Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Before the predator wakes..." A morning bell can be heard, and little did you know, you happened to wake up in a hotel room that you could had sworn wasn't the last place you were at before losing consciousness. It was quite a large room first of all... holding this much people that were somehow brought here. Weird, some look really different compared to things that you would perceive as normal. Well, the windows and door wouldn't open, disallowing any escape from the vast hotel room. In the middle of the hotel room, there was a table set up with numerous tablets, all with labels to show who gets what. Well... all of the tablets were the same, but hey, if it's left out here for you, it must be important. Actually, when you turn on the tablet, you happen to see the following message. Hello. Please wait patiently until I am to send aid to help you out of the hotel room. We will begin the "Murder Game" shortly -The Watcher It seemed like it would be a waiting game until you're all able to leave. At least the hotel room was big enough to do certain things before you're allowed to leave. These locations of interest were: Bathroom: If you have business or hygiene to catch up on, this was the place to do it. Yet... the bathroom itself had some weird activity going on lately. Bookshelf: Pretty much in the emptiest corner of the large hotel room... there happens to be someone like an hotel employee trying to fix up the mess of books here. ...um, some kid in a lion costume: Yeah, there's some kid over there on one of the beds. I heard he happens to give stuff away as a reward for beating a riddle. The TV: There's only one TV, which means you gotta share with people. Though, there's no remote control, but maybe if you check, you'll figure out on how to use it! This is the prologue chapter for now! When I get more time to, I'll start the first round, but for now, let's get some character interaction going! Also I'll post my specific characters' intro soon, if you're wondering Spy / Soldier / Scout (Team Fortress 2; @Scarifar) Aciel / Satan / Emilia (The Devil's a Part-Timer; @nerminator) Phillip J. Fry / Dr. John A. Zoidberg (Futurama; @Mtntopview) Akira Aoi (Selector Infected WIXOSS; @Flamelord) Nork Deddog (Warhammer 40K; @Daglobster) Ketlin Bolts / Manuel "Manny" Calavera (Original Character / Grim Fandango; @GreatSalmon) Light Yagami (Death Note; @22xander) Mine / Leon (Akame ga Kill!; @TheRpgGamer) Marty McFly (Back to the Future; @riurik) Ange Ushiromiya / Erika Furudo (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni; @Gummi Bunnies) P-Body (Portal 2; @Hideka Yurei)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 10 mos ago

(Bump, look up. :3)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nork started up with a small, grunting yelp, sitting straight up on the massive bed he'd been left on. At first, he was just very confused looking, but afterwards, whatever panic he could muster started to set in. Where was the battlefield? Where was the Commissar? They were just next to each other, when the artillery shells hit... Nork was quick to get off of his accomodations, his giant feet stomping on the ground as he looked around, confused and afraid, looking like a child who lost his mother. "Com-ee-sar?!" he called out in his dopey, quivering voice. If the rest weren't awake yet, they sure were now. He ignored the tablets on the table, and actually did a pretty good job of ignoring everybody else in his panicked state. He stomped around the room for a bit, before depositing himself in the largest corner that could occupy him, sinking down into an upright fetal position as he wracked his small brains with what he could do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Spy was the first one to wake up. He looked around and immediately saw that something was wrong. This was not Hydro. He went over to Scout and Soldier, who were still sound asleep in their own resting spots, and slapped them to wake them up. "Get up, you buffoons. Get up!" he said forcefully. Scout rubbed his face where he was slapped, then his head. "Uugggghhh, remind me never to go out drinkin' with Demo," Scout said, trying to shake off a hangover. Scout then took a look around the room, but didn't think it was anything wrong. "Hey Spy, you bring us to a hotel or somethin'?" He asked Spy. "Cuz if so, then what do we hafta pay?" Soldier was upside down on a chair, and he fell to the ground when he woke up. "Aaggghhh, hangovers are nothing compared to my brain!" Soldier yelled as he quickly got up from the ground. "I could eat a hangover for breakfast while it is still kicking and screaming!" Then he began clutching his head, trying to block out the pain from his hangover. Spy facepalmed, not believing his luck to be with the two dumbest members on