Got a response queued up for Katella, interested in seeing how she responds heh heh.Congratulations on getting the 500th OOC post!

I'll be home sometime soon, so I can post in 2-3 hours. If anyone's interacting with my character, be kind :P I have school, and so I may not be on for a while most days.Well I still have to wait for deadpixel anyways, so I might not be interacting with her for awhile XD also @Sessamaru so do you think missions will be up by today then?
<Snipped quote by Mysaren> Well I still have to wait for deadpixel anyways, so I might not be interacting with her for awhile XD also @Sessamaru so do you think missions will be up by today then?Tonight or later tomorrow.
@Sessamaru Naida and Sess are like best friends almost :3 Well Naida thinks that way, yeah. I kinda like their interaction. Not to mention it makes me feel like I'm not a GM, so that's a plus :P
Azzrix is being very generous to the musicianAnd to the alcohol. Onenote im on the bus getting home from school, so I should have a post up in not terribly long!
<Snipped quote by The Patriarch> And to the alcohol. Onenote im on the bus getting home from school, so I should have a post up in not terribly long!Take your time, no worries : D
Eyyy I did the thing. EDIT: Onenote I think you mistook what I added about the city for something Claire actually said. She just said the name of the place, I added that stuff for players not characters. Or I put some quotation marks where they shouldn't be...ah! it appears I did! Sorry, I didn't see your edit till now! I'll fix it!
<Snipped quote by deadpixel101> ah! it appears I did! Sorry, I didn't see your edit till now! I'll fix it!Don't apologize! Unless it's a Canadian apology. They are kinda just extra words that exist.
<Snipped quote by onenote> Don't apologize! Unless it's a Canadian apology. They are kinda just extra words that exist.XD well I edited my post so that should fix things now!
Good grief, this is moving far too fast >_> Chill out people, don't you have other RPs? XDWell, you don't have to worry about me posting too fast so you can take your time if you want. I'm catching up on the IC at the moment.