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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ChirpChirp
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The Red: An Assassin's Tale

The penthouse looked ragged against the approaching storm. Heavy thunder and bright flashes from the surrounding lightning tore against the building, and rain fell hard. Even still, the surrounding skyline did look good, its bright lights flickering against the harsh darkness. Even with it being early in the morning, the city was alive. Pulsing. Traffic flowed from street to street, and pedestrians moved along to their destinations. It was a beautiful thing, this city. Hundreds upon thousands of people, and none of them had a clue what went on right under their noses.

The penthouse was rather large, furnished with the finest. It normally was guarded by several strong men, watching the area like hawks. This penthouse belonged to a rather wealthy man, with pockets deep and greed flowing through his veins. However, his thin fingers had pried into something that was not his, and his number was up. His guards dead, his security completely invaded, the wealthy man hid under his desk, tears flowing from his eyes. His suit was stained with blood and alcohol, and his ragged breathing showed his physical stature. His time was up, and today was his reckoning.

He didn't stay under the desk long, the assassin pulling him out with a grunt. The man, once proud of his accomplishments, was now reduced to a blithering mass of flesh. Snot and tears wet his face as he backed away from the nicely tailored hit-man, "Please, I can pay you double! Triple!" The hit-man merely snickered, pulling his pistol and leveling it just right against the man's forehead. The nicely tailored suit and shoes seemed out of place in such a barbaric situation. Before finally pulling the trigger, the hit-man replied in kind. "This was never about the money..."



This is a modern role-play set in mostly the United States, but will include locations around the world. You will create a assassin/hit-man that has recently been contacted by The Red, a mysterious organization that only contacts for large, difficult jobs. You are an experienced hit-man, and your profile must show this. Perhaps you worked under a mafia for a long time, or are former military. Either way, you are experienced in gun-play/hand-to-hand combat.

Character creation is open, and I don't mind large stories. Please do make it semi-realistic though. Your characters will be aiding one another in finishing missions for The Red, and these missions will take place all across the nation and even the world. The roleplays will consist of sneaking, combat, social situations and the like. I am a very theatrical roleplayer, and love roleplaying out large combat and perilous situations.

As the GM of the game, I will be providing the world information and world reactions to the group, but will not be playing in-game unless its an NPC. Furthermore, this will be freeform. Jobs can be completed by the group in anyway possible, and there is no wrong way to complete one. Make sure to stick to the dossier that is given, and you will be paid. In order to purchase equipment for your characters, you will need to complete these missions.

Starting equipment must be small. Pistols, maybe SMGs for weapons. Nothing too big. At least not yet. I am ultimately looking for 4 characters to start this, but will start smaller if need be. I'd love to start this soon, and can post at least once per day. I am looking for good writers, but casual is enough for me. As long as a paragraph is put in, I am okay.

App Request

Full Name:
Nickname is applicable:
Weapon of Choice:
Brief History:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChirpChirp
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 7 mos ago

I'm interested, and would maybe join this. Just a quick question, what kind of ethnicity are you talking about in the CS, cause you could be talking about race, religion, nationality, etc.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChirpChirp
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Race. I will fix that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Full Name: Samuel Adrian Spark
Nickname is applicable: Sam, Shadow, Nightmare.
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: Netherlands
Weapon of Choice: Sniper Rifle, Dual Knifes
Brief History: He grown up as the son of a dutch general. His father told him everything he needed to know about fighting and shooting. However, his father was shot in cold blood by his colleague, because he wanted a promotion Sam's dad would've got. Sam swore revenge on the guy, and fled to the US, where he vanished. He trained there harder and harder to be skilled enough to get revenge on his father, but he never got enough money for the equipment. That's when he suddenly got contacted by The Red. They saw how much skill he possessed and wanted to help finance his revenge. Sam happily accepted the offer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bonjour xx
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Bonjour xx all you need in life are dogs and memes

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

SAVE ME A SPOT. SO INTERESTED. I can't write up a character sheet until tomorrow, but please save me a spot :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChirpChirp
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I'm only wanting about 4 people, so make sure to get it done as soon as possible :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

interested! I'll get to work on a CS.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChirpChirp
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Awesome. I will set up an OC soon enough since there is some interest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The OG
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The OG

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

If you're still looking for additional players, I would be very interested. I'm an experienced RPer, and though this is my first post at these forums, I've spent plenty of time RPing at other forums in the past. I'll get to work on a character regardless if whether or not you'll have me, and hope that you will.

