The Alliance was not all filled with heroes.
The RP is currently closed unless I've otherwise stated that we have a spot open for you.
A Brief Overview
- The Star Wars Universe
- 2 BBY
- Taking place primarily on Coruscant
- Less dramatic spectacles of war and more cloak and dagger.
- Your characters will be members of the Rebel cell on Coruscant. While most of the Rebellion had deemed the seat of imperial power as a lost cause, a small insurrectionist movement had sprung up in the lower factory districts of the mutli-tiered city. They gathered imperial plans and troop movements to be sent to rebel leaders, smuggling contraband and occasionally disrupting imperial activities with a well placed explosive. The jobs themselves could be considered suicide missions as Imperial and the Coruscant Security Forces were under strict orders to kill anyone suspected of anti-imperial motives.
- Most of the members of the movement are not actually particularity fond in the beliefs and ideals of the Rebel Alliance that they fight for. Rather they are smugglers, mercenaries, criminals, gangsters, spies, and assassins that would rather prefer a Coruscant without Imperial jurisdiction placed upon them that had slowly squeezed the life out of the underbelly of the city.
- They are more akin to a terrorist cell then a glorious rebellion carrying out assassinations, bombings, break-ins and any other tactic deemed necessary to deal with the imperial threat. As a result most of them are of rather morally scrupulous natures and willing to cross a few lines to get the job done.
- This can all end horribly for us depending on your actions
- It's basically a cold war espionage thriller à la anything by John le Carré but with a Star Wars twist to it.
A Fluff Filled Plot Synopsis
"A revolution can be neither made nor stopped. The only thing that can be done is for one of several of its children to give it a direction by dint of victories."
— Napoleon Bonaparte
— Napoleon Bonaparte
In the presence of a powerful estate there will always be those who look upon it with disdain. Galactic historians always look fondly upon the First Galactic Civil War as a time of heroes fighting for a valiant cause against those that would oppress them. But history tends to forget that in war dark deeds must be done in the name of victory and sometimes the thin line between black and white becomes muddled and grey. Heroes don't blow up public transports to kill high ranking officials, heroes don't blow buildings and they always care about others. But on the labyrinthine seat of Imperial power known as Coruscant there are no heroes only people with a fight that seems to be worth fighting. Damn it all if they lose because somebody feels bad.
While somewhere in the far reaches of space the rest of the Rebel Alliance was slowly getting its footing, gathering its ships and preparing for the war to come a different war was brewing on Coruscant. They first started to appear in the lower levels among the factories and those most oppressed by Imperial rule. Shadowy figures spoke of new ideals and a return to the old way of things, it was a spark of hope that was needed to start a destructive flame. While some that flocked to the call honestly did believe in the Rebel ideology most were of simpler make: angry factory workers, gangsters, smugglers, criminals, assassins and the like all who desperately wanted their own chance to kill a few imperial bastards. The Imperials did not take too kindly too this and soon heavier curfews began to be enforced as a greater number of imperial backed kill teams entered the barrens and burrows of the undercity to crush these seeds of rebellion.
The men and women of these cells most of the time ended up laying down their lives in the name of a free Coruscant. Most would never see the day that a New Republic Flag flew atop the Imperial Palace but without them it never would. The data and information they gathered saved hundreds of lives of soldiers and pilots alike and their other activities severally hampered with Imperial activities in the Coreworlds. Though like most of these cells once the New Republic took order they soon wanted to but their less than savory actions behind them and soon buried the actions of such groups under restrictive file access. But redaction of files only made it so they were forgotten by the future it can not change the past. And while their names may be forgotten, their actions and the new order they inadvertently helped create lived on.
This is the story of these men and women.
At the start
At the start of the role play we shall begin before the group's first real mission together. This will allow everyone to get a feel for their characters as well as everyone else on the squad. Allowing us to all get into the groove so to speak and set up the tone and flesh out the dark corners of Coruscant. Depending on how the mission unravels and your actions a team the story will adapt accordingly. Also if any of you wants to hit it up as a CO-GM just ask and if I like your reasoning and style the help would be wanted. Most importantly while casual standards and regulations exist the I stress for all of you to have fun with this. I love Star Wars you probably love Star Wars and this is what this is all about.