his team. "Listen, you fools," Spy began. "We are supposed to be in Hydro right now, and right now we are not." He began walking towards the table covered with tablets and picked up the one designated to him, continuing on, "Someone, or something, has taken us away from where we should be and we are now here. We need to figure out where 'here' is and how to get back." He turned it on and got the message, "Hello. Please wait patiently until I am to send aid to help you out of the hotel room. We will begin the "Murder Game" shortly. -The Watcher." Spy groaned. "Fantastic," he said sarcastically. Scout, too tired to get up, asked, "Maybe Hard Hat's just playing a prank on us or something?" Scout then fell back into the bed, waving his hand in the air dismissively, saying, "Wake me in 5 minutes or something, I don't feel so good." Soldier then took notice of all the people around him, noting those that didn't even look human. "Oh my god, we are in a room filled with freaks!" Soldier exclaimed. "We must destroy them before they can destroy us!" Say's response was to pick up the tablet designated for Soldier and throw it at his face like a Frisbee, hitting Soldier right between the eyes and knocking him out. Spy also picked up the tablet designated to Scout and threw it at him, hitting Scout in the stomach. Scout immediately shot up from the bed and clutched his stomach in pain, groaning, "Uugghh, Spy, come on, man!" Straightening his hat and earpiece, Scout picked up the tablet and turned it on, and got the same message Spy did. "Who the hell is this 'Watcher' guy, and what's this 'murder game'?" Scout asked. "I don't know," Spy answered, "but I know it's not anything good."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ange Ushiromiya & Erika Furudo
"...heh, so what's the point of learning the truth when you're going to die anyways?" Follow these steps, weary traveler... "Fine, let me rephrase that. I'm fighting to learn the truth so I can die in peace. It's better to know and die rather to live and be ignorant." ...soon, the Witch will revive, "How original of you. Your brother isn't going to be happy when you say those words in front of his face. You might as well turn back and drop your journey now... Ange." ...then the seagulls will cry... "Your talk, Beatrice... it's useless..." when there are none left. "It's all useless."
"Get your lazy butt up Ange-san!!!" a familiar voice snapped the auburn-haired girl from her slumber. To think... she was thinking and dreaming about her experience to find the truth, but yet, she hasn't found that certain truth to this day. Ange didn't give any groan, yawn, or vocal response, her eyes fluttering wide open as she sat up on the bed. By first impressions alone, there were many things wrong with this image she saw before her. One, this was not her private apartment. Nor did she remember booking for a hotel such as this. Two, the assortment of other roommates here disturbed her. They were either foreign looking or purely not "normal" in terms of the simply society she grew up in despite her social status. Three, she happened to eye the tablets on the table in this hotel room. Recalling discussion from other 'witches' of such devices that were left with no set of buttons and basically 'touch-screen based,' Ange felt perplexed on actually seeing such devices. She came from the year of 1998, where such things were not invented yet. Four, it seemed too convenient that all of these people were gathered in such a spacious hotel room. It was more of a manor than a hotel room, and yet, this was clearly a hotel room due to the fact that she could see a hotel employee at work at the bookshelf in this hotel room. And finally, she saw the person that was waking her up to be a person that should not be here. Erika Furudo, the detective that was in some of the tales of the events that occurred in 1986, a detective that was killed in some of those retellings, the Witch of Truth that supposed to be cast away into oblivion... how? "Geez... did you happen to die inside or something?" the detective made a rather dark and crude joke, especially towards Ange, which caused the auburn-haired girl to glare at the detective. "Alright alright. Didn't mean that. But anyways, I did some looking around when I got up, and only now I decided to wake you up to report on things I've figured out. Take a gander at it, my fellow Witch of Truth," Erika decided to help the other girl catch up on events, revealing that she had picked up the tablet assigned to her as well as handing over the tablet meant for Ange to her. Of course, Ange examined the tablet's features before accidentally turning it on and revealing the message left there.
"Hello. Please wait patiently until I am to send aid to help you out of the hotel room. We will begin the "Murder Game" shortly. -The Watcher."
