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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Sai chuckled at Koyo-shi's childish pout before continuing to listen to the extra bit of information on one of the hollows she had battled. "I see, hmmm" The Captain tapped her chin with her left index finger as she listened to the rest of what the girl had to say. "Well, I guess someone from another Squad must of engaged the hollow before you two did or something... But anyway, thank you for telling me" Assuming that was all the information Koyo-shi had to give, Sai smiled thankfully.

The Captain watched the Shinigami move around and rise off of her bed. Leaning back in her chair, Sai uncrossed her legs and stood herself, patting down her Haori to smooth out any creases that may of formed. She listened and stayed silent as Koyo-shi grabbed her weapon and spoke about getting food. At first, Sai wasn't sure whether or not to let Koyo-shi go back into the Human World, since she had only rested a little while after getting fixed up by the members within the Squad. Although, Sai did accept her idea of cooking a Squad Thirteen dinner so it wouldn't be fair for her to go back on her word and tell Koyo-shi to return to the barracks. Looking the girl over silently, she paid attention to her movements and mannerisms to see if her wounds were effecting her a little too much. She seemed fine for the most part, however Sai did notice a little something.

Sai's smile lifted a little after her short silence. "I'll let the Squad Four Captain know to praise his members for doing such a good job. If you insist on going back for food then I will not stop you, I said you could so I'm not going to go back on my word. A seated member has covered your post so you should have nothing to worry about, however this time, if anything does happen, return immediately. Do not try to fight any more hollow, the members at their posts will take care of any problems. You just go out there and get what you need then return, understood?" She spoke in a neutral tone as she didn't want to sound threatening or stern. Walking over to the door, Sai opened it before stepping out and turning towards Koyo-shi, waiting for her to exit also.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Koyo bowed with a happy smile coming over her face once again, glad that she was being allowed to go and grab some food so soon, though she was only going to ask one of her freinds to get what she wanted, it was still nice that the captain trusted her so soon. "Don't worry I will just get Jun, a friend, to get them on his way back. I would like to go back to the barracks for now." She moved up to the door with the captain, planning on going with her for the time being.

Placing her sword onto her back she looked up to Sai for a moment "Thank you captain." She said cleanly, wanting to pay her back someway, but she already planned to do so through her cooking. "By the way, I uh, never asked but is there anything you would really like to eat when I cooked" She played with her thumbs for a moment "It is just I was trying to come up with something to make but then the whole hollow thing happened and took my mind off of it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yakima was now on his way to Squad 4, stressed out and hoping to find some type of drug to calm him down. He really didnt care what it was, anything would do. Plus he had to speak with the captain in hopes that they have some type of treatment for missing arms...and stress.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Sai smiled at Koyo-shi's decision to let a friend of hers get the food, it was too soon for the Shinigami to return there with her injuries anyway, or so Sai thought. "Oh, well that sounds splendid! I suggest that you probably should rest, you've done very extremely well for your first day within my Squad. I see great potential in you Koyo-shi" Always praising her members was something Sai was known for and she loved doing it. She felt it was important to make sure her members knew how well of a job they were doing and what she thought of them, but she also understood that too much praise may halt some Shinigami's progression as they'd get too confident about their current power levels and so stop trying to improve so Sai tried to restrict her urge to praise when she could see slightly cocky behaviour settling in.

The Captain was just about to turn to make her way to the Squad Four Captain when Koyo-shi spoke up again, asking her a question. She stopped herself mid-turn to face the Shinigami, listening to her speak. Her smile grew with warmth at the girl's question, how nice of her to ask for what Sai wanted. "You can make whatever you feel you are good at making, or try something that you really want to trying doing. Surprise me, I'm sure I'll like whatever you choose to make so don't worry about that hmhm" She hummed a chuckle, feeling that her day had been brightened a little more from the simple thoughtful enquiry. "Anyway, right now I suggest that you rest up, I have a map of barracks with me to show you where your room is" Reaching her hand into an inside pocket, Sai pulled out a neatly rolled A4 piece of paper and unrolled it. She then held the paper up and turned it around while pointing at one of the boxes that symbolised a room within the barracks.

