"We all have heard the old saying that music is magical, well once in an age long forgotten those words rang true. Yes once upon a time soft musical tones of someone's voice could mend broken bone and torn flesh, the booming sound of a bass could call down thunder from the sky, and the blowing of a horn could conjure up winds stronger than any storm. This was all back in the time when man still knew how to honor the music gods, back in a time when countless mystical beasts roamed the land, back in the time of Music Legends!"
For those of who have played the game Brutal Legend this is basically something like that, but simply using more styles of music, but if you haven't played the game don't worry it has nothing to do with what will happen in the RP. So basically this would be a RP about a mystical land where music is something that holds literal power, magical power. The land would be massive and be covered with various groups of people that differ based on their "clan" or in other words what music genera they use. Their will be mystical creatures that reflect each clan's culture, such as horses that run so fast they cause dust storms or birds that let out super sonic screeches. As for us we will be people from this mystical land merely trying to survive in the crazy world of ours. I know this is a bit bare but if you are interested feel free to ask anything on your mind. So any takers?