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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Sai nodded her head along with what Captain Akigari was saying, smiling cheerfully at his determined, happy attitude. She listened to all that he had to say, enjoying his positivity. "Heh, well I'm also glad that you have been given such members that, from what you're saying, I suggest have great potential. I believe you're going to achieve that title, especially if what I've witnessed so far was any evidence. A couple of new recruits of mine had to take a trip here earlier, which was the main reason for my presence here in the first place" Sai did a little sweat-drop with an added sheepish chuckle as she recalled recent events. It as a mistake on her part, but it also was a good test for her new members which she had learned quite abit from. "My members said that your members did a really good job on fixing them back up as soon as possible, so I promised to let you know of this, simply just to give my compliments to your Captaining skills" Sai smiled widely, baring the top row of her pearly white teeth. "Oh I see, well I haven't heard anything about Squad Ten recently since I've been busy with my new recruits, but I hope he's handling them well. Due to the nature of our Squad, I suggest the more combat-oriented Shinigami may have joined his Squad. That is just a quick assumption of mine however. I'm sure he is capable of handling them, but I'd still like to have a look" Sai realised that she was being a little talkative but that was in her nature, she didn't see it as an issue either.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin walked over to where Shinzo had placed his bottles and dropped her load in a pile next to his. Standing straight, she patted down her uniform before looking over at Shinzo after he spoke. At first she just watched him as he cut a bottle and observed it. 'Well I've never had a training partner before... Could be fun' "I don't see why we shouldn't train together" Bending down to grab a bottle from her pile, Nairin walked near Shinzo but kept some distance between the two.

Throwing the bottle up into the air, she grabbed the hilt of her sheathed sword, eyes focused on the glass as gravity began pulling it back down. As Nairin went to swing for the bottle when she felt the time was right, like Shinzo did, she didn't realise that she hadn't fully unsheathed her sword since she didn't pay any attention to her weapon and was too busy trying to rush to cut the glass in time... thus she was flung forward by her own force as a result and quickly had to drag her left foot forward to catch herself before she fell. Just as she did this, the glass hit the grassy ground. This was an absolutely stupid mistake on Nairin's part, but it had been a while since she used her sword as she'd usually avoid using it and so has lost sync with handling it. "For fucks sake." Nairin muttered under her breath as she stood straight, glaring down at her half-sheathed sword before ripping it out it's sleeve. She then pulled the strap of the sheave off of her body and tossed it haphazardly by the bunch of bottles. Nairin purposely avoided looking at Shinzo as she went to try again with the bottle, tossing it up once more. Feeling herself start to get a little angry, Nairin stomped her anger down and focused her mind on the target.

Going for another swing, she caught the bottle on her blade's edge and followed through with the swinging action. But, it wasn't until after she had swung her blade did she notice that the glass bottle was caught on it. Nairin looked down, her eyebrows screwed in confusion until she grabbed the bottle and took a closer look. Her blade had only cut through just under halfway of the bottle's core, with a cut far from clean. 'Huh? It was sharp enough to cut it but not to go all the way? What the hell sword!' Gripping the glass a little tighter, Nairin threw it up a third time and stabbed her sword into the ground, getting into a stance with both fists clenched. The bottle began falling once more before with Nairin just as focused as before. She waited until the bottle reached a certain distance from the floor before hauling a punch towards it. She hit the glass with enough focus to smash it, since it must of been weakened by her sword previously. The shards fell onto grass beneath her, covering a small patch.

Finally satisfied, Nairin stood straight once more and turned around, grabbing her sword's hilt and ripping it out of the ground. 'Damn sword... Huu, I guess I better start training with you more, even though I'm better with my fists.' With how the first mission she was assigned went, Nairin really had no choice, she just hoped her Zanpakuto spirit didn't give her any sass as she trained since that was the last thing she'd wanted filling in her mind. "So Shinzo, is there anything particular you wanna train?" Looking to the male, Nairin pushed her thoughts aside side, they weren't important at this time after all.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 15 days ago

