Abal Ka'Myr Linseté
Abal has always been very lively. She is a bit too loud, and a bit to excitable for most people's taste. Abal is adventurous and curious. Unfortunately this often gets her into trouble with the Council of the Cabal. Thankfully Abal was gifted with a silver tongue. While her eagerness to experience all life has to offer is strong Abal has a very thoughtful aspect to her. Abal can have trouble deciding what choice is right and what choice is wrong. Her imagination is so vivid that she can convince herself of anything. Abal is very sweet, and only wishes to bring others happiness. Though at least within the valley Abal has a lot to be desired in her actions.
Fighting Style:
Abal was gifted or as some may see it cursed with the spirit of Terra. Abal has not been able to explore this power much though seeing as she has been under the watchful eye of the Council of Cabal. While Abal is outside the valley she practices her power on her own. Abal has not found a way to use her power for fighting yet though.
Abal's other fighting ability comes from The Germina. Germina people are known for their ability to fight. Abal's specialty was quick close encounter strikes with twin crescent shaped blades. Abal also uses the blades attached to her elbows to fight if necessary. These blades were made from stone found in the volcanic part of the FeldSpar. Abal also employs gymnastic like tactics. Abal is quick on her feet, knows how to work her way around the human body, and knows how to slice it up as she does. Abal knows where to cut to kill. Abal not only uses blades, but also has been taught to use a staff. In this weapon Abal is just as quick, but uses her speed to move her staff not herself. The entirety of Abal's fighting is very much like a dance with every move deadly. Abal has been taught only to disarm, and not actually kill. She has never taken a life, and is not sure she can.
There was a woman pregnant with a baby girl. The woman was a devote member of the Panthiest church. She found out her daughter was cursed by being a spirit of Terra. The mother thinking this was a curse from The Omen decided she had to get rid of the baby. Being a devote follower of the gods she knew it had to be their decision. The woman traveled to FeldSpar, and after saying a small prayer left her baby in the barren land. The baby's cries could be heard for miles in the quiet barren land. It was these good set of lungs that aloud the babe to be saved.
A member of the race Germina found the poor baby crying her eyes out. He took her back to his home valley. After much convincing to the Council of Cabal the girl was aloud to stay only if she was kept under the constant watch of the Council. This watch increase once it was found that Abal had the spirit of Terra within her. This put complications on many things. If Abal could have simply grown up along side the Germina that would be one thing, but now they had a magical toddler in a society that detests magic. The council decided it would be best to not train these powers. They only helped Abal control them enough to know how to not use them.
Abal grew up normally besides that, aside from her weekly meeting with the head of the council. During these meetings Abal and Mistress Texra spoke of how to control Abals powers, and how magic could be very destructive. Abal's father Raydan was about forty when he found Abal, and so he didn't always have the energy to chase after the rambunctious child. He was a very loving man despite this lack of energy always seeming to know the answers to Abal's questions.
The meetings with Texra ended once Abal turned eleven. While the teaching stuck for the most part Abal often found herself wanting to let her power go. Abal gained only two real friends, but she was very close to them. Many of the other children picked on Abal for having no seed. Abal often used to explore with these two friends, and got so close to almost leave the valley by themselves. As the group grew older the two other children didn't care to much for exploring anymore, but Abal was hooked. She would go out of the valley and into the barren land often. She couldn't make it very far without heading back though when she traveled only on foot. Abal hoped she would find something more then just the barren land, but for the most part so far she was out of luck.
It was around Abal's 16'th birthday that the raids started. Creatures that were named the Sacert were getting into stocks of food, and destroying crops. If the raids continued the Gremina would be doen for. Many ideas were placed forward to the council to deliberate over. In the end it was decided that The Sacert would be captured and tamed. This wasdone over the course of two years. Abal hated teh whole ordeal. It seemed so horrible to capture this race of animals and break their spirit, but what could she do. She understood why they had to do it as well. Abal decided the best way to remedy the conflict in her head wa sto help out around teh taming center. She washed the Sacert, and generally took care of them after their training. Abal found that they were very playful creatures. Often while she was cleaning the Sacert Abal would slip them extra food from her own supply. Eventually The Sacert were entirely intertwined with the Germina. Many kept them as pets, or had them pull their carts. Not many Germina used The Scarets flight ability. They were actually trained not to use this ability. They were trained this way because many on the council felt this would be to dangerous.
Abal herself was elated to get her own Sacert. She named it Furiousia. Furiousia was her best friend. With the help of her Sacert Abal could travel father then she ever could. It moving much better in the desert then Abal could. Abal even got Furiousia to fly again making her exploring possibilities endless. Abal couldn't believe it she could go anywhere. Her and Furiousia grew up in the harshest of all places. if they could make it here they could survive anywhere. Abal begged her father to let her leave the valley, but he always denied her. She was too young, and Raydan couldn't bare to see his baby go.
At the age of sixty Raydan decided he was ready to leave the world. The ceremony broke Abal's heart, but before he left Raydan told Abal the she could leave the valley just as long as she took him with her. Abal was presented with the seed of her father. To always keep it with her Abal had a pendant made incasing the seed within it. Abal wears this pendant around her neck as a choker, and never takes it off. It is her most prized possession, and she's not sure what she would do if she ever lost it. With the blessing of her father Abal packed up her thing, and left the valley to see the world. She has been traveling around ever since making friends and few enemies along the way.


