Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 9 mos ago

If you haven't read the OOC and it's rules (which you HIGHLY should), go there right NOW! ...did that? Good. Here's the character sheet skeleton and below that is the list of characters taken/reserved. ---- Appearance: Name: Age: Gender: Canon: Personality: Short Bio: Abilities: Equipment: Other: -----
Cast of Characters
19/40 Taken; 1/5 OCs Spy / Soldier / Scout (Team Fortress 2; @Scarifar) Aciel / Satan / Emilia (The Devil's a Part-Timer; @nerminator) Phillip J. Fry / Dr. John A. Zoidberg (Futurama; @Mtntopview) Akira Aoi (Selector Infected WIXOSS; @Flamelord) Nork Deddog (Warhammer 40K; @Daglobster) Ketlin Bolts / Manuel "Manny" Calavera (Original Character / Grim Fandango; @GreatSalmon) Light Yagami (Death Note; @22xander) Mine / Leon (Akame ga Kill!; @TheRpgGamer) Marty McFly (Back to the Future; @riurik) Ange Ushiromiya / Erika Furudo (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni; @Gummi Bunnies) P-Body (Portal 2; @Hideka Yurei)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Appearance: [Gentleman.](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/1/16/Merch_Spy_Portrait.png?t=20120814100948) Name: Spy Age: Unknown, appears to be in mid-30's Gender: Male Canon: Team Fortress 2 Personality: Logical, mature, clear-minded. Short Bio: Hired by Redmond Mann to take Blutarch Mann's share of land from a will they inherited from their deceased father. He uses stealth and trickery to aid his team. Abilities: - Stealth: silent and unseen movement. - Lying: normally it's a bad thing, but in his case, it's VERY bad. Unless you're him, in which case, it's good. Equipment: - Revolver: gun that shoots bullets. What do you expect? - Knife: butterfly knife, perfect for stabbing people in the back. He can do some cool tricks with it too. - Invis-watch: as the name implies, it can turn him invisible for a period of time. Once the battery runs out, though, he must let it recharge in order to use it again. Also, by bumping into someone, his silhouette will appear for a brief second. - Disguise Kit: With a press of a button, he can change his appearance to match another person. Will also change his voice to match the person he's disguising as. Other: It's here! (★^O^★)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

FIRST!!!!!! Appearance: actual name: the first person is aciel, the second is satan. and the one all the way on the right is emilia fake alias: aciel: Shiro ashiya :satan: sadao maou :emilia: emi yusa Age: (i'm guessing that they're all 21) Gender:all male except for emilia Canon: the devils a part-timer (anime) Personality: Aciel: aciel or Shiro Ashiya is a humongous suck up, and he is a very healthy person. often commenting on other peoples Unhealthy eating habits, he is also very loyal to Satan and will often break down and be extremely disappointed in himself, he is also very resourceful Satan: satan or sadao maou is a very sarcastic and uncaring person, he is also very nice which is weird since hes called satan, and he often tries his best to help other people, he is also has Horrible eating habits Emilia: emilia or emi yusa is a very angry person, and Vengeful too, and never trusts anyone except her friends, she is also a bit of a stalker too and just regularly a Bitch, but. behind every bitch theres a person who gave her a reason to be a bitch Short Bio: (aciel) One of Sadao's Generals who was also transported to the modern day Japan with him. Extremely loyal to Sadao, he takes care of the domestic duties at home and researches ways to regain their magical powers. Anytime he fails to do his loyal duties, he would often break down or be extremely disappointed in himself for not helping his master. He is also rather frugal in spending habits, often resorting to eating up the udon they had for a long time (which, unfortunately, resulted in him having a really bad stomachache and diarrhea.) satan:Sadao is the Devil King from Ente Isla. Due to the actions of the Hero Emilia Justina and her companions, he was transported to modern day Japan with Ashiya and changed into human form. To survive in Japan, he adopts a Japanese name similar to his original name and works part-time at a MgRonald franchise, eventually being promoted to a full-time position. He and other demons can turn to their original form when people around them are filled with despair. However, when he changes his form to his devil form, he uses his powers for good deeds like repairing the city which always makes the characters confused due to his position as Devil King. emilia: The Hero who defeated the Devil King. After forcing the Devil King to retreat from Ente Isla, she follows him to modern day Japan to ensure that he is destroyed. However, just like the Devil King, she loses most of her magical powers upon her arrival and is forced to assume a Japanese name and find employment as a call center agent. Her father was human and her mother was an archangel. However, during her childhood, Sadao's commander sent out demons to attack her village which ended up killing her father, which is also the reason why she wants to kill the Devil King. Abilities: the trio has the power to use magic, which practically allows you to do anything, but due to not being in Ente islana. the trio can only use magic so much Equipment: no one really has anything good, except for emilia who has a tiny knife. and a drink that allows her to replenish her magic Other: emilia might be a lesbian. more information can be found here. emilia is also half angel two http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Devil_Is_a_Part-Timer!#Anime (★^O^★)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by 64-Hit Combo