"Oh, I got that message too. It's kinda weird, and if we think about it, the Watcher is definitely the culprit for us being here for this Murder Game. And believe me, it feels like someone's obsessed to recreate the Endless Witch's games," Erika commented on the whole message. By that alone, Ange already had a suspicion that someone present in this room must be responsible for either orchestrating this or being an accomplice, but she needed to see a bit more before pursuing that suspicion. "Either way, we have our work cut out for us, and this "Murder Game" spells out trouble..." Ange sighed, crossing her arms. "In that case, we split up! Like old times, right?" Erika happened to suggest, and you could tell that the auburn-haired girl was quite distasteful for the detective. "Sure then Erika, but since you're talkative, go talk to the others. I'll handle myself in searching around here," Ange said before walking away from the detective. Might as well check out that corner with the bookshelf, though she did happen to see a large fellow that happened to be having a childish behavior. Seeing no way around it, the auburn-haired girl gave a focused look before stepping closer to him, and speaking out,"Hello?" Meanwhile, Erika saw a trio that happened to know each other, so the more people she happens to question, the simpler this case's premise would be for her! In order to keep the facade that she was a person of elegance and intelligence, she properly walked her way over to the three, stopping in her tracks as she did a slight curtsy. "Please excuse me if I'm intruding in any way or form, I only thought of asking around on how and why we are in this hotel room," Erika asked with that smile of hers, a smile that made it hard to distinguish if she were genuinely smiling or just smiling in a way as a passive sneer. she purposely left out the fact that she was a detective, just to see their initial responses to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nork was more or less tuned out of what was happening. Everything his simple mind had in it all hinged on being somewhere wher eauthority figures could tell him what to do. Now, he was like a child without its mother, which was very odd, seeing as how Nork looked like he was strong enough to lift the bookshelf clean over his head and break it like it was made of soggy tissue paper. When Ange spoke to him, Nork suddenly flashed his eyes in her direction, before glancing around. Finally, it hit him that he was in here with other people! His remaining eye was starting to water over, but he loosened his huddle slightly. "Hello. I's Nork," he replied. "I thinks I's lost..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheRpgGamer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mine and Leone Mine and Leone was in the living room of their hotel room. Mine is just standing in one place but meanwhile, Leone seems to be very astonished on the luxurious hotel room. "wee! It's so compurrtable here" Leone was at it again with her purr puns. Leone then jumped on the very comfy sofa and wiggling in happiness. "Wee! So comfortable". It seems like Leone was just talking to her self since Mine was just silent and standing in one place. Mine then noticed the kid with a lion costume. She thought that this kid was suspicious so she approached the kid. As she approached the kid, Mine aimed Pumpkin, her Teigu, at him. Looking at him in a glaring way and said these words. "Who are you? And what the hell are you doing in our room?". Leone was still from the sofa but she noticed Mine aiming the Pumpkin at someone. She approached the kid as well just to know what's going on. "Don't aim the gun at the child Mine" she said to Mine and Mine dropped her Teigu. Leone took a closer look on the boy with the lion costume. "Hello there little fella! Are you lost or something?" Leone asked the boy with a polite voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Akira Aoi On one of the multitude of beds that seemed to have been in this room, a young girl groaned at all the racket, shifting beneath the sheets and pulling them over her head, trying to reclaim the pleasant dream that she had been having. From her back, to her side, to her front, just wanting her beauty rest. She had to look her best for the shoot after all. But at last, all the ruckus was too much for her. "Geez, keep it down," she groaned, practically yelled, that aimed at her useless mother. "I'm trying to sleep here." Honestly, that old hag was just useless. And Akira would be damned