With the end of the year quickly approaching and keeping up with the New Years theme I thought it would be a great time to do some self reflection on the things you've acomplished or have improved on this past year as well as goals you might have for the new year concerning roleyplaying or writing in general.
For me I would have to say that my biggest achomplishment is finally getting the guts and organization to run a roleplay. I'm a huge scatterbrain and the notion of that kept me away from GMing knowing that if I made a mess of things it wouldn't only mess things up for myself but for the other roleplayers as well. Nonetheless I decided to take the plunge into GMing and I loved it. At ten months the roleplay is still going strong and I am amazed not only with what I was able to do but the great group of roleplayers that have stuck with me throughout this whole time and have made it into something better than I could have guessed the roleplay would ended up as. I'm definitely going to be working on getting up a new roleplay in the future.
However as I think back I know exactly what I need to work on. My mind thinks of what I should type out far faster than I can physically type which causes me to omit words in my post and with my lack of proofreading it can make things challenging for others. This year I'm going to make it my goal to slow things down and make sure I write out my complete thoughts as well making sure I don't take the lazy route and proofread my posts.
For me I would have to say that my biggest achomplishment is finally getting the guts and organization to run a roleplay. I'm a huge scatterbrain and the notion of that kept me away from GMing knowing that if I made a mess of things it wouldn't only mess things up for myself but for the other roleplayers as well. Nonetheless I decided to take the plunge into GMing and I loved it. At ten months the roleplay is still going strong and I am amazed not only with what I was able to do but the great group of roleplayers that have stuck with me throughout this whole time and have made it into something better than I could have guessed the roleplay would ended up as. I'm definitely going to be working on getting up a new roleplay in the future.
However as I think back I know exactly what I need to work on. My mind thinks of what I should type out far faster than I can physically type which causes me to omit words in my post and with my lack of proofreading it can make things challenging for others. This year I'm going to make it my goal to slow things down and make sure I write out my complete thoughts as well making sure I don't take the lazy route and proofread my posts.