Name: Thomas O'Reilly
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Former nationality: Irish-British
Personality: Thomas has become slightly sadistic, having seen the battle first hand, and see his fellow officers and soldiers get killed, and/or turned into husks. He is also slightly depressed, due to seeing a couple of his friends die. Thomas sometimes binges on alcohol due to the depression, and also sees some flashbacks sometimes, but is dealing with his depression better than some would.
Survival: Thomas was part of the Haven Police, who were drafted into the Army when the aliens attacked. He saw his entire regiment killed, most turning into husks. He managed to escape and hid until the end, drinking alcohol to calm his nerves. This has caused him to now suffer from PTSD and depression.
Goals: Thomas wants to get his life back to normal, and stop the binge drinking. He also wants to stop the flashbacks, and maybe find a girlfriend.
Skill-set: Police Officer/Detective
Magic Affinity: Cryokinesis. He cannot do much yet, only make a object colder every so often, and not make it very cold, either. It does, however, make him feel colder most of the time.