if she let her ruin her future. Then again, Iona was more likely to do that anyway. "Akira, I would suggest you wake up," Piriluk said to her, the emotionless LRIG's card resting upon the desk next to the bed. Fortunately, only Akira could hear her. "We are not in your house." Brown hair peeked out as Akira shifted, tired eyes glaring at her annoying LRIG. "What're you talking about, idiot," she spat. "Obviously this is...." She fell silent then as she was able to get a good look around, and confirm that she was indeed, not in her run down apartment complex of a home, or darkness filled room, but some other place. It was a giant hotel room of some kind. With other people there. "What the hell," she said as she sat up, now wide awake. "What kind of messed up game is this? If this is Iona's fault, then when I get out of here, I'm gonna make her regret it. She thinks she can get me out of the picture this way? Forget it." Meanwhile, Piriluk sat by and watched, unable to move, since she was in a trading card, and just letting her Selectors anger burn itself out. That it quickly did as Akira got a grasp on the situation. So, there were other people here. A weird assortment of people, but people nonetheless. And she knew how to act for people. Besides, she cared a lot about her appearance, so she had better take care of that first. So she rose, and made her way about after picking up Piriluk, first to the center of a room just to see if she could find any other clothes for herself. No such luck there, but she did find a tablet with her name on it. "Hm, wonder what this is about," she asked to no one in particular before activating it. Then the message appeared, and she read it, and a chill ran through her bones as she was left with a forced expression, resisting the urge to chuck the tablet at the nearest wall, or suitably hard object. "What..." she growled, disbelief obvious. "You have got to be kidding me." Who the hell would arrange a murder game, of all things? And who would go to all this effort? Admittedly, the same could be said about WIXOSS, but that wasn't her problem. This was. She needed time to collect her thoughts, and prepare. And there was one way to do that, while accomplishing her goal. So she found and moved along to the bathroom, calling out "Dibs," in a sing song voice, before stepping in and slamming the door shut to take a shower. If this was somebodies idea of a sick joke, or some twisted game that they were putting Akira in, then she wouldn't stand for it. Sure, she'd play, and she'd win. This was no different from WIXOSS, and whatever her purpose here, she would not lose. Of that, she was certain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

PROLOGUE there is a world known as ente islana, it was a heavenly place, a Demon named Satan who lived on the zeroth country thought all of the demons should rule the world, and so he sent out is four generals, he sent lucifer to the west country, he sent Aciel to the east, Hasioni to the north and jeffrios to the south. constantly attacking relentlessly the demon army took little to no resistance, until a group of heros managed to kill all of the generals except for aciel, and then attacked the very center of the zeroth country, Satans castle a girl in golden armor named emilia, and three of the worlds best soldiers. where walking through a gigantic castle, it was Gothic, full gigantic windows, it was a mixture between a church and a castle, two people, a devil wearing black armor named Satan, and a devil wearing green armor named Aciel, encountered the group, immediately they drew there weapons and began to fight, Firing magical bolts back and forth and clashing Steel weapons. Aiming to kill each other, the fight was long and tiring but eventually Satan and Aciel grew wings and flew away, smashing through a window and creating a purple portal to another universe, Satan turned around and spoke these words before he left You may think this is the last of me, but it is not, One day I will return with a even bigger army and this time not even you can stop me! and he and his only general (thats alive) left through the purple portal, emilia looking pissed, Hovered off of the ground and flew after them, going into the portal with the escaped demons. THE HOTEL Satan opened his eyes.he was awakened by some idiot yelling. he was on a orange and soft bed, his armor was gone and replaced with a blue T-shirt and beige colored jeans, he looked around wondering where he was, his head was pounding like crazy. he clutched