Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kita remained sitting on her motorcycle casually drinking a soda in a glass bottle, wherever that came from, through a straw while her other arm rested on the motorcycle. She silently listened to the words exchanged with Leon and the Shadow Gear terrorists who would soon start exchanging strikes of harm. She also got to observing the terrorists moves very carefully. Her and her motorcycle were pretty close to the sidelines of the fight though, close enough to possibly get hit intentional or not.

Eh. She'll be fine.

Not only was she just watching for entertainment, but she was just doing as she was told and not interfering. Besides, some chick with a coffin came to Leon's rescue just in time.

Wait...a coffin? ...Gah dang! Now that. Is. Something! Kita hasn't seen anything like it, but things were getting exciting no-

As Kita's vision casually wanders off to the side, she sees another event happening. Apparently, at least by the looks of it, it might've been going on for some time. Her attention had been focused to the Shadow Gear fight until now, so she really didn't hear the new visitor come in. Emmett had been keeping back this...what is that? A werewolf? No. Something else. Kita may or may not have an idea of what it is, but let's solve that later. Kita's shades naturally and slowly slide down her face on its own, revealing her half-open, bland blue eyes. "...Awww FUCKIN' 'ELL!" Kita flips off the side of her motorcycle while her shades fall off her face in the midst of it, and then she slams her glass bottle of almost finished soda to the ground shattering to pieces before facing towards the "dog" ready to back up Emmett if he needs it because the more the merrier. That was the most expression Kita has shown in a while. She might have sounded mad, but she wasn't really. Just...excited, per say.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Emmett let out a chuckle saying. "My shoe laces." This dog, wolf thingy was funny and Emmett liked that. The beast was pretty tall but height advantage is not all ways a great feature when it came to battle. Before the wendigo could reach Emmett, he teleported behind the giant wolf and stood in the exact spot Dimitri was in previously. " Well....that was exciting...how about warning me next time okay bud?" Emmett was staring to like the ability to teleport. It saved his ass countless of times. Emmett shaped his finger into a gun and shot at Dimirti's back. The pulses of energy weren't powerful enough to kill him though. They were strong to hurt like hell. Emmett's plan wasn't to kill the beast but to capture it. A doggie of this magnitude would help the Agency complete a lot of investigations. " Hey, doggie!? Does your noes work?" He asked. Although it did sound dumb but Emmett had a good reason for asking the dumb question. After his hopefully successful attempt to capture Dimitri he'd use him to find the creature behind these randoms puddles of blood that has been appearing around the park. I know I know, process of elimination, but Emmett wasn't in his logical thinking mood. He wanted to fight a good fight and achieve a new bad ass pet as a reward.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Dimitri snarled as his jaws closed on empty air, though the momentary feeling of disappointment was quickly replaced by a wave of pain in his back and a fresh burst of anger. The wendigo turned to face Emmett as well as the new comer Kita before getting onto all fours, twisting his head a bit, and raking his horns across the concrete "I ain't a dog chump." he growled before rushing forward at full speed with his head still tilted down in an effort to skewer both of his opponents like a rampaging bull. This was exactly what he was looking for, with Emmett's abilities there was no way that the hunt would be over too quickly. As a slight handicap for the as of yet unknown person, the wendigo slowed his charge by a small margin in the hopes that she'd be able to dodge. If Kita could not, then as far as Dimitri was concerned that was just too bad.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kita hanged back in the distance watching Emmett and the beast duked it off for a few seconds. Emmett's teleport ability was quite handy in this situation. Especially in this situation. Kita hasn't even looked at the creature for thirty seconds yet and she could already tell that they needed to be careful with this one. Well, when should you not be careful with anything? It wasn't until Dimitri faced them when Kita strengthened her stance that was just a bit loose. In a situation like this, Kita would have the instinct to kill being a demon and all. And she does. However she still had a good enough grip on the humanity in her to just stabilize the enemy. It should be stabilized first at least. So she chose to use black lightning as her line of defense when attacked. Speaking of which, the dog of the hour had suddenly started dashing at them fast. As the creature came closer, Kita had just realized how huge he really was. Although, she should've figured. She did just see him beat Emmett in height for god's sake. But seeing up close...holy shit. Kita waited for the right moment to move, waiting until any part of Dimitri was at least a foot away from her. Any closer and possibly it would've been too late. For this next part, hopefully Kita will get this timing right. Kita's fists surged with black lightning and up her arms just for a second before she swiftly moved to the side as a dodge, curving around him to remain close enough and facing him. Kita's right side, Dimitri's left side to be specific. Right away, as Dimitri would get close enough within those seconds, Kita then clasps her hands together as they surged and crackled harder with black lightning and she rose them high into the air above her. And since the doggie was on all fours, she slams her clasped fists onto his back. The black electricity surges through the dog's body giving a big whip of voltage, shocking him. Not enough to kill of course. Just really hurt. You know, like how all electricity/lightning does. "And stay down!" Kita shouted as if giving a command to an actual dog, and then she retracted her arms to her sides before jumping back for a little distance. It was funny really. Dimitri just said he wasn't a dog, yet Kita talked to him as if he was anyway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Emmett stepped a few feet back as Kita took control of the giant rampaging bull like doggie. He was astonished on how Kita was able to take on the over grown k9. Its been awhile since he seen her fight and completely forgot she wasn't human. He smiled as he felt the adrenalin of the soon to come battle that would be dished out between him, Kita & the wendigo. As Kita put the dog into its place Emmett laughed saying. "Well..if your not a dog you sure got handled like one." He shaped his hands into guns again. Kita was strong and tough but I'm sure a beast of this stature wouldn't be defeated so easily. Emmett eyed the wendigo down and prepared to fire at it if it even attempts to move. " Surrender! Or be prepared to be turned into sweesh cheese." I hope Dimitri is bullet proof because the next couple of shots are gonna hurt like hell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Dimitri snarled and came to a screeching halt mere inches from a brick wall as he felt the bolt of electricity slam into his back. For a few moments the pain was near blinding, and the air was filled with the scent of burnt hair and charred flesh. The pain was an eye opener for Dimitri, but not in the sense of convincing him to surrender. It had let him regain enough self control to stop attacking on instinct like a greenhorn hunter. "Surrender huh?" Dimitri rumbled as he rose back up to his feet and held his hands out to his sides. "What next? Hands on the wall like this?" The wendigo inquired as he placed his palms against the walls and leaned inward. If Dimitri could smile right now, he'd be outright grinning as his muscles coiled and bunched. In a flash the wendigo placed one foot on the wall and kicked off, making a backwards lunge towards Emmett before cracking the enderman in the nose with an elbow. Not letting up for an instant, Dimitri followed this elbow strike by twisting around and aiming a punch for Emmett's groin, displaying just how little he cared for a fair fight.
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