Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 8 days ago

Name:Jackson DuCarthy

Personality: Jackson is a rather reserved individual, though not so much that he won't try to talk to people. Normally, he can be rather friendly and outgoing, but he immediately clams up whenever he becomes afraid, agitated, or angered, fleeing from these emotions and the general area.

Jackson around 5'10, with black hair and dark blue eyes. He usually wear some type of jacket, jeans, T-shirt, and sneakers, but if the school has a uniform then he won't have any objections to wearing it. His skin is slightly tanned, since he likes to spend a lot of time outside, and he sometimes dyes strands of his hair different colors when he feels the need to change things up a bit. He is somewhat good looking, but that is usually hidden by his hood if he has one. He has a strange set of scars, three perpendicular claw marks, that goes from his shoulder to his elbow on his right side. He hides it whenever he can, and when asked about he will immediately clam up and attempt to leave the area.

Tether: Jackson is naturally connected to the supernatural, having being subjected to hearing voices of spirits for as long as he can remember. Until a month ago, he hadn't thought much of it, but then an event happened that changed his perspective on it, and made him afraid off it.

Ability/Talents: Ability: Physical Soul Projection, this ability is a side effect of having Aphosis inside of him. It allows him to project Aphosis' soul outside of him to interact with the world in a way similar to telekinesis, but at a cost. While using this ability, Jackson increases the chance of Aphosis taking over his body, as it takes a rather sizable to use Aphosis' soul in this way. When using this ability, or possessed by Aphosis, his right eye will glow an eerie silver color(Think Black Rock Shooter)

Talents he has are being an experienced Outdoors man and survivalist, as he spent his past summers in the grand outdoors with his family and takes pride in his survivl skills. He is also very good with knives, and has a collection of them at his house and never leaves home without at least three on his person, once for the opprotunity to show off, now because he's afraid to leave the house with out at least something to protect him.

Recent history:

"All my life, I've felt connected to the world of the unseen, of sprits and demons, of all the things we tell ourselves isn't true so that we can sleep at night without fear of what we don't understand. I had that luxury, cause I've heard them all my life, the spirits on the other side of our world. And I fear them, more than anything else. They left their mark on me long ago, and it burns me to this day."
Jackson is, or rather was, an outgoing individual, easily able to make friends with others. He liked hanging out with friends, and while he wasn't the best student, he managed to get by in his studies for the most part. That changed about a month before his transfer to Armstrong. He had gone over to a friends house for a party, a small one just for his group of close friends. Late in the night, one of them pulled out a Ouija board, and everyone but Jackson cheered in delight. They all started messing with it, calling to spirits and asking ridiculous questions, while Jackson tried to decided whether or not he should just leave.

One of his friends, seeing that Jackson wasn't joining in the fun, started to make fun of his apparent fear, calling him a scaredy cat. The rest of them joined in, trying to get him o join in. Jackson knew that what he was doing was a bad idea, but the peer pressure eventually made him cave in. He sat down at the table and put his hands on the Ouija board with everyone else, planning to ask a simple question than get the hell out of here. But then he got curious.

He knew he had some connection to that world, hearing things that could never be explained, voices from the darkness of shadows, and the weird sensation he got in some places that were supposedly haunted. He figured that he might as well try and use it to get some answers. So he focused on the board and prepared to ask the spirits his question.

He never got the chance.

Everything went black, and the sounds of screams filled the air, air rushing around him like he was in the center of a hurricane. It wasn't until something grabbed his arm and pulled him backwards away from the board, were he had been frozen in fear, that darkness vanished. By then it was already to late.

All of his friends were dead, some seeming as if they had been ripped apart by some wild animals, others as if they had the very drained from them. He was left their alone, with a grim wound to remind him of this night for the rest of his life.

After a month of investigation, he was cleared of having anything to do with the murders due to lack of any evidence and was set free from holding by the police. His family moved to their new home, and him to a new school, trying to recover some semblance of normalcy. Jackson was very much changed by the experience. He became very reclusive, trying his best to avoid contact with others, began reading up on charms and other magic items that were said to ward of spirits and other such things. He jumps at every shadow he sees, and goes near ballistic in the dark, He has been reduced to nothing but a shell of the boy he used to be.

