Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Azaria Blue
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Azaria Blue The Best

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The halls swell with students, overly excited to hear about each others vacations as they go on about every detail of their lives missed between the end of the last year and the beginning of this one. The ruckus makes the class bell practically inaudible, though the teachers were glad to help aid in the shuffling toward first class. The last to mosey out of the halls were Australia and America, comparing tans and biceps before it was left just as empty as this morning before the doors swung open. Part from the creaky janitor pushing his mop down the halls, the only sign that school was in was the cheers or murmurs that escaped from the classrooms.
In one of these classrooms, Ada, Alexi, Min-Jun, Maeve, Huang, Katinka, Alejandro are standing uncomfortably around a classroom with no chairs among other smaller countries including Latvia and Costa Rica. It was obviously a science classroom, as there were lab stations in the back stocked with various beakers in an overhead cabinet. They look around, confused until a door squeaks open behind a cluttered oak desk. Through it, there are vials of colorful liquids and samples of different metals, even an incubator. A lanky man coughs into his lab coat sleeve and wafts air away from him, “My my that bacteria has been in there too long,” he shakes his shoulders as if to cleanse himself of it, revealing his red-and-white checkered shirt tucked into his khakis. He looks up at the dumbfounded crowd and jolts upright, stuttering his words, “Ohhh yes yes yes, my my, you must be the class!” he pushes his thick-rimmed glasses further onto his nose. His grey prickly mustache switches over his mouth as he speaks, “You all are so early! So glad to see youngsters ready for class!” he pulls out a pocket watch and clicks it open. “Blugablehbleh!” his wiry eyebrows peek over the rims of his glasses, “Two in the morning?! My word he scratches his thinly haired head, “I’m not even sure how you got in here!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Azaria Blue
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Azaria Blue The Best

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ada had been talking with one of her best friends, Claire (France, Female), about their trips when the bell rang. With a quick hug and cheek kiss she waved her friend bye and began walking with the herd to her first class. Upon entering the room, she noticed there was no teacher nor seemingly curriculum for that day. She decided this was a perfect moment to check out her classmates as she slid up onto a lab desk. She peered over their heads, picking out ones that seemed cute then betting which ones were better in bed with a very timid Latvian lady. When what appeared to be either a mad hobo or their teacher appeared from the cupboard, she quickly slid down and checked her watch, "Sir, your watch...it's upside down..." she fought the smile that was surfacing on her lips. "Oh right right right!" he fumbled with the metal and then turned it around, "Ah, 8:15, just on time...ish." He smiled to the class, "My name is Mr.B Turtles, but you can call me Mr.Turtles," Ada couldn't keep the smile that teased her whole body into giggling. They were soon dismissed to their seats as he halfway sat in his, bringing another problem. "Oh yes, the chairs!" he scurried back to the front of the class mid-sit, "You see, today we're going to do a team-building exercise. I read that can help a classroom work better together!" He clapped his callused hands together once, "Alright, everyone stand up-er...Keep standing! And find a partner!" A groan escaped from the lips of some at the mention of "team-building" dreading the torture that ensued. People quickly shot their friends glances and scurried over to pair up with them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Li had never seen such a terrible display of academic funding on display. No chairs, really? His jade hues flashed an instant of annoyances before settling back into their usual cooled color. It was with these calculating eyes that he sized up the rest of his class and determined his general first impressions. He'd seen or met a couple of them before; some were friends, some were enemies. Specifically a frown alighted his face at the sight of Min-jun, they'd had conflicts in the past. "You see, today we're going to do a team-building exercise. I read that can help a classroom work better together!" This last announcement seemed to cause a fair share of fidgeting between Li's classmates and so the Asian allowed himself to gently drift in the direction of known variables. He'd met and become half-friends with Katinka and Alexei last year, noting their similar view-points on a variety of issues. He also quite clearly remember the aforementioned female's quite boisterous claims of heroic leadership and demands that she be placed in charge of practically ever group project they'd done that semester. In truth, Li didn't really mind it, after all it kept him from having to deal with to many people. All the more time to focus on his philosophy and self-enlightenment. At the very least that irritable American wasn't in the class, his presence, above all others, always seemed to cause a fair bit of social drama and controversy; Li considered that a small victory.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dreamcaster


