Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

  • Human of any profession
  • Dragons of any age
  • Demons of any form
-Everyone can have as many character as they want. The only limit is to give each one enough love and post. -To apply for a character fill out the character sheet. When approved post them in the character tab. -Wait for okay from me, before hopping into the rp. I am on daily, so most you will wait is a day, blame the time zones. -Use the ooc to talk about your characters and maybe involvement in some plot ideas. -Be imaginative and have fun. -Posting order, there isnt one the only request I have is to wait 2 other people to post before going on again. The following hiders hold information about the world, dragons and similar.
Chapter 1
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[hider=Aster] Name Aster Dragon age Adult Age from hatching 290 Gender Male [b][u]Magic[/b][/u] His magic consists of the mixture of the two elements, fire and water. He can breathe either element or both to create a steam breathe. He can manipiluate fire or water into floating swords, using them against any opponent he has. His water magic has the ability to heal wounds and even suck out poisons. Dragon looks: Large scar going from his right eye to the top of his right wing all the way across it. His scales are colorful, depending on how one looks at him, the scales can change from red, blue and purple. He's quite large, his body as long as 400 feet and being as tall as 500 feet. Two long dark colored curved horns curving slightly upwards. Has fur along his head, back and tail with the frills. Compact looks: Large scar going from his right eye down to his hip. Usually wears a light gray scarf to help cover his face. He has bright glowing purple eyes, and scales over his shoulders and chest. Stands around 5'8. Has long red hair going down to the middle of his back, though it's pulled in a neat low ponytail while the rest of his hair is messy and a little spikey, covering his oddly purple eyes usually. Personality Aster is more of a reclusive dragon, preferring to be by himself. He doesn't talk much and acts pretty cold most of the time, but in reality he is pretty lonely and has a kind heart. He's caring for his fellow dragons and most living things, even humans whom he's terrified of. He gets a bit bitter if someone makes fun of his flying. He's pretty cold to strangers, though is mostly nervous and shy to both humans and dragons alike. He enjoys swimming or just relaxing in a grassy field. Background Aster was a egg when he lost his parents. They lived in a secluded cave in the mountains, but they were killed by a ambush of human hunters. Taking the egg in their possession, they traveled to a human village, though they accidentally dropped it down a cliff. Luckily, the egg did not break, but their was a large crack on the right side of it. It had been a long 800 years since his parents birthed his egg, and it only took five more after his egg was taken. After he was hatched, it was noticed he had a large scar over his right eye and over his wing. A sign of the consequence of dropping him as a egg. The humans didn't mind since it most likely meant he would not be able to fly away from them. They kept him chained, and had him on display just to show what they accomplished. Poked him with shock sticks to make him obey and cracked spiked whips. How heroic they were for slaughtering a family and taking a mere newborn as a slave. As time went by, the young dragon tried calling, roaring for help, but none ever came from his own kind. They could not either hear him or they simply did not want to risk it. He did not know. Chained to the ground, and as much as he tried, his injured right wing would not carry him off he ground and it ached since the day he hatched. When his one hundred days hit, he turned into his compact form, and the chained collar was choking him. His compact form was bigger at the time and it wasn't a great moment for Aster as he just about suffocated. Just then though, a human boy perhaps in his young teen years came to him. Unlocking the chain. There was no time to ask questions as his odd savior quickly dragged him out, putting a cloak over the dragon. His captors did not seem to recognize him as their pet dragon, so they ignored them. For a couple of days, Aster stayed with the boy in a cave in the woods. The boy called himself Zafine. At the time Aster didn't have a name and merely shook his head in response, unsure how to exactly react to this situation. This boy was human, the creature that had tormented him all his life, but also his savior. Zafine decided to call him Aster, since his dragon form shimmered like a star. The boy then explained that Aster needed to go to the Dragon Tribe, where he'd be safe. Since Aster could not fly, he'd just have to walk in his compact form. Aster wanted to question how the boy knew so much, but couldn't find the words. So he left, journeying to the Dragon Tribe. It took perhaps ten years, in which his dragon form was about a teen. When he arrived they welcomed him, though the other young dragons made fun of him for being flightless. Pointing out that even the wingless skinny dragons could fly. Thankfully the elders were kind to him, one even helping him fix up his wing as best as they could. Even though, he's not the best flier and is prone to fall if it gets too exhausted. After five years of living with the Dragon Tribe and learning the customs of his kind as well as he a better flier, he found himself unsure where to go next. It felt odd being among fellow Dragons since he was not born amongst them, yet he feared humans for what they did to him. Yet at the same time he kept thinking back on that young human boy whom had saved his life. Deciding to risk it, he flew back to where Zafine had nursed him to health at that cave. Of course, the boy was not there, instead it was a full grown man. Age twenty-three in human years, a time in their prime apparently. Zafine was glad to see the beautiful dragon again, and greeted him with the same warmth he had showed as a boy. Aster found that he wasn't as afraid of this human... Perhaps the only human he did not fear. Staying at that cave, Aster lived mostly in his compact form, in fear that if any other human discovered him, they would kill him. His human comrade agreed, explaining that many hunters would adore his scales and sharp teeth and claws. A couple years passed and everyday Zafine would come visit the dragon. This was the only person Aster found he could properly talk with, even smile and laugh. They talked about how humans and dragons lived, their fears, their dreams.... Until Aster found himself falling into a great sin. Falling in love with a human. It was quite ironic really, living the thing he feared... Yet Zafine was different from his tormentors. He was kind, and full of life, even went out of his way to make the dragon laugh. It was wrong he knew, humans lived such tiny lives in comparison and their magic was much too small to produce a dragon egg... But he couldn't help it. He never felt lonely with this man around. So he accepted the fate of simply watching the human grow old, being with him until his last breathe. Aster chose to stay and watch as Zafine eventually found his own love with a beautiful human woman. Although painfully, he watched happily at his friend's happiness. After a few years, when Zafine was of thirty five years of age, he had his own children, a boy and a girl. Zafine happily showed Aster his family, and the children loved playing wih the dragon, though the wife was more wary. Eight years after the children were born, something grave happen. Waking up in the middle of the night, Aster saw fire coming from the village. Worried for his human friends he went into the village in his compact form, only to discover Zafine's home burnt into ashes, scorch marks everywhere. He found the bodies of Zafine, his wife, and boy child dead and burnt. Their daughter crying over them. At first, Aster was shocked at the sight before he heard a mighty roar in the skies. Looking up he saw a huge adult dragon raining hellfire upon the terrorized village. Shock and surprise soon passed into utter rage. Transforming into his true self, the young Dragon flew into a furious rage and confronted the other dragon in battle. It was a difficult battle considering he was still a teen and he sustained quite a bit of injuries, he managed to drive the other dragon off. After it was over, he took Zafine's surviving daughter and flew off to a safer place. At the age of fifty he became a adult and left to live on his own by a lake, where he raised the human girl until she was old enough to be on her own, before leaving her in a human village to live amongst her own kind. Although she disputed the idea, Aster refused, insisting she was better off with other humans before leaving. Over the years, he does check how the family of the human whom he once loved are fairing, though he is mostly forgotten, the humans he knew long dead. Recently, he was captured by human hunters, but rescued.[/hider]
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm going to be working on these and have them done within a few hours.
nice to see you again around. ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Interested, I'll be posting my CS soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 4 days ago

