Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Alex listened carefully to what Norvel said about his other wizarding friends back home. Alex didn't have much experience with the whole blood system thing, it was all rather strange to her. Her parents were rather detached from the politics of the wizarding world, she could however remember a time when her grandmother freaked out on her mother for marrying a half blood. Something about their pure heritage being ruined. "Are there really kids out there that think muggle borns and pure bloods are all that different?" Alex paused a moment, spearing what was left of her steak. "Weird." Alex let out another loud laugh when Norvel asked her if she had ever flown a broom. "Yeah! I've been flying for as long as I can remember! My parents tell me I flew a broomstick before I took my first steps!" Well obviously that was a figure of speech, but it got her point across. As for his comment about having no siblings Alex smiled. She gave him an overly enthusiastic slap on the back. "Well look at us! Team Only Child!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 12 days ago

Chuckling Aedan watched her as her cup filled with root beer and let his smile remain on his face. So far he liked this girl, she had a very good mix of intelligence and humor and Aedan could see talking to her for quite a long time about nothing really. He wondered just how big of a prankster she really was but figured that if the first time he saw her was any indication she was a pro, a hypothesis that was supported by her disappointment in weasley products being banned. For some reason however Aedan didn't think that would stop the Ravenclaw. His grin widened as she used his own comment against him and inclined his head as if saying touche noting the smile that decorated her own face. Without missing a beat Aedan saw the short look back and noticed the boy sitting back at the Ravenclaw table a book in his hands. Aedan made the connection almost instantly. A twin brother, probably very quiet doesn't talk much, possibly a push-over. Older sister who keeps a look out for him. It was good information to have, you never really knew what might happen. When the question about his own family came around Aedan made sure not to look at Jackson or Dana but merely shrugged. "I have two cousins here, one in Gryffindor and one in Hufflepuff, the Hufflepuff was just sorted tonight as well." He shrugged his shoulders again slightly, he was going to let her figure out which ones he was talking about. "Mainly while I detest both of their houses I do maintain a healthy amount of love since they are family after all. Particularly the Hufflepuff."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ink-berry
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"Oh yeah, it's weird," Norvel agreed, watching Alex carefully for her reaction, "Apparently mud— uh, muggle borns are less magical 'cause they stole their magic from the purebloods and probably support muggles. And then they're not as good at magic, and they'd be dirtying the bloodlines if they marry a pureblood, so... Something like that, I think." He grew awkwardly silent for a moment before adding, "...They're all the same to me, though, I promise," (The boy inwardly cursed himself for letting his friends' vocabulary rub off on him. She wasn't going to notice, was she...?) "Uh yeah, brooms!" he said quickly, eager to change the subject. "I flew a broom before, too... Just once, though. Flew myself straight into the wall and broke just about every bone in my arm." Norvel paused for a moment, grinning dreamily as if lost in a fond memory. (Of course, he was leaving out certain parts of the story, but she didn't need to know that.) "Mum and dad were so angry..." He leaned in closer to Alex as he lowered his voice to a whisper, the grin slowly flickering to more of a mischievous smile. "I wanna get on a broomstick again," he said lowly, "Just need to make sure my parents don't find out and I don't crash into any walls or fall to my death and then everything's good... Say, you don't know anyone who'd be able to help me with that, do you?" Norvel shot her a rather meaningful look. But then a few moments later, he was back to grinning like an idiot and returned her over enthusiasm with even more over enthusiasm, if that made any sense. (In fact, his grin started getting so wide it looked... mildly concerning.) "Team Only Child," he mused, "I like that!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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"Just, uh, introducing myself. Trying to make friends, since my brother is off being... difficult." He made a brave effort of keeping eye contact, but kept glancing back toward his brother at the Gryffindor table. "What else would I call you? Miss Moon? Mistress Moon? Lady Moon?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