his head and looked in a nearby mirror which happened to be on a wall beside him, His hair was black and his eyes were orange, he looked a heck of a lot younger, he also noticed a group of other people. where am I and what the heck happened satan thought, Aciel quickly woke up, with white hair and blue eyes, he was wearing a black turtle neck and beige jeans, he looked shellshocked at the new place he was in, It looked nothing like ente islana it was so, Bright and filled with people Sire do you have any idea where we are? Aciel asked Satan I have no Idea, Satan replied, everyone there looked different, and everyone looked confused, Aciel quickly scanned the room, grabbing a tiny metal thing that caught his eye. Sire, it says your name on this Aciel said to Satan, holding up a whiteish object with a black glass panel overtop of it (tablet) Satan took it from aciel and looked at it wondering what to do with it, he poked the glass panel and all of a suddenly it lit up scaring Satan half to death, he dropped the thing out of fear causing it to smash on the ground causing a big crack over the screen. oops Satan said. looking at the screen there as a message that said [u][i]Hello. Please wait patiently until I am to send aid to help you out of the hotel room. We will begin the "Murder Game" shortly -The Watcher[/u][/i] the group didn't know what the "murder game" was but it sounded bad. Aciel quickly grabbed another tablet and turned it on. showing the same message, I don't like the looks of this sire. aciel told satan,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ange Ushiromiya
Usually this kind of behavior would concern and unnerve those that weren't experienced with such encounters, but Ange was. She had to face many hardships after the death of her aunt, and due to her constant will to find the 'truth,' she ended up being targeted due to the family inheritance she owned. Many strange ones would go after her, but she was always slick enough to escape their grasp. Here, she would assume that the appearance of this one was alike to her pursuers, but instead of outright aggressiveness that she would expect, she could tell that he wasn't of harm... "It's okay... I'm lost too," Ange said with a gentle voice, but due to being a reserved person, there wasn't a smile on her face to signify this,"My name is Ange..." She trailed off, not sure if she should mention her last name. It was a rarity to expect that any of them would know of the Ushiromiya family, and thus that is why she refrained from saying it. Revealing her desirable wealth and social status would only cause the greedy and ballistic folks to target her once again. She wasn't going to have any of that in a place she was unfamiliar with. Not to mention that someone else happened to be there near the two...
-GM post- Bookshelf Corner
For those near the bookshelf corner of the vast hotel room, there happened to be someone busy reorganizing the books, and that someone happened to look like a bizarre employee.
"O-Oh... I didn't notice you two here... I'm just very busy at this time, but if you like... I can suggest a few books for you to read..."
She sounded quite surprised to see that the hotel inhabitants here were awake already, she didn't seem to realize that until now. Well, she had asked if Ange and Nork would be interested in the selection of books available here.
Check the selection of books? Y/N? @Daglobster
Where that Kid in the Lion costume was...
Apparently the kid was not phase by how a weapon had been pointed at him. Instead, he laughed a bit, what could be so wrong about this kid?
"I'm not lost mister! The people here were nice enough to let me stick around. Isn't that great? ...actually, I'm kinda bored, so how about we play then? If you win, I think I have some cool stuff that you might like!"
Strange. So he happened to be a random kid in a lion costume, let into this hotel for reasons unknown, and winning a game against him meant getting free stuff. If it was true about the free stuff part, what's the harm of trying to play this game of his?
Accept the challenge? Y/N? @TheRpgGamer
For a hotel bathroom, it didn't seem that bad. At least Akira was the first to go in, who knows how awkward it would be if there was already someone here? Looking around, the only thing that happened to be off was that there was a strange set of pins left sitting at the counter. Well... these could be someone's, but who knows if someone else might take those if you didn't at least hold onto them until you found the proper owner.