And that wasn't the end of it. Shortly after he arrived in Oakenheim, he began to have dreams, nightmares, and hallucinations. He felt sick a lot, and felt strange urges to hurt people, break things, and cause overall Chaos. The cause, a spirit known as Aphosis, had taken residence inside of him during that night, and was trying to possess him, by driving him insane. However, due to him being exposed to the supernatural all of his life, he's fairly resistant to Aphosis' power, and can even make use of the spirit to use his ability, though he rarely makes use of it due to the strain the ability has over him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: John Maxwell Gender: Male Age: 17 Personality: Often stoic and thoughtful but by no means cold or apathetic, Maxwell is often misunderstood due to his slightly imposing presence, his stern expression and penetrating eyes making him seem unfriendly and permanently irritated. Far from cold and apathetic, Maxwell cares a great deal about his friends and family and would go to great lengths to keep them from harms way, it is simply that he lacks the ability to completely express that sentiment. Following his 'awakening' he has been left with an almost unquenchable sense of curiosity about the world that until recently had been so familiar. Appearance: Maxwell stands at 5ft11, has a toned but non muscular build and possesses a tanned complexion with forest green eyes and grey hair. The colour of his hair, an abnormal colour for a man of his age is the result of the manner in which his tether was originally forged. His body is free from any scarring, no small miracle considering his recent history and other then his near constant stern expression he possesses no true distinguishing physical features. In terms of clothing he shows little variation on a day to day basis. On his upper body Maxwell wears a plain shirt, a loosely tied tie and a thick high collared hooded jacket that reaches down to just below his waist. On his lower body he wears a pair of simple cargo pants and brown laced boots. Only his hands and face remain uncovered by such form of material. Lately he has spent an unhealthy amount of time with a certain mask in his possession, though he has yet to be seen to actually wear it. Tether: Maxwell is no natural and therefore the manifestation of his tether is no natural occurrence. Nor is it granted to him by some benevolent or symbiotic entity. His tether manifests as a result of a blending of spiritual energies, though whether such an effect was the intent is open to debate. What there can be doubt of was the acts necessity. The presence of his tether is denoted by a mark on his chest, a burned black hand print that only Maxwell seems to be able to perceive. The event that precluded his 'awakening' was his own death. Or what should have been his death at any rate, the circumstances of which are sketchy to say the least. It began when an entity beyond human perception anchored itself to him, a spiritual being that feeds upon the spiritual energy inherent to all life. This immaterial entity, unable to sustain its own existence latches itself to another like a spiritual parasite. Such a haunting if left to progress invariably leads to death of the haunted individual, often culminating in an event designed to inflicted grief and suffering in its wake. The symptoms exhibited are constant in all cases with little variation, beginning with lethargy and emotional numbing as the haunted individual's essence is slowly suffused by the constant presence of their malign guest. Highly susceptible to suggestion these victims are easily manipulated and are often the victims of apparent suicides. Maxwell had climbed onto the railing of a bridge and without a moments hesitation had stepped into space. Maxwell remembers the act, but not the intention. Nor does he remember hitting the ground. All he was left with was a feeling that something very important had been taken from him. And that that something had been returned, in a manner of speaking. When a Hollow, a being named for its victims rather than itself feeds it takes more then it needs. There had not been enough left of Maxwell to return what had been taken. So the Hollows essence had been blended with his own to make up the difference. Though as for the type of being that could accomplish such a feat that is another matter entirely. Tether Origin - Hollow (Will be a link to a codex entry later) Ability/Talents Ability – Psychokinesis? - Maxwell has developed the ability to interact with the physical world to a small extent through the force of his will alone, though the force that he can exert is somewhat weak, no stronger than the force he could physically exert himself. With that said the ability to remotely extend his reach has had its uses despite its limited capacity. Maxwell himself is not completely convinced as to whether this 'ability' is indeed the phenomenon people refer to as psychokinesis and not something more...sinister. When he uses this ability it feels like something is looming over him. Talents Observant – Maxwell is an observant individual who notices details that many people overlook, though that is not to say that it makes these details known unless directly asked. Strong Willed – He is not sure if he was always this way but since his 'incident' he has had the strangest feeling that his psyche has been reinforced somehow. Maxwell has now has a stronger will than most normal people, allowing him to resist abilities and phenomenon that seek to subvert free will through subtle and aggressive means. This makes him resistant and not immune however. Pale Touch – Not a talent per see but a phenomenon that has become apparent following his near death experience and the advent of his so called telekinesis. Maxwell has a sickening effect on plants when he stands too close to them, causing them to wilt up and even die. He gains nothing from this that he knows of and is quite disturbed by it. Recent History: Originally from England, the Maxwell family has relocated several times during the last two decades, having spent time significant periods of time in England, Germany and France before eventually settling in Oakenheim, Maine. John's father Adrian Maxwell is an author of some renown, especially within the supernatural fiction genre. His step mother Alice Maxwell works are a teacher in one of the local Kindergartens. And until several months ago John