Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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Silen Syanka The Daydreamer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name(First and Last): Alec Gardner

Age: 14

Gender: male

# Of Years You've Attended CHB: a year

Godly Parent: Athena

Which Side You're On: Athena

Personality: he is not afraid to speak his mind. However, Alec would rather keep to himself. So he could go relatively unnoticed. His personality is quite serious, and rarely does he crack a smile.

Appearance: Alec takes after the appearance of his mother. Although he has his fathers thin jaw and
Scrawny body. He has the blonde curls of Athena. And her sharp grey eyes. His skin is Olive tan,
And smooth. With the only scars that cover his skin are
Over his back. Which he keeps hidden beneath his orange camp half blood shirt. He wears tan jeans, and light black
Boots. A pair of box shaped black glasses help him read, although he can usually go without them. He is roughly about 6'2. But he barely 150 pounds. Making him scrawny and bony.

Skills: his skills are in the nerdy department. He knows practically everything about anything. He reads ALOT and can usually be found in a nice patch of shade with a book during the summer. However, he is one of the best strategist the camp has to offer. He does know how to use a sword. His mother is the goddess of wisdom and victory. As even though he doesn't have strength on his side. He will most likely beat you, if you don't think your actions through.

Powers: the power of brains more like it. He can come up with solutions where no one sees them.

History: he lived with his father in a small town in Georgia. Than one night he had a dream if his mother, telling him to go to New York. So that's were he decided to head to. Along the way, his mother sent him a gift. Sofo, a silver barn owl with amber eyes from his mother. But Alec calls his little friend Silv, because of her silver colors. She can communicate to him, and can help find solutions to his problems. As they headed to New York, one night they were attacked by a hell hound. Alec really has no memory of how he survived, or who rescued him. He only knows he woke up near the boarder of camp half blood, with a his first set of scars, and Silv at his side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Leader of Athena's Side

Name(First and Last): Kiran Khanna

Age: 17

Gender: Female

# Of Years You've Attended CHB: 4 Years

Godly Parent: Apollo

Which Side You're On: Athena


Skills: Kiran is an extremely good musician. She can play a multitude of instruments, and has a sweet melodic alto voice. And while she's absolutely terrible at archery (much to her dismay), she is an expert at double wielding. She owns double hook sword made out of adamantine that she uses in battle. The hilts of the two swords are connected by a chain, letting her use it in a variety of ways. Her skills in healing are average by normal Apollo cabin standards, but in the real world they seem rather exceptional.

Powers: Kiran has the ability to use photokinesis. She can create illusions/hallucinations, create light shields/force field, project healing energies, blast of lights to impale or blind enemies for some time or maybe forever, and create a ball or shape of light to blast.

Personality: Kiran tends to be quiet, but thoughtful when she's in school. But when she's at camp, she's up beat and friendly. She's head strong and cares about the people around her, whether she knows them or not. She usually has little enemies, and put others before herself. She's a philosopher at heart, and gets along very well with Apollo. However, she's very hard on herself and is always trying to make herself better, by pushing herself beyond her boundaries. She very rarely cares about her own health.

History: Kiran's mother was an immigrant to America. She was raised in India, where the rest of her family lived. However, Kiran's mother was invited to attend a college at the New York Institute of Technology where she decided that she wanted to learn the cultures of the US and fit in. So she went to a college party, got drunk, and ended up sleeping with Apollo, who was in disguise. After learning she was pregnant, Kiran's mother was ashamed, because it went against her culture and belief. However, she refused to get an abortion because that was also against her belief. So when the child was born she was named Kiran, meaning "Ray of light". Kiran's mother never knew who Kiran's father was.

As Kiran grew up, her mother wanted her to become a doctor. So Kiran, tried her best in school, however, due to her dyslexia and ADHD she had trouble focusing in school. She always hung out with the smart students in her grade, and tried her best to appear smart. This made her good at philosophy because she'd ask seemingly stupid questions, but it turns out that when her classmates tried to answer it, they were stumped, or would argue about the answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name(First and Last): Dorian Underwood

Age: 16

Gender: Male

# Of Years You've Attended CHB: 3

Godly Parent: Thanatos

Which Side You're On: Neutral


Dorian wears a glove only on his right hand. Most of the students don't know why he wears just one. Underneath the glove his hand is skeletal. On his left hand there's a tattoo of a butterfly. He didn't get it himself. It appeared on his hand on the night he got claimed at camp. He typically wears jeans and a graphic tee when at camp instead of the typical camp t-shirt. He also typically carries around his sword "Reaper" at his side. Its primary mode is a sword of Stygian Iron, but it can also switch to Celestial Bronze. He tends to switch between the two a lot in battle mostly preferring to use Celestial Bronze due to it bringing less pain and torment to the enemies.

Skills: Dorian is surprisingly really skilled with a blade. You'd think that he would be better with a scythe and he honestly probably is, but chose not to use it since he didn't want to add to the death vibe that people at camp tended to get from him. Despite his more reclusive nature he's also skilled when it comes to easing people with his words. In the moment before battle he could calm down his allies with his words so they could focus in battle. It could potentially be a power, but he doesn't consider it so.

Powers: Peaceful Passage/Death Decay: His bone hand gives him two different abilities. He has since gained control over them, but still prefers to hide his hand with a leather glove. The first ability that his hand gives him is the power to ease the passage of someone dying. To do so he has to touch them with his bone hand and say a prayer. He only uses this if they're in intense pain from whatever it is that caused their death or is causing their death. The pain "removes" itself from their body, but the wounds stay.

The second ability his hand gives him is the power to cause decay on anything or anyone that he touches with it. Of course now that he has control of it he can touch anyone he wants with his hand without causing them to decay. The decay starts where he touches them and doesn't spread if his hand is removed from the body or object. The longer he has his hand on said object or person the more and faster they'd decay. It's dangerous to use in battle due to how fast paced fighting is.

Death Drive: This is another power that he was given from his godly father. This power seemed to be a counter of his skill with easing people with his words. This Death Drive is a literal representation of the psychological study by Sigmund Freud. He has an invisible aura that appears in the battle field that makes others around him more reckless and self-destructive in battle. For the first two years he had at camp he couldn't control it, but then he was able to focus the aura so that it only affects his enemies or none at all. He mostly uses this against monsters.

Underworld Passage: As a child of Death he's able to pass freely between the living world and the undead. He can't however bring anyone else with him.

Personality: Dorian is a bit of recluse. It's partially to his own doing, but also to the doing of others. Even though years have passed people were still wary about those being related to gods of the Underworld. He understood why and never held it against anyone. His dad was Death personified. This isn't to say that he's incapable of making friends. Some have even tried to be friends with him and he allowed them in, but not fully. He still holds secrets from others. He's really kind and does have a sense of humor though most of his jokes are death related. He can laugh at and make jokes that don't deal with death. He loves nature and nature seems to love him as well. He loves butterflies the most and he guesses it has something to do with his dad. They tend to rest on him a lot not fearing the presence of death around him. He finds himself wishing that he had wings just like his father so that he could fly away with them. He's more caring than anything and hates to see people in pain. He constantly wishes that he was a healer like one of the Apollo children, but he wasn't born so lucky. He's also pretty much just like an ordinary teenager. He deals with puberty, coming closer to adulthood, and crushes. Though who really wants to court Death?

History: The love story of Dorian's parents was a weird one, but it was still better than Twilight could ever been. His mother always seemed to have a fascination with death. She was weird like that. While at College she started interning at a morgue and after graduation she became a mortician. One day a man came in claiming to be a detective and was inspecting a body that had been found at a gruesome crime scene. As he looked over the body the two talked and talked for what seemed like hours. They had so much in common and it wasn't hard for her to fall for him. His schedule was weird, but he spent some good time with her. One night they finally had sex in the next week he told her that he was being transferred to Los Angeles.