The map was a plain layout of the barracks. No names were jotted down on the rooms already assigned as Sai preferred to store that information within her memory for security reasons. Although, there was one thing written on the map and that was the name 'Captain's office' within the box Sai's office was located. "Here will be your living quarters. The room is vacant at the moment and spotless so feel free to make it more cosy with personal items and what-not. This area is yours after all, as long as you don't destroy it, feel free to do as you wish with the space" Looking to the door handle of the room the two of them were just in, Sai opened it again and abruptly stepped in before exiting the room once more. She had written Koyo-shi's name within the box that was allocated to her. "You may take this with you if you'd like, it could help you out while you're getting used to the place" Moving the map towards Koyo-shi, Sai offered the paper.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo looked at Nairin then spoke "Really? Well that'd be just you finding her a little cute cause I don't see her in that way. I'm not here to screw around...I'm here to do my job and fulfil my dream..." Shinzo then looked up to the sky above him as he thought about it. Sure...he did want to protect people...but he also still wanted to kill a Captain in a battle to the death...something truly exciting and incredible, a true way to test all the skills he would have learnt and how strong he would have gotten. However...only one problem stood in the way of that dream. As far as he knew he couldn't go around and just challenge any Captain to a fight to the death...only one Squad was exempt from such a rule and that was Squad 11. In truth Shinzo did want to try take the Captains position at Squad 10 through a battle to the death but since that wasn't possible...11 would do...but in order to do that. He'd need to get a lot stronger....

Shinzo then looked back at Nairin after listening to her speak "Well...we will find one we like enough to not smash the place up. Something to do in our free time...and why else do you think they chase it? Nothing more then bragging rights...are you going to tell me that if those guys put their minds and bodies to it that they could make it in a place like this? They know they can't...they know they wont...so what have they got left? Nothing...just a small group of friends...and what do friends usually do? Brag about how they are better than one another...at least usually. So...when it's a bunch of guys what else are they going to do? They have nothing really going for them so they no doubt make shit like that a sport to see who can bang the hottest girl...However I despise that shit...that's why you will see me training till I'm at death's door...and not trying to bang every girl in sight..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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"Ok, I will make sure to try my best and surprise you!" Koyo said that a little louder than she had expected too but still looked almost like a child or puppy being praised as she saw the captains happy face. However, for the time being the young shinigami was going to take Sai's advice and get some rest before she had to cook for them all, a big task to say the least given how many of them there were, and that was not counting the ones she had yet to find out about!

After getting the map Koyo gave a small bow "Thank you for everything captain. I think I will go and take a nice rest now before dinner" If there was nothing else Koyo didn't want to bother the captain anymore and so would start following the map, it raised up in front of her as she studied it closely so she could make her way to find the room.

As she entered the empty room, apart from the basics that came with it, she could not help but have a thankful feeling overcome her. Right away she moved inside and closed the door before tossing her sword onto the foot end of the bed and soon following it as she floped down. Groaning she had to admit, despite trying to act brave and cool and pain had come creeping back now she had been walking on it but it was nothing she could not handle. "Ah right..." Picking up the communicator from her pocket she lifted it to her ear "Yeah it is me..." Her face was still in the pillow as she talked, she was grateful Jun understood her request.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

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Nene Sanada

Nene while carrying two children on her back looked at Nishi as an older man accompanied her. "So this district was attack by hollows right? So why is this man telling me that he was not attacked by a hollow but by someone with a sword? Actually I think quite a few people here have been wounded by a sword... So did the captain leave something out of his mission report?" Nene asked while the children covered her blind eyes which made her sigh. "Yes..... I can still see everything around me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


As they continued on towards squad four where she would instantly shunpo away if she saw any needle of any sorts. She walked beside Yakima and looked up at him. "You know their is another reason I want to be stronger. Why I tried to take out all those hollows by myself, I'm unsure if you heard of him though.... He was a shinigami way back when I was still a child. Yet I must become stronger in order to beat my brother Sieg, that way sis can smile again! So please Captain... please help me become stronger!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Nishi Matsuro

As Nishi continued to heal people she heard a roar of sorts but quickly identified it as a hollows which caused her eyes to widen as she stood up and looked over the Nene then the other people..."Uh-uhm can everyone please find a safe place to hide for a moment? I think trouble is coming...sorry for this...we will make sure it's over in no time" Nishi as usual though spoke quietly and so only a few people heard which made he panic a little as she bit her bottom lip "Uh...w-what do I do? I can't have people getting hurt! the Captain will never forgive me for this!" Nishi however really never shouted...ever...she didn't like doing it as it made her feel really bad and so that's when she looked to Nene...sort of...hoping she would do it
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Sai smiled warmly at Koyo-shi's happy face and lifted her right hand in a wave as the girl thanked her and began walking off, declaring that she was going to go have a rest. It always made her feel happy to see a Shinigami's face light up with such positivity, people like this made Sai feel more inclined to work harder at her job and spread the positivity across her whole Squad, even through to other Squads.

Slipping her hands into the pocket's of her Haori, Sai watched as Koyo-shi disappeared around a corner before turning back around once more and walking in the opposite direction. 'First I'll see Captain Akigari and then Captain Yakima, hopefully they are both well' Her warm smile stayed with her as she walked, an after effect of her conversation with Koyo-shi. Soon the Squad Thirteen Captain's mind had wondered into a day-dream, her feet switching on auto-pilot since she had travelled through all the barracks at the Seireitei quite a few times as she had been a Captain for an extremely long time, meaning that she knew the Seireitei very well. Her day-dream invisioned training opportunities, skill and team building activities, travelling and Human World time outs that she wanted everyone in her Squad to be involved in. Making sure to remember these ideas of hers, Sai took a mental note before her feet stopped. Blinking to return her mind to reality, the Captain's Office door stared back at her.