was just a student with normal student problems. That was when the 'haunting' first began. From the point of view of his friends and family John became increasingly distant and reclusive. And then without warning he climbed over the railing of a bridge and stepped over the edge. His rehabilitation over the following month had been something of an experience. He felt non the emotions that the doctors told him that he must have been felling, nor did he ever remember feeling them. He remembered stepped off the bridge, he couldn't deny the fact regardless, but as for the intention to do so he had no recollection of. Looking back it was as if he were viewing the memories of another person entirely rather than his own with a detached clarity that he had never experienced before. He has recently returned to his 'life' after being given a clean bill of health. His new found clarity forced to the surface questions that he had never even considered asking before. And a sense that all of this had happened before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Mary Janicot Gender: Female Age: 17 Personality: While not quite a wallflower, Mary is generally a quiet and calm individual. The emotions she shows are resigned, her smiles are slight, and her frowns more just shrugs than anything. Over the years she has become the type of student that sits in the back of the class and listens to music, when she socializes, she tends to blend in to the group, only really talking to those that can keep her interested. Most of her personal relationships fail because of this. People who spend enough time around her say that, at times, she can seem a little 'off' or 'depressed,' in reality; Mary's building apathy toward life stems from her perceived lack of control over the events in her life. With a sarcastic sense of humor and a penchant for listening to music over conversation. She might make seem standoffish to any passerby. Mary does seek companionship, just on her own terms. If one can't interest her, then she shrugs and cuts her losses; if they can, however, they'll receive a talkative friend, a stereotypical slacker, obsessed with obscure bands, drugs, flowers, and death. Appearance: Mary stands tall at 5'7'' with an average, if not slightly well rounded, figure. She has short black hair framing kind brown eyes and a light olive complexion. Her expressions tend to remain neutral, with her most powerful smile being a slight smirk. Her outfits tend to be basic and earth colored, either a dark tank-top or a T-shirt and skinny jeans or a skirt. She is rarely seen without her ear buds or headphones.
Tether: Mary believes she is a 'natural,' having seen the weird inner-workings of the universe most people can't perceive for as long as she can remember. While in the regard that she was born with it, she isn't wrong, technically, Mary doesn't naturally have the ability. Mary's mother, Diana, was touched by a gestalt Wicca entity, the 'Mother Goddess' and her father, who left before she was born, was likewise touched by the Mother Goddess' equal and opposite entity, the 'Horned God.' Mary's body serves as a battleground of sorts for these two spiritual entities, each invading her body, and influencing events in her life. The Mother Goddess and the Horned God, ironically, both influencing her life allows Mary to maintain sentience and autonomy of her own actions, but the conditions around her, within their control, are constantly shifting. Over the years this has turned Mary into a woman who feels content to just glide through life, unaware that while she does, two syncretic spiritual deities are vying for her soul. Ability: None. (May develop later) Talents:
  • Sketching: Years spent drawing the flowers growing in the Oakenheim Cemetery have given Mary a talent for drawing quick, accurate sketches.
  • Knowledge of psychoactive botany and mycology: Although not a professional botanist or mycologist, Mary has researched and has a working knowledge of the psychoactive flora of Oakenheim.
  • Artistic Echoic Memory: As opposed to photographic memory, Mary, over the years, has developed a talent for remembering and replaying soundbytes in her head. While she only tends to use this for listening to music without her headphones, theoretically, she could use this type of memory to recall gossip and small bits of information heard.
Recent history: Diana Janicot settled into Oakenheim soon after Mary was born, figuring it would be the perfect small town for a single mother to raise a child. That child, of course, was Mary. She was never sad or particularly traumatized, it just seemed that for Mary, each year of her life dimmed her enthusiasm, but only slightly. She always enjoyed music and nature's beauty, and as she grew older, these two things became constants in her life. While not in school the young girl would often find herself in the Oakenheim Cemetery, enjoying the quiet of the place, as well as it's flowers. As she grew the Oakenheim Cemetery would become her favorite place to hang out, it felt like the only place in the world she held some semblance of control. When she entered high school Mary began following local Oakenheim acts around as a groupie, often finding herself in relationships with women much older than her. This is also how she began her recreational drug use, in her own words, it; "keeps those dreams away." As opposed to finding a dealer, Mary began devoting her free time to studying psychoactive flora, her hobby has given her a few close brushes with the law.