She was sad and even wanted to go with him, but he convinced her not to telling her that her destiny was here in New York. What did he know about destiny? He was know Apollo. Nine months later Dorian popped out. His mother found joy in naming him after the guy who used a painting to cheat death. His life was seemingly normal for most of it. Monsters didn't seem to bother him as much as they bothered other demigod children. They may toy with a child of Hades, but who would want to mess with the first child of Death? No one knew what he might have been capable of.

Everything changed on his twelve birthday. His right hand became bony. He learned all too soon about his decay ability while playing on the playground. Fortunately he didn't learn about it by using it on a human child. He touched one of the chains on the swing and it started to rust and decay. He quickly ran home after that and told his mother. She was surprised about his abilities and urged him to hide it. She didn't know what people would think about him if they found out.

When the summer started he was brought to Camp Half-Blood by a satyr and started to understand more about himself and why he was so different from others. Things took a turn for the worse when he found out who his godly parent was. Most people stayed away from him and he became the outcast in a group of societal outcasts. He was the only child of Thanatos so he slept in his cabin alone. That changed when he learned about his ability to travel to the underworld. Whenever he went to sleep he'd slip into the Underworld to sleep among the dead. He found himself at peace down there.

One year later he met his father down there when he was about to go to sleep and instead of sleeping that night they talked and he even followed him on his soul picking errands. He told him why he was so special, but he wasn't buying it. Being the only child of someone didn't exactly make you more special than the other demigods. When the sun was about to come up he was given his sword "Reaper". He was more than glad that he wasn't given a scythe. If he did he might as well had put on a cloak and gained the rest of the skeletal look. From then on he continued to train with his powers and his sword to make something of himself. Not the uncontrollable child of death, but as Dorian Underwood.

Now he's heading to camp once again with a slightly better attitude.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Leader of Zeus' Side

Name: Blake Aven

Age: 17

Gender: Female

# Of Years You've Attended CHB: 3

Godly Parent: Ares

Which Side You're On: Zeus

Skills: Blake is often confused for a child of Hades, due her odd power, but has the typical attributes associated with a child of the War God. She has a quick mind, comfortable coming up with impromptu battle tactics as well as leading groups of people and executing plans well. Her eyes and ears are sharp, she has amazing strength that surprises most due her thin frame, and has great skill in using all kinds of weapons from battle axes, to spears, and swords. Her prowess in fighting has only grown over her time living at the camp. Her ability to work well with actual weapons helps during the day when she cannot use her powers, at night however she is a ruthless fighter and creates anything she can think of to help decimate her enemies. As a result, she prefers to fight at night.

Powers: Blake can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows. She can create, using shadows, constructs and weapons at virtually any size depending on how familiar she is with the object. She has the ability to quickly maneuver herself through massive distances via shadows and produce blankets of darkness that even the strongest light cannot pass through.

"I bear no ill will against my comrads of a different house. At the end of it all, I see every member of the Camp as my brothers and sisters no matter what lineage they come from. And just like any elder sister would do, I will toughen them all up with a little bit of tough love... and make warriors out of them yet."

Blake is often described as wise beyond her years, often quoting members in history who won great things through the chaos of war. She is cunning but admits to her mistakes, rutheless and yet compassionate with others, she speaks and acts with the interests of all in her heart. A born leader, one might say. Within her reside two sides of a blade, the one that yearns for peace, and the one that craves the adrenaline during the heat of battle as if she were a walking contradiction. Blake has an obvious confidence and demanding personality that allows her to easily slip into the role of leader. There beneath her battle hardened exterior is a heart that feels for everyone who are in different or similar situations as her. Often times people feel comfortable enough around her to express their feelings. That is, until they get a whack on the head and a lesson in how all things happen for a reason.

History: Blake never knew her blood mother growing up, only the elderly couple that took her in at the young age of six. She never asked where her real parents were, though over time she learned that the pair who she lived with obviously didn't birth her. The pictures of other children who were all grown up led to her realization to that. She attended school when she was younger, but for a while, never spoke a word until about the age of ten. Blake loved to watch old plays and movies that replayed historic events in history, often mocking the characters until she adopted her way of talking as how they once did in the times of Shakespeare. Less dramatic of course, but obviously so. While in school she was picked on for being abnormally short and having trouble reading. Even at a young age, however, Blake took shit from no one, and would often get into fights when she was picked on or saw others being targeted.

Eventually school was given up and she was taught how to read basic literature by her adopted parents. The did their best but her progress was slow as she learned better through seeing pictures rather than words. She learned to write and do mathematics at the level she was supposed to, always spent hours trying to unscramble the words in history books because it fascinated her... and for a time, her life was acceptable.

Though there was something within her that yearned for more.

When she learned of her powers and came to the Camp at age fourteen, she became obsessed with learning how to perfect her powers and hone her skills. She practiced navigation and map reading constantly, studied elevation and weather patterns, learned how to take all of it in and form the perfect battle strategy that could be changed and adapted to fit different situations. At night, she found the darkness gave her limitless energy, and that she could train and spar and train some more all night without exaustion until daybreak. She became proud with herself and her abilties, and then turned to the others, helping those in different houses as best she could so they could perform well in battle. She began to see life just as that. A long battle, and those around her were her allies.

Until the Gods decided to have a petty fight and ruin things for them down there too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily
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CallaLily The Flower Girl

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Sierra & Marco St. Arch

physically stuck at the age of 15, mentally 17 & 17

Female & Male

# Of Years You've Attended CHB
3 Because she is a Hunter & 5 Since he has always stayed at camp

Godly Parent

Which Side You're On
Athena's side


Sierra is an amazing marksman. She can use almost any weapon, and like her father she has a great voice. She is also great at starting fires and doing lots of things concerning camping.

Marco is a great musician and an amazing singer, he knows how to utilize all things Apollo, but unlike his sibling he is quite bad at practical camping skills.

Sierra can slightly enchant people with her voice, getting them to do things for her. She's also a Hunter of Artemis, and unless she breaks her vows she will be immortal unless she's killed in battle. She can also partially manipulate light.

Marco can enchant people with instruments, and his voice. Marco can also shoot a now very well, and heal people's minor wounds.

Sierra is very bright and fun, she loves her Hunter family and while she did once love flirting, after she took her vows she stopped almost completely. She also enjoys music of course, and she loves her brothers and sisters in the Apollo cabin.

Marco is the more serious twin, and although he loves his family in the Apollo cabin he doesn't really joke around in tough times. After his sister left he stopped being as carefree as he had been.

Marco and Sierra were raised by their only mom, Charlene. After the two were born her mother never remarried because for some reason she always thought their dad would come back. Both of the children thought their mother was slightly losing her mind, but they never said anything. Instead they raised each other when their mom was too busy with work, and enjoyed the times she was able to hang out with her.

On the children's twelfth birthday, they realized they were 'special'. An undercover satyr had been hanging out around their school, trying to sniff out two children of Apollo who were causing a lot of trouble in the monster world. Marco and Sierra didn't know they were gaining monster's attention of course, but they were going to get harmed sooner or later. The Satyr took them to Camp Half-Blood after an invigorating meet and greet with an empousa disguising itself as a cheerleader in their middle school.

Sierra decided after her first there years in the boring camp, she would join the Hunters of Artemis, while her brother stuck around in camp and honed his craft as a son of Apollo. Sometimes the other Apollo children call them the 'followers' because of how much they followed in the footsteps in Artemis and Apollo, others call them the 'Wonder Twins'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name(First and Last): Troy Williams

Age: 16

Gender: Male

# Of Years You've Attended CHB: 3

Godly Parent: Poseidon

Which Side You're On: Zeus


Skills: Troy is an exceptionally skilled swordsman. He's one of the top swordsmen at the camp and spends a lot of his time improving his skills. He has a lot of time to spend anyway. He's also a skilled Equestrian. Some believe that it's because his father is Poseidon, but he believes that he would be skilled even if his father wasn't Poseidon. He just has this connection with them horses and pegasi. They each have the need and want to be free. He's also skilled when it comes to sailing. He doesn't even have to use his powers to operate the ship. Despite his anger issues he is also skilled when it comes to strategy. In battle he can come up with multiple different strategies that he's sure would work. He's not the leading type, but he's definitely the advising type.