The color drained from Moirah’s face as the house announced her place. ”SLYTHERIN!” ”Just like dad…” The girl whispered to the hat. ”Thank you.” The hat did not respond, it’s business with Moriah was finished. She felt like she was made of wood, her back stiff as a board as she walked. The only body part that seemed to be working properly, was working in overdrive. This was her heart, it pounded in her chest at a million miles per hour. Somehow she managed to waddle to the Slytherin table, and fall into a seat. The other students nodded at her, but turned their attention toward the rest of the sorting, then Minerva’s speech, then the food as it appeared. She twisted her fingers together under the table. The whole train ride over she had practiced various ways to introduce herself. She would be sure to make the impression that she was noble, clever, and worthy! However, now that her moment of glory had arrived, she couldn’t find use of her tongue! “Hi, I’m M-M-mmmm--” She almost spoke to a dark haired upperclassmen, but he turned away from her for the attention of a biscuit. “Can you pass me the--” she almost spoke to a girl in pigtails, but she turned away as her friend told a joke, they erupting in laughter over some private joke. ’Go ahead! Just ask someone to pass you the pepper already! but couldn’t find the courage to interrupt her house mates, so instead, she ate quietly and without additional spices. She would be content, for now, to be surrounded by them. The house of the pure magicians. The pure blood houses held the strongest wizards and witches as thei blood carried the highest concentration of magical genetics. To be clear, Moirah did not really know what ‘genetics’ were. She had not been schooled in science. She knew it was a popular muggle term for talking about blood-status, which, for them was only about what your hair color might be. That’s as much as Moirah knew about that. The rest was assumptions based on second and third hand information. She yearned to be accepted by her peers in Slytherin. She had been an only child and seen her cousins only sporadically. There were more children in this hall than all the others she had seen in her whole life added together! The potential, and the pressure, was overwhelming. She began to eavesdrop on a couple of first years sitting next to her. A girl from Ravenclaw had struck up conversation with a first year Slytherin. ’I wonder why she is talking to the Slytherin before her own housemates. Her name was Skylar, and his was Aedan. When she couldn’t hold back any longer she launched into the conversation as if she had been involved the whole time. All her clever and well practiced introductions forgotten... “Yes, I had a lot of cousins in Slytherin, but now they are all graduated! I’m a Myeong-sook!” The name would be known to other pure bloods, even if it had only been heard in passing. She felt her stomach drop as she suddenly wondered how her name would be received. Several of the Myeong-sook clan were serving in Azkaban for joining the Death Eaters. They were imprisoned for, among other things, shedding blood on these very grounds at the battle of Hogwarts. On the other hand, some might know her father was cut off from the rest of the Myeong-sook family over... political disagreements. How united was the house of Slytherin? They were all blood-worthy but, like her own family, perhaps they did not share a common vision. Most of the older student had been present for the Battle of Hogwarts. They had been locked up in the dungeons and treated as criminals. How did that make them feel? What would they have done if they had been released back then? Would the Battle of Hogwarts ended quite differently? “I’m sorry to interrupt.” She said looking back down at her plate. “This is WAY harder than I thought it would be!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Must be nice to be have contact with extended family. Congratulations to the Hufflepuff." Sky scanned the other tables, but if there was one thing she struggled with it was catching on to familiar resemblances. She was picking out a few faces she thought might have been Aedan's cousins when her train of thought was shattered by a female voice. Turning her gaze to the girl sitting beside her, Sky sipped her soda until the girl had finished speaking. "Bit of a nervous Nelly aren't ya?" Sky chuckled a little, patting the girl lightly on the shoulder. "Practice makes perfect, you'll get the hang of it sooner or later." Then falling into silence, Sky thought about the name she had mentioned. "Unique name, very pretty. Mind if I call you Mo?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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The First Years were easily the most bleary eyed the following morning. Arriving at the school was for many the most exciting moment of their life thus far, and the First Year dorms all over the school were abuzz with conversation late into the night. Breakfast in the great hall the next morning was roughly half as lively as the start of term feast. The heads of houses bustled about the tables(hindered somewhat by the encouraged mixing of houses) to hand out class schedules, which many First Years looked upon in awe. Slytherins had Defense Against the Dark Arts with Hufflepuff first. Professor Clowers, the students learned was a black man somewhere in his thirties. He sported a shaved head and a tremendous, bushy beard. Though the students knew him to be a former auror, and a renowned warrior, he was very surprisingly short and thin. His reputation, it could be surmised, was earned through prowess rather than intimidating physique. He spoke warmly and with great energy, and his first lesson was focused heavily on philosophy rather than practice or even theory. He spoke emphatically about the dangers of the Dark Arts, and how most of the darkest wizards believed their cause to be in the right. "The darkness of a spell," he told the students, with an air as though this was a subject very important to him, "Is inherent. You cannot use the unforgivable curses for good. There's no good reason to inflict them upon someone, that's simply a fact. That is the reason those curses were deigned, 'unforgivable.' There are Aurors who will use them, and perfectly within the law, as they are allowed in extreme circumstances, but I have endeavored not to." ~~~ When lunch came, the students poured into the Great Hall with a new mixture of emotions. Some were still just as excited as the night before, but many were more somewhat disgruntled, having already been given homework. Most were somewhere in the middle. Jax made a beeline for the Hufflepuff table, and sat down next to his brother, speaking immediately. "You had dada?" he pronounced the acronym phonetically. "What'd ya think?" "Er, well... I like Professor Clowers?" Dana answered in a questioning tone. His brother was clearly after something, but he didn't give it away. Jax huffed and got right back up and walked to the Slytherin table instead. He tapped Aeden on the shoulder. "Oi, Cuz, wha'd'ya think o' Clowers?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seleana looked at Dana when he asked "What else would I call you? Miss Moon? Mistress Moon? Lady Moon?" She giggles briefly at the cute little comeback then says Actually my family and friends at the muggle school where my mom teaches and I attended till the trouble began called me Bunny. It's an inside joke on the fact that Seleana is the ancient name of the Moon Goddess. When I told a Japanese friend of mine that my name meant Moon Goddess she said I was too small to be a goddess but I was big enough to be Usagi his companion which means rabbit in her language. Seleana sighs realizing how much she misses her old school an friends. She tells Dana while they eat that night about going to a private muggle school where her mother teaches and about her friends there. _____________________________________________ NEXT DAY Seleana sits in class with her DADA Journal open her writting quill moving quickly across the blank page as if it's trying to take flight. She nods agreeing with Professor Clowers when he talks about how unforgivable the unforgivable curses are and how no matter your reasons for using them they remain just that; Unforgivable. LUNCH She sits near Dana thinking that to begin making friends she has already begun with him and as he has family attending she can through him make more and in other houses too. She thinks her chance to meet someone else has come when his brother Jax sits down next to him quizzing him about Professor Clowers but doesn't interrupt and is amused when Jax bolts off to trap another person into discussing the DADA Professor. He sure is eager to study DADA isn't he? she says with a gentle laugh shouldering Dana playfully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Dana laughed in return, but nervously. "Well maybe. You don't know him like I do. That's my brother, in case you didn't gather. Jackson. He's got something up his bum, but I don't know what."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 12 days ago