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: August Battaglia Gender: Female Age: 18 Personality: August is easily excited and gets caught up in the heat of the moment frequently. Passionate and always thinking at a breakneck pace, it's amazing she hasn't gone insane or gotten herself killed. A hopeless romantic with an overpowering logical streak, she's broken more than a few hearts in her life, both boys and girls. Her train of thought, sometimes, makes little to no sense when she's in one of her brainstorms. She's deathly afraid of drowning, and cannot swim. It is exceptionally hard for her to not tinker with something and try to modify, streamline, fix, or enhance it, often with disastrous results. Appearance: Despite standing at a minimal 5', August is hard to miss. She has wild, vibrant red hair reaching down to her hips, often braided or tied back in intricate designs meant to control it's inevitable frazzles, frizzles, and tangles, but still make it presentable. Sharp green eyes stare over thin circular glasses in silver frames, sitting atop a perky nose. Her lips seem to almost always be pouting, except when they're being bitten in concentration. Often wears simple sweaters with jeans and brightly colored shoes of some sort, her favorite having a nebula painted across the top, alongside a worn beanie with googly eyes sewn onto it, looking like some kind of blob monster eating the top of her head. Weighing in at around 105 lbs, her figure is incredibly modest, with no chest or behind to really speak of. Her voice tends to squeak and crack when it hits a certain volume, especially when frustrated or annoyed, or when she inevitably gets shocked by one of her quick-fixed electronics. Tether: A near death experience has made August not only more appreciative of life, but also brought her closer to the spirit world. Something came back with her from the other side, and though she doesn't fully understand it, she's desperate to learn all she can about it. Ability: Empathy - August can read emotions in a given area or object. The stronger the emotion at the time, the easier they are to read. Complex or convoluted emotions, or areas with many different emotions, are jumbled and wild, something akin to a kaleidoscope in her head where she can't settle on one before another shoves it's way in. Particularly powerful emotions, like trauma, can give her headaches and leave her dazed or confused. This can't be used to read emotions in living people. Talents: Electronic Repairs - There are few electrical systems that can stay broken under August's fingers. Broken radios, flashlights, fuses, she can fix or at least temporarily jerry-rig almost anything that has wires and a current. Hotwire - A part of her life she'd rather forget, though definitely a useful skill to have, if she can get into a car, she can make it drive, keys or not. Recent history: August is a bit of an odd duck in Oakenheim. Shipped to the town suddenly to stay with her brother due to "legal issues", the girl has made a name for herself by "fixing" things that were never broken. Locations the locals actively avoid she seeks out with great zeal, mostly for disappointing results, but occasionally it pays off. She's often seen at night riding her bike to some new location or off into the woods. The local sheriff makes it a habit of picking her up on sight during these runs, since her brother almost never knows about them, and they often end with the power in the town going out from her tinkering.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Raven Bonnay Gender: Female Age: 17 Personality: Playful, Sociable, Sweet, Protective, Childish, Manipulative, Abrasive, & Venomous. Raven is quite the contradiction appearing as one thing but acting as another. One would think the doe eyed girl holds a secret agenda though she’ll quickly put that notion to rest if asked. Like a chameleon Raven uses empathy to her advantage to quickly relate to strangers or acquaintances, and build relationships. Able to mesh well with almost any crowd she need not worry about being singled out, which is a great advantage especially given one of her talents. Appearance: Layers of long wavy hair is neatly brushed up into two shiny ponytails with a portion dyed snow white on the right side. Side swept bangs cannot conceal an ever present mischievous glint in alluringly large greyish eyes. Whether that characteristic is unnerving or captivating lay only with the beholder. Raven is a slender little thing reaching a height of five foot four, give or take. Adorable would be the first word to describe the alabaster Lolita as she resembles a porcelain doll with fake eye lashes, flawlessly pale skin, and a radiant smile--albeit a ravishing adult version of a child's toy. Tether: A medium and communicated with spirits all through her years. She was very susceptible to trickery and unfortunately fell to a scheme. Was manipulated and invited a malevolent spirit to share her body. Something happened during possession and they fused together unable to depart. She is able to share this entities emotions, thoughts, and abilities. Sometimes she cannot control what it decides to do or try to do but she was able to learn to counteract its hateful sway at times. Ability: Pain manipulation Talents: 1. You’re getting sleepy: One thing her fake psychic mother taught her well was how to bullshit out of any situation. She is highly persuasive and a decent liar. 2. Ooo, piece of candy: A bit of a klepto Raven often swipes anything and everything that catches her eye. Like a perfectly timed dance Raven has become so good at theft that hardly anyone notices. Her movements so natural or swift that witnesses doubt what they saw or never saw her at all. 3. Hipbone connected to the…: Raven has always wanted to become a nurse and began studying Anatomy at a fairly young age. Especially with her "curse" she can better understand ways to help aid those in pain--or make it worse. Recent history: ‘Does not play well with others’, ‘too many imaginary friends’, and ‘pathological liar’ among other observations or titles were given to the peculiar little girl. Therapists often accused her run-away mother as they are often to blame when the child shows any sign of unwarranted uniqueness. This situation made especially vulgar as Raven’s mother was a well-known psychic though years later everyone discovered the truth, and the Bonnay's became a laughing stock. Madam Celestine was in fact a fake and had been smuggling people’s hard earned money for ages. Before police could arrest her for fraud and theft she ditched her husband and ten year old daughter, remorseless. With learning that the family had no ties to the supernatural it was always a wonder how Raven managed to “contract” mediumship. A curse perhaps but something sinister soon sunk its fangs into her impressionable mind. Learning that her behavior and gifts were unacceptable Raven was instructed by her father to hide them best she could. Beckoning voices are difficult to ignore however, and their pleas were heart wrenching especially to a young girl who only wanted to help those in need. Misery loves company and some spirits are quite deceiving, and one fateful day changed everything. Soon after Raven could no longer ignore what she had become...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 13 days ago