Setting down a cup of tea that his great grandfather, Kenshin the First, had made him. Kyoichi bid him farewell before stepping out from the modest house his great grandfather owned in Rukongai. In the house, there were many pictures. One had a man, purple haired and wearing a slightly odd looking mask that covered the lower half of his face. Another one had a silver haired man, along with another man with black hair, both wearing clothing that made them look like martial artists, grinning and bowing. While there was one more that seemed the most important. This one had a man, black of hair, long and kept in a ponytail. This man and someone that looked like his great grandfather was linked in a embrace between friends. A tree in their background, there was a red sword and a couple of jugs on the floor. "Now, if you can, go find that sword and it is yours. Besides that, it is time for you to make your own friends and memories. I wonder how all these guys are doing... Jun san, Kaien san, Sota san, and that bastard Kurisa Byakuya..." His great grandfather said, chuckling... "And that Shoske...him and his shitty Zanpakuto...Kiba....and of course Kanzo and Haiku....Ahhh...." He said, his voice trailing off as he sipped into his tea. "Now, Kyoichi, if you meet these guys, be sure to tell them that I'm waiting and they should visit...Go now..." He said. Hearing this, Kyoichi did not think of it too much. Offering a respectful bow, he took his leave.

Walking through the street of Rukongai, Kyoichi wandered about for a bit, fiddling with the old pipe in his pocket. Mumbling to himself "Which squad....Which squad..." He stared at the road as he walked, making his way towards the Gotei Thirteen proper. Still mumbling, he said "Squad two..nah, not fast enough... Squad 13...nah....Squad 11...Eh....Squad eight...eh...."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sieg Oda. Yakima knew it wasn't coincidence that Aya had the same last name. Especially with the abilities she had shown. His face was serious, looking forward as they entered Squad 4 "Yes, I've heard of him. I never met him but I am in no rush. And neither should you. Aya, I will teach you everything you have under one condition. Do not turn this quest of redemption into one of revenge. Defeat him for your sister, never for yourself" Yakimas face grew darker, as if remembering something.

Suddenly, his eyes widened as Yakima showed his first true emotion. Shock, complete and total shock. He had seconds, no maybe even less. He turned around in a flash, planning to knock out Aya in one swift blow. It didn't matter if he had to knock her out or even the whole Squad. He was willing to take the consequences, lose his job or even his life. This meant more to him than the world. But it was too late

Right before his hand met the back of Aya's neck, an ear-splitting scream of a child echoed through the squad 4 hallway. "DAADDDYYYYYYYYYY!!" He cursed under his breath. After, his face and entire being took a complete 180. Yakima had a cheerful smile, his eyes warm, as a young girl leaped into his arms. He lifted her up and spun her around making airplane noises as she laughed. He lowered her down and held her with one arm.

"Why are you here without your mother?" His daughter played with his hair as she answered "Mommy is getting my medicine. We were gonna go surprise daddy but daddy surprised us!!" Yakima showed no sign of annoyance at all, compared to when he was working. His daughter peeked behind him, looking at Aya "Is she your friend daddy? She feels scary" Yakima turned to Aya, his one eye telling her "say a word and you're dead". He nodded "You could say that, she's one of my subordinates but she just lost an arm. So be nice okay?" She smiled and nodded, Yakima turning to Aya as if none of this happened. "So...you go on ahead and meet me at the Squad 4 Captains office"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Her shouting seemed to have been heard as they started clearing out, hopefully to safety. She then heard Nishi screaming more loudly than she did and turned to see her running from a hollow. "J-just cut its mask...." Nene said but knew that she probably had to take it down for her. So pointing her finger just a little bit ahead she hoped Nishi wouldn't be hit by this. "Hado number four, Byakurai." And a blue lighting shot out of her fingers and traveled the distance and just like she planned caught the Hollow at the right time as it shot right through the side of its head. Watching it collapse she looked at Nishi and smiled unaware of the own hollow behind her now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


As the scene unfolded in front of her she held one of her demonic Aya smiles as she had even more blackmail now. The captain of squad eight.... making airplane sounds, fucking beautiful. Yet when the little girl looked at her and said she felt scary Aya's eyes widened in surprise herself. "Wow she has good senses, to be able to sense my bloodline without seeing it yet." Aya said with a smile not minding she was called scary, her father then said she just lost an arm and to be nice. Aya however waved it off and walked closer. "Like this bothers me, us girls are much stronger then you boys." Aya said sticking her tongue out at Yakima, before looking at the little girl. "My name is Aya Oda, its nice to meet you." Aya said holding out her right hand to the little girl to shake.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo watched Nairin as she attempted to cut the bottle in half like he had attempted but it wasn't as easy as it looked clearly, if not for Shinzo's parents formerly being Shinigami then he wouldn't have ever passed the academy no doubt...he was far from a genius and really his only plus side was having quite a lot of power but using such power was dangerous and Shinzo knew this...thankfully this was hidden with a Kido his father had learned and since he was young he's had the seal placed on him...this did always make Shinzo wonder why but he supposed it was just to keep them all safe or something...regardless Shinzo was here to train his raw skills, discover his Zanpakuto and beat one of these damn Captains...eventually...