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64-Hit Combo The Invincible Lucifer

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

![RupanSansei](http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae66/Buenovista_2009/RupanSansei.png "enter image title here") **Name:** Arsène Lupin III, Lupin **Age:** Late 20s to early 30s? **Gender:** Male **Canon:** Lupin the Third **Personality:** Lupin is a gentleman thief and a goofball. Although Lupin is a thief, he will go to great lengths to right injustice. While he sees nothing wrong with his chosen profession, he reminds anyone who asks that the people from whom he steals are people who can take the loss, and that there are worse people than he in this world. He also shows a chivalrous streak that compels him to help those less fortunate than he (especially attractive women). Furthermore, Lupin often takes it upon himself and his gang to stop criminals engaged in more violent crimes and leave them for police to arrest. He fancies himself a ladies' man, although his actual success with women is erratic. When not seeking fortune from his adventures, Lupin unwinds by a variety of pastimes. His most-witnessed hobbies are fishing, nightclubbing, gambling, being part of cafe society, and dating beautiful women. He's a connoisseur of international food and wine, drinks liquor, enjoys beer, tea, and coffee. He also smokes cigarettes and occasionally cigars and kreteks. His preferred cigarette brand are Gitanes. Even though his gang's loyalty has been an issue, Lupin will still drop everything to come to their aid in a heartbeat. In all, Lupin can best be defined as an intelligent guy with a child's fun-loving demeanor, laughing and quipping in the face of opposition with a handy trick always available to maintain an upper hand. **Short Bio:** Lupin is the grandson of Arsène Lupin the First, the master thief and arch rival of Sherlock Holmes. During his youth his father, Lupin the Second, was incarcerated for various crimes, and he was raised by his grandfather. They developed a master-apprentice relationship, and his grandfather taught him the tricks of the family trade. In Lupin's early teens, his grandfather grew ill and passed away. In his will, Lupin the First wrote that his worldly possessions should be split between his grandson and his servants; a lottery determining who inherited what. Lupin inherited his grandfather's manor, and a book of thievery; which Lupin the Third immediately used to swindle the others out of the billions they received in the lottery drawing. Soon after these events, Lupin the Second escaped from prison and tracked his son down believing him to be an impostor. After a tension filled meeting and daring escape from the police, Lupin the Second accepted the young thief as his own flesh and blood. After a very abrupt parting with his father, Lupin went off on his own to build and establish his own thieving empire. In the process he teamed up with a ex-mafia gunman, Jigen Daisuke; a renegade samurai, Ishikawa Goemon XIII; and a cat burglar, Mine Fujiko. **Abilities:** ~Master thief ~Talented Magician (Sleight of hand) ~Master of disguise ~Professional stunt driver ~Polyglot ~Very, very sneaky and agile **Equipment:** ~Walther P38 and ammunition ~Grappling Hook and Belt Winch ~Disguise Kit ~Magic trick supplies ~Explosive chewing gum --- --- ![JigenDaisuke](http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae66/Buenovista_2009/JigenDaisuke.png) **Name:** Jigen Daisuke **Age:** Late 30s to early 40s? **Gender:** Male **Canon:** Lupin the Third **Personality:** Jigen is a gruff man with a rough temper, but has an ironic sense of humor. He often serves as the voice of reason to foil Lupin's impulsiveness. However, he has long since resigned himself to having to go along with the craziest of schemes. He has a distrust of woman that borders on misogyny, and stems from his many failed romances (his luck with women runs from bad to worse, with love interests often betraying him or dying). Among Lupin's group, Jigen is the least apprehensive at taking human life. While he considers killing women and children taboo, he is willing to put down any man who offers a threat. Jigen's off-time is usually spent watching sports, fishing, gambling, practice shooting, billiards, and general lounging. He has a deep affection for spaghetti westerns and boxing. He's partial to American food, in particular steak, potatoes, burgers, and