Westeros. A land of lords and ladies, of kings and queens, of knights and mercenaries, and of dragons and dire wolves. It's a land where the wrong marriage could get you killed, and the right marriage could get you a throne. It's a land where power is everything, and those with it, don't give it up so easily. But most importantly, it's a land of seven kingdoms.
It's been two hundred years since the War of Five Kings was ended before it had really begun. Daenerys Targareyan returned with three dragons by her side and took back the Iron Throne before any blood could be shed. Everyone had heard the stories and anyone laying claim to the Iron Throne quickly lay down their swords, not interested in quarreling with dragons. Westeros moved on with a new queen, someone that everyone respected or feared. Daenerys ruled fairly and she later continued the Targareyan tradition and married her nephew, Aegon, who was discovered in Essos. Time ticked on by and the threat of civil war slowly faded until everyone felt safe, and that war was not coming anytime soon. Life went on.
Now, Daeron Targareyan sits on the Iron Throne at the age of 21, his father having been taken by sickness. But all is not well. The Lannisters, sensing weakness in the new king, desire to reclaim the power they once wielded two centuries ago, and they are searching for allies in the other great houses. The Lannisters do not plan on backing down, and soon, sides will be chosen. Will you side with the Targareyans or the Lannisters? Will it be for personal gain or for the glory of your house? Choose carefully though. When you play the game of thrones, you win, or you die.
So that is my idea for a Game of Thrones RP. I'm looking for at least six or seven people and I'll probably post an OOC once four or five show interest. I hope you guys like it :)