"I will choose my own destiny"
Name:Shikuya Shiyumi
Sexual Preference:Heterosexual
Pure Blood/Aristocrat/Turned
No siblings
Significant Other:None
Gifts:Yuki-Onna Shikuya exudes the cool calm of Winter everywhere she goes. The air around her is constantly cold and any water in her immediate presence in frozen solid, particularly any water under her feet.
Ibuki no FuyuShikuya can turn her breath into icy shards that impale and freeze her foes, simply by blowing air from her mouth over the palm of her hand, as if blowing a kiss.
Personality:Shikuya can seemingly come off as rather cold and almost emotionless upon first meeting her. However, having been raised in a sheltered, traditional life, she is fascinated by the modern Western world and can lose her cool, becoming a bit overexcited, when presented with a new experience.
Biography:The Shiyumi Clan, a Pure Blooded Vampire line from the East have long coveted the Juran family's place as Rulers of the Vampires. However the Clan has recently faced a problem: The current head of the family and his wife have only been able to produce a single child, a girl. Fearing for their continued bloodline, the Shiyumi clan had their daughter, Shikuya, hidden away until a male heir could be produced for her marry. Despite having been forced to live in seclusion, Shikuya has always been aware of her family's plots to take the position of Rulers from the Jurans, and with every failed plot and every dead Pure Blood, Shikuya has ground her teeth in frustration. Finally Shikuya could not sit by any longer and let the scheming and murders continue. Having hatched a plan of her own, she left her homeland for America, without her Clan's knowledge, and hopes the end the blood feud between the two families once and for all by unifying the Bloodlines.