Aedan giggles a bit nodding. "Thanks... I think, it may be a weak house but hey I suppose we must only be as strong as our weakest links eh?" He smiles at her looking around the room then he switches his target from Skylar to Moirah, instantly taking in her features and the smaller details in her speech. He really was rather attentive to details, he had determined she was more than likely a Myeong-sook and he smiled faintly to himself when it was confirmed. "Pleasure to meet you, Aedan Selwyn but i'm sure you already knew that before speaking to us huh? Shame about your father, but those who betray family are dealt with rather harshly, it's amazing really the things you do for family." His eyes never left her face, but they were not hostile or even intimidating. More curious and alert. The rest of the meal passed with more conversation between the three of them, he wondered if Dana had made any friends and shrugged figuring he'd probably see the boy tomorrow. He followed his head of house to the dungeons where the Slytherin house called home and went into his dormitory. He had four other boys in with him and he seemed to hit it off well with all of them. They all agreed to turn in early to get some sleep so they could start the next day ready to learn. Aedan dreamed of being in the last war, dueling with Auror's and Death Eater's both. The next morning Aedan woke up refreshed and ready, he decided to go ahead and wake everyone else up so they could get ready together and eat breakfast together as well. The meal was a good one, less lavish than the feast the night before but most students weren't exactly up to eating a huge breakfast anyway. When the schedules came out Aedan was pleased to see that he had DADA with one of his cousins and was looking forward to the class. That excitement went away the second he met Mr. Clowers, a great fool of a man who understood the Dark Arts like a child would a wand. He was incompetent and preferred theory over the actual art form that truly was the Dark Arts as a whole. Aedan snuck glances at his cousin and was horrified to see that he seemed to be agreeing with everything the Professor was saying. Needless to say Aedan while taking good notes and answering questions couldn't help but feel a hatred to Clowers for ruining his favorite class. Lunch period came quickly and Aedan had his homework assignments in his arms to work on them while he ate. Almost at the same second his older cousin Jax came over and tapped him on the shoulder. "Oi, Cuz, wha'd'ya think o' Clowers?" With a glare that would melt ice Aedan responded. "He's a buffoon who thinks he can teach a class when he has no really knowledge or even passion for the subject he teaches. It's disgusting and to be quite honest I don't think any student at this school will understand the true Dark Arts both as a fount of strength or in beauty."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