pizza. Jigen is a heavy smoker, smoking about 60 cigarettes a day. His preferred brand are Pall Mall. He also enjoys drinking beer and hard liquor, usually scotch. He rarely socializes and typically stays close to home. Due to his habitual distrust of women, he doesn't tend to date unless there's a strong mutual attraction. **Short Bio:** Jigen was born in Bronx, New York. He joined the New York mob at a young age. At some point he relocated to Europe and joined the Italian mob, although it is unknown what the reason for this is. While in the Italian mob, he grew close to his boss's wife, Cicciolina. This boss eventually catchs wind of this and tries to kill Jigen. Cicciolina tries to stop him and accidently kills her husband. Jigen arrives at the scene first and takes the gun from her hands, which later becomes his signature weapon and most prized possession. Seeing Jigen with a gun, the other members of the mob assume that Jigen killed their boss and go after him. Jigen manages to escape and later takes a job with the rival Chinese mafia. Later, after Fujiko is hired by Cicciolina to steal Jigen's magnum, Jigen and Cicciolina meet in a church. Cicciolina points Jigen's magnum at him, but before she can shoot, Jigen kills her only to discover that her gun was not loaded and that she had never intended to kill him, but only wanted him to help her commit suicide. Afterwards he decided he'd had enough of killing and decided to become a thief. **Abilities:** ~Inexplicable marksman and gunfighter ~Can pilot most planes, tanks, and automobiles ~Adept with disguises ~Talented boxer **Equipment:** ~Smith & Wesson, Model 19 Combat Magnum and ammunition ~Cigarettes and a lighter ~His favorite hat ![enter image description here](http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae66/Buenovista_2009/LupinandJigen.png "enter image title here") **Other:** (★^O^★)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by 64-Hit Combo
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64-Hit Combo The Invincible Lucifer

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Double Post, please ignore
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

![Appearance:](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/en.futurama/images/f/f2/PhilipJ.Fry.png/revision/latest?cb=20110916120042 "Appearance") **Name:** Phillip J. Fry **Age:** 25 (Frozen for 1,000 years, plus numerous time travel) **Gender:** Male **Canon:** Futurama **Personality:** Fry is generally very lazy at work, spending most of his time in the office sitting on the couch, watching TV, and drinking Slurm. This laziness has caused him to miss at least one delivery mission. He often makes stupid, rash or immature decisions which places him in less then ideal situations. He frequently requires assistance to get out of them. Despite this, he is a good man who loves his friends, and will usually go to any lengths to save them. **Short Bio:** Philip J. Fry (often referred to only by his last name, Fry) is the main protagonist and character of Futurama. In the future, Fry is the executive delivery boy of Planet Express, which his distant nephew Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth owns. Before being employed by Planet Express in the year 3000 he had worked for Panucci's Pizza during the late 20th century. On New Year's Eve 1999 he was cryogenically frozen by accident while on delivery. The cryo-tube timer was set at 1000 years; hence Fry woke to the last moments of the year 2999. **Abilities:** Fry doesn't have many abilities. However, it can be said that his sheer stupidity is his strongest weapon. He has been described as having a "superior yet inferior" mind. This is probably due to him lacking the Delta Brainwave. This causes him to be immune to all forms of telepathy and psychic abilities. Fry often plays video games, as he absolutely loves them. As such, he's very good at using weapons and other systems that reflect video games he's played. He also seems to be skilled at surfing for some reason. **Equipment:** 12 pack box of Slurm (cans) **Other:** (★^O^★)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Appearance: ![enter image description here](http://www.world-art.ru/img/character/3115.jpg "enter image title here") Name: Akira Aoi Age: 14 Gender: Female Canon: Selector Infected WIXOSS Personality: Bright and bubbly at first glance, Akira has a cruel and sadistic side that is willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants. Tends towards intimidation and manipulation through her charms and cute facade. Can also act like a stalker at times. Has an inferiority complex towards Iona Urazoe. Impatient, foul mouthed, she has no problem with stealing. Not exactly the picture of mental stability, to put it lightly. Short Bio: Born to a poor family, Akira Aoi never had a lot. She turned to the only way she knew to get ahead, her looks, and became an amateur model in 2012. She quickly became popular and famous, the center of attention, which she enjoyed and tried to prolong. This changed with the arrival of Iona Urazoe, who