Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Zento Ray

@Kitsune @AbigailTenshi

Zento took a seat on the cold concrete as he waited for Koyo to make the call. As she dialed, Zento took the time to give her a once over. Instantly, he regretted his request for her to call, she was bleeding, bruised, and barely standing. What kind of gentleman was he to make her do anything in that condition. Surprisingly, Kazuma did not shock him for his stupidity, which was rare for her in most circumstances.

Zento immediately stood when she was done with the call and listened to the Captains message. They were to head over to Squad 4 to help them heal up, and that they would be replaced. Zento frowned, he really did not care to much about the fact that this place was still protected, he was worried about Koyo. Zento sighed and took out Kazuma at Koyo's request. He opened the door back to the Soul Society and walked towards the 4th Squads barracks. He walked alongside Koyo as they did. "Sorry about making you call with your injuries, I did not notice them till now." He said apologetically. Despite that, even to him, it sounded like a lie.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aya Oda

"Weeeee!!!!" Aya said laughing as he took down the hall, and was shortly outside where the other recruits where. She poked her head out besides the captains and grinned at them as he spoke. So when he said false reports she giggled and looked at the man who puked at the captain then did a devilish smirk to the the captain. "Oh they will be fine, not like they are clumsy, nervous people who grow uncomfortable in tense situations." Aya said only to taunt the captain a bit, as she heard explosions going off. "So..... think that's your Que there caps."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yakimas eye twitched at what Aya had said. He slowly turned to her and patted her head Its this easy, I could just grab her head and hope I toss her somewhere far He lowered his hand back to his side No, theyll be fine. Its a simple mission amd with a seated member, it should be easy" Suddenly, he heard an explosion in the distance but within his squad. He rubned his brows and sighed. "Dammit. Head to the north gate of the Seireitei. Thats where ive told my seated member, Naota, to meet you. Find me once the mission is complete. Hold on" He told Aya the last part as he shunpoed away in a flash.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


(Shizuka is...brutal...so there may or may not be some gory stuff)


Shizuka watched as Ike dodged her attack, once again this caused some destruction...this guy was proving to be truly annoying and so Shizuka decided to take drastic measures. As Ike grabbed her wrists she over charged two hado 33's which would explode violently and catch them both in the blast and also at the same time give Shizuka enough room to get away from this guy and change up her method of attack. Shizuka made sure to lean back as to avoid the knee coming up at her and as she did she pulled herself free from Ike grip and made her way out from the smoke cloud and slid back on the ground as she then slipped her knife out her right sleeve and into her right hand as she prepared her next attack
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago


The horrid luck of turning out wrong in the end after seeing how the fight between the two pairs ended. A nervous look on his face at knowing he lost the bet, which meant a spar and he really didn't feel up to making himself look like even more of an idiot than he already had today.

Taito wracked his mind on how to dissuade kamon to spar, though from the look of the guy it seemed likely. It was at that moment that the captain suddenly skidded to a halt before them. Surprise registered on his face from the random appearance only to find that they were given a generic mission instead of having to spar and at that moment he couldn't help but smile wide.'Y-yes captain!'This was just what he needed to get out of sparring and considering it was a low type mission as he wasn't much of a fighter really and more of a strategist.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aya Oda and Ike Tsugi

"YAYYYY!!!" Aya said as she and the captain took off..... more so the captain, she just held on. Fully aware she could easily walk herself. Ike however saw two bright lights emitting from her palm and looked at her with wide eyes. "YOU CUN-" Ike was cut off by the explosion which loosened his grip and made him stumble back, so he knew that his knee missed when he heard no cracking and felt no connection. Ike stood in the smoke as he grinned, he was kind of enjoying himself now so as he walked out of the smoke and saw her knife he grinned even wider. "That no fair now. I need something deadly too." And as Ike said that his fist set on fire as he cracked his neck, showing that the flames didn't really bother him at all. He then shunpoed in front of her with his fist clenched as he swung them down to connect with her skull. She might be able to endure pain but he'd love to see her endure flames.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Closing her communicator, Sai placed it back into her Haori's left pocket and sighed. She was going to have to alert the other seated members in her Squad that a hollow had attack so they'd need to be more vigilant at their posts, the last thing Sai wanted was for this to happen again. Turning around, Sai replaced her light frown with a smile before clapping and walking toward Yukio and Akira. "Great work! I'm happy to announce that you Yukio are now an offical unseated member of Squad Thirteen! You both had displayed very good skills, I'm impressed!" She praised the two joyfully before turning to Yukio and holding out her Zanpakuto. "I believe this belongs to you" Continuing to smile, Sai waited for the girl to take it and once she had reclaimed her Zanpakuto, she'd address Akira. "Akira, please put the Bokken back for me, I have an urgent errand to run. Here's something for your co-operation" Reaching into her right pocket, Sai pulled out a wrapped sweet to give to Akira before turning around. "I shan't be long, if you both need anything, visit my office later and I'll do my best to help!" With that, Sai waved and walked off, heading out of the Squad Thirteen barracks after appointing the nearest seated Shinigami to take over Zento's and Koyo-shi's post, letting them know of the recent hollow attack.


