The Red: An Assassin's Tale

The penthouse looked ragged against the approaching storm. Heavy thunder and bright flashes from the surrounding lightning tore against the building, and rain fell hard. Even still, the surrounding skyline did look good, its bright lights flickering against the harsh darkness. Even with it being early in the morning, the city was alive. Pulsing. Traffic flowed from street to street, and pedestrians moved along to their destinations. It was a beautiful thing, this city. Hundreds upon thousands of people, and none of them had a clue what went on right under their noses.
The penthouse was rather large, furnished with the finest. It normally was guarded by several strong men, watching the area like hawks. This penthouse belonged to a rather wealthy man, with pockets deep and greed flowing through his veins. However, his thin fingers had pried into something that was not his, and his number was up. His guards dead, his security completely invaded, the wealthy man hid under his desk, tears flowing from his eyes. His suit was stained with blood and alcohol, and his ragged breathing showed his physical stature. His time was up, and today was his reckoning.
He didn't stay under the desk long, the assassin pulling him out with a grunt. The man, once proud of his accomplishments, was now reduced to a blithering mass of flesh. Snot and tears wet his face as he backed away from the nicely tailored hit-man, "Please, I can pay you double! Triple!" The hit-man merely snickered, pulling his pistol and leveling it just right against the man's forehead. The nicely tailored suit and shoes seemed out of place in such a barbaric situation. Before finally pulling the trigger, the hit-man replied in kind. "This was never about the money..."
This is a modern role-play set in mostly the United States, but will include locations around the world. You will create a assassin/hit-man that has recently been contacted by The Red, a mysterious organization that only contacts for large, difficult jobs. You are an experienced hit-man, and your profile must show this. Perhaps you worked under a mafia for a long time, or are former military. Either way, you are experienced in gun-play/hand-to-hand combat.
Character creation is open, and I don't mind large stories. Please do make it semi-realistic though. Your characters will be aiding one another in finishing missions for The Red, and these missions will take place all across the nation and even the world. The roleplays will consist of sneaking, combat, social situations and the like. I am a very theatrical roleplayer, and love roleplaying out large combat and perilous situations.
As the GM of the game, I will be providing the world information and world reactions to the group, but will not be playing in-game unless its an NPC. Furthermore, this will be freeform. Jobs can be completed by the group in anyway possible, and there is no wrong way to complete one. Make sure to stick to the dossier that is given, and you will be paid. In order to purchase equipment for your characters, you will need to complete these missions.
Starting equipment must be small. Pistols, maybe SMGs for weapons. Nothing too big. At least not yet. I am ultimately looking for 4 characters to start this, but will start smaller if need be. I'd love to start this soon, and can post at least once per day. I am looking for good writers, but casual is enough for me. As long as a paragraph is put in, I am okay.
App Request
Full Name:
Nickname is applicable:
Weapon of Choice:
Brief History: