced the wrath of those creatures firsthand from atop the walls of the kingdom. Plus, he owed them--before PGHM had happened along, he and Sapphire had been pinned down on a hillside by an Ursa Major. If not for their interference, he and his quiet partner wouldn't have been able to flee into the nearby train tunnel and encounter the remainder of their team. He watched respectfully as the four stood on stage. Mary looked to be as excited as he had been, but took it a step further by exuberantly waving to everyone with both arms, eyes closed in adulation. Before long, he and Gren were on their way. Though not usually the talkative type, Abel couldn't restrain himself. “That was pretty great! Dang shame Ku and Saph couldn't come. Want to visit them in the healing place and tell them the good news?” He brushed a hand against his blue coat, which he had put on specially for the ceremony. Honestly, after seeing it among his things and remembering how much nicer it was than his plaid hoodie, he seriously thought about a permanent wardrobe change.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mokuren really tried to concentrate on the speech in front of her. But, she couldn't. She was hungry, but she knew she wasn't. It was the kind of hunger a drug addict had, and as much as that addict might try to deny the cravings, they would not go away until sated. And, in this room of so many people, she was going mental. So many people, but she couldn't touch a single one, or they would know. She didn't want anyone to know. Knowing is bad. She heard her name spoken by Ozpin, and the team name of 'Gilgamesh' which was a pretty awesome name. Not that it mattered to her. The fire in her veins wouldn't quit it because of a fancy name. There was only one thing that could quench that fire, and it was not something good, or easily obtained. As she was going though her problems, one of her team mates suggested that they change the name, because of some stupid human reason. Irritated, Mokuren stepped forwards until she was level with his ear, and then spoke. "Shut up, or I'll kill you" She whispered, barely stopping herself from carrying out her threat and then relieving her urge. She would keep it under wraps now, if only for now. This man, with his stupid, pathetic complaint deserved no sympathy from Mokuren, even if he was going to be a team mate from now on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla was actually relieved that they finally got out of that situation that happened back there in the forest with those creatures. And they were the first one to reunite so that was good too. As they arrived into the auditorium, the professor was speaking about who was going to be the leader of the team. Basically all four of them were going to be in the team for the rest of their Beacon lives. That sounded not to bad actually, she got a good bond with them. They were basically like the fantastic four, as Robert said. That's right, Robert. He was going to be the leader of the team! He actually deserves to be the leader because he is a leader and he acts like on as well. Also he was a big ole nerdy guy like Reed from the Fantastic four, so that was interesting. Priscilla smiled at her team, as they walked to their room. "Well.. we could always..go explore the academy or something?" That was a thought but she actually just wanted to lay down and relax a little, but of course.. the boys probably wouldn't want that. So she decided to do anything they wanted to do. "Eh. Anything you guys want to do. I'll be fine."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Daniel smirked as his name was called. It was only natural that he would pass the initiation. Admittedly it was not what he had expected, but it was exciting, and it actually forced him to work in a team. Admittedly, his teammates came in handy, but he didn't really like being in a team. Oh well, four years wouldn't be too long. His team leader, Robert if he remembered correctly, suddenly decided that they should go to their room. Daniel was about to use his usual, "Who made you boss?" line when he realized how stupid that sounded right now. He glanced at the other teams, then followed Robert to their room. It was smaller than he expected. "OK, let's establish whose beds are whose," Daniel said. "We certainly don't want to mix up our beds and find people sleeping in the wrong beds, now would we? Although... finding a girl sleeping in your bed might not be a bad thing, eh?" He gave a little nudge to Priscilla, then laughed at his own joke.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Geni raised an eyebrow as the beautiful fox faunas turn towards him and whispered into his ear a death threat. Even though he had received many death threats in his life time, he had never felt the way he did when he heard this one. Geni was immediately attracted to the woman, although the woman probably despised him, he would find a way to get on her good side. Geni had kind off hoped that she would be the kind type but this would work out, they would need the badass chick to complete the groups awesomeness. But Geni had to wonder why she was so mean, all he wanted was a cool team name that would complement the true nature of the team itself. Unfortunately someone did not like that idea and decided to convey that dislike through the form of a death threat. Although the woman had established her own opinion on the matter, still had 2 more voters left. Unfortunately, he knew that this was not a democracy and it was probably not up to him, but it was a good conversation starter. "Look lady, we're not gonna get all gladiatorial on each other. Not gonna happen. But I would love to get to know you more. Kuren right?" He said with a grin on his face. Geni was not sure if that was the girl's name, it was kinda hard to catch the name of your teammate when your fighting for your life, and that same teammate decides the threaten you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Greyson smiled as he followed Robert to their new room, Greyson was a little disappointed that he couldn't be leader but it was probably for the best anyways if anything Greyson would make battle plans for the team instead. Right now Greyson just wanted to lay down and relax knowing they would be starting the real school stuff soon so Greyson wanted to just relax for a few moments before going off to do whatever they decided on. For once it was a good thing that Greyson wasn't the only high strong person they had in their team compared to Daniel. "first order of business should be personalizing our spaces so that we know who's bed belongs to who." Greyson said smiling since they all had their own beds and small area they should start decorating accordingly ask they wouldn't get confused as to who sleeps where. Greyson was glad he had a team like this and could rely on them like their battle with the giant bull with a huge attitude
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mokuren's eyes blazed as her team mate was quickly devolving into 'most recent fix'. He said they where not going to go at it gladiatorial style, and even got her name wrong. She herself wasn't listening to Ozpin and so didn't know her target's name, but there was quite a good reason for that. This human on the other hand didn't seem to have anything wrong with him, except his brain. That thing was clearly damaged if he thought to complain at something as minute and meaningless as a team name. He was even grinning. If Mokuren tried to grin right now, she'd terrify any onlooker that cared to onlook. It grated her nerves, and those where already under a lot of strain. She gripped the sword at her side tightly for a few seconds, before letting it go and swishing her tail erratically. "No, we aren't going at it gladiatorial style. That would imply you have a fair chance, and as such would be stupid. But if you do want to know more about me, then maybe you can get a better set of priorities. The name of our team is fleeting and has no grasp on the mortal realm. And I really don't see what problem you have with Gilgamesh anyway. He sounds like an interesting person" Mokuren replied, trying not to bare her teeth at him. In such a situation, the sharp, carnivorous fangs probably wouldn't be taken the right way. "And if you wish for my name, then you should have listened to the professor"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Robert took note of Priscilla's request to explore the campus, and was about to ask Greyson and Daniel when he realized that they had arrived at their room. He turned back around, used one of the keys that had been folded into the instructions to open the door, and then handed the remaining three to Priscilla, Greyson, and Daniel. It was then that Greyson and Daniel answered Robert's question. It was also then that Robert suddenly changed his care-free mood, to one easily described as 'hidden anger.' While both of their suggestions sounded reasonable, it was Daniel's second comment that had the effect on Robert's mood. It wasn't just the fact that Robert had feelings for Priscilla, that was bad enough. It was the fact that Daniel had said that last part in such a... perverted way. That was what suddenly pissed Robert off, though you wouldn't have been able to tell just by looking at him. "Alright everyone, just pick your bed then," he said. He purposefully waited for Priscilla to choose he bed before quickly choosing the one he felt was closest to hers. No way was he letting Daniel get near her, now. For a moment he wondered if he might have been overreacting though, but the idea was quickly dismissed. Once everyone had picked their beds, Robert stood back up and spoke. "So, you guys want to organize the room and stuff. Right?" he said, pointing to Greyson and Daniel. "And you want to go exploring the campus," he now said this while pointing at Priscilla. He then looked down at the foot of his bed where he would have temporarily left his belongings, if he had any. "Well, I'm all unpacked... and I'm not too big on decorating, so if you want to go exploring, I'm all ready to go," he said to Priscilla. He then moved towards the exit, stopped, turned, and leaned against the wall next to it. "You guys wanna come?" he asked politely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Dad, no, please. DAD! DAD!" a female voice shouted, grabbing Kuhaku from his dream and jerking him back to reality. Eyes slowly opening, his white ears twitched and swiveled searching for the source of the shouting that woke him up. Carefully, he sat up in his hospital bed. Rubbing his eyes, he yawned. Looking at his hands, he sat there in silence wondering if he just imagined the shouting. How long had he been sleeping for? "NO!" the same voice from earlier screamed, startling Kuhaku and making him jump. He definitely didn't imagine the voice. There was a ruckus, a short commotion. Was someone hurt? What was going on? Remaining still, he listened carefully. Someone was crying. Looking at the medical equipment he was connected to, he moved quickly. He pulled out the IV drip, removed the oxygen mask from his face, the heart rate monitor, and anything else he was attached to. As the heart rate monitor flatlined and droned on after being disconnected from him, he pulled it closer and switched it off. Grabbing onto the sides of the medical bed, he swung his legs from underneath the blankets and stood. Wincing, his muscles ached and his bones groaned at him. But, he was okay. More importantly, someone in the infirmary with him seemed to be in distress. Throwing open his privacy curtains, he used his hearing to pinpoint the source of the crying. As he stood in front of the patient's privacy curtain, he spoke up and announced himself. It was only polite. "H-...Hello? Hey, are you alright? Is everything okay in there? I heard some shouting and crying and I wanted to come check up on you. Is it alright if I come in?" He reached in and parted the curtains just ever so slightly, just enough to poke one white tiger ear in along with his tail. It was his odd way of showing who he was to test the waters incase it was someone who knew him or he knew.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Victor was more tired than he had felt in a long time. He was bruised and battered, his left eye throbbing, a bandaged cut on his left forearm and his right leg supporting all his weight. Despite all that he had a grin on his face. I won, that cat lady got me good with her tail, but I'm standing here! Victorious!. Hearing the yell of "Kaput!" Victor looked over and saw three angry faces glaring back. Well they are already angry... no harm in a bit of taunting Waving back at the angry trio, Victor blew a kiss in their direction. While making a 'call me' hand with his prosthetic Victor yelled "Robo-Kitten! Call me! We can discuss maintenance tips!" turning his attention back to the professor he heard that Rayna would be the leader of the newly christened Jormungandr. It makes sense that I'm not the leader, I currently lack the qualities a leader needs, although I do have an iron fist. Chuckling at his own joke, Victor looked out the corner of his eyes and smiled "I'll be sure to learn everything I can from you Miss Rayna. Please show me what makes a good leader" I'll need to know if I'm going take back my place at home
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 11 days ago

