Name: Lily Parker
Age: 15
Background: Lily had an easy childhood, at least in the eyes of her friends, but in reality, it was very lonely. She had her brother Everest around, but they never really spent too much time together, especially not since he'd gone to college and she was still stuck in school. She had a complete circle of friends, most of whom were only there because her parents were rich, showering her with gifts, but very few words. She had taken athletics elementary school, and by the time she got to high school, she was rated among the top of her class. She also enjoyed occasionally partying with her friends, but mostly spent time in her room listening to music, writing, and updating social media. When the news of the outbreak hit, her parents were nowhere to be seen, and her brother at work, so she left on her bike to go find him, but by the time she got to the gamestop, he was no longer there.
Items: iPhone, Charger, 1 bottle of water, bicycle, 4 complete outfits, 2 boxes of breakfast cereal bars, pen, empty examination pad, school bag and handbag to store everything.
Skills: Social butterfly, calligraphy, fast runner, snappy dresser.