As a soft hummed chuckle sounded from her throat, Sai lifted her hand to knock on the door three times before placing it back into her Haori's pockets and taking a small step back in wait.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin couldn't help but laugh at Shinzo's serious mood, it seemed the alcohols effects where slowly wearing off, meaning rational thinking was soon to return. Looking to the guy as he spoke, Nairin added what she wanted to say. "Hehheh, you're way too damn serious Shinzo. I just find her a appearance a little cute, doesn't mean I'm going to like her or try to fuck her or something. That isn't my style and no way in hell will I be wasting my time having sex when I could be fighting... or singing hmhm" Humming a chuckle at the end of her sentence, Nairin's lax attitude was evident in her casual form of speaking.

Lifting her arms up in a stretch, Nairin listened to the rest of what Shinzo was saying before responding. "Good! And well, there is no such thing as they can't. Anyone can learn to fight, it's just that they're too much of a pussy to try and as you said, just wanna see who can bang the hottest chick and focus on their friends and all that shit. But hey hoe, it doesn't effect me so I couldn't give any more fucks for what they want to waste their lives on. And I wouldn't expect anything else, you seem like the serious type of dude in that sense Shinzo, which is respectable. But I guess I'm different. I'll train and fight just to fight, I'm not looking for anything or have a goal, but I know I have fun doing it so I'm trying to get a job where I can do it alot, which is why I want to join Squad Eleven on the front lines. I'll be the first in there, getting the taste of the enemy when they haven't been worn down yet, with me being the one to either kill them or break them down them enough for the other Squads to take care of. Kinda gives me a bit of a power trip from all the adrenalin ya'know? It makes me feel that I can do anything when I'm fighting, the battle can turn within an instant with just one right move at the right time, I feel almost in control, even when I'm the one getting fucked up. I don't do it for the power though, I don't care about that shit, it just makes me feel... alot of things I guess" Bending her knees, Nairin lifted her top half up to stand and stretch fully. "But anyway, today's been fun, don't wanna be getting into too much of a serious conversation. What do you wanna do know anyway?... We should probably get rid of those bottles" Nairin looked to the mass of glass bottle behind Shinzo before getting an idea, bringing on a smirk.

"Eyy Shinzo, wanna go into the woods with those bottles and use them for training? I wanna practice some Kido and shit. And yeah, before you mention the fact that I wanna join Squad Eleven and they don't like Kido, yadda yadda. I don't want to join because it's Squad Eleven, I just want to fight, heck if I end up getting the same amount of action in any other Squad, I'd join 'em, I don't give a fuck about their values or whatever. Just cause they don't like it, doesn't mean I'm not going to train that skill" She waved her left hand around floppily while placing her right hand on her hip in a bored way, feeling the need to state her feelings towards the Squads as she didn't want to be told things she already knew and made a decision about if Shinzo was the type of person to do that since he probably thought she was dumb or something. "If I do join them then I won't use Kido. Still will train Kido though, it's fun for me"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Ashido Akigari

Ashido sat in his office finishing the last of his paperwork, as he finished he sat back and let out a rather long sigh before speaking "I guess it's good I can stand the paperwork...because Squad 4 gets a lot of it with people coming in and out everyday" Ashido then rubbed the back of his head as he then stood up from his seated position, he then walked around his desk and towards the door and as he was about to open it he heard a knock which made him blink a few times before opening the door to see the Squad 13 Captain standing there, Captain Yoshi. As usual Ashido greeted her with a warm smile before speaking "Ah~ Captain Yoshi~ What can I do for you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo listened as Nairin spoke and couldn't help but chuckle as she finished speaking, closing his eyes and standing up he looked at Nairin and grinned a little "For someone like yourself...it's somewhat odd to hear you speak so much. Anyway...before we get bogged down in some deep conversation I think getting rid of these bottles is a good idea...I could do with some training, can feel my body growing lazy as we speak and that doesn't sit well with me!" Shinzo then began to grab a few bottles before nodding at Nairin "Let's not waste anytime yeah?...Anyway...don't know why you wouldn't use Kido. If I ever became the Captain of that Squad I'd execute that ridiculous rule...but whatever let's just get rid of these bottles already" Shinzo wasted no time in jumping off the building and then shunpoing across the Seireitei to get out into the Rukon districts and then some forest...since...she didn't state exactly what one so any would do right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