Powers: Geokinesis: Troy truly is a child of the Earthshaker. His control over Earthquakes is stronger and more concentrated than the typical child of Poseidon. He can generate earthquakes and focus the points on which the ground shakes so he doesn't harm his allies. He can even move blocks of the Earth around to the surprise of others. This power seems to increase the angrier he gets as if the Earth itself is reacting to his emotions. However there is a huge problem when this happens. He starts to lose control over the Earthquake and it could potentially cause him to harm those that he doesn't want to hurt. The angrier he gets the more problematic his powers get. He needs a constant anchor(person) in battle when this happens.

Water-Induced Abilities: When in contact with or in the presence of water, Troy gains a disproportionate amount of superhuman clarity, strength, speed, agility, and endurance. It's like he becomes more godlike. It however has a time limit unless he's submerged or staying in water while fighting. He also heals himself from being in contact with water. This heals different wounds and clears poison from his body. The more water he's in contact with the faster the wound is healed. He can also breathe underwater for seemingly an indefinite amount of time and with his control he's able to create air bubbles for others to breathe in. He's also able to survive from any amount of water pressure. He also doesn't get wet unless he wants to and can dry anything off if he's in contact with it while in water.

Hydrokinesis: His control over water isn't as strong as other children of Poseidon. He of course can do pretty much what they can do, but to a lesser extent. He can create and generate water with his own energy, but that takes more out of him than bringing forth an already present source. He can solidify water making almost solid weapons for use in combat. He can use that power to walk on water. He can also propel himself through water as if he was a water jet.

Communication: He has divine authority over equines and other sea creatures due to his godly heritage. He can speak with them normally and telepathically, but in public he does the latter so people won't think that he's crazy. They tend to treat him with lordly respect, but he prefers that they treat him as an equal. He can also talk underwater to other children of Poseidon.

Heat Resistance: He has a higher than normal resistance to heat and burns due to his father's oceanic nature and the fact that his Cyclopes children work the forge. His resistance isn't as strong as some Hephaestus kids though and he's still able to be burned by intense heat.

Personality: Troy is more hot-headed and easily angered than a typical child of Ares. That's why most thought that he would be a child of Ares instead of Poseidon when he first got to camp. Despite his anger he does care about his friends. He thinks that this inner fighting is all stupid and blames his father for it. He has a blame dad kind of complex. When not angry Troy could be seen smiling and showing the younger campers around since he's more than a veteran by this point. He learned how to not let his anger control his actions and instead controls it in his fighting. He channels his anger into his moves instead of letting it channel him. That is when he isn't using his Geokinesis abilities. Troy is also kind of a flirt and finds himself attracted to a different variety of girls mostly those from the Athena cabin. Some believe it's because of his hatred for his father, but it's really because he likes how smart they are. It could also be because he likes to come up with different strategies for combat. It makes them pretty similar. He can barely stand Aphrodite daughters though since they believe themselves to be better than anyone in the world. He does have a few friends in the cabin, but he doesn't get along with the majority. Other cabin girls are fair game to him as well. He gets along well with the Ares kids of both genders finding mutual ground in their temper and fighting abilities.

History: Troy's mother worked at the New York Aquarium when she met Poseidon. Of course she didn't know it was him when she did meet him though. She thought she was just talking to this incredibly handsome guy who knew everything there was to know about sea creatures. She wasn't wrong, but she wasn't right either. They stayed at the aquarium way after closing and mostly talked before Poseidon made his move. He knew what he was doing. He knew that this woman absolutely loved aquatic creatures and anything to do with water. He found the perfect mother for a demigod child. He wasn't wrong.

That was possibly the best moment in her life before she gave birth to Troy. She slowly grew depressed after never seeing him again, but she changed for the better when Troy was born. He reminded her so much of the man she fell in love with. She didn't hold his father not being there against him and Troy was glad for that. He grew up like a normal kid would. He didn't need a father, but he always wondered what having one would be like. He grew up to resent the fact that his father disappeared on his mother after one night of "love".

The summer after he turned twelve everything changed for the worse. He was attacked by some giant beast. He still couldn't remember the situation clearly. He remembered that he was trying to protect his mother and crying for someone to help them, but no one came. He could feel that his death was coming, but his mother stepped in front of a claw that was meant to impale him. He froze and instead of running he just stood there. His mother cried for him and told him to run, but his legs just wouldn't move.

It wasn't until the beast was trying to shake his mother off of its claw did he finally regain the ability to move. He was scared, weak, and a coward. He was about to run, but stopped of his own will this time. The next thing he remembered was the ground shaking and his mother being tossed off of the claw. He looked at her in her near death state and the ground started to shake some more before a crater was opened in the ground and the beast fell in it. He then ran over to his mother to hear her last words and stay with her until she passed.

He remembered those words clearly. "Troy... Y-you are special. You were named after the city that survived ten years of attacks. You shall survive longer than that. L-longer than me. Be strong for me. Don't ever be afraid again. I love..." That was it. She fell silent after that. He promised himself after that to never be weak again. The next day he was found by a Satyr and brought to Camp Half-Blood. The satyr explained on their way that Troy was a child of a god. Some god his dad ended up being. He didn't even save his mother. He hated his father for that and he wasn't happy when he found out that his father was Poseidon. He knew that he could have saved her if he wanted to, but he didn't.

He opted to stay at Camp Half-Blood year long. It was the only home he had left after that. During his second summer he met his half-brother Percy Jackson. He heard plenty of stories about him. Percy was surprised to hear about him and realized that Poseidon wasn't joking when he said he could finally claim his other children. They both hoped that there wasn't more of them. Percy decided to entrust Troy with Riptide since he was out of this big hero of prophecies game that he's been on. He'd rather live a normal life with Annabeth and Troy definitely understood that.

Now he's sixteen and at camp in the middle of this stupid war. He chose Zeus' side as a big screw you to Poseidon who he swore to never forgive for not saving his mother.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily
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CallaLily The Flower Girl

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Rhea Lochart



# Of Years You've Attended CHB
5 years

Godly Parent

Which Side You're On
She's very on the fence. She's always believed Zeus was king, but the Athena kids have a very good point.(you have to make her decide!)

Craftswoman: Rhea is an expert craftswoman, like her half-brothers/sisters in cabin nine. She loves to make different things and carries a satchel full of different sorts of tools and things she can tinker with.

Smarts: Rhea is quite smart, she knows almost every part in a machine shop, and she knows a lot of technical terms. She isn't super smart like Athena kids, but she can make it.

Caretaker: Rhea is the caretaker of the Bronze Dragon Festus, which was passed down to her by Leo. She keeps him in Bunker 9 which can only be opened by fire users or accessed from her private room under her bed. Festus is hers mainly, she feeds him, corrects his wires, and cleans his metal to make sure he doesn't rust. Of course she is the one who takes him out into battle, and she is usually seen walking around the camp with him.

Morse Code: Rhea simply knows Morse code. This is how she communicates with Festus, she was taught by Leo before he passed Festus on.

Fire Wielder: Rhea can wield all different sorts of fires. She can send concentrated balls of sparks, beams of white hot fire, or light her entire body on fire. (usually her clothes disappear if she does this though)

Minute Maker: Rhea can build self functioning machines in a very small amount of time, they can do a multitude of things but the longer she had the larger it would be.