Take the pins? Y/N? @Flamelord
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

When Fry had woken up in a strange place that was different from where he had fallen asleep in, he wasn't too phased. Was this different than the planet express building? Yes. Were there people who weren't his fellow crew? Mostly. Was there a TV? Yes. For that was the most important fact he had observed. Rather than shout out in surprise, or complain, or even interact with the others, he merely walked up to the TV and started fiddling with it. It had been so long since he had to go up close to the TV to turn it on that he had forgotten how. "Stupid thing, where's the darn remote" He grumbled to himself as he continued to try and turn it on. ------------------ Where was he? Why was he not in his dumpster? Was there food? Zoidberg had fallen asleep in the dumpster that he called home when he suddenly was jarred awake here. The strange lobster-like alien immediately put up his cranial sail in response to the sudden fear of being in a different location. However, he noticed something much more important. "Wow, so fancy!" Zoidberg muttered as he looked around at the hotel room. It had been a while since he had been last allowed in such a place. Usually people barred him from the fancier establishments because of his appearance and smell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hideka Yurei

Hideka Yurei

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mode:Awake. P-Body's display screen flashed to life with a vibrant orange, observing its surroundings. Objective: Scan surroundings. Error:Surroundings not matching memory database. The last memory this quirky little bot had was of running through Aperture Laboratories to satisfy that most diabolical of machines. Nothing about this room could be paired with anything from the core's databases, especially the many strange creatures accompanying P-Body in the room. The only living organism that P-Body had ever seen before was a rather odd human female named Chel. Run program: Scan area. Objects of importance detected Identify objects: Tablets. Inspect objects. P-Body's mechanical legs whirred to life as the the robot pulled itself from the bed and walked towards the tablets, flicking one on. P-Body's ocular camera's saw only a odd note, "Hello. Please wait patiently until I am to send aid to help you out of the hotel room. We will begin the "Murder Game" shortly -The Watcher " one word of this stuck out in particular, Murder. Murder:verb 1. kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation. Kill: To terminate. P-Body knew very well the meaning of "Termination" with GLaDOS using it as a constant threat, and it was not something P-Body had any desire to experience. With all of P-Body's alert systems on guard it slowly withdrew from the tablets and the crowd, towards the less populated area occupied only by a bookshelf and a rather odd looking employee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feeling a bit more comfortable, Nork stood up off of the corner, standing to his full height of eight and a half feet tall. The ripper gun that hung from the back of his hip jostled, as did his armor. It seemed that Ange's tender voice was enough to get him feeling a bit better. "Was with Com-Ee-Sar, fighting bad guys. But I's here now. Where's here?" Nork asked, but startled slightly when the employee spoke up. "Book? I don'ts know what a book is. I don't know if I's allowed to have one..." Suddenly, he looked to Ange, cybernetic eye focusing in on her. "If you're allowed to have a book, then you can get Nork a book," He suggested, looking at Ange with a pleading expression on his face. Taking book? Technically, yes. Asking Ange to get one for me
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Akira Aoi The bathroom was...nice, definitely better than the one in her home, and suitable for a hotel room such as the one she had just been in. Even better, it seemed that she was the first one in there, so no one else had the opportunity to mess it up. And she could, of course, take all the time she needed. Just the way she liked it. First though, she locked the door behind her so no pervs could come in and try to get a look at her while she was in the shower, before wandering over to take a look at herself in the mirror. She grinned at her reflection, posing, even blowing a kiss to herself. Her charm was her greatest asset after all, so she had to make sure that she looked after herself. And if this were some sort of....murder game, if people actually, you know, died, then she would need that. Given the collection of people outside, she probably couldn't win if she was assaulted. So she'd have to rely on her charm to rally public support, and make it so that she was untouchable. She had to survive this. Placing Piriluk down on the counter, something caught in the corner of her eye, and she looked over to see some objects resting on the counter. "Hm," she muttered as she shifted to get a better look, picking up one so Piriluk could see. "They're....pins," she said, pointing out the obvious. "Why would someone leave these stupid things here?" "Unknown," Piriluk replied, still as emotionless as ever. Akira growled as she placed the pin back down on the table. "I didn't need you to tell me that, idiot. You're lucky I don't stab you with this." Piriluk was annoyingly unfazed, and Akira had to resist the urge to do just as she said. Sadly, her