Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

WIP, I gotta go to graduation soon so I don't have time to finish now but I would appreciate it if someone could look at the powers real quick, check for possible OP problems.

Doesn't seem OP'd to me, but I'm not the GM.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ultimate Spidey
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Ultimate Spidey

Member Seen 2 mos ago

If there's still room, I may jump in on this.

WIP, I gotta go to graduation soon so I don't have time to finish now but I would appreciate it if someone could look at the powers real quick, check for possible OP problems.

Greater Healing Factor: Artyom's body can heal from almost all wounds granted he has enough radiation to fuel him. His own internal supply can heal superficial wounds within minutes, deep ones in about half a day, and breaks within the week. However should he stick his head in a microwave the speed is almost doubled. If he were to stand next to an unshielded reactor he would become nigh unstoppable. This all comes at the disadvantage of being in constant pain that only grows as he becomes more irradiated.

Exchange Healing: Artyom can "steal" injuries from people, healing them but hurting him. Too much healing at once can kill him but it also gives a slight boost to his natural healing afterwards.

Radiation Conversion: If there is too much radiation in the area, Artyom can absorb it into his body and convert it into harmless heat energy for people not as durable as him. However this heat energy has the adverse effect of harming Artyom himself, usually manifesting in burns of varying degrees and the loss of skin in general.

I thought your character might be limited by lack of radiation, but then I started Googling and found that radiation can be found in everyday things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I guess I didn't specify, I had no plans on saying "Oh, there's radiation in everything so I'm immortal medic FTW." it was only going to be concentrated radiation, nuclear and microwave, that he could absorb, utilize, and emit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ultimate Spidey
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Ultimate Spidey

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I guess I didn't specify, I had no plans on saying "Oh, there's radiation in everything so I'm immortal medic FTW." it was only going to be concentrated radiation, nuclear and microwave, that he could absorb, utilize, and emit.

That's not how I took it.
EDIT - Like I said, I thought your character was going to be too limited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I still see it as he's not potentially overpowered. As far as regeneration goes he's still pretty limited. I see it being that he has to make a conscious effort to heal by absorbing the radiation as it doesn't seem automatic. If I'm wrong about the automatic thing let me know. But for instance if he fell unconscious from his injuries he wouldn't be able to heal until he woke up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Pathfinder>
That's not how I took it.
Like I said, I thought your character was going to be limited.

He is limited in what he can do. The radiation found in everyday appliances cannot activate the speed healing because they don't give enough stimulus to activate the reaction, much like how they effect normal people. He needs high amounts of radiation to kick start his system, kinda like adrenaline.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 2 days ago

Name: Artemis Pearl
Alias: "The True Hunter" or "The Silent Hunter" (either one until I find a shorter one)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pan-sexual (doesn't mind gender or age)

Powers: She has the ability to charge her arrows in her bow she created with electricity. The more she charges up they do more damage but she can only super charge them once or twice per fight. It drains too much of her power so she only uses it when she has to. She is also very silent when she is running or walking around. Its almost as if you cant hear her at all and suddenly she is right behind you in the hall.
Bio: She was raised homeless most of her life in the forest. She used to catch her food for her family to keep them from starving. She knew that there was a better life they could be living but her mother was unable to work because of different "health issues" they never told her about until she was 17. Her father was always out of the picture but would find them every once in a while to yell at her mother about how bad she was doing as a mother. One day it pissed off Artemis. She knew her mother was doing everything she could. She picked up her bow and had felt her power manifest and she aimed right at her father with her bow and arrow. When her mother say the electricity around the arrow her mother grabbed her daughter to stop her from using it. She blacked out and woke up in the dorm rooms at the Academy. Her mother was there and told her that she too was a mutant. She told Artemis that she had to stay at the school to learn how to control her powers better than she could come back and live with her if she wanted to.

Am I approved or not yet? I am really excited about this :3 and I really hope you like my character. Its a totally different power that I came up with :3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Eternity
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Dark Eternity The Lone Wolf Knight

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hello. Lack of proper typing mechanism is a pain...

Well in short, I will check through the sheets and those tthat apply by Sunday. I allow as many applications as we can get. The morw the merrier.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 2 days ago

awesome sounds like a plan :) keep me posted :) thanks!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HHShetland


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

You know, I don't know much about X-Men, but this RP seems like it might be something I could get into; I have a character that could fit in well here, I think. I have some questions, though.

First, what's your stance on mature students? (I.e. students older than 20?) I assume you can get them here, since you get them in real universities; I've met one student at mine who's at least over 40.

Secondly, how much do you expect from us post-wise? Just to be thorough.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Eternity
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Dark Eternity The Lone Wolf Knight

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

You know, I don't know much about X-Men, but this RP seems like it might be something I could get into; I have a character that could fit in well here, I think. I have some questions, though.