Sapphire Rode - Infirmary

The sound of footsteps caused Sapphire to freeze. Her heart jumped into her throat. How could she have been so stupid? Of course there were other people in this ward or by the sound of the footstep one other person. The racket she'd made getting up must have been enough to wake the dead. Sapphire had just assumed everyone would be at the presentation of teams ceremony. At the thought she inwardly groaned. Her own performance had been a spectacular failure. If that had been a real combat situation without the protection of the school she and those other three fighters would all be dead.

Sapphire quickly straightened her clothes, and dried her eyes on her sleeve. It would be apparent to anyone from her red puffy eyes that she'd been crying but it didn't mean she had to acknowledge it. She looked around her little space which until very recently had been neat and orderly. Now the blankets crumpled on the floor, her heart monitor was flat lining quietly in the background and the needle was slowly dripping IV solution on the floor.

Sapphire stood slowly to avoid disturbing her broken rib. It had been expertly set already and more than likely would be heal within a week or two but it was best she didn't make it worse. Sapphire shook out her hair, made one last futile attempt to dry her eyes and walked closer with a little bit of difficulty due to the many bumps and bruises she was currently sporting, to the curtain's parting seam.

Just as she reached it whoever was on the other side began to speak asking permission to come in. Then the curtain parted ever so slightly revealing one white tiger ear and a similarly white tail. Sapphire groaned none too quietly. It was the Faunus who'd nearly gotten her killed when the tunnel of collapsing. Of course he'd be here too he'd also had a tunnel dropped on his head.

