Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Right now, I can't get Issac (Emmet's ancestor), Alma (2 months preggers) and Clarissa's (either a gaurdian angel or battle angel step sister) story from going around in my head. >.< Fighting...with reason that I have too many rps...help! *drowning... In mental conflict*
Hahaha I know your pain! I can't stop thinking about Essence period! It's so cool! >< Sorry I haven't gotten around the Zi Emmet collab we had in mind, Syn got me thinking about massacres and I can't get out of that mood yet. Speaking of which, wonder if Olivia would have been there for the Tragedy. Hmmm~ Yeah, so, you're welcome to start or I can try to think of something. :)
Girl's a little rattled and lonely after all. :p
Hahahaha don't worry, Lazarus is her man. He has a knack for lonely and lost girls. ;p (Of all ages.) *promotes Lazarus*
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Right now, I can't get Issac (Emmet's ancestor), Alma (2 months preggers) and Clarissa's (either a gaurdian angel or battle angel step sister) story from going around in my head. >.< Fighting...with reason that I have too many rps...help! *drowning... In mental conflict*
Hahaha I know your pain! I can't stop thinking about Essence period! It's so cool! >< Sorry I haven't gotten around the Zi Emmet collab we had in mind, Syn got me thinking about massacres and I can't get out of that mood yet. Speaking of which, wonder if Olivia would have been there for the Tragedy. Hmmm~ Yeah, so, you're welcome to start or I can try to think of something. :)
It's more like I got an image of Isaac and Alma (also a demon hunter and possibly Her family being connected to Solus through crossing paths in past, with Syn's permission...*scolds self and tries to stop, but fails*) talking and interacting to students/others with Clarissa rolling her eyes at the whole scene. In addition, had a thought that Lily Qaurin might've known Isaac as I got to thinking about him, namely where he had ended up after his escape and how he met Alma. Kept getting an image of him bloodied and injured stumbling outside into the courtyard of the school. Also a talented piano player too, though considering allowing Olivia to inherit only a fraction of that. Stop it...>_< Need to stop. Add on: I gotcha. I was considering doing a memory when they first met, namely thanks to a Siren and her nasty tricks. :p
Girl's a little rattled and lonely after all. :p
Hahahaha don't worry, Lazarus is her man. He has a knack for lonely and lost girls. ;p (Of all ages.) *promotes Lazarus*
I was going to say... That phrasing makes him sound rather...perverted. :p Makes me see Aeris glaring over Lazarus' shoulder and going all scary! XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hahahahah you're bubbling with inspiration, aren't you. :3 Since the Academy's history is more fleshed out, and keeps being fleshed out all the time anyway, we've established that in it's current state it was established 178 years ago more like a bootcamp and a training facility than an Art school (before that it was a mundane arts school for some 50-100 years before it was ruined shortly before Judas' rise to power). Also, back then the instruments were also randomly bonding to people and not given by Hazumi and the Academy's role was to find and train the ones who'd bonded. Thus. If you want, you're welcome to write flashbacks about it (your scenario seems very likely) and even play a guest-character in the Mending season (the prequel running parallel to this one but taking place 178 years prior.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

FOR THE RECORD LAZARUS IS NOT A PERVERT! And as Wind so recently found out Lazarus is the definition of scary *opens a dictionary and points to a picture of Lazarus below the word scary* the same way solus grim is the definition of bad ass *flips to another page and points to half a picture of solus grim under the word bad and the other half under the word ass* so there...... *eats the cookie fallen gave him* That phrase almost came out really dirty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Heh...ehehehe. Definition of scary. It really is a New Age *smirks quietly*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

*looks at So Shall it Be collab and Winds reaction* Yup i'm gonna go with that on this one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Death Count
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Death Count

