Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Fiorella
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Preeeetty much what the title says! I've been playing SoS lately, so I've kind of fallen back into my days of HM love. I'm looking for a partner--or a small group!--to RP with! Just a note: I always like to work out at least a basic plot/future drama with my partner before starting a RP, so yeah! I hope you'll be up for some discussion and the like~

I am comfortable with:
  • Playing either gender
  • Doubling (which I highly prefer in some cases)
  • OC/OC, Canon/OC, or Canon/Canon
  • Mature themes (should be discussed!), elements of any genre (including horror/supernatural)
  • Matching post lengths, though I'll typically type 3-6 paragraphs on average

I am not comfortable with:
  • ...I'm pretty okay with anything, really! So long as we don't go into anything super untasteful, then it's fine with me! Despite HM being relatively happy, dark themes (again, done tastefully) are definitely okay with me~

The games I've played (and therefore the canon bachelors/bachelorettes/NPCs I'd be comfortable with playing) are:
  • A(nother) Wonderful Life
  • (More) Friends of Mineral Town
  • HMDS (Cute)
  • Tree of Tranquility [<-- My favourite!]
  • Animal Parade [Actually, I just purchased this now, but I should be able to pick up the new chars from this game is that's who you want me to play!]
  • Tale of Two Towns
  • Story of Seasons

There are a couple of games I've skipped as you can see, though I might be able to pick up a character from one of the other games if you ask! Otherwise, I'm also 100% fine with just OCs.

Feel free to PM or post if interested! C: Thanks for dropping by!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UndeadEyes
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UndeadEyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 1 mo ago

-Looks up from her 3DS where she's playing Harvest Moon; A New Beginning.-


I just beat Tree of Tranquility.
You'll find Animal Parade has mostly all the same characters (excluding some 'special' characters that came in TOT).
However, the adding of the Harvest King was awesome.
However, the lag time will drive you NUTS. NUTS I SAY!

I own over 35 games from the series -Hugs her trunk of Harvest Moon.- O_O It's addictive.
You should get into their Rune Factory (A fantasy Harvest Moon) series. It's pretty cool. Each one gets better and better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fiorella
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Miss Gallagher -- Oh my god yessss ANOTHER HARVEST MOON FAN *__* <333

So I've heard @ the characters in AP! That's actually why I never got it, but it's been years and Chase is still my favourite character so...I figured it was high time I actually bought the game. The Wizard/Harvest God are nice bonuses to be sure. >__>b

And oh dear--is the time really that bad? I heard that it ticks by really slowly though, yeah. OTL

I actually have played the RF games! At least, I got both the first and second ones as soon as they were out, but I haven't played any of the ones following. I should amend that...someday.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UndeadEyes
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UndeadEyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@FiorellaI married the Harvest God... >.> The wedding was pretty funny since he didn't know what 'smooch' meant when the harvest spirit said he could 'smooch the bride'. Haha. Then they all had to explain to him that he had to kiss her. XD

The time itself isn't bad. It's the loading... Like in ToT, when you go into new areas, it pops up the 'area name' and a load time. Well, double/triple it for animal parade... Drove me nuts...

Lol. Rune Factory 1, 2, 3, 4, Frontier, and Tides of Destiny. Supposedly, they still plan to come out with a fifth. I hope the company separation doesn't stop it. For me, the two companies splitting up just means more games to collect. O_o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fiorella
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Miss Gallagher -- Aww, haha, that's pretty cute! The kids take after your spouse, right? ouo Did they basically just have the same hair/eye colour as the God?