First, what's your stance on mature students? (I.e. students older than 20?) I assume you can get them here, since you get them in real universities; I've met one student at mine who's at least over 40.

Secondly, how much do you expect from us post-wise? Just to be thorough.

Massive typos incoming...

This is very loosely based on X-Men, so it should be newcomer friendly. You can post your character and we'll see how it goes.

Looking at the way modern Universities and probably Colleges are, there could be a way for late-students to show up. Our University has a special program for studying at 50. It should work out, iif I find the reason for the late enrollment for plausible.

Post-wise, it should be cclear from the opening post: be able to post at least a paragraph, keep it clean from profanities if they are not applicable (or otherwise unfitting) and do all the lusty and over PEGI-13 (?) stuff for private convos.

I hope this covered all you needed to know. I will be fully operational by Sunday evening, so with luck I'll open up the IC then.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Dark Eternity

Alright! I am really excited about this starting! Its going to be a great sign.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thatguy


Member Seen 11 days ago

Ill join up with this :) if you'll have me considering the little snafu you caught me in
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Eternity
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Dark Eternity The Lone Wolf Knight

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Everyone is welcome. Have a seat and grab a mug. The tavern is there for the wealrhy and the poor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by thatguy


Member Seen 11 days ago

Name: Danny White
Alias: Danger Dan
Age: 20
Danger Sense- Dan possesses a biological alarm in his mind that alerts him of an imminent outside threat to his person, at it's highest point this can have a range of 1 mile.
Force Field Generation- Dan can generate a force field the length of which varies depending upon the time it is used. A 5 minute shield can be a city block while a 1 hour shield is just a couple feet, at it's smallest is just a couple inches around him. The smaller the shield though the harder to penetrate, a big shield can come crashing down with a few well placed impacts that are the equivalant of a sedan at 50 miles an hour, while the smallest shield can withstand the vacuum of space.
Daniel is the adopted son of two kind hearted gay guys, and was constantly bullied for it in his early life. He didn't hold it against them, and on his 15th birthday he decided to do something about his bullies and started taking self defense classes, but a part in his mind didn't feel well hurting other people and so he developed a pacifist attitude, only engaging someone if he was in real danger. That time came 1 year later when he managed to humiliate his bullies, and came home after school on a half day and decided to take a nap, only to be awoken by a splitting headache.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Willem3141592
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Marc Willems
Alias: Receptor
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Marc is 1.86 meters tall (6'11") and has an average build, not muscular, but not fat or slim either. He has short brown hair and his eye colour is grey. He has a smooth pale skin as it is seldom exposed to the sun. He has a strong jawline and rather heavy eyebrows. Not much is seen of this because he covers nearly everything of his body to reduce external stimuli. He wears usually wears jeans and a hoodie with the hood over his neck. His hands are covered by rather thick gloves. He also wears a linen scarf, most of the time this is pulled up to cover his nose. He always wears sunglasses to reduce the brightness of the light and noise-cancelling headphones.

  • Super sight: He is able to see with enhanced clarity,detail and frequency, as well from a greater distance. With much concentration he is able to zoom in on objects, magnifying them. He's also able to see a bit into the ultra-violet and infra-red spectrum. His field of view is also a it larger than than of a normal human and is able to see very well in the dark.
  • Super hearing: His hearing is able to pick up very soft sounds and he has a very wide range of frequencies he can listen too, even radio. With much concentration he is able to pick out one sound and focus on it.
  • Super smell: Marc's sense of smell is so advanced he is able to track and trace smells more efficient than a blood hound.
  • Super taste: Marc can taste traces that are usually only found by analytical machines and deduct the composition of it.
  • Super touch: With this Marc can feel the slightest changes in pressure, including those through air and is able to sense very precisely the temperature of faraway objects.
  • Super balance: Marc has an excellent sense of balance.
  • Super reflexes: Not only his sensory nerve system has a mutation, his motoric nerve system has too. His reflexes are near instantaneous.
  • Super muscle control/dexterity: Marc is very precise and never shakes. He is able to move every consciously controlled muscle exactly as he wants to. This includes his vocal cords, allowing him to reach otherwise inaccessible frequencies and volumes. It also makes him an excellent voice impersonator and ventriloquist.
  • Improved pain resistance: While nowhere near 'enhanced' levels, Marc is able to deal very effectively with pain, because of his constant exposure to it. Rarely, in moments of great concentration or stress he is able to shut it off.

The downside to this all is that he can't control any of it. He is not able to power down and is constantly bombarded with sensory input. This gives him very heavy headaches. He's also very sensitive to everything, walking past a thrash bin might make him throw up, flash-bangs and the like will render him unconscious due to exposure. Even a slight breeze on exposed skin is able to hurt Marc.