DINNER "Mo? Sure!" Moirah accepted the nickname without hesitation. She gave the Ravenclaw girl a shy smile. Moirah felt that the nickname was a small gesture of acceptance by Skylar. It was also a gracious opportunity. 'Mo' Moirah toyed with the name in her head. Now she had a new name, a new school, a completely new beginning. Perhaps here she could really be herself, away from the eye of her parents and limitations of her childhood. The only thing left to do, was figure out who this 'Mo' character ought to be. Aedan said something to Skylar about the weakest link, then fixed his eyes upon Moirah. She felt a bit intimidated by his discerning gaze. She kept her back straight but her smile faltered a little as she felt her chest swell with anxiety. She began to relax the more he spoke with her. He discussed family and fealty, and Moirah was happy to be accepted into their conversation for the rest of the evening. It wasn't until later, when the lights were out and she felt quite alone, that his words began to bother her. His words were certainly was very telling of his position. He seemed to feel that her fathers situation was more tragic than her cousins in Azkaban. For surely he was aware f both but only felt the need to mention the one... Moirah herself was conflicted about these things. She now knew that the other Slytherin and pure blood families had much more clear opinions. Did their opinions of her father or the clan extend to herself? Of course they did, for better or for worse. 'He think's my father is the weak link of the Myeong-sook.' she deliberated, then decided. 'I'll show them that I'm not the weak link of this house! However, there was a second matter, one she did not resolve that night. '...those who betray family are dealt with rather harshly, it's amazing really the things you do for family.' Did she owe fealty to her Father or the Myeong-sook clan? Or perhaps her mothers family in Korea who had less involvement in British pure blood politics... Frustrated, she flopped onto her stomach and fell asleep. DADA Moirah watched Clowers attentively. She wanted to do well in all her classes, but especially this one, especially after her conversations last night. Strongwizards did well in DADA. LUNCH She quickly claimed a spot next to Aedan again at the Slytherin table. Thinking it would be wise to keep pace with an already established acquaintance. She hoped that Skylar would come back as well. Moirah liked Aedan, but Skylar was a bit easier to talk to. Maybe because she was a girl, maybe because Skylar had given her a nickname. Moirah wondered if 'Mo' would catch on with everyone or just be a pet name from Skylar... Another boy, Jax, a Gryffindor came over to speak with him. Her eyes widened at the discourse between them. Aedan completely ripped apart professor Clowers. In her upbringing as an only child with sporadically interactions with her well-mannered-but-distant cousins, she had never really heard someone properly slander an adult before. 'That is a lot to say after only one class... I guess first impressions are important around here after all...' She thought to herself. Like Aedan, she was disappointed that the class was not more hands on. She wondered if that was simply an introductory lecture, but was worried now that the entire course would be conducted this way. She also wondered who much Aedan knew about the Dark Arts already. Most the first years were not supposed to know any magic at all, never mind dark magic. "He was a bit confusing..." Moirah was nervous, but decided to throw down her own gauntlet. "... If the forbidden curses are so forbidden how come Aurors are allowed to use them? He says he doesn't use them but... It is as if he doesn't want to tell us the whole truth."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Skylar nodded in agreement while Aedan spoke, remembering mentions of the man during the war. Her own mother had remained mostly uninvolved with the Death Eaters, however she didn't speak against them either and was considered a supporter. Shrugging the thoughts aside, Skylar joked and laughed throughout the evening-time meal, eating to her hearts content and socializing with her two newfound friends. There were a few other Slytherins that had started to warm up to the idea of having her around, laughing at her jokes and responding with some of their own. She couldn't consider those few friends yet, but she hoped that some day soon she might. As the night drew to a close, Skylar parted with Mo and Aedan and returned to her own house, following the group to the Ravenclaw tower. Fascinated by her their new home, many Ravenclaw students found little sleep in the excitement. Trying out little spells, trading stories and theories about how classes would run for the year. ~~~