Sai waved to a couple Shinigami she knew as she travelled with her staple joyful smile adorning her face. Before she knew it, she reached the gates of the Squad Four barracks.

'Perhaps I should pay a visit to Captain Akigari after seeing Koyo-shi and Zento' Sai thought idly while roaming the Squad Four halls, already told where her members were situated. Knocking the door of where she believed Zento and Koyo-shi were staying, Sai announced her presence and waited for a response. "Koyo-shi, Zento, It's Captain Yoshimasuto, may I come in?" Even though she was their Captain, she still had the decency and manners to treat her members with the respect she felt she deserved from them. She didn't want to interrupt the two if members of Squad Four were currently healing them and would gladly wait for them to finish, thus she felt it'd be best for her to knock first instead of burst into the room.

| Yukio Kimara awarded 5 points for Spar |
| Akira awarded 5 points for Spar |
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyo limped into the open portal, soon making it back to their world and into the arms of waiting medical shinigami who right away started to take the small girl to be treated. It did not take all that long to patch her up, the advancements of medical progress never stop it seems, but she had to stay in the bed for at least a hour while her flesh knitted together under the bandages. Kento was also likely being checked up on as well given the state the pair had come back in.

*Knock, knock, knock*

"Come in?" She wondered for a moment who could have been knocking whether to come in or not until she heard Captain Yoshimasuto's voice. "Yeah, come on in" All the doctors were currently with others so it was just her and Kento in the room as the captain entered. "I didn't manage to grab the food yet" Koyo commented, trying to lighten the mood a little, and avoid a scolding for getting hurt on her first time out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Suddenly, Yakima emerged feom the smoke behind Ike. His eyes were fixated on Ike, like the eyes of a predator who was hunting its prey. With a single motion he jumped up into the air, grabbed the back of Ikes head and slammed it down in the ground before his attack could connect. He was aboit to do the same with the other oerson but noticed it was Shizuka "Wait He lifted Ikes head to look at his face you guys aren't intruders" He said with a calm face as if he already knew. He let go of Ike and glared at Shizuka "As for you, I expected you to fight someone but not on the first day or with your knife drawn. I told you not to harm anyone and the both of you shpuld know that shikais are not allowed within the Seireitei. Now do any of you have something to say for yourselves?" He asked the two, hoping Ike was still conscious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ike Tsugi and Aya Oda

Before his attack could have even connected he was grounded much sooner than expected. He heard the captains voice as his skull was slammed into the ground, which caused Ike to scream into the dirt. His scream was then multiplied as his head was lifted. With the Captain looking at his face and Ike glaring at his, the retarded fucker figured out that no he wasn't an intruder. So when Ike was allowed to stand up and was lectured on using his shikai in the seireitei, he kept his shikai out and flipped Yakima off when asked if he had anything to say for himself. "Yeah from that tree take the biggest stick, rub it down with lube and it will help you go fuck yourself!!" Ike shouted as he looked at Shizuka. "Want to go finish fighting outside the Seireitei then, since pissy pants is scareddddd?" Aya couldn't help but fall off the captains back and start laughing her ass off as she stood up holding her stomach and walked over to Ike and punched him across the arm. "You're funny Ruby!" Aya stated which made Ike look at her with a blank face. "I-its Ike...."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo looked at Nairin and then laughed when she said she thought that Aya and him were some sort of thing "Please...even if she wanted it...what makes you think I'd be so easy to give that to her? And hell what makes you think I'd let you sit on me?" Shinzo then rubbed the back of his head when she mentioned the bar and why he did it which caused him to look off as he spoke "Eh...guess we can't. Oh well! There are plenty of bars out there...as to why I did that...well" Shinzo then looked back at Nairin as he continued speaking "Can't stand guys like that...they make my blood boil and so I was just taking out some anger on that fuckers head by using a bottle...cause why not? He was pissing me off with how he had his hands all over you, treating you like a piece of meat...so...I just bottled the bastard. Don't get the wrong idea though...I just hate seeing men treat women like that...I was brought up to respect women"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