Name: Piper Harrison Gender: Female Age: 16 Personality: Piper comes off as a relaxed, laidback girl who gets along with everyone, but in reality she is simply fake. Piper is a lost girl who has no idea where she is going, who she is, and where she fits in the world. She is constantly overcome with a depression over her seemingly useless existence. Insecure, she does not think she is worth anybody’s time and throws herself around, letting herself be used by anyone just for a moment of attention. She has had many bad relationships where she has been abused, used, and thrown away; maybe her insecurity was a consequence or the cause. After a bad near-death experience where her sister died, she realized how fragile human life is and how un-worth it is and she now has a careless attitude regarding her own life. Piper is an overall honest person and is horrible at lying; she believes that the truth is the best course of action. Appearance:Piper is around 5’6” and is extremely pale. She is not super skinny nor is she overweight, simply average. Her natural hair color is brown, but she dyes it a vibrant red. Her eyes a light blue and her lips are naturally pink. Her nose is her least attractive feature, resembling the beak of beak of a bird. Tether: After dying for six seconds and bonding with her sister’s spirit, she can now see the supernatural and is able to communicate with her sister’s ghost. Ability: Piper is able to tell if someone is lying because she gets a tingly feeling in her gut when someone lies to her. Talents: Piper has sharp senses other than her eyes: she can instantly know what a material is if she touches it, know what a smell is if it is strong enough, and can instantly know a food when she eats it. This only works if she has experience the smell/material/food before. She also has a talent for the violin Recent history: A few months ago, Piper and her older sister, Bo, were driving when they were hit by a drunk driver. Bo died, leaving the family heartbroken. Piper was close to death and her heart stopped for six seconds. In those six seconds, Piper communicated with Bo’s spirit and they formed a spiritual bond. Bo did not want to move on and clamped onto Piper’s spirit, officially haunting her. After Piper’s heart started beating again, she went into a coma for three weeks. When she awoke and learned of Bo’s death, she figured out that everything she thought she dreamed while in a coma was real and she continues to see Bo to this day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Piercing Light
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Piercing Light ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Kanoa Marigold Gender: Female Age: 18 Personality: Kanoa is a bit of an oddity to most people. At first glance she seems to have a captivating charisma about her, or at the very least an unusual allure. She often appears to be daydreaming, or looking off towards something that one could swear is just a potted plant. Actually speaking to her, it quickly becomes apparent that she might just simply be eccentric. While she is intelligent and not the least bit naive, she has no regard for social norms and common behavior, often doing things however she pleases. She acts almost as if she is an alien, raised on another world with much different cultural practices. Much of her odd behavior stems from what her doctor considers "The most extreme case of synesthesia he's ever seen." Simply put, Kanoa's perception of things is not the same as others. Hearing a sound makes her see a color, seeing certain shapes and numbers places notions in her head that logically shouldn't be there. These sensations are the tip of the iceberg, as she seems to experience the world as a whole in a different way. Kanoa has an awfully frank and carefree attitude, she is not afraid to speak her mind and express herself, no matter the consequences. She remains unperturbed by most things, and has a general disdain for arguments and conflict. She is more than willing to let most things go, and allow people to keep their opinion to themselves. However, Kanoa has a curious mind, and often likes to engage people intellectually. She will bring up topics pertinent and seemingly pointless alike, anything to have a conversation that keeps her interested. She believes herself to be a fairly down to earth person, yet she often has trouble with her sense of self. Questions of existentialism arise in her mind, and as she cannot easily relate to the reality others see, it is an ever uphill battle for her to try and understand herself and how she fits into the world. In spite of her tendency to prefer things be copacetic and the lazy smile that is almost always on her face, like any person there are clear issues that either irritate her or force her to action. She likes to solve things with a pragmatic mindset, so for someone to either be blinded by passion or selfishness is akin to a sin to her. Appearance: Kanoa stands at a height of five feet ten inches tall. She has light golden brown hair that falls down to the middle of her back in wild waves. She has striking violet eyes that showcase her nonchalant personality by almost always being lowered in a relaxed manner. She has a tan skin tone resembling coffee with a heavy amount of cream added to it, she has barely noticeable freckles on her face that she tends to become flustered over when mentioned. She has a fit body, though it would be a stretch to say she is toned. Due to a healthy diet and occasional exercise she has a reasonable level of stamina and strength. She has long legs, and a slightly above average bust. As for clothing, she has a bit of an odd taste. She loves to wear school uniforms, even though not a single school within miles has such a dress code. She has an assortment of styles from fictional to replicas of real school's uniforms. When asked why she chooses to wear them, she says they simply "Have a nice vibe." Tether: Kanoa was born into a family of spiritually sensitive Naturals that have origins in ancient Japan, though her mother is Hawaiian. The traditions of the family were hardly carried on, but much of it's knowledge was. Ability: Qualia - Officially, Kanoa has "some form of synesthesia," but what she really has is a never before seen condition in her family. Her perception of reality is in fact twisted, but not in a way that science could easily explain. For Kanoa, the things that she sees are her own concrete reality, regardless of however someone else may see it. For the most part, this has no noticeable impact on the world as others see it, however, there are rare cases where Kanoa can alter the default world simply by interacting with something or someone that is different to her. Talents: Kanoa enjoys painting, though anything she creates is considered highly abstract to anyone that looks at it, the same goes for her music.... and somehow her poems as well. Kanoa possess a vast encyclopedia like knowledge of the supernatural thanks to her family lineage. Her mother passed down family secrets, as well as various texts that she painstakingly memorized. Along with knowledge of the supernatural, Kanoa knows many rituals and spells, that while often time consuming to preform can help in a great many situations. Recent history: Kanoa has recently started a 'club of the occult' at Oakenheim High, stating to staff that it is just an innocent club for fans of the supernatural. This is a front however, as Kanoa has decided to use the school as a grounds to gather recruits. She is able to see those that possess a Tether, and she intends to gain their aid in helping her home become a safe place once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tenish the Mighty
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Tenish the Mighty Social Hallucination

