You need Tek to post then! Also, I wish we could post videos again, because I have such a good song for this encounter going on in my head.
I will spam PM Mahz to bring back the BBCode for inserting videos!
You could always just URL link it, ya know?For whatever reason, most people don't trust URL links because they could just lead you into a rick roll or some Smashmouth music video instead. Though, I'll link the two songs I'm thinking of. For if we decide to just run away, and try to get out of the convention, suspenseful and intimidating music, with a techno feel because future. Meta Ridley's Theme If we actually decide to face the thing with some sort of strategy, and we manage to get Kristof back up for help. menacing, and intimidating at the same time. because it will feel near hopeless, this song works perfectly. Metal Choir Singing. Roar of the Departed Souls The second song might be a bit overkill though. Might be more appropriate if we were fighting an army of them. Or a corrupt god bent on eating the world.
Is this only towards Kristof though? That would be fairly entertaining for a while. Don't know if it will still be funny in the long run though. I've officially played all of the main series titles for FF about a few months ago. I can now say that it holds my definite #2 spot for my favorite game series of all time. I've gotta start getting the spin-offs now though. Starting with the fighting games on the PSP. XDI actually wanted FF2, since I own the first one and want to complete it some day, but my parents didn't know where to find it... so they got me FF13 and FF13-2 instead. lol
I'll post once I'm done reminiscing. And also, rearranging my favorite game series list. FF constantly went between the number 4 and 3 spot for a while. But I can say with confidence that it's officially locked 2nd place down now.As much fun as FF is, and as cool as the story is... there is almost no gameplay. I'm literally doing nothing. I can get away with auto-combat 80% of the time, manual control 5% of the time, and potions 15% of the time. Oh, and using the ONE shroud I was handed for walking down a path. Now, if it get's more interesting than that... and picks up with more characters, and a HUGE battle at some point... then it will be moving up my list. But so far, it's pretty high for the graphics and story alone. The controls are annoying, and as I said before, no gameplay. Still a cool series though, and the story is just amazing. Sadly, I'm liking the characters and story so much... I can't help but thinking about putting them into characters for this RP. I got the doctor from that afro guy with the Chicobo. But he's not enough. ARG, I so badly want to pull out so many of these characters... but that's a bad idea. I'll have to secretly pull in personalities and hints as to looks, but when someone points out "HEY! That's Blah Blah Blah from FF13!" I'll say "But this one has a hat. He's completely different." xD Oh, it was Sazh. I thought I was part of a different group before loading up the screen. Anyway, back to gaming!