Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HHShetland


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"You're most welcome." He replied idly to Trey, dusting the collar of his suit. 'Idly' because, in the moments after the Dean came in with Chairman Lewis, his mind was once again delivered towards politics. He had hoped to one day have a word with Lewis, given that he admired the man for their similar ideologies. Not to mention, as a reasonable and sane human being, he was the perfect face for the MutRegAct.

He found it disgusting that some loonies insisted that he only wanted to get it passed so that the Mutant Tranquiliser Squad would have more work. He already knew from the whistleblowers on the Internet that Lewis held stock in them, but Lewis was not a greedy profiteer, that much his gut assured him. Besides, the MTS certainly weren't as bad as everyone thought they were, either, which is what he thought of when he heard everyone muttering about the armoured car. A lot of mutants thought they'd start gunning them down on the streets like the Sturmabteilung, but such an idea was reactionary nonsense. They were just a private police force that came equipped with the resources and the training to deal with dangerous mutants; nothing more, nothing less.

He shook his head a little bit when he realised that he was supposed to be in a conversation with someone. Having a strong opinion on something tends to distract people.

"As a matter of fact, I am. In the dorms, that is." He answered Trey's question, after a few seconds for remembering what the question was. "I believe it is in Room number 107. I made arrangements to have the room to myself, due to... special requirements."

Upon speaking those words, he realised he'd started to feel a little cold and sluggish already under his suit, prompting him to tug at his collar a bit. It was always rather tantalising when he was standing out in the bright sun and he was wearing something that blocks it.

After this little altercation, he was approached by another Student-to-be, a rather polite girl with furry ears and tail. Evidently the Gods couldn't decide whether to make her like him or not, and stopped halfway. Of course, he accepted any handshakes offered, though grasped her hand loosely to avoid crushing it with his own.

"Thank you. I must be honest, I'm no hero." He remarked half-sarcastically in response to her admiration for his apparent act of defiance; it must have looked that way, but he wasn't actually that used to be talked to in a looking-up sort of way. That's when happens when you're a Heel. "I was actually about to leave because these cretins weren't worth my time, but then Trey here got close to them for some reason, and... well, maybe I am a hero after all, heh."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

David saw the nod. Gametime. he thought with a masive, very suspicious smile. He quickly ran towards his dropped bags and ran with them towards the dorms while most others were dispersing. In his secluded little room he threw his bag on the bed that didn't look occupied and grabbed his backpack. Out from it he took his laptop and praised the gods of IT that there was internet on their dorms. It wasn't the fastest he had experienced and he would most definitly not try to start downloading movies here. But within a few minutes he found the nearest redneck...village? He didn't really know how to call it. Never the less, he was excited for tonight. For now.

After the quick search he closed his laptop and decided to go to the recreation area. In other words, the room with the TV. He suspected he'd find Alex there sooner rather than later and he sincerely hope he got a more detailed plan worked out. When he entered the room, he saw Artimes sitting all by herself watching the TV. "Hey! You're Artimes, aren't you? How are you?" he asked, just to be polite as he took a place not too far from her but definitly with some space between him and her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Eternity
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Dark Eternity The Lone Wolf Knight

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It hasn't been ten minutes, when the students were sharing the news on their phones and tablets; videos of the protest. Based on the way the videos were cut, it did not look good for the mutants. The full uncut video was released as well, but the media had the grip on the "bad mutant" trip. Newsblogs and the typical internet trolls speak of a reevaluation of the Mutant Registration Act and some harsher commentators demanded the college to be burned to the ground and the mutants incarcerated. Of course, the students expressed their disgust towards those comments as much as the comments were expressing disgust about them.

Throughout the rest of the day, the video would become a large headline across TV and the internet, all mostly pro-human and pro-MutRegAct. An interview with Chairman Lewis was arranged as well and was broadcasted in the evening around dinner time, but it was almost disregarded by the fact that it was pro-mutant, the way Lewis expressed himself and his beliefs.


As for Alex, stepping into Victoria's office left the impression that the woman had no sense of order. Her desk was swarmed with papers, her shelves had books and binders casually tossed inside, a couch to the side was hidden by layers of clothing. The Vice-Headmistress of the college smiled as Alex entered. "Have a seat." Once Alex made himself comfortable in front of her, she rummaged through some papers. "You are not here, because you have thrown a fight with the protestors, which was stupid by the way." She grabbed a paper with an ID card stuck to it.

