Another year, another year. Perhaps if it had had a better start, Maeve would be more excited, but that English anchúinse rialú (control freak) had to go bossing her around this morning. Just because he's the oh-so-amazing English and his family adopted her, he thought she should work to make him look good. This was partly directed to the Welsh and the Scot too, but those boys are useless, especially the Welsh, he practically worships that English deachtóir (dictator). Whatever. Maeve would not let some stupid blokes ruin her first day back at school. She popped in her headphones and listened to some Mumford and Sons and Dropkick Murphys, her two favorite bands. Sure they lived in the American's country, but they were her territory, her property. Sure she didn't really get noticed much, (except in March when everybody over-celebrated her holiday - seriously, no one dressed in full out green and pinched people if they weren't wearing it, in Ireland the shamrock was enough. The American must have started that.), and sure she didn't really have friends, but she had music, and she knew her boys (English, Welsh and Scot) would be there for her if she needed their help, so for Maeve, that was enough.
Maeve just blinked as she watched the eccentric man that must be their teacher enter the room. Honestly, Maeve had seen much weirder things. Then she was beginning to wonder if he was drunk, reading his watch upside down. It was kind of funny, actually. Then Maeve turned off her music and stashed her headphones away, groaning softly. Team-building exercise? Partner? This was a load of crap.
Maeve took a look around at all her classmates. Ugh, Katinka, Alexei and Li, all of them in this class? She hoped she'd have different people in different classes, otherwise dealing with three control freaks all day long would mean a long year. Thankfully, Maeve didn't get noticed. At least North Korea wasn't here too. She looked around to see the others. Alejandro was here, nice to have another neutral at least. And Ada, Maeve liked intelligence and feminism, so it was likely that Maeve could have an ally in here. And there was Min-Jun, who she didn't really know very well but had to be better than North Korea.
She sighed and just decided to look for one of her boys unless she was approached, and started wandering the classroom in search.