Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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"Really now? umm..i got one we could go on. I've been saving it for the right time,ya know?" Avery pulled out a golden flyer from his coat pocket ." Its a long trip,so if you wanna go,you might wanna pack. Anyway,some freaky things are going on at this strange place or something like that
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Hey Raven." Vesper said to her.

"Fine by me." She said with a shrug.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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@booksmusicanime Raven looked over and took a seat next to Vesper. Her left arm was wrapped in bandages. "I hate mornings." She said in a gloomy tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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"Alright then, then ummm..you should get ready and anyone else who wants to go~." Avery yawned
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alekanekalia
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Alekanekalia Attendant of Memories

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Max smirks slightly as she over hears avery and vesper conversation. "I'm sure Vesper has a to go bag all ready to go. She been excited to go on a big adventure."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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Raven groaned. "Another adventure, lets hope my other arm doesn't get smashed and twisted." she was quite depressed because of her bionic arm. "I'm already tired of being a cyborg monstrosity."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Jeff was pumped. He was already entering the third tavern to ask after the bandit leader after giving his description to two Tavern owners. He hadn't had any luck at those first two, but he knew it only came down to a matter of time before he got the answers he was seeking. Combing his fingers through his stylish black hair, he took a seat in front of the barkeep, to wait for the man speaking to said barkeep to hurry up and finish.

The Tavern was average, with brown walls and an occasional framed picture on them and maybe twenty people enjoying their drinks.

As Jeff was looking around the place in boredom, he heard the man ask after bandits and give the same bandit leader description to the dude.

He quickly took a second look at the guy seeking info and his eyes widened. It was Harry, that spiky blonde haired, slim dude with the attitude.

Before Harry could finish his next sentence, Jeff cut in, "Hey Harry, why not do yourself the favor of forgetting about that mission?"

Harry turned to Jeff slowly, and casually removed his black tinted sunglasses from his face, his eyes showed he was amused, he replied "I'm already on their trail, I know I can find them way before you and you expect me to just give in. Hell no."

Jeff stood up as he realized he was going to have to take down his fellow guildy by force. Harry also rose and smiled, as he thought that Jeff didn't stand a chance against him.

And so the two of them stood staring at each other, readying themselves to take each other out of the picture and the prize money.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

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"Alright this job is gonna be interesting lets bring Fairy Tail back to being #1 in Fiore!" Xander yelled pumping both arms into the air "Hey Eris you got any ice cubes in your mini cooler?" Xander asked as he checked his pocket for his mp3 player. "I got my music! So I'm ready!" Xander added as he turned to Vesper "By the way while Eris and I were out at the town on our last job a towns person mentioned seeing a cloaked figure in the distance when the Vulcans attacked." Xander said "Thought that would be useful info in case we see him or her" He added.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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"Yeah I got some stored away still" Eris said and then thought back to they town recalling the man her brother was talking about "oh yeah I remember that, he sounded creepy" she said as she finished off her Ice cream "ah that should tide me over for a battle or two".
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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Raven sighed. "Has my sword been repaired yet?" That too was destroyed along with her arm during their last adventure. "I'm not leaving without it." Though Raven wasn't that strongest, she was more limber and stealthier than any of her comrades, thus explaining why they saved her and replaced the broken bones in her arm with bionics.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Heck yea! Let me go grab my bag!" Vesper said sprinting over to the bar where she had left her bag by the chair. She was in a considerably better mood than she was before. With the prospect of a job that could bring Fairy Tail back to life she was excited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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Raven became fed up with the childish acts going on around her, she then slammed her fist on the bar counter (Note: this was her bionic arm) and left a crevice as if a small meteor hit the counter. "I said I'm not leaving without my sword, so if it isn't repaired, someone better get in there and repair it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Simon jumped a bit from the sudden loud bang. He quickly turned his direction to the source and looked at Raven for a bit. All he could here was her shouting about her sword needing to be repaired ,so he stood and walked towards her. He'd normally wouldn't confront a member and out right talk to them. But he happened to love swords and wouldn't mind helping a fellow member out with a problem that he could possible solve. The emo boy stood in front of Raven in a very shy way. His bangs covering his right eye. "I.....could.....help i-if you need help? M-m-my ability t-to manipulate lava c-could help." He said in a very low tone of voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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@Slendy Raven looked at him with a gloomy expression and sighed. "I was told that my sword was going to be repaired by the time the medicine wore off, allowing me to wake up." She held her left arm in depression. "The sword's blade was crushed in half along with my arm, I was told the pieces of the sword were retained."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Hmmmmm. I can apply my lava magic onto the s-sword and see what I can do. As for your arm.....I-I can't do anything." Simon didn't make eye contact with Raven, he just kept looking up or to the left of her. He needed this though. The more he talked to someone the less antisocial he'd be. He reached his hands out in front of her with his palms facing up. "I-if you d-don't mind could I h-hold the s-sword?" He asked sounding scared out of his life. What S-Class magic user can't even hold a conversation between his everyday guild mates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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@Slendy "The arm is not an arm anymore, its more of a machine." Raven said in a gloomy tone, she then spotted her sword case and she opened it, revealing the broken katana. "There she is, a shame isn't it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 1 mo ago

On the second floor in the back room of Terror's Guild Head Quarters there was plans being laid out.