Rhea is a very independent woman, who loves to hang out with the guys. She likes to look strong and act tough, and she hates being called girly. She doesn't want a relationship at camp, so while she does like to hang out with boys she never flirts with them. She likes the Satyrs and sometimes she'll even try hanging out at their wild parties. She hates Aphrodite children, and she doesn't like the children of the big three as much because she believes they like to show off a lot. She loves her half-sistets/brothers but she likes her private life even more. That's why she never shares the password to her private room underneath her bed.

Rhea was born to a tough family, her mother died in childbirth and her aunt and uncle were always gone for work activties. When her 'parents' were home though, she was always out in the garage with her Uncle. It came naturally to her, and she enjoyed it. Her Aunt was kind of ashamed though, because she expected Rhea to stay inside cooking and cleaning and learning how to be a proper mother.

In middle school, Rhea was getting fair grades, but she mostly paid attention to sports which helped her get focused(she has major adhd). This fueled her to learn and pay more attention in school. During one of her basketball trips though, her sports life and her regular schooling days were ruined. She was attacked by a group of dwarves, who stole her wallet and her sports bag. Of course everyone thought she was an idiot, losing her stuff. No one saw the stealing because of the mist. This was the first time Rhea's hands lot on fire, because of her anger. She dissmissed this though because everyone would think she was even more crazy, but when she approached her family about it they gave in.

Her Aunt spilled, about the time Rhea's mother came to her saying she had met the God Hepheastus. Of course her Aunt had not believed her Mother, but after hearing about the fire incident she finally started believing. A month after this, a Satyr came to the school and took Rhea away before another monster attack.

Rhea managed to call her Aunt, who said she was okay with this, and that so was her Uncle. Ever since then, Rhea has been living in cabin 9.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jeray2000


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: David Jones

Age: 16

Gender: male

# Of Years You've Attended CHB: 3

Godly Parent: Ares

Which Side You're On: Zeus

Skills: He is extremely skilled at combat, especially when he is using two swords. Few can defeat him in a fair match. David is also exceptional in intimidating people, and he reduce most to quivering mess within seconds.

Powers: Emotion Manipulation: He can induce fear in people and create an aura of intimidation.

Personality: David is the scariest person most people have ever met, and he does nothing to convince people otherwise. He is very quick to anger, and can explode at the slightest offence. He hates not getting his way, and often resorts to physical violence to get it. David takes great joy in the pain of others, and can be quite sadistic in bullying people he considers below him(almost everyone). Ironically though, it’s actually quite easy to frighten him, mostly because very few people have ever had the guts to try, so he has next to no experience with dealing with fear. He also gets quite jealous of a lot of other kids at Camp Half-Blood, since his only power isn’t anywhere near as showy as he’d like it to be.


David never knew his mother. He was in foster care almost since birth, but was never adopted by anyone. He got in a lot of trouble for bullying other kids at school, but not nearly as much as he should have because his victims were always too scared to tattle. Some of his teachers were even scared of him.

He was terrible at all subjects in school, both because numbers and words never made any sense to him and because he never cared enough to try. Fortunately(for him) he was typically able to ‘convince’ other kids to do his homework for him, making sure he at least got a passing grade each year.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name(First and Last): Skylar Cain - Sky/Storm

Age: 19

Gender: Female

# Of Years You've Attended CHB: 8

Godly Parent: Zeus

Which Side You're On: She hates Zeus, so she generally sides with Athena, but doesn't really care


Skills: Skylar is skilled in fighting with a variety of weapons. She is a quick learner when it comes to something she doesn't know and will push herself constantly until she figures it out. Skylar is also a natural born leader, probably due to her heritage. She doesn't like leading generally, but when she she does she is quite good.

Powers: Skylar can control most forms of electricity simply with a touch of her hand. Of course following the laws of energy she can not create or destroy energy, but rather has to charge herself like a battery before being able to use her power. Skylar feeds off electricity like food or water, making it a requirement for her daily routine. Unlike food or water though she can overindulge in electricity giving her a high and also overcharging her powers. While charged she is forced to wear rubber gloves over her hands. Her hands are the most conductive part of her body so if she doesn't wear gloves there is a high chance of her accidentally touching someone and shocking them. This leaves Skylar unable to touch others without worrying about hurting them.

Once charged Skylar is able to use her power for a multitude of things. These include recharging other electricity required things, creating electrical fields, generating "mini-lightning", running up walls using static electricity, and more she hasn't learned about yet.

In addition to the above strictly lightning-based powers, Skylar has a limited ability to control weather, such as summoning high winds, creating thunderstorms, and rain storms. Even in Camp Half-Blood where weather is normally magically prevented, Skylar has managed to make it rain. Using this power of weather she has managed to manipulate the winds to create a sort of limited flight. She can't fly too high, where the air gets thin, or too much at risk of exhaustion.

Personality: Skylar is a very distant and cold person. She is constantly avoiding interaction with other people and when she can't she often gets into fights because she misjudged what someone said or just plain didn't like them. She really hates when people look up to her, especially as a leader. Unfortunately this happens a lot because of her father and that she is one of the oldest campers at Camp Half-Blood.

History: For a long time Skylar and her little sister Cleo had to survive on their own, out in the big world. Their mother was dead, or missing, or had just abandoned them, whatever way it was irrelevant. Cleo was the only thing that made it bearable for Skylar. Cleo wasn't actually Skylar's true sister, more her half-sister, but it didn't matter because the two of them were just so close.

One day Skylar was walking home, or what they called home, but what was actually some abandoned apartment building, from scavenging for food and stealing for money. Due to not having a supportive parent she had to steal often to make sure they had food to eat. Otherwise they would starve and Skylar couldn't bear the thought of seeing her tiny sister's cute face on the filled with hunger pains. It was late at night, but she still stopped in the drugstore for the goldfish. They were Cleo's favorite snack. Already the thought of her glowing face was brightening Skylar's mood, though she was thoroughly exhausted.

Quietly opening the door (a piece of plywood covering the hole in the wall they called home), so as not to wake her sister, Skylar peeked in. It was late enough that Cleo should have been in - Boom! A small ball of blonde hair and bright colored socks slammed into her belly. Cleo's arms were wrapped around her waist and she looked up into her big sister's face with adoration and happiness. "I was up waiting for you. You took for eeeeeeeever!" Pulling back she grabbed Skylar's arm and pulled her into their small apartment to where they both slept side by side. Pointing Cleo said, "Look I painted a picture for you. It's us, forever, because your the bestest best big sister."

Tiredly smiling Skylar looked down at the cute little face and picked her sister up. "Guess what I got you, nut ball?" Pulling out the goldfish she braced herself. Squealing excitedly Cleo ripped open the bag and poured the tiny snacks into her mouth. Giggling her mouth full of half chewed food she pushed one into Astrid's mouth. They both started giggling until they were lying on the floor laughing. "Nut ball."

A sudden explosion of splinters and wood knocked the front door of the tiny apartment out. Both of the girls screamed, before Skylar was knocked down by a large piece of wood. Her head slammed into the floor and in a daze she stared with fuzzy eyes as a monster entered. The entire thing was fuzzy from head to toe. It had long sharp horns like a bulls poking out of the top of it's head and when it roared Skylar thought her ears were going to burst.

Unable to push the piece of door off of herself, Skylar was forced to watch in horror and the beast strode towards her little sister. Cleo screamed loudly and tried to push herself away from the approaching monstrosity. It clambered forward towards her with a hunger. Tears streaking down her face Skylar yelled out in attempt to grab the monsters attention, but it was stuck on Cleo. Looking at Skylar with fear in her eyes Cleo cried out, "Skylar-" before the monster was on her. It was her last plea for help.

Endless screams and shrieks later the monster finally left. Skylar's eyes never left her sister the entire time she was being ripped to shreds. Finally managing to wiggle her way out from under the wood she scrambled over to the bloody body of her sister and cradled her in her arms. Tears dripped down her face and she sobbed, head buried in the bright, stained coat of Cloe's. Her sister was dead and it was entirely her fault.

