Hell, all I ever do is make shit up as I go along.
I think the wood would be feeling itchy. Like, when you've got an itch, but you know you shouldn't scratch it, because you've already scratched at it too much and now the skin's just gonna be all irritated and make it worse, but it itches even more now and you kind of want to it get all rashy out of some deviant desire to see all the organic nastiness you can make out of it, people will probably notice, cause it's right on your neck, but whatever you'll just say you got into some poison ivy or something, which, actually, maybe you did, you did rub your neck after clearing all those weeds from the back of the shed, maybe there was some sort of irritant on your hands. You're pretty sure you don't have any kind of plant allergy, but maybe you do. You should probably get tested, after all, your insurance is good right now, you really should be getting all your stuff checked out, make an appointment with the eye doctor, the dentist, see if you can get some refills on your prescriptions before they run out. Alright, that's what you'll do, you'll get yourself checked out. But it'll have to be tomorrow, since you already promised yourself to get your yard all cleaned up today, and you still have that box of old files you need to go through just sitting on the coffee table. You really need to get rid of all that clutter. No, no, don't worry about it now, just finish each task in front of you, otherwise you always feel so overwhelmed. Today is about taking care of all the external stuff cluttering your life. Tomorrow you can worry about all those internal, biological things. Oh, though, you know, you do have that early meeting tomorrow. Damn. You'll have to make those calls on your lunch break, you hate having to make calls on your lunch break, but they've really been cracking down on using work time for personal calls. Fascists. You really need to get out of this job. Things have really gone downhill since the new governor got elected. The benefits are good though, so it really is important to prioritize all those health things now, get what you can out of the man before you tell them to take this job and shove it. Alright, good. The sun is out, you're being productive, got all your ducks in a row. This really is going to be your year. The year you really take life by storm. Really get it by the horns. Like some kind of bull wrestling storm. Yeah.
That kind of vibe. You know what I mean?