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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

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"Eve knows the basic laws herself. Ask her if you want to know. As for the tech, what kind of scientist would I be if I explained that?" The man laughed once again before promptly shutting off the video connection. Clearly this was all the info they were going to get at the moment. "Well...that explained hardly anything. Apart from who built me that is." She sighed, looking at Jurgen and figuring he would ask anyway, so she might as well tell. "The two laws are; Don't intentionally harm or kill your owner, and put your life before his. In other words, do no harm and protect. I'm also more likely to do as you say rather than what I want to do." It felt unpleasant telling him about these laws. There was too much you could do to abuse those laws. But in the end, he was her owner so she had little choice.

That was one heck of a start of the morning, in Eve's mind. Though it could have been a lot worse. Like some guy crashing through the door trying to kill them. If Jurgen's paranoia was to be believed, that was entirely possible. "So...uh...now what? Our plans remain the same I guess?" Finding that gun shop, hunting down that thief a murderer, and tomorrow a showmatch in the actual arena tournament rather than a back alley ring. Sounded easy enough, for as much you could call bounty hunting and fighting easy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

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Jurgen flipped off the blank screen. That man was crazy. And also kind of an asshole. He grumbled to himself, and then shrugged when Eve made a statement about how helpful the man had been. And then, before he could ask, she told him what the governing laws were. That was nice. He smiled appreciatively at her promptness. "That sounds pretty reasonable. It would really suck if you ran off..." he mused. "Good to know you're going to stick around..." he nodded to himself as he got up off the couch, supposing he should get ready to go out. The android seemed to sense that too, as she asked if the plan would be the same. "You got it." the cyborg agreed. "Let's go make some money." Jurgen didn't sound too enthusiastic, but money was money, so he wasn't going to argue.

Not wanting to waste more time, the man grabbed what he figured he would need to get the job done, and then put his boots on, "You have access to the 'Net right?" he asked his robot, hoping the answer was a yes. If she could get on there, he wouldn't need to stop somewhere and jack into a terminal to try and find the guy they were supposed to whack. That would make this job a lot easier. A lot easier, in fact. So much easier, that Eve would probably get irritated at all the time he'd have her spending hooked up to the 'Net. He'd save that for later, though, right now he was focused on the directions he'd been given. He needed to find this place and get himself a gun. But what kind of gun did he want? That was another important question. He'd need to know something like that, as the last thing he needed was a pushy salesman getting in his face. The cyborg figured he could manage though, and made sure Eve was good to go before heading out the door...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Whomever mentioned running off? I'm more likely to do as you say, doesn't mean I always will." She shrugged. "See it as you will, I don't plan on going anywhere anyway. I have all I need in life like this. Fighting, smokes, enough credits, and a roof over my head. Though I guess my own bed would be nice." She commented when he mentioned her running off or not.

He got his things together while she just put the cigs and the 170 or so credits she had in her pockets and was done. "Access to the net? Hmm..." She mused, opening the small compartment in her right arm that held the cable. Funny how even if she didn't know this body had a feature, once it was actually used almost came naturally. Kind of like walking, but with less practice needed. "If this cable fits into wherever the net comes out of, it should work." It would still not be as fast as a computer, but then again it would still be faster than a human searching for it and it would be far more accurate than a computer.

The two headed out soon after. Jurgen had the directions, but Eve now had a mental map of the surrounding area. So twice she wanted to say something about which way was better, but decided against it. She would probably come off as rude or something if she did that. "So ah...this cyber mechanic sells guns, but also knives right? Any chance I could get one of those?" She asked as they were walking. It felt like it would be far too messy and cruel to have to bludgeon someone to death with her fists.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen gave Eve a look. She rambled on about running away, and how she totally could, but wasn't going to and then some bullshit about wanting her own bed. He wanted to smack her, but he knew that would only hurt him. Maybe he was reading her tone wrong, but that robot sounded pretty passive-aggressive to him. He did his best to shrug it off, though, not wanting to deal with that sort of thing at the moment. And, just to mess with him, Eve went right back to being helpful, figuring out what she needed to access the 'net for him. That was good, then. They just needed some firepower, and then they could go take on their bounty. And if everything went well, they'd make all kinds of money soon.

