Listen to this.
Those words in your heads are less than words, and more like feelings. The last thing you recall was a white light.
You struggle and wake up, in a blank white room with a nice comfortable bed. There seems to be no openings, but a weird device near the ceiling that you interpret as a security camera.
No wait, what happened before all that?
You recall, with a strange descent into despair and self-pity, your previous circumstances. Your world was ending. Whether mushroom clouds were rising up in the horizon, or the living dead rose to eat everybody, or a homicidal wizard was destroying your world, you were grasping at hopes and fantasies for a last chance at survival. You may even have been considered a 'lost hope' by those in your world (if a zombie had bitten you, or some sort of apocalyptic illness was fully taking over your body). In the final moments of what you thought was the end of your life, as you stood, alone, in some place high up enough for the birds you single you out if they wished, you saw a strange object in the sky. Nothing you ever saw before.

You didn't know what it was. Perhaps it was a god. Perhaps it could save you. In some mixed cry of help and prayer, you did something. Raised your hands towards the sky, or something along the lines. Whatever you did, this 'god' must have noticed you. A white light enveloped you, and that was all you could remember.
"Testing, one, two, three. Nod if you can understand us."
An electronic voice comes from somewhere, something perhaps a little bit more electronic. If your world was technically advanced enough, you'd have thought that the male speaker on the line was a robot. However your language previously was, you understand his words perfectly.
"Good, good. Just... don't do anything hostile. You're safe now.
On a case by case basis, he may mention something about an illness you had, and says that 'it shouldn't cause you any trouble now'. That brings you relief, though you begin to wonder if this was Paradise or a really advanced space-faring race.
A hole opens up in the wall, like a sliding electronic door, and a man walks in. At least, you recognise this person as a man, despite how different your race could be as compared to his. He looks like a human (or if your race doesn't look human, he looks like a homo sapien) in his fifties, a full silver beard and moustache just covering his chin..
"Hello. I'm Commander John Pastor. You're aboard my— our ship. We saved you from your dying world."
He smiles, getting closer to sit down on the bed you were lying upon. He seems very confident that you wouldn't kill him.
"I think you probably saw our ship. Nothing like you ever seen before. It probably took up half the sky above you. Well, there's a reason why we travel, like that."
He picks out a cigarette from his pocket and offers you one. You may accept it, if you knew what it meant. If you say no, take offense, or stare blankly at it, he takes no offense at all.
"The short story is that this grand ship can travel to other worlds. Yours was not the only world that exists in a grand multiverse, multiple universes."
He points upwards to the ceiling, and then smiles at you quite enthusiastically. It seems like he really enjoys giving this talk.
"Your sky probably had a million stars you could see. Every star has its own planets, and every planet has its own skyline. The world we know of is barely a glimmer in the infinitely big universe, nay, dimensions, that exist!"
His smile drops, and he looks at you with sadness in his eyes and his face.
"But there's only one real reason why we came to your world. Our ship can detect mass extinctions of civilisations. That..."
The commander pulls out a tissue and begins to wipe his tears. He offers another to you, if he thought it would help.
"That is why we came to your dying planet. We... come here to harvest the air for fallout, radioactive particles that remain after a world has blown itself to bits from nuclear warfare. This ship uses it as fuel."
This explanation still comes to you, even if your land knows nothing about radioactivity, though the commander provides a more in-depth explanation that still can make a medieval being grasp some concept of it.
The sadness still lingers on the man's face, though he's no longer crying. He looks at you, deep into your eyes. Or your eye-analogues.
"There's also something else we're looking for, but I... don't know how to explain it. Even my second-in-command knows very little. If you wish to, you can join the crew of our ship. If not..."
He stretches his hands wide, smiling.
"This ship can house entire planets! You'll fit in! There's a national government, a xenophilic population, and you will not find anything lacking!"
His face twists, as if he realised that he forgot to say something important. He remains quiet, then looks at you.
"Oh right, I forgot to tell you the name of the ship."
He stands up, turning his back to you. His hands clasp themselves behind his back, like a proud, grand gesture of speaking to another person while looking out of the window.
"We call it Precipice."
"Stop being a dick, Commander."
The robotic voice comes again. The commander smiles, and looks towards the security camera.
"So, Precipice, you've finally been able to talk."
"You did disable my voice-box so that you could do your little talk again with that poor fellow!