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Another year, another year. Perhaps if it had had a better start, Maeve would be more excited, but that English anchúinse rialú (control freak) had to go bossing her around this morning. Just because he's the oh-so-amazing English and his family adopted her, he thought she should work to make him look good. This was partly directed to the Welsh and the Scot too, but those boys are useless, especially the Welsh, he practically worships that English deachtóir (dictator). Whatever. Maeve would not let some stupid blokes ruin her first day back at school. She popped in her headphones and listened to some Mumford and Sons and Dropkick Murphys, her two favorite bands. Sure they lived in the American's country, but they were her territory, her property. Sure she didn't really get noticed much, (except in March when everybody over-celebrated her holiday - seriously, no one dressed in full out green and pinched people if they weren't wearing it, in Ireland the shamrock was enough. The American must have started that.), and sure she didn't really have friends, but she had music, and she knew her boys (English, Welsh and Scot) would be there for her if she needed their help, so for Maeve, that was enough. Maeve just blinked as she watched the eccentric man that must be their teacher enter the room. Honestly, Maeve had seen much weirder things. Then she was beginning to wonder if he was drunk, reading his watch upside down. It was kind of funny, actually. Then Maeve turned off her music and stashed her headphones away, groaning softly. Team-building exercise? Partner? This was a load of crap. Maeve took a look around at all her classmates. Ugh, Katinka, Alexei and Li, all of them in this class? She hoped she'd have different people in different classes, otherwise dealing with three control freaks all day long would mean a long year. Thankfully, Maeve didn't get noticed. At least North Korea wasn't here too. She looked around to see the others. Alejandro was here, nice to have another neutral at least. And Ada, Maeve liked intelligence and feminism, so it was likely that Maeve could have an ally in here. And there was Min-Jun, who she didn't really know very well but had to be better than North Korea. She sighed and just decided to look for one of her boys unless she was approached, and started wandering the classroom in search.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Min-Jun wasn't in the best of moods. Usually being surrounded by women would be great unless on of those woman happen to be the The Soviet Union. He was still a little mad at her for helping his older brother bully him when he was younger. Thens there's China, who also assisted his older brother when he bullied him. Min-Jun knows that mama Asia would love see all her children being a loving family but that's impossible when half of them are douches and others are to busy to notice him. He couldn't hate China for ever ,but the Soviet he could unless they both apologize for choosing his brother side when he clearly started their fuid. As for the other countries he could try to get along with them. Min-jun was lost in his thoughts and didn't notice there teach enter the room. When he stopped dwelling in his thoughts he heard the teacher say. "You see, today we're going to do a team-building exercise. I read that can help a classroom work better together!" A wide smile appeared on his face. He was no slotch when it came to work. He examined his choices and gave China and the USSR cold stares. Min-jun then turned his attention to one of the feminine countrys. They all looks pretty attractive besides the USSR. He clearly forgot about the team building plan the teacher informed and was looking for a suitable "partner". This is probably the only greatful thing Min-jun learned from China , is how not to choose the wrong girlfriend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JSwiftTehPwnlordXD
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JSwiftTehPwnlordXD Self-declared Democratic President of North Korea

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Katinka chuckled lightly at the foolish teacher. She eyed the various people laid out before her, for this... "team building exercise," giving a mild internal groan at the lack of true Stalinist Marxist nations, except for Russia. Katinka already had enough experience with Russia to begin with. She began glancing around the classroom. Already socialist but not enough, ought to be socialist, technically socialist, rebellious part of a true socialist family. None of these are an ideal choice for a temporary alliance. However, diplomacy must be done. Katinka thought to herself, running over the potential candidates, blowing bubbles out of her pipe, as she did not tolerate disobedience to laws regarding tobacco consumption for minors. "Oh, good morningGLORIOUS PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF-sorry, I have a bit of a cold, Min Jun. How are you CAPITALIST SWINE, sorry, doing today?" she asked in her most diplomatic tone of voice, which was known as shouting quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alexi was sitting at his desk, staring over the potential candidates, It was that time of the year again, team-work building yayyyy, where all of the cool kids are picked, And then suddenly somebody yelled Immediately waking up Alexi within seconds, It was Alexi's older, more Radical Sister, Alexi put his hand up, Announcing his presence to all of the...ugh...capitalist People, I volunteer to go with Katinka
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