Next Day
Skylar had skipped through breakfast hurriedly, barely stopping to chew her food befor ebouncing off to her first classes of the day. Partially due to them being her first classes, Skylar was extremely excited, answering just as many questions as she asked of her professors. Much to the horror of her twin, Skylar was rushing about everywhere, trying to take in all of the sights she could. It wasn't until lunch that she slowed down a bit, approaching the Slytherin table after she had spent a few minutes discussing homework with her fellow students. "He was a bit confusing..." Moirah was nervous, but decided to throw down her own gauntlet. "... If the forbidden curses are so forbidden how come Aurors are allowed to use them? He says he doesn't use them but... It is as if he doesn't want to tell us the whole truth." "He's an Auror, what did you expect?" Skylar smiled, slipping into the seat beside Moirah and nodding toward Aedan and the Gryffindor that she assumed was one of his cousins. "Most people who refuse to use a spell have often had bad experiences with it. If I had to guess he's either been tortured with one or regrets using one... You should ask him about it the next chance you get." She began picking out what she wanted to eat, popping a few grapes into her mouth before speaking again. "It's a real shame about the Dark Arts class, I hear it's mostly theory and book work. I was hoping for a little more hands on work, especially since there are students who are already a year behind on their studies. The least they can do is start with practice duels." Skylar shrugged her shoulders and took a bite out of her food, shifting her gaze to the Gryffindor. "Cousin I assume?" She asked, the question finally bugging her enough to ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dana laughed then said in a voice tinged with nervous humor. "Well maybe. You don't know him like I do. That's my brother, in case you didn't gather. Jackson. He's got something up his bum, but I don't know what." Seleana smiles as she listens to Dana and says Your Brother and his name is Jachson she pauses her voice becoming a parody of shock And I am quite sure I wouldn't wish to know what he may have up his nethers Her blue/green eyes sparkle as she restrains form laughing then once she's settled she adds It's okay Dana he's like a lot of other eager beavers who are chomping at the bit to dive into the magical martial art. I myself asked an pestered my grandfather about it when he was teaching me the fundamentals of casting last year, it's a natural thing to do considering what the magical world just went through Her eyes drift towards the table where Jackson has gone taking note of who he's with and their expressions. Well whatever it is that's driving him at least it's causing him to mix the pot, Ravensclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin. Looks like council of houses except that it's missing a Badger she says in a tone filled with waxing curiosity. Seleana isn't the type to stay out of things when her curiosity is up so she looks at Dana and asks Please excuse me for being a bit of a Honey Badger but I must answer the call Swinging her legs over the backside of the bench Seleana stands the moment her feet hit the floor and walks towards the odd gathering. She stops almost beside Jackson and allows her eyes to sweep the assembled group with a smile upon her lips. Greetings one and all I am Seleana Artemis Moon Isle of Wright, House of Hufflepuff please excuse me for interrupting your conversation but I couldn't help notice you were incomplete as a council lacking a Badger and all. she says her expression filled with delight as she enjoys the mixed reactions she gets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Jax clapped Aeden affectionately on the cheek. "There's my man! I get it, though. He's scared. Scared of us older students, I 'spect. We learned Dark Arts from the Carrows when they were here." As he spoke, other students were gathering around. Their attitudes toward Clowers were varied, but most seemed disappointed at the very least. The last of the newcomers called the group a "council." "Well," Jax began with a roll of his eyes, "I'm well sorry, 'parently my chat with me cousin has interrupted this 'council.' Please forgive me, I did not mean to cause offense. "And by the bloody by, if I had to choose a 'Puff it'd be Dane over there not whoever you are." "Well if I'm a part of this," Dana spoke up, having followed Seleana over. "I just want to say, maybe you're jumping the gun a bit, Jax? It's been one class, maybe just wait a bit before complaining?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