A roar soon resounded in which Nene heard Nishi silently tell everyone to find a safe place to hide, while they deal with the situation. Yet since she practically whispered it and no one was hiding, she looked a her to yell for her. Nene cleared her throat and then looked around. "EVERYONE GET TO A SAFE LOCATION RIGHT THIS INSTANT! WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH HOLLOWS AND YOU RUNNING AROUND WILL NO HELP US!" Nene shouted practically having her message broadcasted over the district, but they seemed to have heard her as they began to clear out to a safer spot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


As she waited, Sai observed her surroundings, watching as busy Squad Four members scurried through the various hallways to attend to their duties. Such a wonderful display for Sai to see. She offered a smile to each member that had accidentally made eye-contact with the waiting woman, in which some quickly looked down shyly and others returned with a pleasant small smile of their own. This made Sai think about just how many Squad members Squad Four might of had to take care of and the fact that despite such high volumes of work they had to deal with, she didn't see hardly any frustration from the members in her view, only determination or focus.

Gaining high spirits, Sai didn't realise that Captain Akigari had opened the door until she heard his voice. Swiftly turning her head to face him, her long violet hair gently bouncing from the sudden action, she smiled back at the Squad Four Captain. "Oh nothing Captain Akigari, I just thought I'd visit to see how everything is with the new recruits you must have acquired. I myself have been pretty lucky in that retrospect, I've bagged around five new Shinigami hmhm" She hummed a joyful chuckle after she spoke. "So how are things? I'm planning on visiting Captain Yakima a little later too to see how he's doing also"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin watched as Shinzo climbed to his feet. At his comment she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes with a slight smirk since she was being more playful with her reaction than serious. "Hey, just because I'm a bitch at times, doesn't mean I don't like to have a decent chat every now and then. I can only talk to people that I know a little or are some-what cool with. I don't get on with strangers" Uncrossing her arms immediately after she spoke, Nairin took to gathering the rest of the empty bottles Shinzo missed. "Yeah, let's get training. And I think it's stupid too, if you can do it why not use it? I fight with everything I have, not with what my Squad finds 'acceptable'. Fuck that shit heh" Before she knew it, Shinzo had already jumped off the building they were on. Rolling her eyes once more, Nairin hurried to grab the rest of what was left and follow his lead.

She followed as close as she could behind Shinzo, not quite sure where he was going but too focused on trying to keep up to ask. Clearly his level of power was slightly above Nairin's, probably a little more than that. Despite being a touch too fast for her, Nairin managed to keep him in her view atleast so she didn't get lost. She then found herself surrounded by forest foliage after exiting a few Rukon districts. This was perfect! Far enough for her to test her skills and train in peace.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Nishi Matsuro

Nishi watched as everyone began to run around which made her blink yet she felt a large vibration shake the ground as shadow appeared over her causing her eyes to widen, she quickly looked behind her to see a hollow towering over her...the sight made her body tremble, the nightmare scenario was happening and she could barely move her body due to it, instinctively however she began running...running away from the hollow, the hollow following in pursuit as Nishi ran up and down the street. In truth it looked somewhat comical but Nishi was terrified, she wasn't really a fighter and hollows were scary! "GET AWAY YOU UGLY BEAST!!! I DON'T TASTE NICE!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Ashido Akigari

Ashido listened to Captain Yoshi speak and nodded as she did, when she mentioned she had gained quite a few members this made him clasp his hands together as he then spoke "Ah~ That's wonderful Captain Yoshi! I'm glad you're getting new members and glad that they are good ones. As for Squad 4...well we have gained a few but as usual everyone is having to work twice as hard...that will pay off however~ They will become fine Shinigami, twice as capable as any before them and after them! they shall set the standard. I'm not leaving here till I this generation of Squad 4 goes down in history as the best!" Ashido then chuckled a little at how he was talking so much "Ah Captain of Squad 10...I wonder how he is getting on? I hear that Squad 10 got quite a few members..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo laid the bottles down on the ground next to a tree trunk then stood up straight and stretched a little as Nairin arrived "I don't know how you want to do this...if you want to train alone, that's fine by me...if not...well that's fine by me also. Aslong as I'm training I don't care how it's done" Shinzo then grabbed one of the bottles and walked out into the open as he then threw it up in the air with his left hand as he quickly gripped his Zanpakuto's hilt with his right hand and unsheathed it and with one swift movement he cut the bottle as it came back down, splitting it perfectly in two "Hm..." Shinzo sheathed his Zanpakuto and then walked over to the two parts of the bottle, he crouched down to get a closer look only to see that the point his Zanpakuto first cut actually cracked the bottle as opposed to cut it clean in two...still...this wasn't an easy thing to do as it was a bottle after all but still...if he could master a clean cut on something as fragile as a bottle then he could perhaps refine his skills further
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