Sapphire took hold of the curtain and swung it back with force not really caring if it whipped the Faunus or not. Now despite what her father had tried to teach her Sapphire had never seen a distinct difference between the Faunus and the regular humans, the distinction between human and faunus were effectively skin deep no matter how unusual that skin appeared. However Sapphire preferred keeping her own company which inevitably meant scaring or pissing off some of the world's more friendly inhabitants. With humans she usually had to find a sore point to prod at. It often escalated into a fight but after that the person didn't bother Sapphire again. With Faunus it was much easier. Most of them seemed to have at least some societal issues regarding being part animal and if Sapphire mocked it long enough they generally left her alone.

"Brilliant," Sapphire said in a condescending and slightly bored tone, "Of all the infirmaries of all the schools in all the world and you had to be assigned to mine. Hope your happy fuzzball, we missed the ceremony cause of you." Sapphire decided that she wouldn't make a reference to having been crying unless he specifically mentioned it first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kuhaku waited, hearing a groan. He worried about the lack of an immediate response. Maybe he should peek in to see if everything was alright. Just as he started to lean in a little more, he heard the sound of approaching footsteps as the curtains were thrown open rather forcefully. Startled from the sudden event, he took a step or two back and put up his paws, crouching slightly. Why he took a combative stance, he didn't fully understand. He was there to check on the well-being of someone else, not to fight. They were back at Beacon after all, they should all be allies here. Safe and sound, for the most part. Chuckling nervously, he straightened up and scratched the back of his head. A nervous tic of his. Looking at the girl with shockingly bright blue hair, he caught sight of her red and puffy eyes. She was definitely the one he heard crying. From her eyes, he glanced at her arms and saw the scars that lined them. Seeing them made him touch at his bandaged arms. He really wanted his elbow-length gloves back. "Brilliant," the lady said in a condescending and slightly bored tone, "Of all the infirmaries of all the schools in all the world and you had to be assigned to mine. Hope your happy fuzzball, we missed the ceremony cause of you." "Fuzzball? Well, that's a little unnecessary." He frowned at that remark. He'd heard worse 'insults', if you could even call it that. But, he quickly shook off the comment and brightly smiled. She seemed to recognize and know him. His tail swayed energetically behind him. Though, she seemed to have a negative impression of him. Did he mess up or something? "Oh, good. You're okay. I was sleeping and heard a bunch of noise. I was worried someone might've had an accident and gotten hurt." He glanced at her arms and then looked her directly in the eyes. "Oh, well...I said you're okay but you might not actually be. I...guess I should've asked if you were, haha...Uhm...Are you? I heard crying earlier and your eyes..." He stopped, not finishing his words. He figured if she were crying, she wouldn't be comfortable discussing why to a complete stranger. She probably just had a nightmare or something about her father. He waved his words away with a bandaged hand, "Ah, never mind. You're not badly hurt or anything, are you? Just wanted to make sure you didn't fall out of your bed or something like that. Oh, and sorry about earlier. It's an instinctive habit of mine." he said, referencing his combative stance whenever she threw open the curtains. He blinked, forgetting something. "Oh, I'm sorry. Where are my manners? I'm Kuhaku Shiro. Nice to meet you. Should've introduced myself first." He grinned at her, presenting his hand for her to shake. "And you are?" "Wait a minute. What ceremony? He would have to ask later after friendly formalities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