Abal Ka'Myr Linseté
Abal has always been very lively. She is a bit too loud, and a bit to excitable for most people's taste. Abal is adventurous and curious. Unfortunately this often gets her into trouble with the Council of the Cabal. Thankfully Abal was gifted with a silver tongue. While her eagerness to experience all life has to offer is strong Abal has a very thoughtful aspect to her. Abal can have trouble deciding what choice is right and what choice is wrong. Her imagination is so vivid that she can convince herself of anything. Abal is very sweet, and only wishes to bring others happiness. Though at least within the valley Abal has a lot to be desired in her actions.
Fighting Style:
Abal was gifted or as some may see it cursed with the spirit of Terra. Abal has not been able to explore this power much though seeing as she has been under the watchful eye of the Council of Cabal. While Abal is outside the valley she practices her power on her own. Abal has not found a way to use her power for fighting yet though.
Abal's other fighting ability comes from The Germina. Germina people are known for their ability to fight. Abal's specialty was quick close encounter strikes with twin crescent shaped blades. Abal also uses the blades attached to her elbows to fight if necessary. These blades were made from stone found in the volcanic part of the FeldSpar. Abal also employs gymnastic like tactics. Abal is quick on her feet, knows how to work her way around the human body, and knows how to slice it up as she does. Abal knows where to cut to kill. Abal not only uses blades, but also has been taught to use a staff. In this weapon Abal is just as quick, but uses her speed to move her staff not herself. The entirety of Abal's fighting is very much like a dance with every move deadly. Abal has been taught only to disarm, and not actually kill. She has never taken a life, and is not sure she can.
There was a woman pregnant with a baby girl. The woman was a devote member of the Panthiest church. She found out her daughter was cursed by being a spirit of Terra. The mother thinking this was a curse from The Omen decided she had to get rid of the baby. Being a devote follower of the gods she knew it had to be their decision. The woman traveled to FeldSpar, and after saying a small prayer left her baby in the barren land. The baby's cries could be heard for miles in the quiet barren land. It was these good set of lungs that aloud the babe to be saved.
A member of the race Germina found the poor baby crying her eyes out. He took her back to his home valley. After much convincing to the Council of Cabal the girl was aloud to stay only if she was kept under the constant watch of the Council. This watch increase once it was found that Abal had the spirit of Terra within her. This put complications on many things. If Abal could have simply grown up along side the Germina that would be one thing, but now they had a magical toddler in a society that detests magic. The council decided it would be best to not train these powers. They only helped Abal control them enough to know how to not use them.
Abal grew up normally besides that, aside from her weekly meeting with the head of the council. During these meetings Abal and Mistress Texra spoke of how to control Abals powers, and how magic could be very destructive. Abal's father Raydan was about forty when he found Abal, and so he didn't always have the energy to chase after the rambunctious child. He was a very loving man despite this lack of energy always seeming to know the answers to Abal's questions.
The meetings with Texra ended once Abal turned eleven. While the teaching stuck for the most part Abal often found herself wanting to let her power go. Abal gained only two real friends, but she was very close to them. Many of the other children picked on Abal for having no seed. Abal often used to explore with these two friends, and got so close to almost leave the valley by themselves. As the group grew older the two other children didn't care to much for exploring anymore, but Abal was hooked. She would go out of the valley and into the barren land often. She couldn't make it very far without heading back though when she traveled only on foot. Abal hoped she would find something more then just the barren land, but for the most part so far she was out of luck.
It was around Abal's 16'th birthday that the raids started. Creatures that were named the Sacert were getting into stocks of food, and destroying crops. If the raids continued the Gremina would be doen for. Many ideas were placed forward to the council to deliberate over. In the end it was decided that The Sacert would be captured and tamed. This wasdone over the course of two years. Abal hated teh whole ordeal. It seemed so horrible to capture this race of animals and break their spirit, but what could she do. She understood why they had to do it as well. Abal decided the best way to remedy the conflict in her head wa sto help out around teh taming center. She washed the Sacert, and generally took care of them after their training. Abal found that they were very playful creatures. Often while she was cleaning the Sacert Abal would slip them extra food from her own supply. Eventually The Sacert were entirely intertwined with the Germina. Many kept them as pets, or had them pull their carts. Not many Germina used The Scarets flight ability. They were actually trained not to use this ability. They were trained this way because many on the council felt this would be to dangerous.
Abal herself was elated to get her own Sacert. She named it Furiousia. Furiousia was her best friend. With the help of her Sacert Abal could travel father then she ever could. It moving much better in the desert then Abal could. Abal even got Furiousia to fly again making her exploring possibilities endless. Abal couldn't believe it she could go anywhere. Her and Furiousia grew up in the harshest of all places. if they could make it here they could survive anywhere. Abal begged her father to let her leave the valley, but he always denied her. She was too young, and Raydan couldn't bare to see his baby go.
At the age of sixty Raydan decided he was ready to leave the world. The ceremony broke Abal's heart, but before he left Raydan told Abal the she could leave the valley just as long as she took him with her. Abal was presented with the seed of her father. To always keep it with her Abal had a pendant made incasing the seed within it. Abal wears this pendant around her neck as a choker, and never takes it off. It is her most prized possession, and she's not sure what she would do if she ever lost it. With the blessing of her father Abal packed up her thing, and left the valley to see the world. She has been traveling around ever since making friends and few enemies along the way.


Okay so just tell me what you think so far. Be brutally honest :).