Aah, so that's it! That's...going to be annoying, I'm sure. I'll stick through it for these characters since they're probably my favourite group, but I do tend to be pretty impatient with loading times. OTL

I kept up with the releases, but I think my interest in HM/RF did dwindle for a few years (which is why I missed a couple of games OTL). I'd be excited for a RF5 though! And yeah, the separation was a little troubling, though I'm glad to see that they're continuing to release the original HM games + make their own. Have you gotten either yet? C: I'm playing SoS right now, and I'm quite enjoying it~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UndeadEyes
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UndeadEyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I never had the kid. I got bored. Having one with the Harvest King takes extra special work and time...and I was too exhausted with the loading sequence...and since he doesn't live at my house (He's on the 100th upper floor of the mine), it takes too long to go see him...with all the loading times... XD

I'm all up to date with both The Lost Valley (Minecraft basically) and Story of Seasons played.

The only game release I've hated recently was Hometown story...
If you haven't bought it, I would say...don't...if you're not a hardcore collector like I am. I had to STOP playing this game because it literally was so glitchy it would FREEZE my 3DS to the point it wouldn't shut off. After 3 freezes, I stopped playing to protect my 3DS. It's a very boring game... Run a store...collect stuff...sell it at store...collect stuff...sell it at store...Random thing happens...collect stuff, sell at store...etc.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fiorella
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ahh, fair enough! To be completely honest, I tend to...slowly drift away from the game after I manage to finish the main plot + marry my character off. And man, visiting the Harvest God sounds like a huge, huge hassle. OTL

wow, you're quite the HM collector! OuO And thank you for the heads up! That's really alarming to hear. I'm always kind of excessively protective of my things, so I'd hate to play something that seemed to be messing up my 3DS too. ;;

Just because I'm curious and you've played all the HM games: ouo Do you have a favourite game/character?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by UndeadEyes
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UndeadEyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 1 mo ago

My favorite game is the 64 version. It had just the best setting, festivals, character development, etc. Everything about it was beautiful. I WISH they'd remake the 64 version and just add a few things like easier access to your rucksack and more storage, etc. Oh, and being able to play a girl. ;D

Uh, favorite characters... Since I always play a female...

Oh, one of my favorites is Sanjay.
He's currently, from my memory, only in The New Beginning.
He's just very cute, sweet, yet has a stern and proper side to him because he's a 'servant' to Amir.

Uh, other than that... Louis was super cute in Magical Melody...
From ToT and Animal Parade...Owen is pretty cute (I give him credit because he's one of the few men who actually look like men, basically a remake of 'Bob' from the original games, but friendlier).

Willian and Shea were adorable in the sunshine island ones...


Tale of Two Towns... I liked Mikhail, Kana and Cam... I think I married Cam though because we were from different towns... Romeo Juliet thing. LOl.

Sadly, I don't like how they are making it so you have to 'date' to get to know the chars in all the new ones... They should have a few heart scenes, then a few more scenes to get through for marriage, that way we can actually fully get to know the char before we marry them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Fiorella
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ah, I've heard a tooon about 64, but I've never gotten the chance to play it myself. It's tempting though! Everyone has such good things to say about that game (though yes--I'd definitely love a version where you can play as a girl B))

And thank you for sharing your favourites--I'm always really interested to see what characters other people like the most! *u* I definitely agree about the "dating" thing too. I like it in a way because the progression feels more natural instead of the usual "close friends --> marriage" some of the older games had, but ugh. Restricting the heart events really makes it harder to choose who you like the best. The heart events in SoS are pretty short too, so I don't think that adding an additional like...two would have been too bad. 4 initial heart events, 2 for dating, and then marriage or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UndeadEyes
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UndeadEyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Yeah. I agree. Some more interaction. I don't have two interactions with a guy and decide to go steady with him...
Also, the game really seems to be making a lot of dick-ish characters lately...
Or just...really shallow ones... Again, this is why I was a fan of Sanjay and I married Klaus. A little romantic sweetness from a gentleman isn't a bad thing! Lol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fiorella
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Ah, yes! I was actually pretty pleasantly surprised by Klaus. I thought he kind of looked like a grump, but he's definitely really gentlemanly and sweet. ;; I think jerkish/tsundere characters just tend to be pretty popular, I guess. I guess to be fair, Chase is my favourite, and he's...kind of got a sarcastic sense of humour.