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Orion Ellis Gender: Male Age: 17 Personality: Cool is probably the best word to describe Ellis. No necessarily in the positive social adjective, though it often translates to peoples' opinion. Regardless of how others take it, however, Ellis is always cool. He seems to act with ease regardless of circumstance, always centered, always certain. Even in his most passionate moments, Ellis projects a sense of unerring poise and commitment. Of course, this does not always translate to his internal disposition and humor. In fact, Ellis takes considerable and increasing pains to project the image that he is painless, while the vagaries of the Conveyance eat away at his sense of reality and self and cast him adrift into what he is growing to fear might be most accurately be described as insanity. Appearance: Ellis is a typical youth in many respects, preoccupied with his own sense of style while still conforming to the predilections of a particular subculture, in his case, Ellis exemplifies the archetype of the black, nerdy, hipster, with hand me down jeans, ironic t-shirts, and an aloof sensibility. Here is him trying to look cool. Tether: Ellis’ mind is impregnated with a fragment of the Conveyance, the, or at least a, language of creation. The single note of phoneme has opened his understanding to truths beyond the mundane banality of reality, enabling him to perceive the supernatural with clarity in spite of his lack of natural talent. It also causes him unpleasant headaches. Ability: Ellis’ connection with the Conveyance has allowed, or perhaps more accurately, forced him to perceive the underlying language of reality, able to see the interconnected code of existence. Consequently, Ellis is privy to information about the world around him that he otherwise could not, or should not be able to know, both mundane and supernal. Unfortunately, the ability to perceive this information, which slithers into his mind unbidden, presented as notions of symbols alien to all human language, strange colors that cannot be seen by the human eye, and other more esoteric media still, is almost impossible for Ellis’ to translate into any meaningful way. He may know that the old grocer at the locale supermarket puts him in the mind of a strange, vaguely goose shaped symbol and a shade of red that seems more emblematic of blood than the color of blood in the real world, but Ellis has no idea what any of it means. Ellis has begun to understand some of the eldritch information that bombards him, some repetition of forms that he has come to denote the concept of feelings of anger, the strange keening tones that seem to emanate from locked doors and windows, but practical use of most of this information eludes him. Furthermore, the information presented to Ellis is distracting, his performance in school, on the practice field, and other areas has dropped as he tries to cope with the unbidden knowledge bombarding him at all time. If anything this interference is becoming more difficult for Ellis to cope with, a prospect that frightens him deeply. Talents: In spite of his nerdy mein, Ellis is remarkably athletic. He enjoys skateboarding and soccer in particular, as well as his more extraordinary extracurriculars, and benefits from a certain degree of natural talent, all of which adds up to a degree of speed, strength, and stamina that exceeds the average lackadaisical teenager. Ellis is well read, he enjoys his studies and has a deep fascination for the world around him. This plurality of interest, however, does not lend itself to intense focus upon a singular subject giving Ellis a broad, but sometimes shallow knowledge base. The only thing that Ellis is very well versed in is the occult legends, urban myths, and supernatural folklore of the mortal world. How accurate any of this information is, however, is suspect when presented to one privy to true supernatural perspectives. Ellis has a very nice voice, an agreeable enough personality, and an inoffensive appearance. Ellis has found that most people seem to like him and trust what he has to say, willing to listen to him and take his side on a multitude of issues more often than he, frankly, thinks that they rightly should. Ellis is a terrible liar. Also he can play the double bass, cornet, and sing rather well. Recent history: Ellis has always been a pretty normal kid, painfully so, in his opinion. His parents were always decent and divorced. His life was filled with the normal, subjectively spectacular experiences of most children. He never wanted for much nor was given any great advantage or luxury. The only thing about Ellis that was really atypical was his dissatisfaction with how typical his life seemed. Since as long as he could remember, Ellis has been fascinated with stories of the strange and the occult. Not particularly stories of fantasy, but rather, those tales, often dark, of where the supernatural ran abreast of mundane reality. Ghost stories, surrealist literature, paranormal conspiracies all fascinated a young Orion Ellis and that obsession continued long into the approach towards adulthood. His mother thought he would grow into a troubled teenager, painting his fingernails black, listening to angry music she didn’t understand, but he never did. His father worried that he might become a social outcast and unable to relate to his peers, but Ellis always got along alright. It wasn’t a fashion of lifestyle that Ellis was interested in, it was the purity of the ideas. Ellis’ great grandfather always encouraged his interests, always finding some obscure tome of early american mythology, unpublished manuscript compilations of H.P. Lovecraft, curious little trinkets attached to some odd little traditions of Maine superstition, which he would give to Ellis when the family would annually visit. Ellis always loved visiting his grandfather. The old man was himself like the gifts he gave, old, mysterious, and just close enough to the uncanny that Ellis always had the sinking suspicion that the venerable ancient knew more than he would ever reveal. Almost a year ago, however, Ellis’ grandfather died unexpectedly, Ellis was heartbroken. Family came from all over North America for the funeral. Most came out of simple affection and familial obligation, though it didn’t hurt that Ellis’ grandfather was quite wealthy. This too was surprising, for as far as Ellis had ever known, the old man had lived alone in a small cabin in the northern reaches of Maine, almost anachronistic in it’s ausere and frugal accoutrements. But apparently the man owned a great deal of property, including vast stretches of the Maine wilderness. As the family worked out the will and details of dividing up the man’s possessions, Ellis found himself bequeathed a portion of the man’s property equal to that given to the other great grandchildren, but also a small package set aside shortly before the old man’s demise. Ellis doesn’t remember much after that. He had opened the small, brown paper package in the bathroom of the hotel the family was staying at, while his parents socialized with the rest of the relations in the reception room rented for the wake. The package had been small, squarish, almost like a book, but it was heavier than a book, and he remembered thinking that he felt like more than one object, bound together tightly by the paper and the thin string it was tied together with. He had opened the package and then Ellis still cannot remember what happened after that. The large gathering of distant relations dispersed, Ellis and his parents drove home, they didn’t talk much. Ellis didn’t have the package anymore, or whatever was inside of it. He could not remember what had happened to the package. His parents never asked. He didn’t know what had been in the package. He felt like he didn’t know much of anything anymore. Three days after opening the package, the headaches started. Four days after that he started to see and hear and smell and taste and feel the Conveyance. It started slow at first, little flickers at the corners of his eyes, sub voce sounds he could only hear when he plugged his ears and concentrated, subtle flavors that made him wish unconsciously for a mint. But the sensations have grown in magnitude over the last several months. He went to a doctor for the headaches, the doctor posited a dietary imbalance. Ellis did not mention the other sensations. He hasn’t told anyone about them. He hoped they would go away. They have not. They have grown stronger. Ellis world is no longer mundane. He’s starting to wish it still was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Izanagi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Morgan Bowers Gender: Male Age: 18 Personality: People who see Morgan tend to think of him as an unfriendly guy, mainly due to his constant facial expression. He’s always serious, rarely cracking jokes unless the rare mood arises. Smiling is something he rarely will do; however, there have been times where he shows genuine affection. He will point out mistakes that others make, causing others to believe that he enjoys putting others down. The reason he actually does so is to help others learn from their mistakes, and improve themselves as a person. Of course, Morgan is also open to such reception, mainly relying on Ennis to point