So the pair of them headed off to the store. Jurgen led the way with his directions, but spent the whole trip wondering if it wouldn't be easier to get his robot to lead. Just about all of them had some kind of mapping software to let them navigate better, so she probably had a better idea of the area than he did. That being said, he was in charge, and he wanted to lead by example. So he stuck with it, leading them blindly toward the shop. On the way, his android started asking about weapons of her own. "Are you asking me to buy you a knife, or are you asking permission?" the cyborg asked in reply. "Because I'm cool with you getting a knife, hell, buy yourself a couple rocket launchers or whatever. You can have as much firepower as you want, I just probably can't afford the amount of firepower you want." then he shrugged and kept talking, "But I'm feeling hopeful, and I know you're short on cash because I stiffed you because you're a robot, so I'll buy you one weapon. Any weapon you want, as long as it doesn't cost more than the amount of money that I currently have. Unfortunately, I don't know how much that is..." he chuckled and shook his head.

And then, quite suddenly, they were there. "Oh, fuck. That was quick..." Jurgen observed, checking his chronometer. It didn't seem to be as far away as he thought, which was nice. Then he headed inside, wondering if he was going to have to deal with salespeople. It wouldn't be hard to up-sell him, since he really wanted something effective. As much as he wanted something cheap, the fact was, in the weaponry industry, you always got what you payed for...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eve thought about the question, not sure which one it was. She didn't have that much money, for one. And he did, or he would again after today at least. And even more so the day after that. As she was confident she could win any showmatch fight that was thrown her way. But before she could answer Jurgen already continued. She sighed when he was finally done, shaking her head a little. "I told you, I just want a knife. I'd like it to be a long one though. Like...a 20 cm blade or something."

And then they were apparently already there. "Huh...small place." Eve commented as they entered. The area they walked inside of indeed had a few racks and some boxes of weapons. Mostly handguns, some guns quite a bit heavier. Behind it stood large workbench and a bunch of equipment. And to the right, through a transparent plastic door, was what looked like a doctor's post, apart from the machines that were clearly meant for cybernetic surgery. Jurgen would probably recognize it as a pretty standard room to get implants, enhancements and replacements in.

At the workbench stood an android that was hammering away at some metal plates, looking like he was trying to get the dents out. Though when his scanners picked the two up his arm slowed down and then stopped in mid swing, as if a machine was turned off. "Welcome customers." It started in a very electronic sounding voice. "Doctor Orion is getting coffee and will return momentarily. Customers are allowed to view our armaments and browse our catalogue." The android pointed at the wall beside the door, which had several papers listing available cybernetics and prices. No price lists for the weapons though. "I know where I need to be~" Eve spoke, spotting a box with a large amount of melee weapons of different sizes in it. Some rusty, some made of normal steel or iron, and some probably of other metals too. "There should at least be one little gem in there, right?" She asked Jurgen, sounding pretty eager about shopping for something to hurt or kill people with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen sighed when Eve insisted she just wanted a knife. He didn't give a fuck what she wanted, he was trying to be nice, he didn't need lip from her. Female robots... he thought with as much exasperation as he could manage. But then it didn't matter, it was time to do some shopping. The place wasn't exactly large, as Eve had observed, in once inside, the cyborg was relieved to discover that there weren't any pushy salespeople. The next thing to catch his eye was the racks of guns. Those looked promising. Surely he could find something in there that would do. He spotted the enhancements bay as well, but that didn't interest him. A robot greeted them once they were in the door, and Jurgen gave it a nod, before doing just as it suggested, and browsing the armaments.

His android had already bee-lined to the edged weapons, leaving him to sort through the racks of guns. They weren't even locked. Obviously this place had some hefty security installed out of sight. And on top of that, there were no magazines to be found. Or any ammunition for that matter. He supposed that made things pretty safe. Regardless, the cyborg still knew enough to safety check the guns he looked at. There were a few that were half-decent, and a couple that he liked. But the guns he really wanted, he knew would be nearly impossible to conceal. The very nice shotguns for sale were also way out of his price-range. He didn't need to see a price to know that. Then, after some deliberating, the man decided. "Hey, robot, where do you keep prices?" he asked, approaching the android that was watching over the store. He didn't see the doctor-guy it had mentioned, but this thing probably did almost all the transactions anyway.

And then, before he could start rhyming off the things he wanted prices for, the cyborg spotted the weapons accessories. Jurgen had to check those out too, just in case. Such things could easily sway his decision, since he wanted this to be a discreet execution. Getting in the news was not his goal, nor would it ever be. So he looked over the case of various attachable doo-dads, and then went back and checked the gun selection again, before making up his mind. He didn't take anything up to the counter, though, figuring they would have much nicer inventory in the back, still in its boxes and everything. The last thing he wanted was the display models, that everyone and their grimy robo-dogs had handled. "You got a register here? Where do I order things?" Jurgen asked. He had the money to pay, but he didn't know where the transactions went down. The place was cluttered enough with various odds and ends, that there could be a terminal literally anyway, hiding behind a box or a pile of parts...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(Why does he have to make a problem out of something easy? xD And how is wanting a knife a female thing in any context? :P)

The android looked up when a question was asked, though he didn't answer immediately. "Prices for weapons are not a part of my programming. Please wait until the owner returns." He finally answered, then went back to his work. The droid really was just a repair robot that had been repurposed. He was pretty advanced, sure, but he still relied on the programming of his brain chip. Which was nowhere close to what Eve had.

A minute later a human finally entered the shop, holding a cup of coffee in one hand. "Customers! Great! Interested in cybernetics, or some weapons?" He asked in a friendly tone. The man looked nothing like what you expected. Frail, short blond hair, round glasses, and not looking like he had any cybernetics himself. The most notable feature was a dot on his forehead though. Kind of like a tattoo. "Oh, and since you're new I'll explain my security." He looked at Eve, pointing at one of the guns. "You there, android, try pointing a gun at me." Eve raised a brow, but then figured what the hell why not? So she grabbed a random gun and aimed it at the man. It didn't have any clips anyway. But right away the worker android sprung into action. With great agility it jumped over the table, blades springing from his arms. "Customer, you have five seconds to lower your weapon." It spoke. Eve smirked, lowering the weapon and putting it back again. So he's not just a worker, but also security. Nice touch." She mused, going back to rummaging through the knife box.

The man turned to Jurgen again, a kind smile on his lips. "As you can see, I have excellent security, so I'd like to keep things friendly between me and my customers to keep things from escalating. Now, what were you looking for?" Eve had noticed the dot on the man's forehead too. And she remembered that her creator, now known as Professor Nova, had the same dot. Couldn't just be a coincidence right? But she'd ask him about it later. First she had a particular blade to check out. One that seemed to suit her needs perfectly. It looked like it was made of hardened titanium. And though it was dull now, with a grindstone she could easily sharpen it again.

(Blade: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/268/d/0/combat_knives_by_danimedr-d6nx6cu.jpg The top one.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

((he's got a bunch of emotional issues going on. His dad died, and he hasn't had time to grieve properly, so he's all screwed up in the head, and makes problems out of lots of things. plus, titanium is kinda turrible as far as knife materials go.))

Jurgen frowned at the robot. Apparently the owner hadn't fitted it for dealing with transactions, and yet the man was willing to just up and leave his shop for a bit. Finally he did show up, but the cyborg didn't realize it right away. The guy looked nothing like he expected. Jurgen had been expecting a big man, with some cybernetics. He would be a little out of shape, but not so much that he couldn't kill anyone he needed to. But not this guy. He was tiny, and looked like he might get snapped in half if the wind blew too hard. The cyborg had to take a minute to realize that this guy was serious, he was in charge, and wanted to sell them some things. Then, to make a point, he demonstrated the security measures he had in place. Nodding appreciatively, the cyborg began to place his order, once the man was finished his spiel.

"I'll take one of those Arasaka LBP-12's, with a suppressor and two boxes of plus-"p"-plus hollow-points." he requested. That was a decent sale for this guy, and while he wasn't looking forward to spending so much money, it would be worth it if he stuck with this bounty-hunting thing. Hell, even if he didn't, a nice, quiet, concealable handgun would always be nice to have. The owner seemed pleased, but Jurgen spotted the look in his eye that he had been dreading. So he cut the man off before anything else got sold. "I did my research, that's what I want. Unless you've got a sale I don't know about, I don't want your other stuff. My android is picking out a knife, and that will be all for today." he said. He used his most polite tone, but he was also firm. He couldn't wind up spending more money, not right now. He needed as much of it as possible to build up a decent base from which to bet. Unfortunately, he couldn't take his money elsewhere if this guy did try to sell him more things, since this was the only store he knew about. But he decided he would have to take his money elsewhere if the guy tried to sell him the display models. He didn't want something that had been on display, he wanted a new one, fresh out of the box. But he was pretty sure that went without saying. Who only had one unit of anything in inventory anyway?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(I dun care! I'm rping a highly intelligent android with skin that can change form, realism isn't my main concern! xD Okay okay...what would be good then?)