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Alex appeared to be on of the only remaining students who were still full of energy. She happily met her roommate, fell asleep with a huge grin on her face and even woke up full of energy. She laughed and skipped to breakfast with some other hufflepuffs, already fitting in with the other students. She even payed attention in class, something she rarely ever did. She felt like she needed to work hard, nothing would be worse then going home now after being introduced to this world. Alex sat by herself at one of the Hufflepuff tables, enjoying her meal. She knew it wouldn't be too long before a friend joined her, or a shy kid who needed a new friend was spotted. ((Sorry for short post, I've been busy but I wanted to post))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You know for a Grif you're an insufferable Git and it was I who'd interrupted for which I apologized." says Seleana her tone icy. She's embarrassed and annoyed at the same time; a bad combination for her as she takes a deep breath then turns to Dana an says "He does have something up his bum and a pity that it seems lodged so deeply as to affect his thoughts; Please excuse me Dana for my colored turn of phrase." With that said she walks down the aisle and out of the hall
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Skylar raised an eyebrow at the mention of the Carrows, a slight shiver running down her spine. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it again as the Hufflepuff introduced herself as Seleana, a sense of tension filling the air. The response from, who she determined to be Jax, didn't surprise her all that much. Gryffindors were just as stand off-ish as Slytherin's were, however she hadn't expect something so bold to come from a Hufflepuff.

