@idlehandsThe way I look at it is, God is not the author of confusion, as the Good Book says. Catholicism complicates things, by adding Sacraments, Limbo, Purgatory, repetitive chants, and an un-necessary priesthood, and a whole bunch of other controversial things like the Eucharist literally being Jesus'es body and blood. That's just gross, and I feel dumb for ever believing it like that.
I still celebrate communion, but I see it as "Communion", not "The Eucharist". If you are someone who is from a Church that accepts Jesus as your Savior, you're saved and most of the congregants are probably saved. If you take the Clergy and then Tradition over or even in conjunction with the Bible, that's not Godly.
So, "God is not the author of confusion". My Catholic friends, I'm not saying you're Pagan, I"m saying that you're in a Church of confusion. God and confusion shouldn't blend together like that. The word of God is something that kills ignorance.