~The OG
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The OG
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The OG

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Full Name: Calvin Edward Hock
Nickname: Professionally known as “Hock”, however to friends he’s just “Eddy”.
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Birthplace: Minneapolis, MN
Weapons of Choice: Sig Sauer P226 .40 S&W, Carbide Steel Tanto Knife
Brief History: Born in Minneapolis to a pair of street junkies, Hock was destined to live a tough life from the very beginning. Abandonned almost immediately, he was fortunate enough to be taken in by an underfunded inner-city orphanage. However, lacking the proper full time attention of a qualified adult, Hock took to an early childhood of mischief. He would steal from convenience stores, burglarize homes, and pick fights with the other orphans.

On more than one occasion, he wound up in the corrective care of Juvenile Detention centers in the Minneapolis area. There he learned to fight, to fend for himself, and most of all how to be cruel to others. Each time he would return to the ophanage he was a little worse, and was quickly graduating into more serious forms of crime; vandalism, extortion, and robbery are just to name a few.

He fit it nicely with the other criminal youth that called the orphanage home, at least until it wound up the target of a gang related attack. It had turned out that several of the orphans had pledged to one of Minneapolis’ many gangs, drawing the ire of a rival gang, and in an act of sheer brutality, they wrought a massacre. Social workers, and the orphans were targetted alike, and in the end, only Hock had been fortunate enough to avoid death, by seeking refuge in a slip space between the floor boards.

But as Hock emerged among the carnage, something in him changed, and before the authorities could gather a statement from him, he disappeared into the city, and over the course of the following week, two-dozen of the gang members responsible for the attack were found dead, all in their homes, and all with similar slashes made to their throat. No witnesses ever came forward, and no suspects were ever arrested. The idea that a fourteen year old kid could have committed such acts of precision wasn’t even entertained, and the murders went unsolved.

Eventually, the last surviving gang members surrendered to the authorities out of fear, and brokered deals that put them into witness relocation programs. They were departmentalized, and spread throughout the continental United States, but that didn’t dissuade Hock, who felt an unfaltering need to track each of them down, and end their existence. A task that he has yet to complete in full, but one that he has made strides in.

Mean while, Hock took work wherever he could find it. He took on legitimate paying jobs, like working as a bouncer, but also took on jobs that were far less than legal, such as working as a bodyguard for drug dealers. Gradually he made his way eastward, and wound up in Newark, where his reputation earned him a job as a hired gun for the Italian Crime Family, a position he took to immediately.

It didn’t take long for his ruthless efficiency to impress the higher ups in the family, and he started on as a hitman of sorts. He was payed per contract, given more than enough to ensure a decent living, as the head of the family sought to eliminate all of his competition in the Garden State. A decade later, Hock had done exactly that; cutting a bloody swath that saw his legend as a hired killer reach into the deepest depths of the underworld.

His skill with a firearm, a blade, or even unarmed are nearly unrivaled, and the primary reason he’s been so effective in his work. But in addition to this, Hock’s intimidating presence has more than bolstered his reputation, it’s solidified it. A fact that has many of the younger hired guns within the crime family uneasy about Hock. Respect earned by those higher up, hasn’t necessarily trickled down, and has led to several close calls with the youngsters.

Hock has also earned a fearsome reputation as someone who doesn’t shy away from getting his hands dirty, accomplishing what he sets out to, sometimes by any means.