With his teammates firmly secured Li supposed it wouldn't hurt to at least extend some kind of formal gesture to the rest of the class? In particular he kept a keen on locked on Min-jun at all times. They'd had a rough past before, especially considering the way he and his brother feuded. Li had tended to support Jun's brother for obvious reasons, but that still didn't mean he'd given up on trying to include the younger Asian in the Communist group of friends. It was right about this time that Katinka allowed for her little outburst. Typical of her really, always the forceful one. Li liked to think that he acted as a sort of stabilizing force, being the more reserved of the two. Still, she'd left them in a rather disadvantageous situation, something Li tried to begin repairing immediately. "I think what my friend here meant to say, Jun, is that there's always room in our group for one more. Perhaps you'd like to join us?" This was the first time the tall foreigner had spoken and instantly his traditional upbringing began to show. A neatly pressed uniform and imposing, if gentle speech made for a rather intimidating visage despite his good intentions. Sadly Li sometimes felt his appearance worked against him; for some reason his sharply kept clothing and generally confident attitude tended to scare away a lot of people. "One must remember it's always good to try and accept new experiences. Self-cultivation is important, if you work with our group we can help to make you a smarter, better person." Li finished this statement with a small grin. Again, despite his good intentions, what the tall Confucian hoped would come across as a genuine smile really seemed to be more of a 'I'll rip your guts out and eat them when you're not looking' kind of expression. Sometimes being the strong silent type really worked against you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Azaria Blue
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Azaria Blue The Best

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ada watched as the drama laid out in front of her. Loud mouths and poets in the same room, oh what a year it will be. She was never much for getting into discussions or feuds, but she was always on the lookout for the possibility to create her own benefits from them. She could already feel the lining of her pockets thickening at the thought of a proper fight between them, hoping for a strategical supply of course. After scanning the crowd, she locks her eyes on a lost-looking Maeve and saunters over to her, "Hello there lass" she gave a playful grin, "Partner up?" She practically towered over the feisty red head, their opposites may just play well off of each other in the end. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After a few moments, Mr.Turtles giddily called out, "All right! Now since you all seem to be teamed up...for the most part...I want you to sit on the ground back to back!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dreamcaster


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Maeve looked up at the blonde and rolled her eyes playfully, she did call people lad and lass so it didn't bother her when people used it back at her, and smiled. "Aye, I'll work with you, Ada." She followed the mad teacher's instructions and sat down, resting her back on Ada. She grinned, mischievous twinkle in her deep green eyes. "You make a good backrest."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Min-Jun looked around purposely when Katinka spoke to him as if he couldn't see were her voice was coming from. He looked down and grinned. " Oh , its just you. I thought you burned and crashed to the ground after the chaos you had politically and economically." He was holding back the urge to smack the shit out of her right there but lucky for her ,Li walked over to them. He explained what Katinka was imposing and Min-Jun was really not in the mood to here one of Li's many.....many....many quotes. " First of all you and I both know we're one of the smartest countrys. And I'll only join you guys if you apologize for your previous actions. If not you all can go burn in Cuba." He slid his hands into his pockets and starred at the two. They were holding up his chance to find a "partner" and was getting a little agitated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azaria Blue
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Azaria Blue The Best

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ada came from a country of jokes and jests and if you made a sister joke, they would only be surprised that you know their sister. In this sense, some things she says can be perceived as rude, but really all in good fun. That doesn't necessarily correspond well to some other character traits though. "Is that what England said to you when-" she was cut off by the distraction of a bold statement laid out on the other side of the room though "-burn in Cuba" was all she really caught."Ooooooh...Maeve, are you catching this?" she peered over her shoulder, her face now full of red locks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dreamcaster


