Alexander is what you'd call the "normal" University student, Happy to get away with almost nothing though fully capable of proving himself able to a lot more. When the Breakout came he did all he could to keep himself alive. He did however keep the lazy 'only if its needed' Mentality. that isn't to say he's not nice, he's quite friendly when you get through to him.
History; The older brother of 2 sisters he was always feeling 'outnumbered' in the house, so he grew up being a little isolated in the house, spending as much time out and about as he could, Weather that was 'out and about' in a game, or just out of the house with his friends it didn't matter. He dropped out of his college due to a mistake by the exam board and did a secondary course to get in to Uni. When he got to uni he found himself feeling less outnumbered and more like one of the crowd and it was a pleasant feeling. and then The Outbreak came. and he was outnumbered in a Very different way.
HammerSpace Inventory; The ability to store seeingly anything without it impacting weight, size or otherwise affect the user. (Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Ect)
No Time Re-Equip; changing equipment takes almost no time. it seems to Teleport in to the users hand (Epic Battle Fantasy, Unreal Tournament, Ratchet and Clank, Jack and Dex)
A Weapon for Every Situation; He probably is carrying SOMETHING usefull, he's just got to work out what. (Unreal Tournament, Epic Battle Fantasy, Any game with a Elemental resistance system (See those ice enemies? now remember that fire spell you learnt. you get the idea).
Guns Are Worthless; He can't use guns, well he can, but they are pathetic in his hands, god knows what reason, but they never seem to be as strong as a sword. conversely they also have a weaker effect on him (le bullet sponge) (Final Fantasy, Cod (I can take an entire machine gun clip and be fine, but knife me in the foot and I die), unreal tournament, Torchlight)
one handed Zweihander; Sword Encumberance dosn't matter, he can use massive one handed weapons in one hand as if they didn't matter. (Darksiders (war) Final Fantasy, Blazblue (Ragna the blood edge))

Alexander is what you'd call the "normal" University student, Happy to get away with almost nothing though fully capable of proving himself able to a lot more. When the Breakout came he did all he could to keep himself alive. He did however keep the lazy 'only if its needed' Mentality. that isn't to say he's not nice, he's quite friendly when you get through to him.
History; The older brother of 2 sisters he was always feeling 'outnumbered' in the house, so he grew up being a little isolated in the house, spending as much time out and about as he could, Weather that was 'out and about' in a game, or just out of the house with his friends it didn't matter. He dropped out of his college due to a mistake by the exam board and did a secondary course to get in to Uni. When he got to uni he found himself feeling less outnumbered and more like one of the crowd and it was a pleasant feeling. and then The Outbreak came. and he was outnumbered in a Very different way.
HammerSpace Inventory; The ability to store seeingly anything without it impacting weight, size or otherwise affect the user. (Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Ect)
No Time Re-Equip; changing equipment takes almost no time. it seems to Teleport in to the users hand (Epic Battle Fantasy, Unreal Tournament, Ratchet and Clank, Jack and Dex)
A Weapon for Every Situation; He probably is carrying SOMETHING usefull, he's just got to work out what. (Unreal Tournament, Epic Battle Fantasy, Any game with a Elemental resistance system (See those ice enemies? now remember that fire spell you learnt. you get the idea).
Guns Are Worthless; He can't use guns, well he can, but they are pathetic in his hands, god knows what reason, but they never seem to be as strong as a sword. conversely they also have a weaker effect on him (le bullet sponge) (Final Fantasy, Cod (I can take an entire machine gun clip and be fine, but knife me in the foot and I die), unreal tournament, Torchlight)
one handed Zweihander; Sword Encumberance dosn't matter, he can use massive one handed weapons in one hand as if they didn't matter. (Darksiders (war) Final Fantasy, Blazblue (Ragna the blood edge))