ANYWAYS, I should head to bed. *__* Thank you for chatting with me, ahhh!! It's always great to meet another HM fan! ouo If the desire for some sort of HM/HM-based RP ever hits you, do let me know! <3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UndeadEyes
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UndeadEyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sarcastic and dick-ish are two different things. He tends to be a dick to his rival, not so much you.
Cold and a bit "leave me be" is one thing from the ruder characters, but some are just mean assholes in the newer games. It's like; "HEY! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU!? I'M SAVING OUR TOWN!? YOU'RE DOING JACK SQUAT!"

I am going to try not to marry Sanjay again in my game... The bachelors aren't great in this game, but I'll try... Maybe Amir or...whatshisface...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fiorella
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Haha, that's how I feel about a lot of the characters to be honest! The whole saving the town thing--I mean, come on guys. In SoS, I'm expected to...find my own materials and spend my own money on decorating and developing the town? B( While no one else does a thing to help?

Annnd bumping this up!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UndeadEyes
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UndeadEyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I knooooooooow, right!?
That game, it had some nice things, but it got boring fast once you get married, which happens really quick...
And the final 'store' is basically impossible to get! I just gave up when I saw how hard it would be to get them in. Seriously!? I need to sell hundreds of clothing? Thousands, even a few hundred thousand items for others? Yeah, No. It's not that important. O-o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daniel Osbourne

Daniel Osbourne

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I only know Back to Nature and HMDS but I would be willing to read into the other games to see if anyone matches characters from the games I know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fiorella
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Miss Gallagher -- Ahh, yes! I'm taking the game slow right now because I do tend to drop off after getting married in HM games, but the reqs to unlock the last two vendors seriously is insane. OTL HM has always had some crazy requirements, but I think most of them were just for trophies and things rather than unlocking something as big as a vendor. That, and I like ToT because there was a basic plotline to work through vs. just "UNLOCK ALL THE VENDORS AND MAKE THIS TOWN PROSPEROUS". OTL

@Daniel Osbourne -- CC: Ooh, well, I'd certainly love to RP with you if you're up for it? ( ouo)/ I'm also cool with just OCs and things if it's easier!

I'm also alternatively thinking of making a big group RP since HM games are always so reliant on a ton of different characters, but I"m still working on that idea~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UndeadEyes
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UndeadEyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 1 mo ago


A New Beginning was better than SoS. It has a very similar structure, but more thought out... And it has Sanjay. ;D

Some things about SoS I liked more, such as a lot of the character and random events, but A New Beginning has just a smoother flow to it.

ToT was the practice run for Animal Parade. XD Animal Parade doesn't guide you by the hand as much and has a much larger structure and story line. However, that damn loading time just drives you nuts the whole way through. The festivals are pretty fun though.

-Munches on Salad.-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fiorella
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Huh, I should really pick up ANB sometime then! The more I read about it, the more interested I get. :'DD

And I'm deeefinitely looking forward to playing AP once it gets here. The reason I never got it was just because it had the same characters as ToT/I figured I wasn't missing much, but it looks a lot more polished. Plus, it's been years since ToT came out and that cast of characters is my overall favourite of the HM games, so...:'DD

The loading time sounds like it's going to drive me batty just from your description though. OTL I can be impatient enough as is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UndeadEyes
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UndeadEyes Leader of the Horde

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Yeah! I actually bought Animal Parade first. So, I didn't get TOT because I thought it was the same thing... Then I got it, realized it wasn't, and was happy I did.
There are a few others I still need to buy!
I need to get a PSP so I can get all the ones they made for it... I think it was only 2 or 3...
Hero of Leaf Valley, a remake of Save the Homeland, and the...Boy and girl, which is a remake of Return to Nature...
>< Guh. Collections.
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