(Updated 4-27-15, 9:25PM)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChirpChirp
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I love the character. The revenge part of the story could be easily interwoven into the plot if you would like.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bonjour xx
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Bonjour xx all you need in life are dogs and memes

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Bonjour xx
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Bonjour xx all you need in life are dogs and memes

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Full Name:
Ivy Rebecca Solomon

Meaning: “Lady of the sky”
Origin: Sumerian goddess



Mixed Race

Camdem, London, England

Weapon of Choice:

Arctic Warfare Magnum


Curved trailing-point knives

Brief History:
Ivy was born the middle daughter of a middle-class family in the borough of Camdem, London. Right from when she was very little, Ivy was a tomboy - despite her mother’s protests, but much to her father’s delight. Her favourite movie as a child was The Great Escape. Since first understanding the concept of the military, all Ivy wanted to do was enlist in the British Army. Her mother, knowing she could not sway her head-strong daughter, made her promise to finish her school education first. However, shortly after turning 16, Ivy’s mother died of Leukimia. Not wanting to be a burden on her father who had both her sisters to care for and support, Ivy enlisted that summer.

After a couple of years in the Army, serving mainly as a rear gunner on attack choppers, Ivy began training to be a sniper. Once her training was completed, she was deployed to Iraq. On her first tour, she was given the nickname “Inanna” by the camp’s translator and allied Iraqi soldiers.

Inanna was a Sumerian goddess and her name meant “lady of the sky, or heavens”. Sumeria was an ancient civilisation in modern day Iraq and Inanna was it’s most prominent female deity. Battles are referred to as “the dance of Inanna” and she alone is the only goddess who can travel to the underworld. Inanna was a powerful goddess who could force any man or god to into submission with her powerful dominance and strength.

The nickname was one Ivy was proud to have. She even got the symbol of Inanna, an eight-pointed star, tattooed onto the inside of her right wrist. This was the hand she pulled her guns triggers with. The sight would greatly comfort her.

Ivy served for three tours before she was recruited my MI6 to work for them as a sniper. Ivy had great faith in her government and was honoured to serve her country in any way she could, and so accepted. Fast forward four years and Ivy is one of the best snipers in the world, with a confirmed kill dossier larger than half the agents working for MI6. However, this is also where her life unraveled.

Shortly before turning 27, Ivy was branded a traitor upon returning to England after finishing a mission abroad. Having faith in the justice system, she did not flee. Her court marshall found her guilty of treason, she was stripped of her rank of Corporal, dishonourably discharged and sentenced to life in a maximum security, military prison. The charges against her were of selling secrets to various terrorist groups and criminal syndicates across the globe. Ivy, however, was innocent. A fact she soon realised her superiors, one of them a lover of hers, knew - they had set her up to take the fall for them.

Escaping custody and going on the run from the British government, Ivy found herself in Brazil. The Red ignited contact with her shortly after her arrival in South America, but Ivy was not interested in anything apart from clearing her name and returning home to her family. Her mind was changed when she came across a murderous landowner who was killing tribes of indigenous people in the Amazon rainforest. The landowner was the same man The Red had approached to to terminate. Seeing the terror and suffering the man was bringing upon innocent people, Ivy made the easiest decision she had ever made in her life.

After she had killed the man, The Red contacted her again. This time she accepted their offer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChirpChirp
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I like it! I am loving the mixed races we have going on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nickname if applicable: She likes to go by Ali.
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Race: Mixed; Asian and White heritage
Birthplace: New York City, USA

Weapon of Choice:

Alanna also has a love for the F2000, but since we’re starting small, I’ll leave it at the Five-SeveN and the Vector. This can be a “goal” weapon, of sorts.

And finally, her blade of choice:

I kinda threw "brief" out the window, so I put it in a hider to clean it up a bit. sorry!

EDIT: also, please let me know if there are any holes to be fixed or clarifications to be made in that monster of a history!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChirpChirp
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Technically we have 4 characters. If it is okay with you all, I am going to start on the IC and the OOC tonight.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 7 mos ago

I'm okay with it. Even better, I can't whait :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bonjour xx
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Bonjour xx all you need in life are dogs and memes

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alright, finished my History section.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChirpChirp
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

All of you have great histories and characters. I cannot wait to start this. I will link the forums when ready.

I can also still have 1-2 more characters if anyone is reading but hasn't decided on joining just yet.
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