quickly stole the spotlight from her since she was more attention grabbing, in spite of them appearing together. The focus of the staff shifted to Iona, which Akira did not approve of. Some time after this, she became a Selector, with her wish being to ruin Iona, so she could have attention again. She began promoting WIXOSS, in an effort to find Selectors so her wish could be granted Abilities: Modeling, acting, psychological manipulation, card playing Equipment: A Blue based WIXOSS deck, cell phone Other: Has an LRIG, Piriluk, whom only she can talk to or see. Oh, and (★^O^★)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Oh! That's my jam!" Ketlin Bolts Creation Date: 7 years ago. Mental Age: 23 years old. Gender: Male Canon: Original Character Personality: Ketlin is best described by his creation date, for his overall figure reflects upon it heavily. His desire for the admiration of others, mixed with his natural dependency for attention, makes him a hopeless show off. Most of the time he's either shoving his love for music or his ideas of what's a good time down others' throats. Although an annoying character to deal with, Ketlin desires no more than to make fun out of a crappy situation; it was what he was built for after all. Having been originally created to deal with hostile ordeals, Ketlin can keep his cool when needed. Short Bio: The "Kat-Bot" army, an infantry made up of robotic cats, yes, robotic cats, had become too dark for the tastes of the great Ivan "Tinks"! The inventor put it upon himself to create a more positive advisor for the soldiers' morbid general. After all, the army was only meant as a delivery service to the mistress of a neighboring mansion, and they go out and kill one of her pets. The owner of the estate was obviously upset, and Tinks had to tone down his creations for fear of it happening again. Incomes Ketlin Bolts, a strangely designed, one-eyed, non-feline mech with a strange fascination for music. His intended purpose had a successful impact on the army, and for several years later he would continue his career a practical clown for it's toned down troops. Now Ketlin awakes to find himself in a room with a whole bunch of strange characters. The first problem to pop into his mind... no one here seems in the mood for music! Abilities: The spindly things hanging from Ketlin, which are in fact his arms and legs, are able to stretch out almost endlessly. However his limbs are like a stronger fishing line, and can break very easily. As this problem persisted, and after too much reasoned complaining, Ketlin was granted a solution to the problem: by simply attaching the severed string back to it's original injury, the two would snap back together and reform. Ketlin felt unstoppable with this upgrade... only for a short while, as the very next day his right arm was snapped in two when Ivan accidentally slammed the door on it. Equipment: Ketlin only carries around with him a small radio he uses for music. Fat chance he'll get a signal from a crummy hotel room. Other: (★^O^★)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Probably going to edit this into a duo character... Appearance: ![](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/168/6/0/snikrot_da_kommando_nob_by_barrager-d3j5b1j.jpg "enter image title here") Name: Boss Snikrot Age: Indeterminable Gender: Genderless Canon: Warhammer 40k Personality: To say that Snikrot's unhinged is to say that space is "just a tad bit large". Snikrot likes only two things on this world: Being "kunnin'", as he calls it, and killing people quietly. To him, there's no bigger thrill than sneaking around undetected. Short Bio: The boss of a sect of Ork Kommandos, Snikrot's snuck about and killed many in high ranks. He's toppled entire command structures by himself, and is a powerful force to be reckoned with if you're not expecting him. Abilities: - Cunning - Surprisingly stealthy - High physical strength - excellent at not leaving tracks - A crack shot with his pistol Equipment: - Set of goggles that can provide night-vision, infrared, or limited x-ray - Pair of poisoned combat knives (sized for orks, so they're more like swords) - Body armor - A crude, silenced pistol Other: (★^O^★) --------------------------------------------------- Appearance: ![](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/3/3d/Nork_Deddog.