out his flaws and failures to help him grow as an individual. Morgan deeply cares for family and friends, and those he has known for a while he considers an extension of his actual family, checking up on these people periodically to see how they fare. When it comes to the supernatural, Morgan is well versed. His deep curiosity led him to study about it at a young age, along with the fact that his family is very involved with the supernatural. Any ghost story he was told as a kid he listened to with earnest, and any book he could get his hands on about legends and myths he would read fervently. His father would tell him about his supernatural occurrences, leaving Morgan to proclaim that he wanted to be just like dad someday. While he never had any first-hand experience in dealing with ghosts and demons, Morgan excitedly looked forward to the day that he can investigate the paranormal. Once he was informed by his father of what would be going on, he uncharacteristically exploded with excitement, something that those present, Ennis included, will attest to. Appearance: Morgan stands at 5’10. His light blonde hair is shoulder length. He leaves the front of his bangs trimmed neatly, so they do not obstruct his view. His dark blue eyes are always positioned in a way that show his seriousness, and give off the vibe that he isn’t someone you’d want to anger. His skin tone and complexion are both fair, and he has no signs of any blemishes or scars upon his body. On his left helix lays a simple, silver cuff earring. His body is toned and muscular, due to his workout regimen and training in his family’s martial arts for many years. The clothes he normally wears consist of a button-down shirt of any color, with the sleeves rolled up past his elbows. To compliment the shirt, he wears a black tie. For pants, Morgan wears black slacks with the legs rolled up to his mid-calf. A pair of comfortable black and white sneakers is worn on his feet. On his left wrist, he wears a black analog watch. Tether: Morgan is considered a natural born, as he is able to perceive the supernatural world without having to use objects infused with supernatural energy, or other means. Ability: Morgan’s ability is electro kinesis; the manipulation of electricity. The extent of his power allows him to drain electricity from objects, and charge up electrical devices, if they require it. He can also discharge electricity to anything that he comes into direct contact with. He can control the voltage; however, it can only be as strong as a taser. Talents: Morgan is very well trained in his family’s style of martial arts. He would not call himself a master, as he continues to train when he is able to. His level of skill is below that of Ennis’s, something he freely admits. The two cousins spar quite often, with Morgan seldom being able to best Ennis. Martial arts are mainly taught to the family members because it is believed that it can teach one great discipline, and to be able to defend one’s self in case danger arises. He contains a vast knowledge of the paranormal world, due to his fervent study of the subject. His apartment contains many volumes on ghosts, demons, and various rites used to send these types of spirits to the afterlife. To this day, he continues to get his hands on any books that he has not yet read on the matter. As it is just he and Ennis living together, Morgan cooks for the two, and his chef skills are quite excellent. He learned from a young age how to cook from the various chefs his family hired, and his mother, who was a gifted cook as well. Recent history: Due to the Bowers being involved heavily in the supernatural world, they decided to send someone to investigate the supernatural occurrences at Oakenheim. Morgan was selected by his father, the current head of the family, to be the one to investigate, along with his cousin, Ennis. It had been a week since they arrived in Oakenheim. ----------- Name: Ennis Bowers Gender: Female Age: 17 Personality: Ennis is described as a gentle and caring person. In some aspects, she is the exact opposite of her cousin. Where Morgan is quick to point out peoples mistakes, Ennis offers kind words, and encouragement. While she does know that Morgan is attempting to look out for others in his own way, she is well aware that that form of treatment is not for everyone. She is well liked by her peers, and is quick to make friends. She is normally seen with her cousin, which many view as an antagonistic person. Due to that, most tend to steer clear of her while she is with him. This does not bother her in the slightest, and she is quite used to the way how people view Morgan. She deeply cares for family and friends, going as far as showing motherly affection towards others. She especially cares for Morgan, who she has been with since they were children. Ennis tends to mother him the most, and nag him about trivial things. While this mainly due to the fact that she deeply cherishes him, she also does it just to get a reaction out of him, due his dislike of her constant mothering. Despite the fact that it seems like Morgan relies on her a lot, she relies on him just as much, and the two share an unbreakable bond. Appearance: She stands a little over 5’8, with fair skin and a great complexion. Her blonde hair stretches down to her plump rear. Ennis tends to straighten her hair every morning, and it is something she takes great pride in. On days where she is feeling lazy, or is lounging around at home, she’ll simply put her hair in a messy bun. Her gentle looking eyes are a light blue color. Others have told her that her natural beauty doesn’t call for her to wear make-up, but she occasionally enjoys wearing lipstick and a bit of eyeliner. Thinking contacts are an absolute bother; Ennis wears a pair of black half-frame glasses. Her body is toned, and shows muscle in all of the right places. She is described is having great curves, with a modest bust size to go along with it. Ennis takes great pride in her body, and goes through great lengths to maintain its appearance. As for her attire, she wears a three button blouse, with a ribbon tied around the collar. Her blouse is neatly tucked in her skirt, which reaches down to just above her knees. She wears a thin red sweater at almost all times. Black stockings adorn her legs, and she wears a pair of black leather shoes almost all the time. Tether: Ennis is a natural born, being able to perceive the paranormal without the assistance of an entity, or an item infused with supernatural energy. Ability: Ennis’s ability is retro-cognition; the ability to perceive past events. By simply walking into a room and focusing her energy, she is able to see what happened in the past. Ennis can project these images to those around her, allowing others to view what she sees. This power also works on humans, but only if the participant allows Ennis to reach out to their very soul. By using her ability on a person, she is able to view their past, and can even view memories that others have forgotten. Talents: Ennis, like her cousin Morgan, is trained in the Bowers family martial arts. Her level of skill is greater than that of Morgan’s. She constantly challenges Morgan to a sparring match, knowing that she will win a majority of the time just so she can smack him around. Martial arts are mainly taught to the family members because it is believed that it can teach one great discipline, and to be able to defend one’s self in case danger arises. Ennis is quite handy with technology. Her knowledge of computers is great, as she is able to repair them with ease, and use various functions on them. She is even adept at being able to repair cell phones, and can jailbreak, which is a term for modifying an operating system on a smart phone; with relative ease. Something she also enjoys is tinkering with her desktop and laptop to various degrees. Much like everyone in the Bowers family, Ennis is well educated in the supernatural. While it intrigues her, her interest in the subject is not as great as her cousin. Her studies were not as extensive as Morgan’s, and she really only knows of the basics off-hand. She knows about the basic rites used to send off spirits and demons. Recent History: Ennis was chosen, along with Morgan, to investigate the occurrences in Oakenheim. She was more than happy to accompany Morgan along, but she remains slightly peeved that she had to transfer out of her school, and leave her friends behind for the time being.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arcanaut
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Daniel Herne
Personality: Danny is for the most part a sociable fellow, when he has time for it. When he has found himself in a conversation his bluntness and dry sense of humor can be polarizing. Pairing this with his tendency to ramble and spouting of strange factoids one wonders how it is he isn't ostracized by the student body. Perhaps it's his staunch work ethic. While he is usually jovial to some extent he has no sympathy for those who wallow in their own misery instead of pressing forward.
Standing at 6'3'' with black hair and pale blue eyes Danny tends to wear long sleeved shirts with the sleeves rolled up paired with v-necks and (patched) jeans with a comfortable pair of steel-toed work boots. He also has small scar over his right eyebrow.