(Shizuka is...brutal...so there may or may not be some gory stuff)


Shizuka watched as the Captain turned up and planted Ike's face into the ground...something that was somewhat amusing. As Ike began speaking about some crap Shizuka had begun drawing on her notepad, showing Ike hitting a tree, then birds falling out of the tree and then Ike hitting the birds as Shizuka then came into save the day. She then began drawing something else and then turned the picture towards the Captain so he could see what happened...then she flipped the picture over revealing the second picture which was basically what Ike had said...she then drew next to it Ike's grave with Yakima standing over it
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Sai entered the room after hearing Koyo-shi's response.

The most important subject to Sai right now was the member's well-being so she took a moment to give the pair a once-over, her left hand clasping her chin as she stepped closer to the two, scanning their forms. Noticing that Zento seemed to be in tip-top shape, he must of only had a few cuts and bruises, Sai sent him back to the Squad Thirteen barracks and told him that she'd have a chat with him later. She seemed neutral at this point; neither mad nor happy so it would be impossible to tell what her actual mood was.

She stepped back and waited for Zento to leave since she wanted to talk to the two of them individually in order to get their honest opinions on what happened. It would of been unfair to have them talk about the situation together since they'd more likely hide any bad opinions of the other out of respect, if they had any that is. Sai wanted full honesty, but she didn't want any negative vibes between any of her members so she kept all of their opinions to herself. She did this with all of her members and have proved that this method was effective since Sai had a way with working things out without highlighting the problem, resulting in the Squad members working together better.

Making sure the door was closed, Sai placed both hands on her hips and looked at Koyo-shi, her facial expression softened at the sight of the girl's bandages. "Well... Since you've already told me what happened, I'll let you know that I'm not mad at you for taking on the hollow despite my order for you and Zento to return immediately if something happened. Despite my disappointment at the both of you disobeying me, I am proud of you two. I'm glad that you and Zento worked together to defend your post, but you must know that I only gave the order to return if anything happened because I didn't want the two of you to get drastically hurt. After all, you both are new recruits so I'm still learning your strengths and weaknesses. With that said, you've proved to me today just how strong of a fighter and team-worker you are" Finally Sai smiled, she didn't want Koyo-shi to feel that she was being guilt-tripped or anything. The Captain spoke honestly herself, she believed that if she wanted her members to be truthful to her, she'd have to do the same with them, to some extent. 'Do unto others as you would want done unto yourself' another saying Sai lived by.