Bio: Marc was born and raised in a medium-sized town. The first signs of his mutation started to show when he first stood up to walk. While most small children often fall, Marc had never fallen due to the mutation of his sense of balance. While this was extra-ordinary, no one was concerned with this. During his entire childhood Marc had a slight advantage of his enhanced senses and movements. Around his twelfth he started hearing sounds and seeing stuff and colours no-one else did. A year later he started hearing voices, picking up parts of radio transmissions. From there on it all went down-hill. He kept getting more stimuli and pain to go with this. He started to isolate himself from others to reduce the pain. It was only recently Marc figured out he was a mutant and enrolled in the Mutant College of Liberty and Equality.

Other: Marc is addicted to paracetamol because this numbs his senses.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 2 days ago


holy cow thats a lot of powers! I would consider taking a few off to make it less over powered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@themadhatter420 Not really. They're just subsets of one power. "Super Senses" or "Super Enhanced Senses".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 2 days ago

@King Kindred
yeah i guess so :) i was going to have a few of those but i changed my mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: David Fletchers
Alias: None, considering he hasn’t really done anything special yet. Though he plans to call himself: Astral. Though he’s still thinking it over.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: (Quite honestly i'm still working on this but i was hoping someone could already take a look at the 'Powers' and 'Bio' to see if that's okay)
Cosmic powers.
The cosmos is filled with harmful radiation. Humans have already many identified such as gamma rays and ultra-violet light. However, some remain a mystery to humanity. Waves that alter other wave’s their amplitude or wave-length. Thus a whole cluster of unidentified waves still exist. Often discarded by scientists as ‘background noise’ while for a matter of fact, these kinds of waves originate from a cousin of the proton. A massless particle with as many mysteries themselves like protons. However, they have a lot more energy in them than protons. David calls that stage of the particles the ‘Alpha’ form. For normal humans (it is entirely possible for mutants with enhanced vision to see these particles) the particles are invisible. However, if you’d ask David how it looks, he’d tell you that it looks like they make a purple aurora in the sky at night.

David’s skin seems to function both as absorber and container of these particles. His nerves also seems remarkable attuned to this strange particle. At thought he can use it to fire a concentrated beam or orb of the particle. While in a normal state, like you’d find in the universe, this particle does not interact with any matter what so ever. Though somehow when David uses it, it does interact. Most often it superheats its surroundings, effectively creating plasma. He calls this state of the particles the ‘beta’ form. In the beta form the heat makes the light surrounding the particles red.

Just recently David discovered that these particles have a third ‘form’. In which they act as negative-gravitons. Thus negating gravity. However it has only worked on small objects like a tennis ball for so far. He calls this state of the particles the ‘delta’ form. Delta form particles often consume light for some odd reason. Making it as if the particles themselves look pretty dark.

His powers are most certainly useful, but they come at a cost. For one, the particles are easily absorbed by most metals. Which means that if he remains inside, even if there are windows, his particles will not replenish. In other words. If he uses his particles too much inside, he might end up exhausted of them. A second drawback is discharges. Even a bucket can overflow with water and the same goes for David. If there is a big build-up of these particles, they will be forced out. Often in either delta form or beta form.

His mutant powers have only been manifesting themselves since he was 15. At first it was just his vision that was altered. High in the sky he saw the beautiful purple aurora. He wasn’t an insomniac or something, but he’d try to watch the sky passed midnight at least once a week since he could see the enchanting beauty.

About a year and a half after he discovered the aurora, his first discharge happened. The day started normal, except that he woke with a little headache. But David, as a 17 year old teenage boy, thought nothing of it. Throughout the hot day the headache got worse and worse. Until at PE. It was soccer and David seemed strangely energized. Until of course, he burned a goal down. Right before he wanted to take a shot at the goal, his vision blurred and blackened. The next thing he knew he found himself on a scorched patch of grass with a very burned smell coming from somewhere. Classmates would later tell him that it seemed as if the ball had a trail of red plasma. The goal keeper was able to jump away and didn’t get hurt. But the net caught fired and melted, together with the grass he was standing on.

At first David was discouraged. Even afraid. He heard a lot about the politicians with their Mutation Registration Act and feared that his class would see him as a monster. Though in the next few weeks, they didn’t treat him super different. Sure they often asked how he had done it, but he wasn’t bullied for it. This gave David the confidence to experiment with what he had. Soon he discovered that he could somehow launch red hot plasma at will. Much to the dislike of his mother, who had to buy new china.

His discovery of the delta form was also accidental, and most likely triggered by a discharge. One particular morning he woke with literally everything that wasn’t bolted to the floor peacefully floating around him. Of course until he noticed that it was floating. His desk and drawer crashed into the ground immediately. Around this moment his mother had enough and decided that it was time for him to learn how to use what he had. So she send him off to the Grinder. Hoping for the best for him.
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