"As you might have heard, there is the huge debate about the Mutant Registration Act. Nothing that should trouble us that much. Humans only want to know what they are dealing with." She pulled the card off of the paper and handed it over to Alex. It was an ID card, alright. There were slight differences, though. A small emblem on the corner of Alex picture would immediately catch the eye. Below the usual formalities, an extra line was added. It clearly stated: "Powers: Minor Telepathy, Telekinetic Shell." On the back, there would be a small explanation of his powers. Other than that, it was a normal ID.

"This is what they've come up with." She casually waved a hand in front of her face and her smile was different for a tiny moment. "We have decided that we hand these out to some students and see how this turns out. Most of the staff received them as well", she kept explaining, casually showing her own ID. Her powers were stated as "Auditory Inception" and "Hypnosis".

"And if you think of picking another fight with protestors, consider yourself in big trouble. I don't want to see a smart person like you lower himself to those idiots." She got up and shook his hand with another bright smile. "Welcome to the Grinder, Alex." With that, he was free to go.


The hallways to the dorms were stuffed to the brim with students that moved their stuff around. A lot brought their TVs, computers and other large equipment with them. In the chaos were a handful of professors, handing out letters to some students. Each are properly addressed to the students and contain the new ID for them. Some were surprised, a few were furious. The chaos of moving into the rooms was overthrown with the chatting and discussing students. A lot happened in the day.

[Every character got a new ID by the end of the day!]
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Artemis was watching some sort of human cop show. They were using crazy tools that she had never even heard of before. She was intrigued but confused in so many ways. She was alone for quite some time but was a tad relieved when someone noticed her in the room. She was actually glad someone noticed her for that matter. She was afraid that she would have been all alone all day until she figured out where her classes were tomorrow.

Artemis smiled as someone walked into the room. She turned to see it was David. "Hey...David right? I'm good but I don't really know what you see in this 'tv' everyone seems to like." She said staring at the box as if she was confused at the whole thing. "But I guess it takes time to like it." She said smiling and giggling looking over at David. She knew she was weird but she hoped he didn't mind. Mainly it was her whole life not having anything like tv's or even a cell phone. When her dad found them it was mainly dumb luck or because we had stayed in the same place for a while to make it easier for him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fumari
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Fumari Friendly Bird Nerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Daisy smiled and happily shook the other mutants hand, listening to him explain his involvement. “Well, I think what you did was plenty heroic.” The opossum girl nodded her head and crossed her arms, like she was agreeing with what she’d just said herself. “You’re a good person for standing by your friend.” She smiled, tail swinging much wider behind her. She was still excited, though trying her best not to look it, because of the chance to finally talk to another mutant. In all honesty, he wanted to ask him about his mutation. It looked much more than her own, but in her mind, she considered them the same, and that excited her.

“May I ask your name?” she inquired then, hoping that she could make a friend out of this interaction. Both he and his friend—Trey, she recalled him saying—seemed like nice people, and nice people were the sorts she was hoping to meet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 25 days ago

My oh my, how things evolve so quickly. Rednecks being foolish, Olympic athletes with archery bows, rednecks being ignorant, Temporal stasis fields, rednecks looking really stupid paused midway through a word, people floating off the ground, rednecks with faces in dirt, a creature out of mortal kombat, rednecks flying through the air. Finally all came to a calm as the headmaster took head of the situation.

Leopold did nothing to agitate or instigate but was already forming a plan to protect the headmaster if even his words were not enough to turn the tide. With thankful fates, the crowd moved on and Leopold gave a bone-vibrating purr as Victoria praised him in passing. He was truly cattish in his fickle natures always being underlined by personal motivations and praise is always a way to get right to him.

He would have sought out her company further, but was stopped by the new awareness to the remaining students from his earlier escapades. His predatory gaze locked onto the fellow feral mutant with an appraising smirk but her attention went to the outstanding reptile present instead. But before he could even twinge on dejection he was already approached by another.

“Excuse me, but you’re professor Oromake, correct?” Julian began after striding up to the other mutant, a very polite smile spread across her face. It’d be better to acquaint herself with a few professors before classes officially began, she thought for motivation, and continued on. “I found one of your class schedules.” She emphasized the word ‘found’ with an entertained smirk, recalling the paper planes decent into the side of her head. “If there are seats left in the course like this sheet says, I’d love to get bumped in.” she chirped enthusiastically.

"Yeth and no. Or-oh-mah-key, Oromake, Ith Japanese. And certainly, but first... "EVERYBODY, BACK INTHIDE!" Now, walk with me... What kind of, computer use do you have and what do you want to learn? It helps me place you in the right class."