"I may of been too soft towards you and Zento, I'm sure you're probably thinking that, however I know now that you're much more capable with handling hollows in a team. I'm glad you managed to make it back in one piece, that's quite impressive for the result of a first mission when having to engage an enemy. As for next time, hopefully you'll become more acquainted with the other Squad members so if you find a problem, you can find a Shinigami at one of the other posts and have them help you out until you're able to handle enemies alone. We'll begin training soon enough and other members of the Squad will be joining the session too, but if there is anything you'd like individual training on, please let me know and we'll make some arrangements. Each individual member of my Squad is important to me, I want to make sure I give you the skills and resources you need to grow stronger and achieve your goals and what-not" Walking over to an empty chair in the room, Sai took a seat and crossed her right leg over her left, still with a smile. "Now, do you have any questions? And also, what is your opinion on how the mission went? How do you feel yourself and Zento performed? And do you have any more information on the hollow? Such as any irregularities with the hollow or any information on where they made of came from? I ask because sometimes certain hollow that do not behave similarly to a regular hollow can show up on the rare occasion. They may not be much different to a regular hollow and therefore have nothing else to them, but I'd like to make sure that if they seem irregular, I can report to Squad Twelve and let them know just to give them a heads-up. They may already know, but I am the one in charge of the human world, and I have a habit of being more hands-on with what goes on within that world so I like to make sure that I have all the information" She chuckled lightly, sometimes Sai could be a little too involved but that was how she had ran Squad Thirteen and have been able to tackle any issue that arose within the Human world. She liked to be prepared for any possible situation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin relaxed under the stars, a smirk across her moon-lit face as Shinzo began answering her spoken thoughts. She giggled a little as Shinzo spoke and responded to her question about him and Aya. "Hey I'm newer than you two, for all I know you two could of been a couple for years or something heheh. Not gunna lie, you can't deny that the pipsqueak is kinda cute hmhm, just annoying as fuck though. And Pfffffft, what makes you think I'd care whether you'd let me sit on you or not? I'd find a way, I always do hehe" She giggled a little more, her giggles sounding a tiny bit higher pitch that her usual chuckles. Amidst all the giggles, Nairin hiccuped before listening to the rest of Shinzo's speech. "Well good! We need more bars to go to and to get smashed! And ahhhhh I see, fair enough. Most guys I see tend to be like that so I'm not even surprised or bothered by them anymore, they're just easy prey to get free drinks from, and I know if one tries to take shit way too far then I can knock 'em out. Most of them are too busy trying to look good to get more sluts rather than try to get stronger so one or two punches can do it, knock them assholes out cold! I will never get why people chase sex and shit like that though. There are more important shit to focus on than fucking. It's really dumb, but that's the world with live in, people like that exist but oh well, ain't no skin off my back so I'm not bothered. I just need just one sound person to talk to and I'm set" Nairin shrugged, closing her eyes and sighing in relaxation. Alcohol sure was a good stress reliever and if she ended up doing something stupid that she actually wanted to do, it was a good thing to blame too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyo looked down towards the bed as Sai started to talk to her, at first expecting to be scolded about the whole getting hurt thing but instead her words were soft and understanding. The girls head raised up to look at her captain as she explained, a small smile crossing her lips as she was complimented on how she handled everything, but it was then that she realized that she had now told the captain everything. she didn't have a chance before given she really wanted to just get her wounds treated. She just hoped that the captain was fine about the fact they had battled two hollows not just one like she thought.

Lifting her fingers and placing them together she looked down to them once again, a little worried smile coming over her lips as she spoke "Uhh, well you see... It was not just one." Taking in a deep breath she looked like a kid trying to become brave for a moment before she started to answer the captains questions on the mission.

"Well you see at first we came across this large hollow, it looked kind of goofy looking and slow so Kento came up with a plan where he would attack and distract it while I supported him. It was super fast for something so big, but I went around behind and surprise attacked it but we were not able to completely finish it off at first, but we were completely fine. It was then that it turned up again, but it was not charging it was running... From another Hollow, one even faster but smaller. It ate the large hollow and even talked to us! It was when it attacked that my leg got cut." She got the first part out of the way but the next part is where things got pretty strange. "It was so strange... The thing grew in size to something even bigger than the other hollow so suddenly, and then it cast a shower of what I remember are Bala? Thankfully we were able to finish it off after that." She left the part out on how she got the killing blow, after all it was not important.

Taking a glance at the large zanpakuto beside her bed she then looked back to the captain as she moved onto how she think they did. "I think we could have taken care of it very well if the other hollow didn't show up. We were willing to work together and everything but... Kento did have a habit for trying to take the front line a little too often." She had always been placed in the back because of her size of herself, but most people tended to overlook the natural size of her blade being bigger than a common shinigamis so they never put her in any real danger. After all that happened she was worried that she was going to be placed in the back even more than before...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The amount disrespect this person had was annoying. Yakima could kill him right now and claim it was a training accisent or some bullshit. But deep down inside, he really didnt care about this person. He looked at Shizukas drawings with a raised eyebrow, getting the gist of what happened. "Okay...I dont really care what you two do, but once you start damaging property then it becomes a problem. Do as you like outside of the Soul Society. Ill take the damage charges out of your payrolls, mostly the one with anger issues" Yakima left, not bothering to listen to any complaints. He had enough of rebellious subordinates and knew of Shizukas mudering tendencies. He could only hope that Shizuka could do the job for him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Ike Tsugi and Aya Oda