Definitely interested with the intent on making a character. It should be up later. >_<
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm still working on this. EDIT: Pretty much done, but the background/personality may change, though unlikely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Demon Name: Abraxas, "Man's Bane" Age: 50 Personality: Abraxas is a mysterious entity, who is a conflicted creature. He can be animalistic at times with little reasoning and is aggressive, preforming acts of violence quite frequently. He is naturally a malevolent creature but can be reasoned with. Due to his imprisonment he has a deep hatred for humans but knows nothing of the outside world. He has a corrupting influence on magic and those that get too close. Looks: Alternative looks: Has none yet. Background: He was born in a place far away, to parents who abandoned their offspring. His siblings were either eaten or killed within the first couple of days, for only the strong survived. By chance he was set upon by the hunters not a week old, yet already as large as a big dog. They captured him, as he was not yet dangerous enough to pose a threat to challenge their safety. Abraxas soon learned the cruelness of the humans as they frequently lashed out at their captives, deeming them inferior, lower then dragons. He wondered what a dragon was, and if it could be eaten with one gulp. Months later, and now as large as a man they arrived at the prison in the darkness of night. The journey itself was harsh and his cage was covered with a black cloth to hide him from the sun and prying eyes. Every time he tried to escape his confinement, he found that the bars burned his skin at the lightest touch but it didn't stop him from trying. Days became weeks, weeks turned into months and the passing of time blurred into years. Throughout those years he grew into a formidable demon, the size of an upright grizzly bear, looking down upon the guards always. His brute strength made him deemed dangerous, and instead of moving him to a different cell, they built a larger, more durable one around the old. That was until his metamorphism began around the age of 25. It would last for another 25 years, changing his body slightly, making him become infused with dark magic. This magic was of flame and shadow, and deadly to those that would incur his wrath. The shadow was about him at all times, and the flame he could call upon at will. It engulfed him, wrapping around his body like a blanket, free flowing. It was dark and it suited him for upon his awakening, he found things in ruins, the prison that once contained him in flames. He broke free from his old confinement and clawed his way up to the surface. The light blinded his glowing blue eyes and when they adjusted he saw a strange place, full of rock towers and thick layers of fog. He walked away from the rubble, quickly coming to a street full of humans and their devices. His revenge had begun, yet in this world he did not know, there were creatures more dangerous then humans.. Did they escape the hunters prison?: Yes
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 4 days ago