The next days, weeks, months, were all a blur to Skylar. She was so torn up and blaming herself about her sister's death that she was completely ignorant to everything around her. She eventually stumbled her way into Camp Half-Blood, where she finally found out who, what she was. A half-blood. It was there she also found out what had killed her baby sister. It was the Minotaur. Training herself in this camp so that she would never be in the same situation again, Skylar became surprisingly good at many different aspects of fighting. She would never let go of her anger. She would avenge Cleo if it was the last thing she did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Cole Johnson

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Male

Appearance: Cole stands at six feet, one inch with a muscular build. His spiky hair is a light shade of black and eyes the color of walnuts. He has a single mole above his right eyebrow, near his temple. He has two tattoos. One on his right arm that bears a random symbol and one on his abdomen that reads “The good stuff here.” With an arrow pointing downwards…long story. Cole can always be seen wearing a single necklace with a cross on it. His clothing style on the other hand is rather simple. Jeans and T-Shirt do it for him.

Parents: Maria Johnson x Hades

Years attended CHB: Three - Four

Affiliation: Zeus – Believes the whole thing is petty, and would rather Zeus just remain king and let things remain as is. Only reason he’s getting involved is to make sure one of the few people he genuinely cares about is alright.

Skills: Given his muscular build and history of fighting, Cole is rather strong and fast, as well as experienced with street fighting. Put with being trained at camp, he’s a rather capable fighter, one that doesn’t always play fair. He’s knowledgeable when it comes to herbs, but most are almost always in the form of an addictive drug. Addictive drugs are a thing he knows a bit too well. It seems he hardly has any skills relating to his father, although he seems knowledgeable when it comes to ferocious monsters.

Powers: Cole has powers similar to that of his father.

Necromancy – While this ability is not on the level of his father’s, Cole can sense when someone nearby is dying. As well, he’s trained enough that he can call forth six dead from the underworld at a time to fight for him.

Osteokinesis – Like his father and half-siblings, Cole has the ability to control bones. He has managed to get control of this ability to the point he can control the bones of others. While not good enough to control a person, he can make them stop moving temporarily, or twist a bone to redirect certain movement.

Dark Pyrokinesis – Cole can manage to spark a few flames of hellfire from his finger tips and can shoot a few flames from his palms. While limited, therefore not able to turn things into liquid, the flames give a nasty burn more so than average fire.

Umbrakinesis: Cole has a light version of shadow manipulation. He can shadow travel across a large area, though the further he goes the more fatigue he becomes. As well, he can absorb and dissipate shadows. Not to mention begin to surround people in pitch darkness that can be escaped given they don’t freak out first.

Monster Lordship: While not exactly lordship, Cole can manage to control a few monsters native to the realm of his father. Three is his limit at once, and the more he controls the less time he can control them. He can control one monster up to an hour.

Personality: By first impressions Cole usually comes off as the serious, stoic type of guy. And while that is kind of true, he jokes around and even becomes playful once comfortable around someone. He’s known to have been a big flirter and even a bit more than that, but it has died down in recent times due to his relationship with Blake. He still has to stop himself from being flirty from time to time as it’s become a bit of a habit, but he’s been doing well thus far. Cole has shown to have a bit of love for animals, but if it isn’t towards animals or Blake then don’t expect to see him all mushy and whatnot. Cole isn’t very emotive in public due to being used to not having anyone to talk to, although now he has a few. But he mostly expresses his emotions in private.

History: Cole never knew what it meant to “have a childhood” as most of his childhood he had to play the role of adult. From one to five, Cole always had his mother, Maria, to look after him. That was until she fell into depression after an event Cole didn’t know about, and still doesn’t until this day. His mother began drinking when he was five, but it wasn’t a problem. It became a problem when he was six as she would often stay up late to drink, and most of the day she would be too out of it to really do anything. He started becoming independent then, mostly learning how to cook his own food. As the years went on his mother would fall deeper into alcoholism and drugs, while Cole would struggle to find a way to support them both. He managed to do it, all the while seeing things someone as young as him shouldn’t have. Cole would constantly get into fights at school, and at fourteen would be told who his father was in Maria’s drunken state. He didn’t believe her until he was taken to camp-half blood one day, in a rare state of soberness from his mother. She then left him there. It was better for him that way, but he never thought it was good that she was left alone.

As the years passed, Cole would visit his mother every so often to check how she was doing. She had begun recovering, but Cole didn’t know what led her down that path. He didn’t care that much, only cared that she was getting better. And while he would check to see if she was alright, no one really checked to see if he was. Not that he showed anything was wrong, he mostly got his emotions out due to…lady favors, and the occasional cigarette that he knew well enough not to have often. But it helped, and it seemed to be the only form of reliefs that he was comfortable with, even if a bit unhealthy.

Cole had made few friends at camp-half blood, one being a somewhat-friendly Hellhound he nicknamed Chubbs. They grew a bond, although Cole was bit once trying to control him. Another friend was Blake who he got along with after a while. He used to jokingly call her his sister due to her shadow manipulation, which looking back is a bit awkward considering their current… passionate, relationship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name(First and Last): Elektra Argyris

Age: 15

Gender: Female

# Of Years You've Attended CHB: 1

Godly Parent: Peitho

Which Side You're On: Aphrodite's


Skills: Elektra is a gifted sculptress who's sculptures are prized by those she has given them to. She is also a gifted speaker who can be difficult to resist. Aware that she is only as healthy as she tries to be Elektra runs, swims and stretches each and every day as well as eats only a healthy diet..

Powers: As the daughter of Peitho Elektra has the Siren's voice when she sings which means she can enthrall any who hear it. Not yet fully able to control her voice Elektra can only stupefy not command.

Personality: Elektra is the type of girl who always tries to see the potential in any of those around her. She is a peace maker who doesn't mind being the go between and mediator. She is loyal and always keeps her word once given.

History: Elektra's father is a well known archaeologist who's focus in Helladic society and culture made him world renowned. He was chosen to speak on the subject at universities from Athens to London, New York and Tokyo. Handsome, charismatic and an enthralling speaker it was little wonder that he attracted the attention of the Goddess Peitho who soon sought him out as one of her lover. Shortly they had a very intense affair that went on for two years before Peitho revealed to him that she was a goddess come to earth and was expecting his child. Doctor Victor Argyris Elektra's father took the news well though in the beginning thought his lovely Petra was joking or slightly mad..

When Peitho gave birth to Elektra she like the other immortals of Olympus had to give her up to her mortal father and allow him to raise her as a mortal. Elektra and her father spent part of their year in Greece and the rest traveling the world where she grew up listening to her father's lectures. Life was fun and adventurous for father and daughter and Elektra thought it would never end.

Then came the day when Elektra was 12 year's old and her father died in a tragic plane crash. She was devastated and thought she was alone in the world till an aunt she never knew she had came and took her to live with her in San Francisco where she ran a large art gallery. Life there in the city by the bay wasn't the same as had been the jet setting life she'd lead before but her aunt Polly did everything to make Elektra happy.

It was here that she learned that she had a talent at art with sculpting as her best talent. Aunt Polly was her greatest fan and saw to it that Elektra received tutoring from several sculptors that she displayed at her gallery. Soon her work was it's self in demand and displayed in Polly's gallery and it looked as if she was finally settled in once more but that ended the day she found out Polly wasn't her aunt but a guardian nymph assigned by her mother to raise her.

It was quite a shock when six months ago that she found out that her long lost mother wasn't dead but a goddess who couldn't even visit her child directly. Polly revealed her true form and astounded her young charge. She then helped her find her talent of persuasion and her siren's voice but when she revealed the reason for this Elektra wasn't happy. It took Polly acting as the conduit and her mother's skill as the ultimate negotiator to convince her that it was important for her to attend Camp Half Blood.