Ike scoffed and looked at her drawing. "Okay tree part is true, but I dont remember any bir-" Ike stopped when his little birdy friend landed on Shizukas shoulder and tweeted. Ike stared at the bird with a glare. "You learned scummery quickly young asshole...... I NEVER PUNCHED A BIRD YOU...... Oh wow that's a great drawing of him shoving a tree up his ass.... And now I'm dead.... I'd be pissed but those drawing are really good, well done." So when the captain walked away saying he'd take the pay out of mostly his salary, Ike shrugged not really caring. "Do your research on the Tsugi family gramps. A pay deduction wont hurt me." Ike said as he looked back at Shizuka sealing his shikai. "Meh, not in the mood anymore. I'll kick your ass another time. Seeya then Shizuka." Ike said waving as the bird jumped off her shoulder and onto his own, while Aya looked at the captain and pouted as she charged after him
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Sai kept quite and allowed Koyo-shi to speak after the girl mentioned that the two had encountered another hollow, not just the one hollow she was told of. Raising her left eyebrow at the Shinigami's words, Sai soaked in all of the information, paying close attention. Leaning her left elbow on the armrest of the chair, Sai leaned her body a touch closer towards Koyo-shi as the information grew to intrigue her. After Koyo-shi finished talking about the hollow situation, Sai felt the need to speak up. "I see... Well that's an even more impressive feat! Although two hollows on a Shinigami's first mission is rather rare, however previous new recruits who were unlucky to have encountered that many hardly managed to protect themselves, let alone take care of the problem! So good job, but bad job on disobeying my orders, I hope that you don't do that again understood? I'll overlook it this time since you were with a partner and managed to come back safely, but I won't be so lenient a next time and I'm sure none of us want that right?" Sai happily praised Koyo-shi, but she did use a stern tone of voice when mentioning her disobeying her Captain's orders, however lightened her tone again as she finished her speech. She didn't want to be too harsh on the Shinigami, she was new to the squad after all, but if things didn't go as well as they did, it could of resulted easily in death and Sai wasn't going to let that become a possibility for any mission. "As for the cannibal hollow, that is quite an odd creature to appear in the Human World atleast. Hopefully that was the only one..."

Quietening herself once again, Sai listened to Koyo-shi's take on the mission, cupping her chin inquisitively with her right hand. She nodded to show that she was listening and taking on board what Koyo-shi was saying. "I see. Firstly I'm guessing you mean Zento? I don't believe I know a Kento hehe" Sai couldn't help but chuckle before continuing her sentence. "Ahhh, he seems to like leading, it seems. But if that's the case, he'll need to learn how to work in a team and not just take the reins and expect others to follow. Perhaps some team building training is required, I'll start planning once I return to Squad Thirteen" Sai continued to hold a soft smile as she sat comfortably. "Is there anything else you'd like to tell or ask me? Unless you'd prefer to rest for now and we could talk when you've fully recovered?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Before Zheng could leave, Kamon grabbed him by the shoulder and dragged him back. It seemed like his master was obviously upset at losing, but it seemed off. The boy wasn't someone to throw a tantrum just for losing in a spar, it was beneath him. What made him curious was that the straw doll had a familiar spiritual pressure, but it couldn't have been him. Kamon just shook the thought off as the captain reappeared with a small woman on his back. Normally someone would ask just why she was on his back, but that was the furthest thing from his mind. The mission they were being given was his pure focus. "No questions. The mission is basic and doesn't need anymore explanation on what the scroll can tell us already." Kamon stated with little to no emotion as he accepted the scroll. The mod soul turned to look at Taito and said, "We're going to fight later."

Zheng on the other hand was lost in thought, pondering over what just happened moments ago. Toto, no, the one who created Toto was near ready to kill him in that instant. The murderous look in his eyes, the wild blood lust that came from his smile...Just how far had his insanity taken him? He just stared off into thought, not listening to anything pertaining to the mission. How could he even pay attention to it when there were more pressing matters on hand? Then he felt a slap from the back of his head, his head jerked forward. Kamon was looking down at him with his blank stare. "What was that for?"

"You need to listen." Was all that Kamon had said to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyo had a blank look plastered over her face as the captain pointed out her little slip of the tongue. "Hora, please be nice captain" She gave a sort of childish pout before she realized that she had left a small detail out of what happened. "Ah right, from what it looked like it was hurt I think. I mean before we met it, that was why it ate the other hollow?" She remembered its words to that effect anyway. "I think others came across it and didn't finish it off, but I am not sure" She would have checked but she did sort of turn it to nothing but atoms with her attack.

Turning on the bed Koyoshi shifted and placed her feet onto the ground, which she stood up on "I'm fine. They patched me up pretty well" She smiled happily towards her captain, even though it hurt a little she had grown resistant to much worse injuries on the streets. Reaching over she grabbed a hold of her sword from over the bed and dragged it to her. "I gotta go and get the food for everyone anyway" The little girl was tough, there was no doubt about that but given she was talking to a captain she may have noticed something odd, a small amount of hidden emotion in her tone but she hoped it was not enough to be called out on.
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