**Name:** Arsène Lupin III, Lupin
**Age:** Late 20s to early 30s?
**Gender:** Male
**Canon:** Lupin the Third
Lupin is a gentleman thief and a goofball. Although Lupin is a thief, he will go to great lengths to right injustice. While he sees nothing wrong with his chosen profession, he reminds anyone who asks that the people from whom he steals are people who can take the loss, and that there are worse people than he in this world. He also shows a chivalrous streak that compels him to help those less fortunate than he (especially attractive women). Furthermore, Lupin often takes it upon himself and his gang to stop criminals engaged in more violent crimes and leave them for police to arrest. He fancies himself a ladies' man, although his actual success with women is erratic.
When not seeking fortune from his adventures, Lupin unwinds by a variety of pastimes. His most-witnessed hobbies are fishing, nightclubbing, gambling, being part of cafe society, and dating beautiful women. He's a connoisseur of international food and wine, drinks liquor, enjoys beer, tea, and coffee. He also smokes cigarettes and occasionally cigars and kreteks. His preferred cigarette brand are Gitanes.
Even though his gang's loyalty has been an issue, Lupin will still drop everything to come to their aid in a heartbeat. In all, Lupin can best be defined as an intelligent guy with a child's fun-loving demeanor, laughing and quipping in the face of opposition with a handy trick always available to maintain an upper hand.
**Short Bio:**
Lupin is the grandson of Arsène Lupin the First, the master thief and arch rival of Sherlock Holmes. During his youth his father, Lupin the Second, was incarcerated for various crimes, and he was raised by his grandfather. They developed a master-apprentice relationship, and his grandfather taught him the tricks of the family trade. In Lupin's early teens, his grandfather grew ill and passed away. In his will, Lupin the First wrote that his worldly possessions should be split between his grandson and his servants; a lottery determining who inherited what. Lupin inherited his grandfather's manor, and a book of thievery; which Lupin the Third immediately used to swindle the others out of the billions they received in the lottery drawing. Soon after these events, Lupin the Second escaped from prison and tracked his son down believing him to be an impostor. After a tension filled meeting and daring escape from the police, Lupin the Second accepted the young thief as his own flesh and blood. After a very abrupt parting with his father, Lupin went off on his own to build and establish his own thieving empire. In the process he teamed up with a ex-mafia gunman, Jigen Daisuke; a renegade samurai, Ishikawa Goemon XIII; and a cat burglar, Mine Fujiko.
~Master thief
~Talented Magician (Sleight of hand)
~Master of disguise
~Professional stunt driver
~Very, very sneaky and agile
~Walther P38 and ammunition
~Grappling Hook and Belt Winch
~Disguise Kit
~Magic trick supplies
~Explosive chewing gum

**Name:** Jigen Daisuke
**Age:** Late 30s to early 40s?
**Gender:** Male
**Canon:** Lupin the Third
Jigen is a gruff man with a rough temper, but has an ironic sense of humor. He often serves as the voice of reason to foil Lupin's impulsiveness. However, he has long since resigned himself to having to go along with the craziest of schemes. He has a distrust of woman that borders on misogyny, and stems from his many failed romances (his luck with women runs from bad to worse, with love interests often betraying him or dying). Among Lupin's group, Jigen is the least apprehensive at taking human life. While he considers killing women and children taboo, he is willing to put down any man who offers a threat.
Jigen's off-time is usually spent watching sports, fishing, gambling, practice shooting, billiards, and general lounging. He has a deep affection for spaghetti westerns and boxing. He's partial to American food, in particular steak, potatoes, burgers, and pizza. Jigen is a heavy smoker, smoking about 60 cigarettes a day. His preferred brand are Pall Mall. He also enjoys drinking beer and hard liquor, usually scotch. He rarely socializes and typically stays close to home. Due to his habitual distrust of women, he doesn't tend to date unless there's a strong mutual attraction.
**Short Bio:**
Jigen was born in Bronx, New York. He joined the New York mob at a young age. At some point he relocated to Europe and joined the Italian mob, although it is unknown what the reason for this is.
While in the Italian mob, he grew close to his boss's wife, Cicciolina. This boss eventually catchs wind of this and tries to kill Jigen. Cicciolina tries to stop him and accidently kills her husband. Jigen arrives at the scene first and takes the gun from her hands, which later becomes his signature weapon and most prized possession. Seeing Jigen with a gun, the other members of the mob assume that Jigen killed their boss and go after him. Jigen manages to escape and later takes a job with the rival Chinese mafia.
Later, after Fujiko is hired by Cicciolina to steal Jigen's magnum, Jigen and Cicciolina meet in a church. Cicciolina points Jigen's magnum at him, but before she can shoot, Jigen kills her only to discover that her gun was not loaded and that she had never intended to kill him, but only wanted him to help her commit suicide. Afterwards he decided he'd had enough of killing and decided to become a thief.
~Inexplicable marksman and gunfighter
~Can pilot most planes, tanks, and automobiles
~Adept with disguises
~Talented boxer
~Smith & Wesson, Model 19 Combat Magnum and ammunition
~Cigarettes and a lighter
~His favorite hat

**Other:** (★^O^★)