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120709234356 "enter image title here") _ "Da Sergeant Major asked me what my job was an' I said it was to, uh, do what I was told. He said I was a genius and gave me another medal. I likes da Imperial Guard!" -Ogryn Nork Deddog's outlook on Imperial Guard merit systems_ Name: Nork Deddog Age: Looks to be about 40 or so Gender: Male Canon: _Also_ Warhammer 40K Personality: Nork Deddog is like a big, muscle-bound puppy dog. Despite his somewhat scary appearance, he's a complete and total softie. He has the equivalent intelligence of a ten year old, and a protective personality to match. He almost never speaks in complete sentences, and when he does, his speech is slow and broken, akin to someone who was mentally challenged. Apart from this, he's an incredibly gentle soul, unless angered. Nork also has an extremely religious side, and he finds solace in The Emperor's words, almost seeing him as a divine father-figure. Short Bio: Nork Deddog has an unsurpassed reputation for loyalty, and is often assigned to Imperial Guard officers and commanders as a bodyguard. Not only has he saved the lives of hundreds, if not thousands of officers, he's been at the turning point of many a battle. He's got plenty of medals, but that's not what he does it all for. Abilities: - Strong as hell. Is recorded to have once lifted a tank up out of a ditch and dragged it twenty meters when ordered to get the medical pack inside. - Sometimes, he's blissfully stupid. - Fiercely loyal to anyone who's nice to him. Equipment: - A cyber-eye that helps him pick out bad guys. Although with no designated enemies, it's not really going to be very useful in this RP - A Ripper Gun; Sturdily build combat shotgun that's designed for both shooting, and being used as a bludgeon. Endearingly designated as "Ogryn-Proof", since they're pretty much impossible to break, even if the Ogryn wielding it uses it as a tantrum bludgeon. - Standard issue Ogryn sized flak armor Other: Is extremely claustrophobic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheRpgGamer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Appearance: [Mine](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/akamegakill/images/0/0d/Mine_main.png/revision/latest?cb=20140824212219) Name: Mine Age: 16 (because it said Teens on the wiki so I took a wild guess :3) Gender: Female Canon: Akame ga Kill! (Manga/Anime) Personality: She is often quick to anger, and easily irritated with those that she does not know well.Mine wants there to be no racial discrimination, due to the fact because she is of half-foreign blood, which led her to being targeted by others as a kid. Short Bio: Born and raised in the western borders of the Empire, Mine spent her most of her childhood under harsh ridicule and misery from people for her half foreign blood. She joined the Revolutionary Army after learning it was forming alliances with countries from the west. With the promise of a new country where diplomatic relations with the People of West would improve, she fights so others of her race can be accepted and their children would not go through the discrimination and suffering she had. Abilities: * Good Focus - As a sniper, Mine can focus very well and that gives her good aim to kill only one target. * Genius Sniper - Mine is a really skilled sniper so there is no way that she will miss her shots. Also, she is so good at sniping that she kills her target without sniping anyone else. * Hand-to-Hand Combat - Mine is adept to hand-to-hand combat so she is still not open when you removed her sniper. Equipment: * Imperial Arms: Pumpkin - Mine's lovely weapon and it has three modes: (1) Sniper, (2) Machine Gun, and (3) Long Barrel. It doesn't shot a bullet but a highly concentrated spirit energy. This weapon gets even more powerful when the user is on a tight situation or the user is in grave danger. Other: Love your loli and handle them with care --- Appearance: [Leone](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/akamegakill/images/a/af/Leonemainpage.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/270?cb=20140808090413) Name: Leone Age: 20 Gender: Female Canon: Akame ga Kill! (Manga/Anime) Personality: She has a very relaxed, upbeat, and cheerful personality, and tends to display a lack of ladylike manners like putting her feet on the table, or consuming large amounts of sake. Despite the morally dodgy nature that she can sometimes display, Leone is not one to tolerate injustice, and can be especially vicious to those who commit the most vile of acts. She also enjoys fighting her enemies a lot. Short Bio: Leone grew up in the slums of the Capital where she had worked in a massage parlor ever since childhood. She was apparently scouted by the Revolutionary Army after saving some slum children from a group nobles who were abusing them for sport. Abilities: * Manipulator - Leone uses her charm to manipulate people especially men. She only uses this ability to swindle money from other people. * Great Combatant - Leone is known to kill enemies with her own hands. She can even kill skilled enemies on even ground. Equipment: * Lionelle - Leone's Imperial Arms. When activated, it enhances her 5 senses,reflexes, speed, and strength. It even enable her to regenerate when wounded. Also, it affects her personality with animal-like characteristics. Other: Be nice to your onee-chan (★^O^★)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Apearance: ![enter image description here](http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/deathnote/images/9/91/Light_%28blanc_et_noir%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141026205335 "Kida") Name: Light Yagami Age: 18 Gender: male Canon: Deathnote Personality: Light is characterized as hardworking, talented, and a natural