This is Elektra's first year at the camp and other than feeling a loyalty to her mother and Aphrodite Elektra has no connections
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name(First and Last): Acacia Blackwood

Age: 17

Gender: Female

# Of Years You've Attended CHB: 0

Godly Parent: Dike - Goddess of Justice

Which Side You're On: Neither. She's never even heard of the civil war but if she did then she'd still remain neutral. Zeus is a massive douchebag that doesn't seem to care a lot for the mortals beneath him and has been caught cheating multiple times but he's a decent leader and has kept the Gods together thus far. Athena has a superiority complex and isn't really in-touch with the other Gods but would be an excellent leader and strategist. Acacia will mostly stay on the sidelines, making sure nothing gets out of hand.

At first glance, Acacia can seem almost quiet. She prefers to ignore others, finding that her visions of their past increase if she engages with them directly. That doesn't mean she's shy or unsociable. Quite the contrary, really. Acacia, if given the chance to, will be playful and a true trickster at heart. Her confidence is palpable as she doesn't find any real shame in her personality or her body. For that reason, she can be a real minx when it comes to guys as she regularly leads them on just for the sheer thrill of it.

Although those emotions are hers, she regularly covers the deeper ones of inadequacy and loneliness. She grew up without anyone stepping into the mother figure and with a father who was vicious at the best of times and downright inhumane at the worst. She's always been stuck at the lower echelons of society, regularly falling on the wrong side of the justice system and not particularly caring about it. For someone whose powers revolve around being a justicar and doing what's right, she's done more wrong than most could. She has killed, thieved, destroyed and assaulted and this has taken a serious toll on her mental well-being. In essence, Acacia is a scarred soul carrying the burden of justice upon her shoulders.

Dike had never had a single child throughout history. Her job was a key one and throughout most civilizations, she was held far above her station as a simple, minor Goddess. For that reason, she never had time to have children. Why she chose Acacia's father, however, the young demigod will never know. He was a detective for the NYPD and although he wasn't corrupt (yet), he wasn't exactly morally superior. Despite this, her mother had a short fling with him and after a few months, it ended with her disappearance and a new baby girl at his door.

He did alright in terms of a father for her first few years. He had a girlfriend and Acacia had a moderately decent childhood up until the age of six when her father was caught taking bribes from some of the local crimelords. His life fell apart as he lost his job, his girlfriend and most of his friends. There was something he could never let go, however - his daughter. She was there for every bout of anger, every spout of hatred. As she grew, he became more prone to heavy alcoholism and on occasion, drugs. Not only that but he began to develop the idea that all his problems had stemmed from her and her mother. What started with shouting quickly turned to beatings as her father slipped down into sheer madness.

Eventually, he snapped when Acacia began to question him on who her mother was and where she had gone. One evening, when she was nearly twelve, he came at her with a kitchen knife. The first slash nearly gouged her eye out and left her with a nasty scar over it. The next caught her arm and the final hit was the knife imbedded deep in his stomach. She hadn't meant to do it but her hereditary ability to fight kicked in. He actually survived as she called an ambulance but after three months of terrible pain, he died due to an incurable disease that had slipped into his bloodstream.

To say she cared would be a lie - she barely even regarded him as her father. What she did care about was the fact that she was placed into social services. That lasted for about a month before she eventually ditched it for a life on the streets. Petty crime carried her for a year but as she went on with her life, she began to pick up on powers she had. Acacia had the ability to peek into people's pasts, she seemed to be a pretty decent fighter and a rather excellent liar. She got herself involved in some real money-making ventures with drug-runs and even got a position in a local gang after making a name for herself. Life was good for a while - she made just enough to live a decent life at sixteen and even began to save so that she could leave New York.

Then the shit hit the fan - although she was the only child of Dike and monsters literally didn't know her scent, they began to pick up on her location and the smarter ones used the criminal underworld to trace her. Eventually, she was scouted out by a team of demigods from Camp Halfblood and when she was told of the secret world of the Gods, Acacia wasn't surprised in the least. It answered everything. With her curiosity piqued, she agreed to come with them to the Camp when it started back at the beginning of summer. She still has no knowledge of her Godly parent nor does she have a firm grasp of her powers but there is one thing for sure - they certainly have never seen anything like her before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Jeremy Rose

Age: 17


# Of Years You've Attended CHB:

Godly Parent:

Which Side You're On: Despite his father's neutrality Jeremy is leaning on the side of Athena, Zeus doesn't really have any logic besides selfishly wanting to stay on the throne it seems, plus Zeus has been known to lack self control in his rage and desire, Athena seems like a better choice to lead.

Personality: Jeremy, fitting of a child of Hypnos, always seems tired, yawning no matter how much sleep he has had. He seems lazy, not really wanting to do much besides sleep, but with sufficient cause he has been proven to be quite intelligent when he needs to be. He is always very calm regardless of how intense a situation is, trying to get problems over and done with so he can get some sleep and not have to worry about the world ending or something.

History: Jeremy was raised by his mother, unaware of who his father was besides vague reference to 'a very important man in the world'. Although Jeremy now figures that ignorance was bliss, at least it was better than the event that caused him to find out. The first monster to attack him.

It was a pretty ordinary day, Jeremy was lying down in bed as his mother made porridge for the two of them, and Jeremy was staring at the calendar. In three days it was going to be Jeremy's birthday, turning 12. All he wanted was a new pillow, and his mother knew it. As Jeremy yawned, hugging his pillow the way he was wont to do, he heard a scratching noise at his front door. Jeremy raised his eyebrows as the door exploded into splinters.

A huge dog like creature walked into the room. It had to be half as tall as the house and twice as wide. Jeremy hid under the bed with a surprising sense of calm that was only broken when he heard a scream and the sound of snapping bones. The hellhound's steps were both felt and heard by Jeremy, and he saw a foot land right at his doorway. Then it stepped closer, and closer, and as Jeremy held his hands out like somehow that would stop the beast...


The dog collapsed onto the floor, in a deep sleep. Jeremy cautiously stepped around it and looked at the kitchen where his mother was before. Completely gone. Jeremy didn't dare hope that his mother escaped, the lack of blood suggest that his mother was swallowed whole. He ran out onto the streets and eventually got caught by social services and when he gave his account of what he saw he was just labelled with schizophrenia and put into a children's ward.

3 years. That's how long he spent trapped only with the mentally ill for company and analyzed by the shrinks they had there. Jeremy found it worrying how they couldn't tell that he was sane, and tried to convince them of his sanity, but of course the only way they thought they were recovering was if they admitted their supposed mental illness, his supposed schizophrenia and what they viewed as very phlegmatic and lethargic behavior.

When Jeremy was 15 they finally decided he would be alright having a few weeks leave, and ran away, eventually bumping into some half bloods on their way to Camp Half Blood. Jeremy joined them and came to Camp Half Blood, learning all about his father, making friends and sleeping. Well, mostly sleeping, with no direct parental figures Jeremy found he could sleep quite a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name(First and Last): Tyson Vael (Ty)

Age: 20

Gender: Male

# Of Years You've Attended CHB: 5

Godly Parent: Hephaestus

Which Side You're On: Athena


Blacksmith: Ty is an expert blacksmith. He can craft things pretty much anything without thinking about it. Ask him to build something for you and he will bring something back ten times better by the end of the day.

Athleticism: Having played sports ever since he was a little kid Ty is a abnormally good athlete. He works out often and thus performs excellently in sport related activities. He has also developed the skill of using a broadsword with efficiency and precision. After working with weapons so much in the workshop he has become quite proficient in the area.

Leadership: While being a quiet person Ty is a great leader. People often look to him in times of trouble, because he is the oldest camper and is a very approachable person, besides being the head counselor of cabin 9.

