Alyssa Moore Jonie
" Muse "
Sad, Alyssa is nothing more than a human that is blank, due to her artifical brain she cannot or does not seem to generate ' A given fuck '. Alyssa can gain more knowledge by simply scanning the whole internet and gaining knowledge, though even though she might be blank she can still generate multiple codes into her brain and thus creating a personality, saddly she doesn't know how to operate her own brain.
Alyssa's power consists of sound, but not sound, but soundwaves. Alyssa has the ability to manipulate the form of a soundwave, though it is very restricted. A law within the ability known as L.P.O (Law of private origin) states that the user cannot manipulate others soundwaves, though a highly based user can manipulate any sound near he or shes vicinity. When in a passive mode her ability sucks sound from her voice, and thus it makes it extremely hard to speak with others, though gladly her voice wasn't consumed as much when she was a child, though if headphones were to be used it can be used as a private-origin for her sound abilities to consume and use it as a battle mechanisim, and the type of music he or she is listening to can effect the strength and ranges of the sound that is casted and when in combat he or she is able to increase and decrease weight and decrease and increase the tranparency, though to an extent. If Alyssa were to change the soundwaves form the sound is within the gas/solid/liquid and it vibrates the form, thus can be used to create powerful knockbacks. ( Weight range 100-500lb, and size is range is like a small-medium cough that is sorta double )
Her soundwave is like very strong glass, it can be easily canceled out even though it has the strength to carry a human-being. Soundwaves can be fast, though it can be defeated by a speed user. ( I cannot think of other weakness, help me creator @_@ )

|Arc Ideas|
The Creator
A almost O.P being of who can generate known creatures through out the worlds folklore. Some of these creations can be the nightmares of humanity or the miracles of humanity. This being is highly dangerous and must be killed or if not his powers may end the world.
Alyssa was dead when she was born, her bodies brain was not responding due to the fac that it was half formed and couldn't support the nexus within her body. Her father, luckily and yet ilegally he had stolen materials from the S.S.R, ( A science divison within the marvel universe. ) her father had stolen blueprints and the required materials from a abandoned science project from the S.S.R. Her father knew there were faults within the blueprint and thus he was able to decode the blueprint and as well perfect it, even at a young period of time. The brain was able to enlarge insize like a normal human brain and as well develop by creating multiple codes as they continue. The brain itself was able to control the whole nervus system and thus she was alive. (Yes he did surgery on a baby) During the development of her human body she was able to closely fit in with the beings around her, though she would stay silent due to the fact that she couldn't properly speak as her dialouge would come in a very robotic noise and thus becoming very odd, though through out her years she has been able to synchronize the noise within her brain, though thought to be impossible by her father some of the materials within the artifical brain was able to manipulate sound, thus he became more worried of Alyssa. In her grades she'd excel as a student, gaining 100's each and everyday in her classes and at one point, so much that the principle requested two teachers to watch her while she does her work. Alyssa had flourished as a supposed human being, though the S.S.R identifified a non-human being within this cities vicinity and thus Alyssa had been tested and recruited into the T.T will revise .-.
This skill uses all of the sound waves near the user and creates a humgnous spear of which crashes into the ground, killing the user and possibly killing and destroying the terrain around it.