genius. Light would constantly predict all of the possible scenarios that could happen, and plan a solution in advance, even in the most impromptu situations. His only faults are his deep sociopathic interior, his cynical outlook on life, his overconfidence in himself and in his belief that he is never wrong. Short Bio: Light grew up in Japan with his family, which consists of his father, Soichiro Yagami, who is a member of the Japanese Task Force (an investigation team opposing Kira), his mother, Sachiko Yagami, and his younger sister, Sayu Yagami. He always got good grades, being a genius in school and among the most popular as well. Abilities: - Using the deathnote he can kill anyone he knows the name and face of. Equipment: - Deathnote: A notebook with a few rules on the inside, and with the ability to kill people. Other: (★^O^★)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by riurik

riurik Fighting evil, so you don't have to

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Marty McFly Canon: Back to the Future Age: 17 Appearance Personality: Fun-loving and a bit goofy, Marty is often brave, bordering on foolhardy. Skills: Marty can hold his own in a basic brawl. Somehow playing video games has made him good at shooting. He is also good at skateboarding, hover boarding, and guitar. His weakness is being called "chicken"; this is usually enough to goad Marty into doing something stupid. Equipment: a hover board, a guitar, and a puffy orange vest Bio: In 1985 Doc Brown made a time machine out of a Delorean. He decided to show the greatest invention of all time to a local teenager named Marty McFly. Thus began a trilogy of time travel and comedy that took Marty to the future, past, and alternate timelines. (★^O^★)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 9 mos ago

-Name- Ange Ushiromiya -Age- 18 -Gender- Female -Canon- Umineko No Naku Koro Ni -Personality- After the events on Rokkenjima with Eva the only supposed survivor and the rest of her family dead, Ange's personality changed. Due to the hardship she had been put through from the loneliness she suffered and the pressure of being the next head, as well as being manipulated by Bernkastel into rejecting Eva as a surrogate mother, Ange lost her smile, developing her cold, calm, and cynical personality. As a young woman, Ange can also be sarcastic at times and like her brother, she has a habit of saying, "It's useless, it's all useless" during difficult situations. Despite her cold and calm front, she would sometimes be emotional, especially during the EP 7 Tea Party when she broke down after Bernkastel shows her the possible scenario of the Rokkenjima incident with her parents as the culprits. It can also be noted that deep down, because of her grief, she became bitter and lonely, resulting in Ange wanting to find the truth. It is also what clouded her memories on the happy moments she had with her family. -Short Bio- After learning that her entire family besides her aunt Eva had been all killed at Rokkenjima on 1986, Ange became a rather distant and lonely individual, even pushing away any support from Eva from the suspicion that she were the culprit behind her family's death. Due to her distant and cold personality, she didn't have any friends at school, and thus had to create imaginary friends of her deceased cousin Maria and many other individuals that were mentioned in Maria's diary that she happened to be given from Eva. By the time that Eva would die, Ange was shocked to hear that her aunt would never tell her what happened on Rokkenjima, and when she passed on, that began Ange's search for the truth of the incident and thus becoming the Witch of Resurrection and the last surviving member of the Ushiromiya family. -Abilities- As the last 'Beatrice' and the Witch of Resurrection, Ange was sought to be quite the formidable witch, but due to her denial of magic, these abilities are not as powerful as expected due to her denial. Still, she has access to the Red Truth and the Blue Truth. The Red Truth allows her to state anything that she knows to be true while the Blue Truth is used to support her possible theories. -Equipment- She carries the "Book of the Single Truth," which is rumoured to be filled with all sorts of absolute truths of the world. She keeps it locked as well as keeping the key to unlock said book hidden. -Other- (★^O^★) ------- -Name- Erika Furudo -Age- 17 -Gender- Female -Canon- Umineko No Naku Koro Ni -Personality- Erika's confidence in her abilities leads her to, often, underestimate her opponents. She also demonstrates a rather vindictive side to her character during End of the Golden Witch when she informs Battler why she wanted to solve the epitaph in the first place; to, not only sneer at whoever proposed the epitaph's riddle, but to see the angry and pitiful expression Jessica would likely don upon realizing that Battler stole the headship from her father as well, since Jessica interrupted her, while she was solving the epitaph. Her hatred of Battler, similarly, stems from losing to him later on. In spite of