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Maeve scowled. "Don't mention that incorrigble, bossy upstart-" She was distracted by the interrupted thought, and saw the confrontation going down between South Korea and what Maeve was now going to (un)offically start calling the Dictator Gang. Her emerald green eyes widened fractionally. "Should I step in? If punches start getting thrown I'm totally going to get in there and fight too, I like a good fight."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Min-Jun looked around purposely when Katinka spoke to him as if he couldn't see were her voice was coming from. He looked down and grinned. " Oh , its just you. I thought you burned and crashed to the ground after the chaos you had politically and economically." He was holding back the urge to smack the shit out of her right there but lucky for her ,Li walked over to them. He explained what Katinka was imposing and Min-Jun was really not in the mood to here one of Li's many.....many....many quotes. " First of all you and I both know we're one of the smartest countrys. And I'll only join you guys if you apologize for your previous actions. If not you all can go burn in Cuba." He slid his hands into his pockets and starred at the two. They were holding up his chance to find a "partner" and was getting a little agitated.
Alexi gotten off of his chair, walking up too Min-jun, Alexi was bigger then him and more intimidating, Cuba was one of alexi's favorite places to go too towering other Min-jun Alexi Intimidated her Excuse me?, If you mess with her you mess with me, and Cuba is not a bad place I've been there before, its good. Now if you have a problem feel free to say it to my face capitalist, Alexi glared at Ada and Maeve, he hated them both, they were both the "cool" kids who thought they were the best, people like them need to learn there place instead of standing in a corner gossiping like Japanese school girls
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JSwiftTehPwnlordXD
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JSwiftTehPwnlordXD Self-declared Democratic President of North Korea

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING, CAPITALIST PIG? THE SPIRIT OF INTERNATIONAL MARXISM AND OF THE COUNTLESS WORKS I DID HAS LIVED ON INTO THE MODERN DAY. DO YOU SEE ANY FACIST NATIONS AROUND? DO YOU KNOW WHY THE ANSWER IS NO? YOU THOUGHT IT WAS AMERICA-CHAN, BUT IT WAS ME, KATINKA!" Katinka began yelling, the full force of her dictorial lungs direct at the man who dared question her. She was clearly not pleased with such insubordinate rudeness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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" This is a waist of time." Min-Jun looked towards Li. " I see why you closed your borders all those years ago." He walked away from the group with an unhappy look on his face. How was he gonna work with this group of people. " Why couldn't France be in this class." He complained to himself. Even now he was being gained up on. He didn't even fill like starting a another fuid with Russia. Min-Jun sat criss crossed in the corner of the room and began to medatate with his back facing every one else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Azaria Blue
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Azaria Blue The Best

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oh it seems we have a discussion!" a lanky man now stood near them, listening in, "Oh, my my, now let's all sit down and take a vote about this," the light casts his own shadow over his face, "We don't need to get principal Ulysses Nelson, what with is hefty lunch charges and restrictions on library book rentals...I think we can settle this ourselves," he gave a wiry grin with a bit of darkness hidden behind it. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Yeah but do you really have the time or resources for that?" she glanced down, "No offense but it would be sad to see a repeat of Greece...poor guy is homeless..." she shrugged and peered over to the teacher's attempt at an "intervention." All that's going to do is make the smaller countries bullied and bribed into voting the way of a bigger one, which just makes people cranky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dreamcaster


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Maeve rolled her eyes. "At the moment, the situation is over, what would be the point of a vote? Besides, surely the point of being at school is to, oh, I don't know, actually do schoolwork? Can we leave the drama behind and get on with our lives?" So that might have been a tad disrespectful and sarcastic, but that was the way her people were.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

" This is a waist of time." Min-Jun looked towards Li. " I see why you closed your borders all those years ago." He walked away from the group with an unhappy look on his face. How was he gonna work with this group of people. " Why couldn't France be in this class." He complained to himself. Even now he was being gained up on. He didn't even fill like starting a another fuid with Russia. Min-Jun sat criss crossed in the corner of the room and began to medatate with his back facing every one else.
Another day of life, Min-jun decided to be a coward and walk away, Useless. Taunting him Alexi spoke I thought so..coward Some people just have to be taught there place, Staring at the clock its the most wonderful time of the day, Alexi pulled out a bronze pillbottle out of his Pocket, the Pillbottle had a sign on it that said "Democraium pills" on it, he opened the cover and with a frown on his face, Tooken out a pill and put it in his mouth, swallowing the pill, he walked back up the Min-jun and apologetically apologized, his voice much more polite and his voice with tranquility, almost like a different person I am truly sorry Min-jun, sometimes my Sister is a bit radical and crazy, and I am also sorry for being intimidating I am also, like her, radical about my beliefs on Communism. Which is false. I'll go and vote,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azaria Blue
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Azaria Blue The Best

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"That's a good boy," he scruffed the top of his medicated head, "Now come on all of you, sit down and face back to back, we will vote tomorrow. Today, we try to improve and mend our relationships," he glanced over to Maeve and then to the others in the classroom. Someone coughed in Min-jun's general direction with the word "Suck up," followed by a low chuckling of the class.
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