Name: Moirah Maj Myeong-sook
Date of Birth: September 8th, 1987

Blood Status: Half blood. (Moirah THINKS she is pure blood. Her mother keeps a small secret.)
Moirah is a clumsy and outgoing.
She earns a reputation as being flighty and disloyal. She says exactly what she thinks, but often changes her mind. She dos not mean to be
deceptive at all, she simply tries a bit too hard. She is certainly malleable and easily influenced by people and events, She doesn't give these changes time to set in, or consider their broader meaning, so she is quickly swept off her feet by the next idea. Her blunders are large and her reactions passionate.
On the bright side, she has a ton of energy to spare. She will not fatigue quickly, so she might work at a problem longer than the average person. She is always ready for action, so she is the perfect person to call upon when you need someone in a pinch. Especially someone that won't ask any questions.
Wand: Leave blank, wand chooses wizard y'all.
House: Leave blank, don't put the Sorting Hat out of work.
Best Classes: Potions, Herbology, Alchemy
Worst Classes: Care for magical creatures, charms, frog choir.
Moirah was born and raised in a pure-blood household.
Her father was a Slytherin in his school days, and is currently an Obliviator in the Ministry of Magic's Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.
On his side of the family there are a few death eaters and a large sentiment of support for Voldemort's cause. He had brothers and cousins in the Battle of Hogwarts. He created a rift between himself and his family by not standing with them.
Moirah's mother is also a pure blooded wizard. She did not attend Hogwarts or anything like it. She does not have a real job outside managing the family's castle and estate. She enjoys reading tea-leaves as a hobby and semi-professionally.
As a couple her parents consider themselves 'progressive pure bloods'. They did not support the death eaters or Voldermort. They do not want to exclude mixed-blood wizards from entering the magic world. However, they do support the continued segregation between muggles and wizards. They consider the wizard world more advanced than the muggle one. They "Progressively" think that magic is genetic, and that muggle-born wizards must have magical blood somewhere in their family tree. They think it would be ideal for magical children in muggle families to be detected much sooner, removed from their muggle families and adopted by wizards. This would be the best way to enable the muggle born to 'rise above' their birth-station.
Moirah herself is an only child. Her parents are very wealthy. She had a large castle almost all to herself almost all of her life. She had the house-elves and the dogs for company, though the dog's never liked her much.
She saw her cousins sporadically throughout her life. (Her father and his family fought on-and-off throughout her childhood, and her mother's family lives in Korea.) She always wanted to please her cousins! Most were older than her and she looked up to them fiercely. She spent time planning their visits and contriving fun activities for everyone to play. During their actual visits they largely ignored her. She would think to herself "I guess this game just isn't fun enough..." after they left, she would contrive new strategies to win their favor.
She has not seen her cousins in several years. Her father's family largely sympathized with the Death Eaters, and her father refused to see them during the worst political turmoil. Travel became risky during that time so her Mother's family never visited either.
Hogwarts closed the year Moirah was meant to begin her study there. Her parents were unprepared to educate her. Her father was working over-time in the wake of recent events, and was hardly ever home. Her mother had received a much different education, and hardly remembered it anyhow. The work she did with her daughter was patchy at best. Moirah learned a lot of spells that were mainly used for doing chores. When Hogwarts was ready to open they tested Moirah to see if she would be ready for her second year, she failed miserably. She will be starting as a first year.
Despite the set-backs Moirah was ready to finally learn real magic. Make real friends. And show her family what she was capable of!