As a son of Hephaestus Ty is able to manipulate machines with great precision. Besides being able to put together complex machines quickly he can also create intelligent machines that act on their own accord. One example of this would be his miniature pet bronze dragon Thorn. Thorn is a mechanical dragon the size of a rugby ball. His wingspan is about three feet, and is powered centrally by a sphere that was customly designed by Ty.

Ty can also manipulate fire, a very useful power for someone who works so much with it. He has skin resistant to flames, though can still feel heat to a certain extent. This ability includes creation of fire through friction and emotions, flamethrowers, limited flight, fireballs, explosions, and more. What makes his power unique is that it is constantly building up inside of him. Like a tank filled with liquid, it only can hold so much before it explodes. This causes him to need to release the pressure daily. Without releasing the power he would begin to feel the effects of the fire in his stomach. It would start with him sweating profusely, and his skin temperature increasing drastically, before ending in human combustion.

Ty is a quiet person, not wanting to be always be the center of attention. He generally has his group of friends and sticks to them. However, many people still like Ty for his friendliness and approachability. Though giant and overly strong he is kindhearted and warm, kind of like a warm fuzzy bear. Not that you should call him that, he probably wouldn't like it. Ty is quietest when it comes to girls. Coming from his heritage it's not surprising that he finds machines less complex than people, especially woman.

Ty grew up in a poor environment on the west coast. He was raised by his mother, always assuming his father had just skipped out on them when he found out Ty's mother was pregnant. Life was hard for the two of them, and Ty was put into a crappy school because of their lack of money. Despite this he managed to prove himself, not necessarily in the educational classes, though he did exceptionally well in workshop, but in after school sports he became the all star athlete.

Halfway through high school Ty's power began to manifest. He was at home after a big game and not feeling well. At first he thought it must have been that he had played too hard, but then he started sweating. The beads of sweat appeared along his brow, dripping down like as if he had just finished showering. He skin was feverishly hot, so much as to create steam with the sweat on his skin. Ty had an aching sensation in his stomach that he tried to force down. Unfortunately the feeling was too strong and Ty couldn't hold it back. Letting go, he felt a brief sense of relief before the house exploded into flames.

Ty later found out that he had burned down the block. Twenty-three injuries, five deaths, one including his mother. He never understood what had happened that day until he wound up in Camp Half-Blood. There he was finally claimed by his father, and learned to control his powers, so that he wouldn't have another episode like when he was in highschool. At this point he is the leader of cabin 9, and lives there full time as he is an adult now. Most people look to him as one of the counselors rather than a fellow camper, though he is still just as friendly as any of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I-I... it is b-best I k-keep everything bottled up..."

"I'm Damian... Damian Zamora."

"I'm seventeen... I-I think.."

"I'm a boy."

# Of Years You've Attended CHB
"I just got h-here, so zero."

Godly Parent
Uh... h-he... my... er... T-Tartarus, it is Tartarus."
Everyone at camp currently thinks he is just a unclaimed weirdo.

Which Side You're On
"I-I don't know, t-this stuff is all t-t-too confusing..."

"I'm not much r-really..."
Damian is a lanky individual, standing at 6'4 and being quite thin. He is surprisingly lean, though he doesn't have too much muscle mass. Both his hair and skin are shockingly pale, as if he has never been in the sun a day in his life. Though people rarely see them his body is covered in varies scars from burns, claw marks, stab wounds, and bites. His eyes are usually dark charcoal black, but they have been seen to shift into faintly glowing crimson red. Regardless of the temperature Damian is always wrapped in layers upon layers of black clothing. He usually wears a pair of black jeans and combat boots along with a dark grey sweater all under a pitch black hooded trench coat, needless to say Damian keeps the hood drawn at all times. Damian also has a pair of black gloves and a mask which only covers the lower half of his face that he wears.

"I w-wouldn't call them s-skills..."
When it comes battling up close and personal Damian is a master, though he doesn't use weapons. He relays on his own body rather than swords or bows when he faces foes. His fighting style is very different than an average demigod, more primal and aggressive.

Damian knows how to survive in the most hazardous of conditions. Finding food, making shelter, and scaring off local hostile monsters all come second nature to him.

Monstrous Insight
Damian seems to know exactly what makes a monster tic and exactly what to do to take it out, almost like he has inside info on the thing.

"If I tell you... y-you won't want to b-be around me a-anymore."
Monster Physiology
All demigods aren't fully human, it just so happens to be more so in Damian's case. Damian's... less than usual heritage has left him with some unique traits in the biology department. Such as he is faster, stronger, and more agile than the average demigod, being able to keep up and even surpass a pack of hellhounds. He is also able to heal much faster, a hour will usually all it takes to get him back in shape after a battle, though he is already much more difficult to harm in the first place. His senses are also far sharper than normal, he can smell faint aromas, see in the dark, and hear incredibly soft sounds. Though it has no real use in battle Damian's digestive system is quite literally monstrous. He can eat bone, metal, and even raw meat as if it was nothing, though Damian prefers a simple chocolate donut over everything else.

Horror Appendages
Damian's uh... arsenal is quite different from the usual demigod. Seeing as he is his own arsenal. Damian is capable of changing parts of his body to resemble that of other monsters. Though he has yet to fully master this ability Damian has managed to simulate the claws of a hellhound, the tentacles of the Kraken, and even at one point breath fire like a basilisk.

Fluent In Monster
As absurd as it sounds Damian is able to speak to any monster that wanders the world. Where others will hear a roar Damian hears... well a roar, but he understands what the roar means. Just because you can understand a monster doesn't mean that they will obey you, you will just understand what it is saying when it is trying to make lunch out of you. Though monsters are much less likely to attack you when you can make a roar twice as terrifying as theirs.

Dark Gravity
Everything on earth is being pulled toward Tartarus whether they know it or not and being the son of Tartarus means to a very little extent they are also pulled toward Damian. Everything seems to be physically drawn to Damian, as if he had his own miniature gravitational pull though in no real grave scale as of yet. For now it only seems to help in combat by making opponents lose their footing, it is hard to stand and fight when you are being unwantedly pulled towards the guy you are fighting. As well it makes it difficult to run from Damian with this pull, like trying to swim against the current. This also has its downsides as Damian is much more likely to get hit by an arrow that was shot at or near him as it will be drawn to him.

Blood Of Tartarus
The blood of the gods run through all demigods, this is true for Damian to though his blood has a bit more "kick" to it. For Tartarus's blood is actually the what most call the rivers of the underworld. The Lethe, the Styx, the Cocytus, the Phlegethon, and the Acheron all flow through the very heart of Tartarus and into the rest of the underworld, leaving even the pit itself. This blood also flows through Damian and as such not only does the rivers themselves have no real effect on Damian his blood also carries similar properties as the river. For example Damian can bleed upon someone and they will feel sudden sorrow and depression, just like they were dropped in the Cocytus, or he could allow someone to drink his blood and their wounds would start to heal as if they had just drank from the Phlegethon. Damian has to concentrate in order to achieve the effect he wants. This requires a lot of energy on Damian's part which is why he rarely does it.

"I'm not m-much of a talker..."
What would you expect from the son of Tartarus? A blood thirsty mobster that wants nothing more than to crush you? Well that is true for some of them, Typhon for example, but when it comes to Damian well he is pretty... human. He is incredibly timid, stumbling over his words half the time and staying silent the other half. He is constantly worried about messing something up and will apologize for the littlest of things, even if he was not the one at fault. He has little understanding of social norms which leads to him feeling quite awkward around the other campers. Damian doesn't have many friends, if any at all, mainly do to the fact he doesn't know how to be a friend though this doesn't mean he hasn't tried to get some, he is rather nice if a little oblivious on what people consider friendly. He normally spends his time out in the forest around the camp, he seems to relate more with the monsters that roam the forest than with the actual campers. The only time all of Damian's awkwardness seems to melt away is when he is in battle, his actions and mind becomes clear and fluid as if he was born for fighting.