Tether: While Danny was born at 3:00 A.M. on Halloween any abnormalities didn't form until he was seven when Daniel and his mother were T-boned by a drunk driver that resulted in her death.

Ability:Probability Manipulation. Even after his tethering, Danny wasn't aware of his supernatural abilities chocking up things like being able to start a fire with damp wood or things breaking when he was frustrated as luck or coincidence. In a way he wasn't wrong. The more his emotions flare the more noticeable this ability becomes with bad moods hampering the environment or people around him (including himself) or benefiting it, while any control depends on how focused Danny is, usually only allowing him to do things that amount to mediocre party tricks.

Criminology-Daniel's father has passed on much of the information that he has learned in his career as a detective and sheriff making sure Danny pays attention to detail, and not to make evidence match his theory.

Krav Maga: Before Danny had gained his growth spurt he had to learn how to defend himself. So he trained in a form that would make sure that no bully would come after him again

Parkour!: Retzev in its purest form, the acrobatics that Danny has learned first came from in the form of his attempts to flee the trouble he'd cause when he first arrived in Oakenheim but has been reformed and streamlined into efficient movement which helped him earn a place on the school's track&field team.

Recent history: It's hard to make friends when your dad is the sheriff. It's harder still when your dead mom's sister runs a new age bookstore that hands out free copies of The Communist Manifesto. It's harder still when you work as a barista at said bookstore. After the death of Daniel's mother, he and his father moved to his father's hometown of Oakenheim and soon went from big city detective to small town sheriff. While Daniel has had a tough time of things with a caring dad and a bizarre aunt, Danny has learned to deal with the pain. Recently he's been getting restless and wanting to leave this boring old town to someplace more interesting. However he may soon regret his wishes for more action in his life...
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