WIP Name: 'Scaleless' Keepakura the Liar Age: 24 Personality: Keepa comes off as a charismatic sweetheart, interested in others' doings and especially human culture. Kind and elegant in their tact to the point of bordering the uncanny valley with their often lack of reaction to hostility and hatred. Its suspected that this is mostly a ruse to lure in prey which ended up being defining characteristics of their personality out of instinct and habit. When threatened, Keepa shows the stark two-face of his coined behavious; violent and vindictive, determined to extinguish even the potential of ongoing threat to themselves and whatever they may care about. As a dragon, this is the sort of behavior that gives them a bad name. As a demon, such behavior classifies Keepa as 'wild', a shunned ranking of caste from his homeland which regards him as predictable as a starved, crazed dog. As a human, hes seen as a liar and a murderer. In all reality, he would rather be left alone, although his nature and physiology compels him to seek out life. He isn't bad, per se, just built poorly for the civilized world...or built perfectly for it. The judgement is mostly left to interpretation. Magic-like Abilities - Keepa has a refined control of life energy, mostly for the purpose of consumption and personal perseverance. The process is similar to a leech, although the rate is controllable on some levels. With a max range of about five meters and a max effectiveness with skin-contact, affected individuals feel a slight sense of exhaustion which grows from prolonged exposure (1 hour feels like 2, 2 hours feel like 5). This can be suppressed at will, although Keepa lives off of others, parasitically and the thought of stopping doesn't often occur. This can be applied to all living beings, though it functions considerably slower on plants then it does other living creatures. = While absorbed energy is added to their mass, it is possible for Keepa to reverse-burn his own mass into a subject for the purpose of healing even nearly fatal wounds. However, this consumes a considerable amount of mass in order to 'sew' life back into the subject, piecing them back together or replacing lost flesh. Wounds healed in such ways are stained with jagged black scars that eventually fade over the course of a week to a month depending on the severity. With the mass required to heal severe wounds, Keepa may not be able to fully heal a subject without taking on considerable mass from outside sources in the process. This is a procedure which has not been often implemented and is highly inefficient.
Did they escape the hunters prison?: Yeeeessss?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

You've got dragond, I has interest will post multiple CS's soon, but a question, has their been cases of a dragonmand a human pairing up before and is their a possibility of their being hybrids between Dragon and Humans/Humans and Demons/Demons and Dragons? If not, then I say you got possible plot stuff with these ideas, as I'd think they'd be a rather big deal to all parties involved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

You've got dragond, I has interest will post multiple CS's soon, but a question, has their been cases of a dragonmand a human pairing up before and is their a possibility of their being hybrids between Dragon and Humans/Humans and Demons/Demons and Dragons? If not, then I say you got possible plot stuff with these ideas, as I'd think they'd be a rather big deal to all parties involved.
I prefer no hybrids. They are different species. Horses and fish do not make babies either. Humans and dragons can fall in love but cannot make babies. Similar for dragon demons hybrids. Humans/demons cannot add enough magic to help in creating a dragon egg and dragon do not have the body/organs that can support the developing baby. There maybe experiments on the prisoner demons to forcefully make demon babies. Demon human babies I will leave that one open for now. Demons reproduction is a mystery so maybe it could work as part of a hunters experiment with the demons. Not in a natural way!
Accepted~ lovely character~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

okay, final question, Can we give demons powers/abilities, or do they just have alternate forms?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Thanks! I'll put it the character tab when I get a bit more free time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

okay, final question, Can we give demons powers/abilities, or do they just have alternate forms?
Yes demons can have magic powers and or abilities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I'm going to be working on these and have them done within a few hours.
nice to see you again around. ^^
Yeah it's nice to be back hopefully I shall have my third character done later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dalyuk
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Dalyuk 你是狗脸

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'll make something tonight I think
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 4 days ago

Done for now. ~Profile subject to change~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaveMercy


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Dropping these in while I can, it's pretty late so i'll finish these later
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dalyuk
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Dalyuk 你是狗脸

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I made something, let me know if there are any mistakes. I will copy Jeonbae into the Character section as well, and Ocotlantli once he is accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Dalyuk accepted~ @Hawlin Accepted~ @Anyone whose profile/cs is WIP/still working on it. Be a sweet hurt and post 'I am done' when you are happy with what you wrote. For the chance I do not miss you. So a question would you prefer to have a opening post on Sunday or Wednesday or the next friday(in 7 days)? Your choose people~
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