"There i-isn't much to tell..."
What do you expect of the god of the realm of punishment, if you expect any pleasantness or kindness you are seriously need to look up the meaning of the word punishment. Tartarus is a being of pure malice and wickedness, which made him the perfect match for Gaea. It is no secret the two gods entered a type of relationship that lasted for centuries, even into the time Gaea attempted her over throwing of the Olympians. Every god, demigod, and monster knows how the earth mother was defeated by the prophesied seven demigods and "killed" just like Uranus, Tartarus included. Needless to say the god of the pit did not take the news well and wanted nothing more than revenge on the Olympians and their mortal children. That was when the dark god devised a plan, to use the thing the gods have been using for centuries to battle for them, a demigod. Obtaining a human woman was easier than expected, Tartarus plucked a soul out of the Acheron and gave its body back. The soul that was chosen was of Lilith Zamora, a mortal serial killer that plagued America for years. With that Tartarus had all he needed to "create" his new son. With the deed done the child was born nine months later in the pit, at which point Tartarus quickly returned Lilith back to the Acheron. From the day he could walk Tartarus filled the boy's life with nonstop training, forcing the child to fight against all manors of beasts and monsters. Tartarus exposed the child to the most heinous actions imaginable, which with the god of the pit meant quite brutal torture and mutilation. For years this training went on and honestly it was working, the boy had become quite the vicious warrior, but with his strength that grew so did a resentment towards his father. The boy eventually managed to escape from Tartarus through the passage to the mortal world, the same passage monsters use to return to the mortal world after their death. The boy wandered lost for some time in the mortal world, having never been there in his entire life. He was fascinated by it all like the lack of poison air and fiery rivers, but even more so the stars and sun stunned him. He had never seen anything like them before. He was eventually found by a Satyr, though the poor Satyr had no clue what to make of the boy's smell as he smelled just like a monster, and brought to Camp-Half Blood. That is where the boy took the name Damian. It is what he thought he was called by a old woman who's garbage he was going through for food, she had actually called him a demon. The last few months he had been getting settled in at camp, though most of the campers try to avoid him like the plague.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Dance with me peons~!

Angela Hearth Celis



# Of Years You've Attended CHB:
0.7 (8.4 months)

Godly Parent:
Hestia (Claimed by Dionysus; asides Cleo, only the cabin leader of his cabin knows about this)

Which Side You're On:
Neutral (Leaning on Zeus)


Short, adorably so, in fact. Angela is not all that heavy either. She stands at 131cm (4.3ft) and weighs about 41kg (90lbs); her skin is light brown. She has a egg-shaped face with bright, dark brown eyes and long straight black hair tied into a single braid held by a golden band.

Angela has a habit of wearing long, clothing like skirts or tunics to hide various scars she's received from monsters. These scars are heal-able if she so chooses, but for whatever reason she does not heal them.

Empathy - Not a power or a ability; Angela, being an extremely caring person, is extremely sensitive to the feeling so of others, to the point where it's almost like mind-reading when she tries to find out what's wrong so as to help them.

Singer - Not as good as children of Apollo or other music-related gods, but it's still very soothing to listen to. She's particularly good at singing lullabies.

First-Aid - she can preform first aid. Nothing magical, just band-aids and stuff.

Friend of Monsters - for some reason, she can befriend some monster. Not much of a skill, it seems, until you consider that they become potential allies and guardians for her in the future.

Warmth - She can make people feel warm and fend off the cold.

Sanctuary - Angela can declare any building with a fireplace as a home and sanctuary. As long as she is conscious, no one, barring gods and Titans working together with a demigod, can destroy said sanctuary and neither can anyone inside it be harmed. Drains her stamina extremely quickly. She can keep it active for a longer amount of time by sacrificing her lifespan.

A simple word to sum up Angela would be: Saint - the girl is as self-sacrificing and loving as a person can get. Perhaps even beyond what is possible. She is a martyr and a good one at that. Angela always forgives, and this attitude doesn't just apply to humans and demigods, no, she applies this same self-sacrificing martyrdom to monsters and various gods as well.

Any form of hostility is practically impossible for her. She is for the most part silent, choosing to act rather than talk, and abhors violence. Some may call her naive or otherwise faking it, but the truth of the matter is that this is just who she is. She is not blind to how dark the world can get, but she is often found to remind people that there's such thing as brightness in the world as well.

She is a deep and thoughtful thinker, often struggling with how she balances the lives of others against her own - she would sacrifice herself in a heartbeat, but she ponders often on what her death would truly mean for others. She is a bit afraid of having her death be meaningless, even worse, she's afraid of her life being meaningless.

Cleo Medax



# Of Years You've Attended CHB:

Godly Parent:

Which Side You're On:
Neutral (leaning Athena)

Long straight black hair that reaches to his shoulders, with strips of white and gray hair distributed randomly. He's slightly taller than average, about 189 cm (6.2ft) with sunken, thin black eyes. He's thin, but with lean muscles as befitting a demigod that regularly fights.

Of particular note is his long, spidery like fingers and severely scarred body. Unlike Angela, he does little to hide them.


Empathy - not a power or a skill. Simply good at reading emotions, to the point were it's almost like mind-reading.

Deductive Reasoning - Cleo has a sharp mind, and while it is unorthodox, he is easily able to find solutions, problems, information, lies, truth and parse information he hears.

Perceptive - He has sharp perception, and is skilled at finding small details or flaws in an object or argument. He generally uses this in combat to find weaknesses.

Oratory Skills - He is a master in the arts of speaking. He can go from eloquent and cold, to rough and passionate. He can become anything he needs to get the crowd to listen to him. And when he talks, his voice for some reason compels people to listen - even when they desperately don't want to.

Ruthless Fighting - Cleo doesn't fight like a human. The people who see him fight think he fights like a monster. They're wrong; Cleo fights like neither - he fights like a dead person that see's nothing wrong with inflicting a similar fate on his foes. He fights like he doesn't care about his own body, and it shows. He abuses and tortures his targets mentally and physically, forcing them to wish they had never existed, because fighting him is a realization that not even death can save them from endless pain.


Child of Impending Doom - A power he has no control over. If anything with a soul near him is destined to have an unfortunate encounter, he will know about it. When he figures out about it will depend on how terrible the destiny is. If said destiny is not so bad, he will probably only find out about it just a few days before it happens. If it is something terrible, he will know of it immediately - this applies to even gods and monsters. If that destiny is somehow related to him, and is close to being fulfilled, he will become heavily empowered, to the point of far surpassing even children of the Big Three - the problem is, at that point, he is no longer the one in control, but his father Moros, is. The god will remain in control until destiny is fulfilled.


Cleo is twisted. Not good or evil, simply twisted. He is human, definitely, and yet he does not feel like one. He loves life, and yet he seems so desperate to end it. He has an almost undecipherable set of morals, and despite the fact that he does not seem to enjoy inflicting suffering, he does so laughing - to Cleo he feels like he is compelled to enjoy this suffering, or else he will break. He brings the flaws out of a person for everyone to see, and talks cheerfully about death and destruction. His world-view is nigh unshakeable, and almost nothing can sway his opinions on things; unfortunately, he also makes it a point to constantly talk about his world-view, which, obviously, is depressingly painful.

Cleo is not totally random, however; he does have his constants. He does not act so long as he does not believe it is necessary - in fact, that is the only time he will act. Everything he does is out of necessity, and nothing else. If it is necessary to do anything, then he will not act at all.

Fear is something Cleo knows, but it is rare that anyone can cause him to feel the emotion, because his fears are not so simple that they can be exploited. In fact, it may even be impossible to. No one's ever tried before.

Cleo puts value in almost nothing, believing that it isn't worth the time. In contrast, the things he does value, he outright worships and protects reverently.

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