The man listened patiently when Jurgen explained what he wanted. Luckily he had a few of that model laying in the back. Handguns were more common than the heavier stuff. The rocket launcher he had hanging near the ceiling, for instance, was the only one he had. He even only had 3 grenades for it. As Jurgen was talking Dr. Orion couldn't help but glance at Eve a few times. Most people wouldn't recognize her as an android first glance. But that wasn't all the man noticed. The tech was too advanced for the surface. Custom made as well, by the looks of it. When Jurgen finished the man looked at him for a moment, wondering where he had gotten such tech.

Jurgen saw that as something else though. Like he wanted to try and sell him something more. "No no, it's not about that. I was just thinking...that android, who made her?" Eve came walking towards him, now holding the knife she wanted. "Name's Eve, and yes I'm fully sentient so don't talk to me like I'm not here." The man raised a brow, looking between the two. "Now I'm intrigued..." He mused, looking at Jurgen again. "How about this, I'll give you a discount on the weapons if you have a little talk with me about her. No ill will intended. I'm just interested in such advanced tech. Everything together is 400 credits by the way, and 15 credits per box of 30 bullets. I'll make it 325 for the weapons and 2 bullet cases."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

((how about carbon steel? Carbon V is an excellent knife material. If you insist on something weird, Tungsten Carbide is also decent, it's heavy and hard, and not so prone to rusting... And rocket launchers don't shoot grenades. They launch rockets. Hence the name.))

Jurgen shook his head and chuckled when the man asked about Eve. "Yeah, don't do that, she gets pissed. And when she gets pissed, anything could happen. She'll rip your arm out of its socket and beat you to death with it." that wasn't quite true. Or he hoped it wasn't, but it got the point across. "Eve was built by a whack-job with too much time on his hands. The bastard decided to test her out on me, so now she's my sidekick. Apart from being a little crazy due to her inventor, she's pretty cool to have around." the cyborg gave the owner a brief rundown of the situation so he'd have some context.

"As for talking, you're better off talking to her about her, or like I said, she gets pissed. And really, that's all up to her. So you go ahead if you're cool with it, Eve, and if you don't want to, that's cool to." Jurgen wouldn't mind a discount, but he wasn't going to make his robot do anything. It just seemed like a bad idea. At the same time, the insane discount they would get sounded really nice. The guy was already selling ammunition at ridiculous prices, though, so he supposed it didn't matter too much. The way he talked about the stuff explained that, though. Jurgen wasn't a gun-guy, he didn't know everything about guns, but he knew enough to tell this guy probably knew less. And that was fine with him, since that seemed to make everything cheaper than expected.

And with prices down, he considered spending more. And then realized what an insanely bad idea that was. The cyborg pulled himself together and then pulled out his wallet. He'd pay for the stuff now, and then he wouldn't be able to justify further purchases. Even if Eve wanted to stick around and deal with this guy, he wouldn't have to worry about buying more of anything. He had what he needed, and buying more would just piss away his whole betting base. Jurgen reminded himself that he could piss away all the money he liked once he was rich. Until then, he needed to play things a little safer...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"The guns I sell are really just an extra for me. If someone dies and I get to take the implants out, or if a bounty hunter sells me the weapons from their bounty I can just fix them up and sell them again for a slight profit. Implants and androids is where I eventually hope to make some real money." Orion explained, not wanting the two to feel pressured to tell him anything. When Jurgen commented about her being a little crazy and very violent to boot. "Hey, I reject that notion." She spoke with a smirk. "I'm not -that- violent or crazy." The threats she made were one thing, though actually going through with it was a whole other thing.

Eve put the blade on the table standing in the corner, as it looked like a place where the calculations and such were done for prices. "Anyway, Jurgen already explained most of it. I don't know too much about myself either, apart from that I most likely have been activated before a long time ago." Orion thought for a few moments before speaking again. "Did you by any chance come from the sky city?" He asked. Eve shook her head, but then pointed at the dot on his forehead. "But you are, am I right? My creator Prof Nova had one of those dots too, and did say that my tech can't normally be found on the surface. So...what gives?"

