Ria comforts the girl and whoever was caught by the white haired psychotic young man; she didn't flinch at all when he mocked her but she knew to well that it would be a different outcome or otherwise. She ignored the psycho man instead, pride out of the way, Ria thought to herself that most aren't going to take her seriously due to her looks, anticlimactic loss and joke moments. Nevertheless she doesn't even care about that, what's important is, Hybrid Academy is free from bad conduct.
"Good work, Tsurara-san." Kinoshita Yoshiki; Captain of Judgement HA District said to Ria telepathically. Suddenly, she recalled Tsumiki's words of 4 days ago that she could always join Judgement. She waved her hair with an expression of she rather not join any organization.
"You guys alright? Let's get going." "Heroics, I don't play well with others; Toshiki." She replied.
"Initiative, Tsurara-san. All it takes is initiative. What would you have done if I didn't tell you to go here?" He struck her with an impending question, Ria couldn't reply back a proper one.
"Whatever. What's done is done."Date: April 4 20XX
Time: 10:10 am
Location: Various(Auditorium, Garden etc)
Mr. Principle.
Furthermore he continues his announcement; That the second year's teacher will none other than be Mishima Taiki and Toshira Nakami. As for third years, Kenobi Katamori will be their teacher. The Auditorium right now neutralizes and negates all Esper and Magic abilities meaning to say AIM Fields, Mana, and Telesma are all negated and will not work in this premises. Not even the level 5's abilities will work. The rearrangement of seats are reiterated as well. To further reset it, the student council is abolished for the meantime and election will take place. Then the following students have been called to accelerate to 2nd year along with the official alignments of classes:
The Third Years
Class 3-EX-3A
Homeroom Teacher: Kenobi Katamori
Kinoshita Toshiki
The Second Years
Class 2-EX-2A
Homeroom Teachers: Misihima Taiki and Toshira Nakami
2.Anderson Jitsudan
3.Kihara Eita
4.Fuyumi G. Nadia
5.Arajuku Ueno
6.Cordillia Luna
7.Kishiko Tachibana
8.Saito Hikaru
9.Tsubasa Minami
10. Kirima Sasaki
The First Years
Class 1-EX-1A
Homeroom Teachers: Stella Mori, Hoshira Kae, Kurogane Kiyoshi
Official Schedule as follows for First Years. Stella Mori- She is a master of P.E, English Literature, and Combat Arts a sub category of P.E. Everybody loves a bright start of the day! Your second teacher for 1B.
Hoshira Kae- Your dreaded Math-Chem of All things teacher and she is a master of Magic. She is also the head of the Magic Department. People call her Professor Snape. Your last teacher for 1B.
Kurogane Kiyoshi- Last Teacher of the day. Jack of All Trades/Traits. He is your Homeroom Adviser and specializes in Esper-Magician stuff. First teacher for 1B.
1. Tsurara Ria
2. Tatsuya Tsumiki
3. Chad Hazy
4. Takahatsu Noboyuki
5. Nishikara Kei
6. Matsuda Seiji
7. Justeaze Lizrech Jaeger
8. Yagami T. Kaori
9. Kurogami Akira
10. Lovejoy Daphne
Class 1-EX-1B
Teachers: Kurogane Kiyoshi, Stella Mori, Hoshira Kae
11. Silva Rogan
12. Zentaro Ray
13. Melodi Nakineri
14. Yamato Kazeno
15. Dylan Brooks
16. Mishima Yuuma
17. Bang Constantine
18. Inuzuma Taiga
19. Namashiya Kotori
20. Aria Fabre
Then all of a sudden it is to be cut in half thus making, Class 1-EX-1B.
Homeroom Teacher by default of THE classes
Kurogane Kiyoshi- 1 A and 1 B.
Mishima Taiki- 2 A.
Special Subjects and Infirmary
Lin Min Hai. Applies to 1st to Second Years.
Official Seating Arrangement for all classes including 2nd years
First of all the First Years are located in the 3rd floor while the 2nd years are located in the 4th floor.

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays will have Kurogane Kiyoshi as first day teacher which means Class 1A and 1B are united.
Further Announcements
Joining of the Clubs are now available, students are allowed to join two clubs, any club creation will be handed to the Student Council.Martial Arts Training Club (Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays)
Member list:
Chairman: ???
Stella Mori
*Fine Arts Club (Mondays and Fridays)
Member list:
*Flower Arrangement Club (Tuesdays and Wednesdays)
Member list:
Special Tactics Club (Wednesdays and Fridays)
Club Advisor:
Member list:
Computer/Hacking Club (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays)
Member list:
'Special Classes' Club (Everyday)
Sign-up not required.
Tea Club (Lunch Time, any day you want)
Chairman: Kenobi-sensei
Kurogane Kiyoshi
Manga Club
Chairman: Hoshira Kae
Member List:
Tsurara Ria
Arajuku Ueno
*Breaks the fourth wall as Ria*

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