serving Bernkastel, she denies magic, as well as love, though the events of Dawn of the Golden Witch would suggest that her denial of love stems from a past lover's infidelity. -Short Bio- It is debatable on what Erika was doing during her time before the Rokkenjima incident. However, when she did happen to wash up on the shores of that island from falling off of her cruise ship on 1986, she began to investigate the strange occurrences on the island before 'dying' herself. In the magic perspective, she was actually a piece placed there by the Witch Bernkastel, and supposedly won the 'game' from uncovering the culprit. As a reward for her victory, Erika was presented the title 'Witch of Truth.' -Abilities- As a Witch of Truth, Erika is a formidable opponent in the logical field, and like Ange, she has access to the Red Truth and Blue Truth as well. Though, she is terribly weak physically unlike Ange, and have to rely on magic for assistance. -Equipment- Duct Tape -Other- (★^O^★)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Dr. John A. Zoidberg Age: 87+ Gender: Male Canon: Futurama Personality: Desperate for acceptance, Zoidberg lives with a continuing delusion that he is well regarded by the rest of society. He does appear to be rather intelligent, but he is an inept medical practitioner. Most of his co-workers and those who he meets look down on him. Dr. Zoidberg is Professor Farnsworth's oldest friend, which suggests that Zoidberg is much older than he appears. A citizen of Earth, he loves his chosen home planet for the personal freedom it provides. He is also apparently the only intelligent organism on Earth deemed nice by the Robot Santa Claus. It is unknown why, but it may be because of a glitch in Santa or because of Zoidberg's kind and innocent personality. Other than the professor, the only people known to identify him as a friend are the members of the First Planet Express crew, Fry (sometimes), Mom and his girlfriend. Short Bio: Dr. John A. Zoidberg is a Decapodian employed as staff doctor at Planet Express and an honorary Globetrotter. He is only tolerated at Planet Express because of his ability to cut things. An extremely poor man and a doctor of art history, he is still lovable to many and hated by others. He is also noted as the only alien member of the Planet Express crew. Abilities: As a Decapodian, Zoidberg appears to be a crab-like humanoid alien. His skin is comprised of a flexible exoskeleton that is very hard and immune to knives and swords. He has claws instead of hands that can cut through flesh, bone, and even some forms of metal. On his head, he has a extendable fin that goes up when he is in times of emotional duress, aroused or enraged, as well as before a traumatic event. As a last minute defense mechanism, he can shoot out ink from his armpits. Apparently he's delicious with butter and lemons. With a degree in art history, he makes for a terrible medical doctor. While he knows very little about caring for humans, he is an expert on alien physiology. Zoidberg seems to specialize in limb attachment and reattachment, and has had years of experience in it. Despite his terrible qualifications, he does seem to be qualified as a doctor in some way, although it's never been explained. Equipment: - Rusty medical saw (for safe and reliable limb removal) - Stethoscope (to observe the sounds of the heart digesting food matter) - Various other medical tools (Now, stay still while I stick this needle in your arm. Where is the human arm located again?) - A bag to carry said medical tools Other: (★^O^★)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hideka Yurei

Hideka Yurei

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hope this is okay, i had other idea, but i really like P-body's design. Appearance:http://www.gamerscripts.com/college_demo/portal2/pbody.htm Name:P-Body. Age: Assumed to be less than a year. Gender: None. Canon: Portal 2. Personality: A quirky robot, and at the best of times, possessing the intelligence of a 5th grader. Short Bio: P-Body was made to test various devices inside of aperture laboratories, originally made by GLaDOS from a old calculator she had lying around the facility, this robot and its companion Atlas were needed to satisfy GLaDOS's built-in desire for testing and knowledge gathering after all the human test subjects at the facility died do to "unknown" circumstances. Abilities: P-body was built to have all the latest and greatest software a calculator could have, with legs being equipped with long fall boot technology, negating the possibility of fall damage and landing on any part of the body other than feet. P-Body is also equipped with all the latest tax calculator needs. Perfect for the accountant on the go. Equipment: P-Body is also equipped with an Aperture Science Portable Quantum Tunneling Device, which unfortunately does no good unless the area is covered in moon rock dust. Aside from its sturdy metal body and long fall boots, there is little useful in this robot. Other: (★^O^★)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Manuel "Manny" Calavera "You can't hide from the Grim Reaper. Especially when he's got a gun." Age: deceased Gender: Male Canon: Grim Fandango Personality: Manny is of a competitive sort, spawning from his occupation as travel agent for the dead. He likes being on top in any situation he's in, and through his cunning Manny can put himself there very easily. He's an intelligent thinker, a witty back-talker, and a ladies man. His view on life, or in this case death, is rather pessimistic and grim. Figuratively speaking, Manny has a good heart and wants to help good people. However, his competitive nature can make him blind to the morals he sets for himself. After all, he'll do anything to get to the Land of Eternal Rest... Short Bio: Manny Calavera resides in El' Marrow, a city in the Land of the Dead, working for the Department of Death as a travel agent. He works with the newly deceased to sell them luxury packages on how they would reach the "Land of Eternal Rest". These packages were based on how the deceased had lived their lives: the highest package being a Double-N Ticket, access to a four minute ride on a train to the Land of Eternal Rest, while the lowest being a staff with a compass, and a four year walk. He works at the D.O.D. because of debt, and wants As of late, Manny is slowly on the verge of losing his job. He is given terrible clients on a constant basis and needs to sell a Double-N Ticket very soon. He got word of a killing spree to happen, and made his way to the world of the living. Manny hopes to nab himself a client that could save his career... or perhaps an alternative to getting to the Land of Eternal Rest. Abilities: Manny is dead. Contrary to popular belief, he cannot be killed. However he can be sprouted, a way of murder in the Land of the Dead. Usually done with firearms with ammo of "sproutilla", plant life will grow on bone material and kill the dead. This is known as "sprouting". Equipment: His Scythe, some cigarettes, and a sproutilla gun. Other: (★^O^★)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Appearance: Beep boop, maggot. Name: Soldier Age: Unknown, estimated to be at the 50's to 60's. Gender: Male Canon: Team Fortress 2 Personality: Shoot first and ask questions never. Believes that everything not "American" is untrustworthy, although he has a poor sense as to what that even is, having been seen once to wear jackets made in China. Just be careful what you do around him, or else he might decide to take action and kill you. He also has a liking for silly hats. Short Bio: Though he wanted desperately to fight in World War 2, the Soldier was rejected by every branch of the military. Undaunted, he bought his own ticket to Europe. After arriving and finally locating Poland, the Soldier taught himself how to load and fire a variety of weapons before embarking on a Nazi killing spree for which he was awarded several medals that he designed and made himself. His rampage ended immediately upon hearing about the end of the war in 1949. Some time after, he was hired by Redmond Mann as a mercenary in an attempt to steal Blutach Mann's share of land they inherited in their father's will. Abilities: Guns: he knows quite a few things about them, but all he really cares about is whether or not it can kill you. "Huttah! Neck Snap!": As the name implies, he shouts this as he grabs a person by the neck and snaps his neck. Surprisingly, it is not always guaranteed to kill, and it has been shown to even repair the neck he broke. Equipment: Rocket Launcher: fires boom-boom, thing that gets hit by the boom-boom goes boom. Simple. Can also be used to "rocket jump" to high places, although this only works for Soldier. Anyone else who attempts this risks the loss of his/her legs. Shotgun: because fighting at long range is for cowards and campers. Shovel: a hand-held folding shovel, ideal for digging trenches or cracking someone's skull open. Other: (★^O^★) --- Appearance: You suck! Name: Scout Age: Unknown, believed to be about 22. Gender: Male Canon: Team Fortress 2 Personality: Tends to act cocky and overconfident. Being the fastest guy on his team, he naturally thinks he is great with girls, although it is usually not the case. Short Bio: The youngest of eight boys from the south side of Boston, the Scout learned early how to solve problems with his fists. With seven older brothers on his side, fights tended to end before the runt of the litter could maneuver into punching distance, so the Scout trained himself to run. He ran everywhere, all the time, until he could beat his pack of mad dog siblings to the fray. Some time later, he was hired by Redmond Mann as a mercenary in an attempt to steal Blutach Mann's share of land they inherited in their father's will. Abilities: Double Jump: as the name implies, Scout is capable of making a second jump in midair. Equipment: Scattergun: a type of shotgun. Lightweight, easy to reload, and deals a high amount of damage per shot. Great combo! Pistol: 12 bullets per clip. Bat: a typical aluminum baseball bat. Other: (★^O^★)
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