The man nodded. "It's only fair if I answer something too. Yes, I'm originally from the sky city. Though I was banished to the surface for going against it's government I believe. I'm not sure, as they erased most of my memory from there. I do think that your tech comes from there, though if it was stolen or created down here, I don't know. Now, one more question then. Any chance I could have a look at that body of yours?" Eve frowned, shaking her head. "That's one step too far for now. But maybe in the future. I figure I will need some kind of mechanic for maintenance if I do get to go pro in the arena, so... what better person to ask than someone that seems to at least know a bit about this tech." The man smiled. "Maybe, though the pay would have to be good." That wasn't hard. He was barely able to make ends meet. But Eve and Jurgen thinking he made a decent living could maybe get him higher payments if they did decide to work together in the future, not to mention free advertisement for his shop if she did well in the arena's. Orion turned to Jurgen again, holding out his hand to shake. "So, 400 credits it is then. Our little chat has been more than worth that discount to me."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen didn't get why the man suddenly started spouting crap about what he made his money from. He didn't really care all that much. The guy had decent prices, and didn't seem to be an asshole, so he would probably see more business from the cyborg, but where he made his money from was his own concern. He chuckled when Eve insisted she wasn't too violent or crazy, and he kept his dissenting opinion to himself. Then the robot and the robotic specialist had a bit of a chat, the owner of the store asking all kinds of questions, and Eve doing her best to answer them, but ultimately being unhelpful. Then the man asked for a closer look at his robot, and Jurgen chuckled when she refused. If she hadn't, he likely would have. Either way, the guy wasn't getting close to his android, not for a while yet. There needed to be some trust between them before he was allowed to go rooting through the only thing between Jurgen and poverty.

And then he also had the nerve to demand that the pay be good if he were to become their mechanic. The cyborg was polite enough to keep the words he wanted to say entirely to himself, but he was quite sure he'd be saying them later if this guy insisted on negotiating like that when they needed some of his assistance. But that was all cleared from his mind when it came time to pay up. Four hundred credits was a good deal. The man handed over his money, and gathered up everything that he had paid for. Jurgen decided that this place wasn't so bad, and gave the man a nod as he headed out. Whether Eve was coming with him or not was up to her, he supposed. And it wasn't like she was helpless. Armed with her new knife, he was not at all worried about her. If she couldn't save herself at this point, he probably wouldn't be much help.

Next up, he supposed, was to find a quiet place to load up, that also had 'net access. Thankfully, there was a nice run-down building just down the block. Jurgen led the way and took a seat on the ragged, nearly-destroyed couch he found there. He started loading the magazines for his new gun while he waited for Eve to show up. When she got there, he'd get her to plug into the 'net port and see if she couldn't find them a lead on the man they were supposed to ice...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eve followed after Jurgen. She didn't have much else to do there right now. Though maybe a visit or two...after all, maybe it could give her some leads to her creator. Apart from him being a madman named 'Professor Nova'. Now they were off to find a place to connect her. After a bit of searching Jurgen seemed to have found a place. It was pretty run down. An odd place to find a connection in her mind, but then again, how much did she really know about this world?

"Let's see..." The android mused as she looked at the port. "Should work." The cable appeared out of a small hole in her skin this time. A bit of an odd sight if you forgot that she was an android for a moment. She grabbed it and plugged it into the socket. And indeed, this one had a connection. "Good call, it seems to be working." She spoke, trying to start navigating. Though with such a huge amount of information coming at her it took her a little bit to get used to it. After a few minutes she spoke again. "Finally getting the hang of it. Searching now. Let's see...what was his name again?" (Just make anything up. :P) She wasn't even sure if he had heard the name before at all. But once Jurgen told her she started searching once again. After another minute or so there was a hit. "Got something. Also, I need to do this more often. Kinda fun... Ahem, this guy apparently had his left hand cut off and replaced it with cybernetics. So it's safe to assume he'll be armed. Also, he had this done in district 12, so since we're in 10, it's 2 districts over. His last maintenance was 3 days ago, so going there might be a good start. That's all the info I could find though."
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