Shinzo snapped out of his trail of thought when Nairin spoke to him, he looked at her then thought for a moment before speaking "How about we spar? None of that Bokken shit...we spar with our sealed Zanpakuto's. That means no Kido, no Hoho and no Hakuda...we focus purely on Zanjutsu...it seems to me you need to the practice and I could do with focusing on this area a little more...sound good?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Ashido Akigari

Ashido listened as Captain Yoshi spoke, it was quite nice to hear praise of how his Squad members were doing such a good job...he could only hope this quality of work kept up. "Well thank you for the kind words Captain Yoshi~ I hope I can one day see how well the members of your Squad are doing...after all...I'd like to know the Shinigami that may end up working with my own. Remember to keep this Squad in mind if you need a healer on one of your missions~ They may not be the greatest at combat but their healing abilities are like nothing you've seen before...although I assure you...they are capable of some form of combat" Ashido said with a smile. He had been training some of his members in the ways of combat as he wanted them to be able to defend themselves...although some were already combat strong so it was more of a focus on healing for them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Nishi Matsuro

As Nishi continued to run she soon heard something fire and then a thud as she looked back to see the hollow chasing her dead "Phew...that was close..." Nishi then looked to Nene to thank her but her eyes widened as she saw a hollow behind Nene, Nishi quickly pointed at her and spoke "A-Ah! Hollow!" However the hollow was already attempting to attack Nene and by the time Nene would of been able to react it would have got her. Nishi then looked away, still pointing at the hollow as she fired a Hado 4 of her own that shot through it's head. Even after hearing it fall back onto the ground she still didn't look...she wasn't a killer...she didn't want to see what she had done and so just turned away and spoke "A-Are you okay Nene?" in truth...now that she thought about it...maybe...did she hit the wrong one?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yakinas eye twitched, not getting why Aya disobeyed his direct order. Any sentiment he felt for her was now replaced by an unquenchable rage. But his face remained the same, that of a caring father he showed to his daughter. Yakima nodded his head as he played with his daughter to distract her "Yes, she was gifted with a sensitive senses. The fact that she was able to tell you were different when I wasn't should show you how sensitive it is. And it is for that exact reason why I keep her existence a secret...and I would like to keep it that way" He turned and gave Aya a serious look. His daughters safety was no joke to him.

The seriousness in the air was cut off by his daughters giggle at what Aya said "Mommy is scarier than daddy!! Daddy is too serious to be scary!" Yakimas eye twitched but he somehow managed to force a smile. He would also have to get his one eye checked out. She cheerfully smiled at Aya, shaking her hand without showing any shyness like before."My name is Hanami!" Suddenly, a pair of female hands reached out from behind and wrapped her hands around Yakima's eye while the other wrapped around his neck. "Guess who" "Well there is only a select few who are capable of sneaking up on me and telling from your hands-" Yakima was cut off when the hands turned him around, his wife moving forward to give him a quick kiss. Their daughter made a face as if it was nasty and mouth "ewww". His wife giggled "Your daughter is right, you are too serious" She stuck out her tongue at him, Yakima's cheek turning a slight pink.