It's a sci-fi RP (more like kitchen sink. You can come from a fantasy world where magic works. The laws of the universes are constant throughout the universes. It's just that some races are naturally able to harness energies other races... just can't. Without tech, anyhow.) where we experience the drama of living on such a huge ship, and finding apocalyptic survivors as our ship travels across dimensions. And the mysterious goal that the commander is searching for.
Who's interested?
Alright. Here's the lowdown.
Job Positions:
Captain: Commander John Pastor (NPC)
Ship AI: Precipice (Ontos)
Deputy Commander: Open (Requires at least 10+ years of experience on the ship. Should at least be one of the senior crew members.)
Medical Chief: Specimen #377 (Lennon79)
Security Chief: Open (Requires significant experience on the ship. Or talent.)
Research Chief: Open (Requires significant experience on the ship. Or talent.)
Pilot: Raylan Craw
There are lesser/minor positions in the Medical/Security/Research departments, but those positions are open to those who are newcomers.
In addition, there will be NPCs in the National Government (the nation-state that lives aboard the Precipice.), but they won't be able to just walk into the proper Precipice crew area, not without special permission. Don't expect to play one and expect constant involvement in any storylines involving other dimensions/planets.
An additional note. There may be Earth-like planets, where just about everything is Earth-like. Except, they just won't be Earth. Earth itself, is not... going to be part of any of your backgrounds. (Sorry.)
An additional, additional note. We will also be getting off on planets that are not undergoing any apocalyptic scenarios. They will range in tech levels, and in the courtesy of a rule instituted by Commander John Pastor after the Massacre of the Bunnyfolk (a security officer overreacted and used a rapid-fire plasma gatling laser on people who were using spears), your weapons should at least give your opponents a fair chance of winning when heading to such planets.
Crystal Mizu (FrogfishMadii) (Role: None assigned)
Raylan Craw (Batman) (Role: Pilot)
Aryan / Flora (IVIasterJay) (Role: None assigned)
Kelly James Blanton (Spartan023) (Role: Junior Security Officer)
Specimen #377 (Lennon79) (Role: Medical Chief)
Iv Mo Sa (Dingo) (Role: None assigned)
Cecily (Penguin) (Role: None assigned)
Those words in your heads are less than words, and more like feelings. The last thing you recall was a white light.
You struggle and wake up, in a blank white room with a nice comfortable bed. There seems to be no openings, but a weird device near the ceiling that you interpret as a security camera.
No wait, what happened before all that?
You recall, with a strange descent into despair and self-pity, your previous circumstances. Your world was ending. Whether mushroom clouds were rising up in the horizon, or the living dead rose to eat everybody, or a homicidal wizard was destroying your world, you were grasping at hopes and fantasies for a last chance at survival. You may even have been considered a 'lost hope' by those in your world (if a zombie had bitten you, or some sort of apocalyptic illness was fully taking over your body). In the final moments of what you thought was the end of your life, as you stood, alone, in some place high up enough for the birds you single you out if they wished, you saw a strange object in the sky. Nothing you ever saw before.

You didn't know what it was. Perhaps it was a god. Perhaps it could save you. In some mixed cry of help and prayer, you did something. Raised your hands towards the sky, or something along the lines. Whatever you did, this 'god' must have noticed you. A white light enveloped you, and that was all you could remember.
"Testing, one, two, three. Nod if you can understand us."
An electronic voice comes from somewhere, something perhaps a little bit more electronic. If your world was technically advanced enough, you'd have thought that the male speaker on the line was a robot. However your language previously was, you understand his words perfectly.
"Good, good. Just... don't do anything hostile. You're safe now.
On a case by case basis, he may mention something about an illness you had, and says that 'it shouldn't cause you any trouble now'. That brings you relief, though you begin to wonder if this was Paradise or a really advanced space-faring race.
A hole opens up in the wall, like a sliding electronic door, and a man walks in. At least, you recognise this person as a man, despite how different your race could be as compared to his. He looks like a human (or if your race doesn't look human, he looks like a homo sapien) in his fifties, a full silver beard and moustache just covering his chin..
"Hello. I'm Commander John Pastor. You're aboard my— our ship. We saved you from your dying world."
He smiles, getting closer to sit down on the bed you were lying upon. He seems very confident that you wouldn't kill him.
"I think you probably saw our ship. Nothing like you ever seen before. It probably took up half the sky above you. Well, there's a reason why we travel, like that."