LRIG was too important to be simply destroyed. Akira sighed then, hands resting on her hips. "So what do I do with these things? They have to belong to somebody, but finders keepers." She thought for a moment, before snapping her fingers as she lit up. "I know. I'll keep them for myself, but if I do find who they belong to I can return them in exchange for a favor. Aki-lucky!" She twirled then, arms thrown wide at the brilliance of her plan. And if it didn't work, she had a small, probably ineffectual weapon to defend herself with. Unless she stabbed someone in the eye with the pin. That would probably do something. That decided on, she wasted no more time, shed her clothes, and turned on the shower water. She got it nice and hot before stepping in, to refresh herself, wake up, and to go through her morning routine. Complimentary hotel hair care products would have to serve in the place of her usual stylists. She had to put on her best face after all. Take the Pins? Y
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheRpgGamer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mine and Leone (Lol take note that Leone is a girl XDDD)
Leone was really relieved that the child is not lost. Leone was in a mood to play around so she accepted the challenge. "Oooohh that's so adorable! Of course, I would like to play that game!" Leone said to the boy as she hugged the kid and accidently placed the child's face to her big chest. "Don't worry little kid! Onee-chan will play with you as long you want!" she added still drowning the kid with her boobs. She then let go of the child probably suffocating from being drowned in those boobs for too long and Leone sat indian style. "So... what game are we gonna play, hide and seek? or rock paper scissors? or is there anything else you want to play?" Leone asked the kid with a polite voice. Mine was fed up and said "Maybe Leone should stop drowning people with her boobs" to herself and walked away. She goes to the TV and it seems that this piece of technology was new for her. So checked around the TV. "What is this thing?" she asked herself. With no idea how to turn the TV on, she tried many ways like saying Turn on like the TV was voice activated, doing some random things like dancing like the TV sense movements just to turn on, she even tried to bang it with her hands hoping that a little bang would work. She gave up and fell on the red carpet. "How can I turn that thing on?" Accept the challenge? Y
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Satan looked at the crowd, it was full of freaks and weird looking people, Are we still on ente islana? he thought, it would make sense since everyone looked weird, there was somekind of soldier who was flipping out, a guy wearing a unusually formal suit, a girl drowning a kid in her chest, what kind of weird fracked up place is this?! A red haired girl was just waking up, she was wearing a yellow shirt and jeans, she immediately woke up, half awake she took a look at the crowd, what the heck? she thought, she scanned the crowd, pretty much everyone was different, heck there was even a gigantic ugly ogre but 2 people caught her eyes, two men standing next to each other, they looked like the only normal people here, so the girl gotten up and stood next to them, Aciel whispered to Satan Sire, theres a girl approaching us the tiny group turned around immediately facing the newcomer, well do you need something? Satan said to the girl, uh yes do you know where th- Satan stopped listening, he started watching that same ogre ask a human woman for a book, why isn't she afraid or running in fear?, this place is full of surprises
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Spy looked around the room as people began waking up and started to interact with the things in the room. Spy then checked himself to see if he still had his equipment on him. His revolver and knife were still here, and so was his disguise kit. "Scout, check to see if your equipment is with you," Spy said, going over to a window to see if he could find some sort of marker that could tell where he was. Hmm, no street signs, no distinguishing features on the other buildings, heck, Spy wasn't even sure if they were in the same world anymore. Spy then tried to open the window. Of course, it was locked. Scout searched himself for his stuff, and sure enough, his weapons were there. Scattergun, pistol, and bat. He looked over at Soldier to see if he had his stuff too. Rocket launcher, shotgun, and shovel. Yup, everything they needed was here. "Everything's here, Spy," Scout reported. Soldier then groaned as he began to wake up again. Massaging his face, he looked around to see where he was. He then remembered where he was, and immediately began screaming again. "The freaks! We have to destroy them!" Scout held him back while Spy rushed over to Soldier and yelled, "Stop, you imbecile! We are not here for this!" He then slapped Soldier again and continued, "Until we know just what's going on, we are not to cause any trouble." He looked at the others to see if they were staring at them, then smiled and waved them off. He turned back to Soldier and said, "Now, I want you on your best behavior. No killing, no yelling, no trouble. Understand?" Soldier thought for a moment, then grudgingly said, "Yeah." Spy sighed, relieved that that was dealt with. He turned to Scout and told him, "Make sure Soldier doesn't cause trouble, Scout." Spy then