Midori turned to Aya with a soft smile, her personality practically the exact opposite of Yakima. She moved to his right, dressed in a modest summer dress with simple floral patterns. Hi, are you the one who's been taking up all of my husbands time? Yakima cleared his throat multiple times, his tone sounding nervous. "This is my subordinate. Subordinate, this is my wife and daughter. Well that is enough for introductions. Time for you two to go back to the manor" He was once again cut off, Midori putting her hand over Yakimas mouth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Nene looked at the hollow who had a hole in it's head, quite literally one centimeter away from almost making a hole in her head as well. So when Nishi asked if she was okay she simply checked her head to make sure that nothing was missing. "Yeah. Thank you." Nene replied now certain that if she did ever die, her friend would have done it herself. "You know, we came here with the knowing of Hollow activity, you can't be scared to kill them you know. You also most certainly cannot look away when firing off a hado near an ally or innocent." Nene also lectured her, cause frankly if anymore hollow came, she didn't want to risk being pierced by Nishi's hado being misfired cause she averted her gaze.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin listened to Shinzo's suggestion, looking down a little disappointed at the fact that she'd only be allowed to use her sealed Zanpakuto. Hakudo was clearly more of her strong point but Shinzo was right. Needless to say, she needed practice handling this shard of useless metal. Lifting her sword up, she looked at it with a slight pout before letting out a deep growl, one that sounded identical to that of an angered menacing dog. "Ulgh, doesn't sound good but you're right... I do need practice with this piece of junk. No point in lugging around something that I can't use" She swung her sword down to her right as she held the hilt tightly in her right hand's grasp. Her lips sprung into a smirk as her eyes settled on Shinzo. "Heh, bring it on!" Suddenly thrusting her whole body to the left, Nairin abruptly jolted forward to catch Shinzo slightly off-guard as her initial movement suggested that she was going to continue going left. Grabbing the hilt of her Zanpakuto with her other hand also, she held it tightly with both hands and thrust it forward in a stabbing motion, aiming for just above Shinzo's right hip.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Sai chuckled softly after Captain Akigari had finished talking. "You're always welcome to stop by whenever you'd like Captain Akigari, my barracks is always open to other Captains and their members. And don't worry, I'll definiatly ask for a member or two from your Squad to join in any missions outside of the usual Human World post-watch. A healer on the team would certainly be essential and would be a useful experience for your members. The second something arises, I'll contact you" Sai returned Captain Akigari's smile, happy to know of how co-operative he was compared to most other Captains of the Seireitei. "So Captain, I hope I haven't been holding you from anything important? Please let me know if I am and I'll be on my way, hopefully at some point in the future I'll see you around Squad Thirteen?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Aya nodded at what he said, she knew when certain things were a no tell anyone basis such as the safety of other that are precious to you. However the being barfed upon was still on the damn table and he better know shed drop that secret like shed drop a water bucket on someones head. Besides now that Hanami was her new little buddy, Aya gave herself the right to beat anyone's ass who teased her or upset her. Then a sudden female wrapped her hands around the captain and gave him a kiss, with Hanami's reaction it was safe to assume this was her mother and Yakima's wife.

The little confrontation was then flipped on her when she asked Aya if she was the one taking up the husbands time. Yakima started to speak but was cut off which made Aya giggle as she rubbed the back of her head. "Lets see I joined with Sitting buddy, which me and him were tested by fighting him! I tried to give him the ol one two but then he released his shikai and I was all like, nah brah I aint about that life. And then I saw him get puk-punched by a lot of paper work from a lot of recruits. Then he sent Sitting buddy, Menstrual cycle girl, and me on a mission in which we were suppose to take out a nest...... Thats where I lost my arm and almost got rekt. So yeah I took up a bit of his time." Aya said smiling before she remembered her manners and bowed. "Oh yeah and I'm Aya Oda, I'll try not to be a burden on him so you can have more lovey dovey time with him." Aya said giving her a thumbs up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Nishi Matsuro

Nishi looked at Nene as she spoke then looked down a little as she was somewhat lectured about not being scared of hollows and also to not look away when using a hado. She did already know this but she really was more of a healer...she didn't like to fight..."Sorry Nene..." At this point Nishi was hoping that no more hollow would come...but that was when she felt a large collection of Spiritual energies closing in on their location "Nene...d-do you feel that?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo sheathed his Zanpakuto as Nairin spoke, rubbing the back of his head with his left hand as she got herself ready "Well let me show you how you should use your Zanpakuto..." Shinzo then let his left arm fall to his side as he watched Nairin attempt to throw him off by using a fake yet this didn't work on Shinzo...mostly due to the fact that he was at some distance from her and even if she did go left or right he'd have plenty of time to react. As Nairin got closer Shinzo placed his left hand on his sheath and his right hand on the hilt of his Zanpakuto, holding the sheath slightly odd, almost angling it in towards his body so when he drew his Zanpakuto it'd be to block, not attack. As she thrust her Zanpakuto towards his right hip he unsheathed his Zanpakuto, Smashing her Zanpakuto blade away with the bottom of his Zanpakuto's hilt, then with a quick jolting movement with his right arm and wrist he changed the direction of the Zanpakuto so that it now closed in towards Nairin to lightly cut her across the stomach, as in to barely scratch her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Ashido Akigari