He picks out a cigarette from his pocket and offers you one. You may accept it, if you knew what it meant. If you say no, take offense, or stare blankly at it, he takes no offense at all.
"The short story is that this grand ship can travel to other worlds. Yours was not the only world that exists in a grand multiverse, multiple universes."
He points upwards to the ceiling, and then smiles at you quite enthusiastically. It seems like he really enjoys giving this talk.
"Your sky probably had a million stars you could see. Every star has its own planets, and every planet has its own skyline. The world we know of is barely a glimmer in the infinitely big universe, nay, dimensions, that exist!"
His smile drops, and he looks at you with sadness in his eyes and his face.
"But there's only one real reason why we came to your world. Our ship can detect mass extinctions of civilisations. That..."
The commander pulls out a tissue and begins to wipe his tears. He offers another to you, if he thought it would help.
"That is why we came to your dying planet. We... come here to harvest the air for fallout, radioactive particles that remain after a world has blown itself to bits from nuclear warfare. This ship uses it as fuel."
This explanation still comes to you, even if your land knows nothing about radioactivity, though the commander provides a more in-depth explanation that still can make a medieval being grasp some concept of it.
The sadness still lingers on the man's face, though he's no longer crying. He looks at you, deep into your eyes. Or your eye-analogues.
"There's also something else we're looking for, but I... don't know how to explain it. Even my second-in-command knows very little. If you wish to, you can join the crew of our ship. If not..."
He stretches his hands wide, smiling.
"This ship can house entire planets! You'll fit in! There's a national government, a xenophilic population, and you will not find anything lacking!"
His face twists, as if he realised that he forgot to say something important. He remains quiet, then looks at you.
"Oh right, I forgot to tell you the name of the ship."
He stands up, turning his back to you. His hands clasp themselves behind his back, like a proud, grand gesture of speaking to another person while looking out of the window.
"We call it Precipice."
"Stop being a dick, Commander."
The robotic voice comes again. The commander smiles, and looks towards the security camera.
"So, Precipice, you've finally been able to talk."
"You did disable my voice-box so that you could do your little talk again with that poor fellow!
It's a sci-fi RP (more like kitchen sink. You can come from a fantasy world where magic works. The laws of the universes are constant throughout the universes. It's just that some races are naturally able to harness energies other races... just can't. Without tech, anyhow.) where we experience the drama of living on such a huge ship, and finding apocalyptic survivors as our ship travels across dimensions. And the mysterious goal that the commander is searching for.
Who's interested?
Alright. Here's the lowdown.
Job Positions:
Captain: Commander John Pastor (NPC)
Ship AI: Precipice (Ontos)
Deputy Commander: Open (Requires at least 10+ years of experience on the ship. Should at least be one of the senior crew members.)
Medical Chief: Specimen #377 (Lennon79)
Security Chief: Open (Requires significant experience on the ship. Or talent.)
Research Chief: Open (Requires significant experience on the ship. Or talent.)
Pilot: Raylan Craw
There are lesser/minor positions in the Medical/Security/Research departments, but those positions are open to those who are newcomers.
In addition, there will be NPCs in the National Government (the nation-state that lives aboard the Precipice.), but they won't be able to just walk into the proper Precipice crew area, not without special permission. Don't expect to play one and expect constant involvement in any storylines involving other dimensions/planets.
An additional note. There may be Earth-like planets, where just about everything is Earth-like. Except, they just won't be Earth. Earth itself, is not... going to be part of any of your backgrounds. (Sorry.)
An additional, additional note. We will also be getting off on planets that are not undergoing any apocalyptic scenarios. They will range in tech levels, and in the courtesy of a rule instituted by Commander John Pastor after the Massacre of the Bunnyfolk (a security officer overreacted and used a rapid-fire plasma gatling laser on people who were using spears), your weapons should at least give your opponents a fair chance of winning when heading to such planets.
Crystal Mizu (FrogfishMadii) (Role: None assigned)
Raylan Craw (Batman) (Role: Pilot)
Aryan / Flora (IVIasterJay) (Role: None assigned)
Kelly James Blanton (Spartan023) (Role: Junior Security Officer)
Specimen #377 (Lennon79) (Role: Medical Chief)
Iv Mo Sa (Dingo) (Role: None assigned)
Cecily (Penguin) (Role: None assigned)