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

i am sick for a time right now i think. my PC's CS may become delayed for a few days maybe. i will be back k ? false alarm i am sorry
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hahahahah you're bubbling with inspiration, aren't you. :3
A bit, ironically. XD You should see me in Blood and other rps. ♥
Since the Academy's history is more fleshed out, and keeps being fleshed out all the time anyway, we've established that in it's current state it was established 178 years ago more like a bootcamp and a training facility than an Art school (before that it was a mundane arts school for some 50-100 years before it was ruined shortly before Judas' rise to power).
Alright, though I thought it was 200 years since that’s what it says in the OP (still does as I checked it). So that’s what I worked out Juan’s and Darius’ timeline on and I rather not change my math if possible. 30 odd years can make a great different with Darius because his magic access is strictly affected by literally every 100 years, each one adding a power until about 600+ as his breed starts off at birth with one already. That would’ve cut at least one power out and having Darius younger isn’t good as it likely makes things a lot more difficult in this season because I have less to work with then I thought I did. Not to mention it also puts Juan, and a few PCs related to him, out of whack as well. It was hard enough to get them right the first time so are you totally sure it’s that number and not 200? I don’t want to rewrite what I have, but to make it fit, I will. However I need the correct number to do it with. So is it 200 or 178 since Judas' fall? *feels confused right now...utterly*
Also, back then the instruments were also randomly bonding to people and not given by Hazumi and the Academy's role was to find and train the ones who'd bonded. Thus. If you want, you're welcome to write flashbacks about it (your scenario seems very likely) and even play a guest-character in the Mending season (the prequel running parallel to this one but taking place 178 years prior.)
Ah, that’s interesting and rather… chaotic lol. I’ll likely do a memory with Isaac meeting Lily Quarin though there’s several possibilities going through my head. Namely either to have her current students (the ones in the other rp) finding him in the snow somewhere at some point or having him arrive at the party going on, already with his wife and happily wishing Lily luck on her school. Also revealing his wife is preggers, lol. Olivia’s got his red hair after all and if I make her able to play piano, then likely his style will shine through in her playing drawing the memory out of Lily. Isaac was close to being a Mozart of that instrument if he wasn’t so broken. I might have Lily be the one that suggests or delivers Isaac to Darius creating that connection for later allowing a few on and off appearance throughout the rp. The others Darius- currently retreated from his casino career (Reasons unknown, even the other casino owners are worried and paranoid to why) and just before he’s made his connections to the Academy with his negotiations. I namely can see the casino owners giving Lily a hard time about allowing her students within their turfs unlike the current one, allowing Darius to make appearances off and on throughout the season. Though I need to check what magic he has then. Juan- in hiding and won’t appear until much later, at least into the 3-4 generation of Isaac’s bloodline. There’s also NPCs that will appear later which I could have make guest appearances though they won’t play any major role save for interaction.
FOR THE RECORD LAZARUS IS NOT A PERVERT! And as Wind so recently found out Lazarus is the definition of scary *opens a dictionary and points to a picture of Lazarus below the word scary* the same way solus grim is the definition of bad ass *flips to another page and points to half a picture of solus grim under the word bad and the other half under the word ass* so there...... *eats the cookie fallen gave him* That phrase almost came out really dirty.
That it did and only make my point more valid. Creators do intend to put a piece of themselves into their PC without meaning to...hehee.
Heh...ehehehe. Definition of scary. It really is a New Age *smirks quietly*
I fixed that by giving Merlin S-1, so we’ll see what he thinks about it afterwards. XD See if any stuff changes when he reads about some of the old PCs in their first ever appearance.
*looks at So Shall it Be collab and Winds reaction* Yup i'm gonna go with that on this one.
Lol. Funny, funny Merlin. :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