walked over to the TV, where others already seemed to be working in it, trying to get it to work. Spy then gave it a look over, then pushed the power button on the top of it, and the TV turned on. He remembered this old model of the TV from his place, not very good but it did what it was supposed to do. "There, that should do it," Spy said. Scout casually saluted Spy with two fingers, saying, "Ah, you bet," acknowledging that he understood his orders. As soon as Spy left, he told Soldier, "Now go sit back down while I get somethin'." Soldier complied, and Scout rushed over to the hottest girl he could find in the room. In this case, that was Leone. "Hey there gorgeous," Scout said, leaning against the wall and wishing he had a bucket of fried chicken with him. "I'm the Scout, the fastest member on my team and the ace in their hole. What d'ya say you and I get to know each other a bit better?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The girl passed by them, making a quick glare at Satan as if he was a enemy and left, Well that was a strange thing, Satan said to Aciel, Now we need to know whats going on here, we'll have to use alias's, Aciel your real name now is Ayshia and my new name is Sadao Satan told Aciel and Aciel complained Sire I like my name already and Satan cut him off saying Stop calling me "sire" its embarrasing, Now I'm going to go see whats going on now, you go talk to a few people or something, I'll go do the same and left, noticing that weird armed person was yelling weird crap about killing everyone, was left alone, god, he's calling us all freaks Satan thought as he decided to find out what the heck was wrong with him, so uh, my name is sadao and whats all this stuff about killing us all anyways? Satan asked in a half-cynically half-friendly voice, trying to start a conversation Aciel walked up to a kid Filtering with a girl Salutations, how are you doing kind people? he asked them all gentlemanishly acting like hes some rich aristocrat Emilia decided to call herself Emi now, I should keep a eye on those two she thought staring at Satan and Aciel, she walked up to a gentleman/robber person who was sitting in front of some kind of screen, she wanted answers and she wanted them now, Where the heck am I she threw her left hand forward as if she expected a sword to appear in her hand, but however none appeared
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ange Ushiromiya
"Alright," Ange said blandly as she walked up to the apparent employee, not seeming surprised at the said employee's appearance,"So, is there a book that is fine to take? I rather not cause any fuss if I happen to pick out a book that shouldn't be picked out."
"O-Oh... um... maybe this one would be fine for now..."
The auburn-haired girl gave a confused look as she saw the employee shove a random book into her hands. Maybe she was scared that keeping them waiting would be a bad thing. Still, Ange rolled her eyes, walking back to where the large fellow named Nork was at. Finally taking the time to look at the book itself, it happened to be titled "Fantastic Tales". Well, she couldn't really see anything actually fantastic about the old book she had, but hey, it was just a book. Keeping that stoic look on her face, Ange opened the book and lazily turning the page to the first section of the book.
---- -TV- Oh... even if the power button of the TV was pressed, all they would get was a fuzzy screen. Well, that's because there was no cable hooked up onto it. Strangely though, right next to the power button there was a cord sticking out of it, somewhat like a USB cable. While you had no idea what it was for, there was a close inspection that your tablets that you were given earlier can plug into the TV! Why was this the case? You don't know, but it couldn't hurt to try it out... right? Plug your tablet into the TV? Y/N? @Mtntopview@TheRpgGamer@Scarifar ---- -Bathroom- Man, for a hotel bathroom, it was quite luxurious! Heck, the shower felt completely refreshing! When it all seemed well... the shower water suddenly seemed to shift into... um, whip cream? When they said that weird things happen in this bathroom, they weren't kidding. Makes you wonder why the shower started to use whip cream instead of water... @Flamelord --- -Kid in Lion Costume-
"Nope! Riddles! Solve it in under five tries, and I have a prize for you! Isn't that fun?"
Well, if it's coming from a little kid, the riddle itself shouldn't be that hard... right?
"Here's the riddle! You saw me where I never was and where I could not be. And yet within that very place, my face you often see. What am I?"
Hey, at least you get five tries at it. The boy smiles innocently as he sits on one of the beds, waiting for Leone's answer. Heck, he thought that the boy that had walked over to them was going to participate as well! @TheRpgGamer@Scarifar@nerminator
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Aciel A little boy had apparently asked Aciel a riddle, Aciel quite enjoyed riddles a little riddle couldn't hurt could it?, Aciel put his hand on his chin thinking, Hmm, time is everywhere?, no no that doesn't work too obvious, wait a minute. I see it often and usually every day, its, Its Death! it has to be Death! god what a morbid riddle for that little kid Aciel opened his mouth holding his index finger up to show he knows what it his, and he answered Its death! How morbid,
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