Eyes trailing after the girl, Sky let the chuckle she had been holding slip past her lips. "My, my... A badger that has learned to bite back. How interesting." Returning her gaze to Jax, Sky rested her chin on her palm. "The Carrows eh? I've only ever met them once in passing. Were they really as strict as the rumors make them out to be?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 12 days ago

"There's my man! I get it, though. He's scared. Scared of us older students, I 'spect. We learned Dark Arts from the Carrows when they were here."

Aedan sighed and shrugged knowing that he had just let his emotions get the better of him. He couldn't help it though, couldn't stand those who couldn't appreciate the Dark Art's just as they were an art. Sure, 'Dark' wizards practiced it but just because a wizard is 'Dark' doesn't mean he isn't a good person just that he enjoys a form of magic that others may not. It's like telling all chocolate ice cream lovers that they were wrong since it was 'Dark'.

"... If the forbidden curses are so forbidden how come Aurors are allowed to use them? He says he doesn't use them but... It is as if he doesn't want to tell us the whole truth." Aedan nods at the Asian girl Moirah, he liked the girl honestly and knew she was in Slytherin for a reason, he also had no hard feelings for her father or any of the Voldemort deserters, sure they lost all loyalty in almost an instant and they were probably cowards but they had a healthy respect and love of the Dark Arts and -that- Aedan admired more than anything else.

"Auror's are hypocrites, nothing more." Aedan said.

"Most people who refuse to use a spell have often had bad experiences with it. If I had to guess he's either been tortured with one or regrets using one... You should ask him about it the next chance you get." Aedan looked at Skylar painfully and shrugged,

"nevertheless if you were beat by something then why fear it? Embrace it and make yourself more powerful. I don't know he just doesn't make sense and i'm telling you students are -not- going to stand for being half-taught since most of them are already behind." He said this even as he knew he was going to struggle quite a bit in potions, and history, and probably herbology as well. "And yea Sky this is my cousin Jackson, but I call him Jax. Jax the-" He was interrupted by a Hufflepuff and Aedan was about to put his small foot down the tiny brunette wondering how his spot always seemed to be the gathering point already.

"Greetings one and all I am Seleana Artemis Moon Isle of Wright, House of Hufflepuff please excuse me for interrupting your conversation but I couldn't help notice you were incomplete as a council lacking a Badger and all." Aedan looked her over, he had heard of the Moon family a pure blooded squib family. Almost as embarrassing as pure muggle family but he played nice and smiled at her even if at that moment he wanted to hex her eyes off and make her go back to sitting down at -her- table. Jax however didn't control his tongue.

"Well, i'm well sorry, 'parently my chat with me cousin has interrupted this 'council.' Please forgive me, I did not mean to cause offense. And by the bloody by, if I had to choose a 'Puff it'd be Dane over there not whoever you are." Aedan had to agree with him but he did see Dana talking to this girl so Jax may have just insulted Dana's only friend thus far, sighing Aedan shrugged to Jax and watched Seleana leave after a retort was thrown at Jax and Skylar follow her.

"Jax, i'm telling you man if something doesn't change we might have to do something."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seleana's blonde hair flashed in bright waves of light as she exited the building and found herself a spot in the sunlight an settled down. She was furious and wondered why she had allowed herself to be so goaded into it. Maybe it was the reverent way that some had been speaking of the Carrows, Amycus and Alecto.

How could anyone hold in such high regard those two cowards? The brother an sister team that had tortured students here at Hogwarts and in the end proved so useless that they had accomplished nothing of any worth unless you counted their activities sweeling the ranks of Dumbledor's Army.

Her Grandparents told her about how the Death Eaters were hypocritical buffoons who stood for Pureblood hegemony while their ranks were speckled with half bloods in positions of power; that even their Dark Lord was a half blood. Tom Riddle who'd called himself Lord Voldemort in an attempt to give himself an air of false importance was merely a powerful pretender a half blood. His mother had to bewitch his father Tom senior into marrying her because Merope was so repulsive a personality. So that basically their whole society was based on lies which wasn't so surprising considering how dishonest was their beginnings.

Shaking off such thoughts she produces her wand as if she wills it to her fingers and begins twirling it between her fingers as she recites to herself a poem taught by her grandmother Hecate..

Dancing fingers hear my song, weaving wand to spin along
Words of power to match my will, guided by wisdom an crafted with skill
I bend the arcane to match my desire, control the elements water, earth, air and fire.
A witch am I and magic my art, and to it's tune does dance my heart
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Jax ignored Seleana as she walked away and turned back to his cousin and Skylar.

"Awful, they were," he spoke in an undertone now, worried that teachers wouldn't want this discussed. "With their pureblood shite. Anyone had a name they di'n't recognize an' they'd poke and prod t'find out if they were less'n pure. A lot of us di'n't pass their tests and got the shaft. Learned loads, but they were well scary.

"Tell me nuffin, Aed. I know it. What do you propose, then?"
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