Ashido nodded as Captain Yoshi finished speaking "Well I'm glad to hear that" Ashido then waved his left hand at her as he chuckled a little "Oh no don't worry about it~ I've finished my paperwork for the day so I'm not all that busy and you can bet I will be...I mean I cou-" Ashido's speech was cut off by a phone making a sound in his pocket "Excuse me a second~" Ashido reached into his right pocket inside his Haori then pulled out a small phone and flipped it open, the expression on his face grew a little more serious which made him sigh before closing the phone and placing it back in his pocket "Seems something important has come up. If you would excuse me...I'll be on my way" Ashido bowed his head a little as he then smiled at Captain Yoshi once more "I'll be sure to swing by your Squad sometime soon...I shall speak to you soon Captain Yoshi" Ashido then took a few steps passed Captain Yoshi before disappearing with Shunpo
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Nene felt a little bad about lecturing Nishi but if she was to fight with her, she couldn't expect herself to protect her and herself at the same time. As she was about to call for the people hiding to come out she trembled a bit at the surge of spiritual energies coming right for them. Nishi must of sensed it to caused she asked Nene just to make sure. "Nishi.... I can feel that.... Okay time for a plan. You know how to do Fushibi right? Well try to get a few of them up around our area. If these guys are hostile then we want to be the ones to surprise them at the get go. I'll do the same." Nene said trying to think as quickly as possible for a situation like this. She shunpoed over to a few areas before returning to the middle where she talked about her plan with Nishi. Now it was to hope they got lucky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin made the first move and sprung into action, approaching Shinzo with her attack. As she was attempted to puncture just above Shinzo's right hip, the male retaliated by smashing the bottom of his hilt against the flat inner side of her blade, sending the sword away from his body. She wasn't surprised by this, it was the first move after all meaning the opponent had more than enough time to prepare for her given they had agreed that they were going to fight beforehand. Letting her left hand release the hilt of her Zanpakuto, Nairin tried to move her body back but she didn't have enough time to evade the other's slash. Jumping back a short distance, Nairin grinned. Shinzo's cut had landed, but it was far too light for Nairin to even notice so she assumed that she managed to dodge it. "Heh, don't think I'm going to be as soft on you as you're being on me!" Her cocky attitude leaked out of her mouth before she was able to remind herself that she was only allowed to use the inefficient hunk of junk in this battle.

This reminder caused her grin to flip upside down and her right hand's grip on the hilt of her weapon to draw in closer. She looked at the sword with her frown planted securely on her face. 'Shit... Almost forgot, I can't fight at full strength...' As she thought to herself, Nairin lifted her sword to hold it horizontally a little distance out in front of her neck, the cutting edge facing Shinzo. She reunited the hilt with both of her hands and bent her knees slightly to firm her stance. "Show me what you've got!" Usually Nairin would of ploughed forward for an immediate follow attack on her enemy, but she knew better than that and realised that she couldn't act recklessly within this fight. It was obvious, her opponent was skilled with a higher power level than hers and able to use his weapon effectively, he had the major advantage and without her strength, Nairin had a rather damn big disadvantage. Despite this, Nairin still felt she could beat him, perhaps thinking strategically was also an area she could exercise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Sai's gaze returned to the area around her as Captain Akigari answered his phone call. Upon hearing of his need to attend to some business, Sai simply smiled. "I look forward to conversing with you soon aswell, Captain Akigari" She continued to smile as the other Captain stepped passed her and instantly disappeared with a shunpo. Sliding her hands into her Haori's pockets, Sai stepped forward and casually began her stroll back to her own Squad's building, looking around while sending pleasant smiles towards all Shinigami she had eye-contact with along the way. She took her time, appreciating the work that every Shinigami must put into retaining the beautiful Seireitei walls and gardens, despite how often they're probably destroyed through war, spars or training.
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