The room was elaborate with nice carpets of multiple colors and patterns, on top of that, there was fancy candles lighting the room rather then lights-which was just the way the room's owner liked it.

Three figures stood in the semi darkness.

"An attack tonight. I thought that wasn't going to happen for at least a month yet." Said a man's voice with blue eyes and was armed with many different kinds of weapons.

"Yeah, and I think it's much too soon anyway as the city's population is quite large compared to our guild numbers..." A second man's voice trailed off in agreement with the first and his eyes shone golden.

The third figure had decided what the plan was and he wasn't about to have argument from the other two, especially since, he wasn't in the mood for that kind of crap. "I said the attack happens tonight, and that's the way it is. These people haven't given us the proper respect that we deserve and for that we are going to have our fun and make them pay." He then glared intensely at the two of them, "If you don't obey me, your going to wish I had only booted you out of the guild. Do you both understand?"

"Of course Farad." They both responded quietly with bowed heads as they left his room, not daring to look back.

In short order every member of the guild in the guild hall and several others around the city were summoned to the entranceway. The plan was explained to everyone there. It was simple: Steal from the rich and poor alike, terrorize everybody and if anyone resists take them hostage and bring them back to headquarters.

The attacks had begun.

A very tall man and a very short man had broken into a clothes shop and were demanding all the cash that was in the register. The lady at the counter was shaking badly with fear as her eyes were threatening to roll up in her head, but she did as they asked.

Within five minutes the two men had completed the first robbery of the night for Terrors.

"Too easy, I didn't even get to burn anything up." the smaller man complained.

"You'll have your fun later, I'm sure, as the night is still young." The tall man grinned encouragingly.


A second pair of people, a man and a woman both floating on air were confronting the owner of a movie gallery they found at the back room and were threatening him even as he was doing as they asked.

"C'mon man, your way too slow, at this rate I'm going to send you flying to the otherside o' this here building and right quick."

The man was stuttering badly, "B-but, p-p-please don't, I go-go-goin as fast as I-i-i can-n-n.." he pleaded with the two of them as he worked on the money vault's combination lock.

The woman cackled wickedly at their victim, "Awww, its funny when their so scared they can't even talk normal."

A girl down the hall from the entranceway was going to see how her father was doing running the movie business. She saw them terrorizing her dad and she quietly left, and then ran to the only help she could think of. A guild a good friend of hers said would help anybody in need. Fairy Tail.

And so within a short time she was pounding on Fairy Tails front door. Not caring that it was rude to be so loud about it, because she needed help for her dad and she needed it now. "Please somebody help!!! My Dad is getting attacked at his movie place!! and I'm scared for him!!" she wailed through the door.


Jeff took a swift glance to the floor and instinctively kicked up the small dust pile that was next to his foot-straight at Harry's face. Rushing up to his hopefully blinded opponent he came within striking range and swung a right punch for his stomach.

As this happened, everyone fled the Tavern, fear taking over all other emotions.

At the last second, Harry backstepped out of the way of the punch and quickly blinked the dust from his eyes. He wasn't smiling now.

"Your more pathetic then I thought Jeff, trying to sucker punch me instead of fighting like a man." He held his palm face up and instantly balls of electricity rested on his finger tips. With a flick of his hand he sent them to surround Jeff and then attack him from all sides at the same time.

Jeff saw the attack coming and with quick reflexes he transformed his hands into his titanium claws and with his arms and claws extended he swung his whole body around, blocking all the tiny balls of electricity without a scratch. "Well Harry, I'm not impressed either, why don't you be the first to be a 'man' and show me how strong your really are."

As the last word came out of Jeff's mouth, Harry was already ready to give the poor fool just what he asked for. "Sure thing pal, I'll kick this battle up a notch and you'll be ancient history."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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@Slendy "The arm is not an arm anymore, its more of a machine." Raven said in a gloomy tone, she then spotted her sword case and she opened it, revealing the broken katana. "There she is, a shame isn't it?"

Simon smiled examining the sword. "Yeah, looks like she's b-been through h-hell." He hovered his hands over the broken katana inhaling and exhaling lightly causing a red magic circle to appear over the katana. Simon stood silently as the sound of metal burning began to ring around the guild hall. The katana would begin to slowly rematerialize to its former glory. When it was fully restored, Simon backed away smiling widely at his work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Avery Blinked."Whoa,whoa,whoa now..geez,i didn't think this many people would come." he said with a little smile,grabbing his bags from behind the bar and placed it on his back."But its whatever right? it makes things more interesting..annnyywwaayy, im about to head to the port. Ya got 20 minutes..bye now." Avery waved and left out the guild
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Vesper heard someone yelling through the guild door and she ran over to it, the quest forgotten as she opened the door to see the girl. "What's happening?" She asked looking down at the girl.
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