im hysterical
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

So we have decided to edit the rules from our previous serious announcement in response to the discussion and feedback we received from players. Synth and I thank you all for your feedback as it is valued greatly. Crossed out rules are not being implemented at the moment but, if these do not suffice, be utilized at the very least, in an experimental manner to test whether or not they effectively amend the issues that may or may not arise in the future. Now without further ado, the edits:
  • There will be a 14 day(2 week) time limit on collabs based in the present time IC and singleplayer posts, also based in present time IC. Which resets every time a post is produced in the IC, which also applies to collab contributors, whether they play NPCs or PCs.
  • Players must warn the GMs, as well as fellow collaborators, if they will be unable to contribute to both collabs and singleplayer posts for more than the allocated time limit for whatever reason, in order to prevent hanging up other players so that they may continue. Doing so will make the collab or singleplayer post a viable canon flashback, that can be posted when the player returns, or at a later date should the player or players wish to do so. PLEASE DO THIS IN ANY WAY YOU CAN IF YOU HAVE NO ACCESS TO A PC, OTHERWISE THE RULE BELOW WILL APPLY.
  • Players who do not warn us, or have a post ready before the 14 day time limit is expired, will have a 3 day grace period (3 extra days) to post their collab, or singleplayer post. If no post is produced in the IC within that time, they will recieve an Infraction.
  • A player may receive a maximum of 3 Infractions. After 2 Infraction, the offending player will lose the right to a 3 day grace period. On the 3rd Infraction, the player is kicked. Holding up other players from posting will not be tolerated.
  • If a collab is being held up by the offending player (who obtained an infraction or has been kicked for 3 infractions), the GMs will ask if the collaborators are willing to take over the offending/kicked player's character, if not, the GMs will.
  • Every Player has the right to one representative to vouch for them should something occur to them and they themselves cannot get to a computer, but can notify someone else.
  • Please send the GMs the links to the collabs that are taking place in present time. This will help the GMs keep track of the progress of the collabs, as well as who is taking part, and who is slowing everyone else down. Future based collabs, flashbacks and singleplayer posts may be kept private from the GMs.
  • The GMs are NOT under exception of these rules. They must follow said rules to the letter, failure to do so will result in the removal of their position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So, Yosh and I were talking, and he said he wanted a way to reward players for posting without some notion of favoritism on the GM's part. On a lot of Persistent world RP's there are things like "Thread of the Month" "Character of the Month" "Female character of the Month" and so on. What this means is that every month on that forum characters are nominated by other players *Not GM's* based on a certain set of criteria, and then the player-base outside of those who were nominated votes for the top character/thread/etc for each category. I think that would be fun to do here. Though, obviously, our categories would be different. Something akin to "Student of the Month" or something. We could pick different categories if everyone likes the idea. So, what do you guys think?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm cool with that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Death Count
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Death Count

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

So, Yosh and I were talking, and he said he wanted a way to reward players for posting without some notion of favoritism on the GM's part. On a lot of Persistent world RP's there are things like "Thread of the Month" "Character of the Month" "Female character of the Month" and so on. What this means is that every month on that forum characters are nominated by other players *Not GM's* based on a certain set of criteria, and then the player-base outside of those who were nominated votes for the top character/thread/etc for each category. I think that would be fun to do here. Though, obviously, our categories would be different. Something akin to "Student of the Month" or something. We could pick different categories if everyone likes the idea. So, what do you guys think?
okay i think this can have the problem like jealous persons and a person that do not read all the postings so they can give a ignorant nomination ? but i like this idea for fun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This is my official FYI I will be gone for the weekend through till monday. You probably wont here from me and I probably wont be writing much if at all. If you need to get in contact with me my official emergency contact is Grin and she can get in contact with me and may speak on my behalf with my authority. Y'all enjoy yourselves
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

See you Monday, Hawk :) Thanks for the notice ^_^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago

This is my official FYI I will be gone for the weekend through till monday. You probably wont here from me and I probably wont be writing much if at all. If you need to get in contact with me my official emergency contact is Grin and she can get in contact with me and may speak on my behalf with my authority. Y'all enjoy yourselves
Alright, noted. :p Also, Celaira, feel free to put up that collab when you get time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Fallenreaper: Collab is up! :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Fallenreaper: Collab is up! :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago

So, Yosh and I were talking, and he said he wanted a way to reward players for posting without some notion of favoritism on the GM's part. On a lot of Persistent world RP's there are things like "Thread of the Month" "Character of the Month" "Female character of the Month" and so on. What this means is that every month on that forum characters are nominated by other players *Not GM's* based on a certain set of criteria, and then the player-base outside of those who were nominated votes for the top character/thread/etc for each category. I think that would be fun to do here. Though, obviously, our categories would be different. Something akin to "Student of the Month" or something. We could pick different categories if everyone likes the idea. So, what do you guys think?
What about a favorite scene of the month and putting someone who isn't a GM, in charge of it? For the 1st two weeks this person could read through and select three scenes that happened in the IC, namely any from the beginning of the rp to the latest, for voting. Players, not including the person in charged since they chose the scenes, can vote through pms and at the third week the person can tally them all up then announce the winner.
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