When they went down into the forest that morning, they were prepared to fight some Grimm, maybe even a big one if they were particularly unlucky. What they were not expecting, however, was to find an entrenched team of senior hunters waiting for them. It was a slaughter, figuratively speaking, of course. Rayna expected fights at Beacon, it was renowned for its combat-ready hunters, but she did not expect for them to produce a scenario so similar to actual war on their examination day. It did say something about the team she was placed with, she reflected as Ozpin extended his sincerest apologies; their damage-output was exponential and even though they didn't have a tank to soak up all the frenzy of the battle, some quickly-imbued discipline made their weaknesses become almost intangible. It was brutal, they walked out of the forest sporting multiple injuries but they completed the mission and didn't have a single serious injury amongst them - that was a success in her books. The role of leader came as a small surprise - there were people on the team who seemed a lot more capable and although she had stepped in and taken charge when the fighting began, there were still others who played a massive role in the fight. Like the rabbit guy, who was like a bat out of hell. Or the other guy with the arm-thing. Still, it was the position that Ozpin trusted her with and she was not going to let him or her team down! She would be the best damn leader this school had ever had the grace of seeing! "Someone needs to teach those Catapult guys a lesson..." She murmured mindlessly, flitting her gaze over to the enraged senior team who looked like they had only just begun something they intended to finish. When Ozpin had finished his speech, she turned and eyed the other teams that were beginning to converse amongst one another. Looking around, she caught the eye of the guy who looked like he had just been extracted from some military aircrew. He looked a little scrawny compared to the rest of the students but then again, the same could be said for her. Was he the guy who apparently had a tank? Realising her team was staring at her, she turned back to them and fixed them with a confident smile. "Nice work, guys! I think we wrecked those Catapult guys, even if we don't look like it." This time, her smile was replaced by a bit of a giddy grin as she stared down at her legs, which were covered in cuts and bruises like the rest of them. The worst injury Rayna had sustained was a particularly bad burn to her wrist when the damn yoyo blew up right beside it. Like it or not, she was going to give those Catapult guys some old-fashioned justice! "Ok. You all look like crap. We can talk in the morning about my greatness and whatnot but now, we need to sleep." With that, she yawned before physically turning Jayden (not an easy task, might I add) and marching him in the direction of the exit. --- A few hours later --- Rayna had pointedly decided that her team deserved a small lie-in for the battle they fought the day before. For that reason, she very kindly woke them with a shrill whistle at 6:30, not 6:00. "Woohoo! Team Jormungandr, whatever that means!" She seemed to be already kitted out in sports gear. "While you guys slept last night, I decided to formulate some plans and all that stuff, so I give you the ultimate morning run." With that, she turned and quickly pinned up a poorly-sketched map of the grounds with various arrows and random drawings splattered across it. "First we start here and do a few quick laps around the dorm building. We next find those Catapult scum and throw stuff at their windows --their room is in this general area-- and finally, we arrive at the cafeteria to be the first there so we can eat and come back here to change." She seemed awfully proud of this wondrous plan as she grinned at them eagerly. "And I know what you'll probably say, 'But great leader, it's 6:30 in the morning and my poor wittle legs are tired.'" Her imitation of a male talking was hilariously horrid. "Well, I don't know if this will apply in your case, bunny-guy, but I do quote: 'The demand for bacon in the academy seems to be exceedingly high so I advise, if you do want some, to arrive on-time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 13 days ago

Gren kept his stoney face expression. It was almost a trademark for the orcs, if not an emotionless mugshot than it was a blood-curdling roar. And admittedly, Gren wanted to roar right now. He felt ashamed for what had happened back during the test. He and Kuhaku tried to collapse the tunnel onto the mech, but Kuhaku gave out before they could finished. Sapphire had to finish it off... And one thing led to another... Gren felt that he have done more. That he should have done more. Kuhaku and Sapphire gave it their all and paid the price for it, because Gren couldn't pull his weight. But Gren his his self-loathing underneath a mask of apathy. Better that they think he didn't care than to think that he worried. The last thing he wanted was to have his thoughts weigh on the conscience of others. Gren did not think much about Ozpin's announcement, even if it was to congratulate them on their effort. As far as Gren was concerned, his effort nearly killed half his team. Sapphire was chosen as their leader, which Gren had some issues against. She didn't seem much like a team player, and simply a bossy character. But he supposed that between the absent-minded Kuhaku, the passive Abel, and the hesitate Gren, an abrasive Sapphire would have to do. At this point Gren really was starting to have a hard time caring. He was more concerned with trying to get forgiveness for his actions. He and Abel left the building together. He asked Gren if he wanted to go see Kuhaku and Sapphire at the school infirmary, but Gren had something he needed to do. "I'll meet up with you later. I want to get some things for Kuhaku and Sapphire first. You know... Something to celibate the occasion." And try to earn their forgiveness, but Gren didn't mention that. The first place he headed towards was the mess hall. If he was smart, he could finish his business in less than thirty minutes.
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