He hoped to lead by example to get the last stragglers off the street as he headed back to his office, also east but up the stairs to the second floor. His hand found themselves slipping into a vest pocket to play with a rubix cube as they walked on, more the idle hand pay then actually solving anything as he spoke with the young woman.

"Tho you know, I am a 'practical' teacher. I teach with real use in mind for my students like how to really clear your web hithtory. When I do English, I tend to use more modern examples like comics and movie lines. In cathe you need a more rigid way of learning."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Trey nodded as Sumat spoke once more. Special requirements? That comment intrigued him. He it was to do with his unique mutation. He didn’t wish to dwell on what that might be! “My room number is 85 I believe” Trey said, reminding himself that he should start unloading his stuff from his car shortly!

Before he could depart, a new face arrive; a young woman who approached in order to speak to Sumat. Listening in as she offered his fellow mutant her hand, he learnt that her name was Daisy. Trey smiled as she spoke about Sumat being heroic. He would probably have been beaten by that woman’s sign if Sumat here hadn’t intervened. The friend comment also stuck him. Friend? Well it had only been a few minutes, but he guessed that Daisy was right!

“The name’s Trey” he said, giving Daisy a short wave, just as he had given Sumat. Before he could continue however a young mutant walking behind them caught his attention as she appeared to walk straight through a group of people that had apparently gotten in her way. And by straight through, she physically glided through the group’s bodies like a ghost. That, and the fact that many other students were now carrying boxes of clothes, food, and gizmos, reminded him once again that he should head off. Especially If there were people about who could potentially walk into his car and simply steal his stuff.

“I’m afraid that I have to go unpack!” He said eyeing his watch. “It has been lovely meeting you two today. I shall see you later tonight or something!” He gave them both a short handshake, as well as a wave before heading on his way.

Trey spent the next hour trekking back and forth from his car and room carrying various boxes of his junk. It didn’t exactly help that he hadn’t parked that close to the dorm building. His roommate had yet to arrive, so while he the time to himself, Trey picked a bed and began to unpack. Posters of various bands, most of which appeared to contain mutants, lined the walls on his side of the room, as well as a small calendar showing various male models. After filling his wardrobe with the majority of his suits, he hooked one to the top of the wardrobe for him to wear tomorrow before slouching down onto his bed, opening his MacBook.

It was then that Trey got a visit from one of the campus’s professors. He was confused to find himself handed a Mutant ID card. One small corner of the card contained a small picture of Trey, as well as a list of powers; it clearly stated: "Powers: Stasis Bubbles." He dropped it on the bed next to him and stared at his MacBook screen which showed the interview with Chairman Lewis. Things were certainly changing, although if those protestors were anything to go by, this wouldn’t be a walk in the park!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HHShetland


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Well, I would say at present we were more like acquaintances." Sumat couldn't help but speak bluntly. After all, Trey may have proven to be an upstanding fellow thus far, but people are unpredictable. It only takes the slightest to make them go murdering people, or stealing things, or become cold callers or something.

"...Of course, you can never tell what fate has in store for you." He clarified. Time spent in the West had admittedly eroded it somewhat, but Sumat still considered himself a man of faith, one who put his trust in the Gods to have the right fate lined up. Which they always did; even if it doesn't seem like it at first. He was only human... a four-armed, scaly human, but human nonetheless.

It seemed that, at this moment, his fate was to meet an awful lot of people who admired him for reasons other than the norm, which he found a breath of fresh air.

"Sumat." He replied curtly after Daisy had asked for his name, his native accent once again flaring up momentarily. "And you said yours was Daisy Bartolo, no? That sounds Italian." He asked idly.

Before he could receive an answer, however, Trey announced his intention to sort out his various personal possessions. He scratched his head momentarily, thinking that most of the students would have done that already when they first arrived like him, but then brushed off the thought just as quickly.

"The sentiment is mutual. Perhaps I will." He answered his follow-up remarks as he gave him another light handshake with one of his lower hands; he hoped he'd see the fellow again, otherwise this whole altercation may prove to be a waste of time, which would be a shame, he thought.

"Do try not to suffer any accidents with your items." He joked, but perhaps chuckled a little too quietly for it to be obvious. Well, he never imagined he looked like the scheming type anyway, so it hopefully shouldn't matter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fumari
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Fumari Friendly Bird Nerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Julian didn’t try to suppress the frown that graced her lips after realizing she’d pronounced the professors name incorrectly, and made a mental note of how to properly say it later on. She didn’t want to come off as rude, at least, and not put in the effort. She followed the professor along quietly just as the remaining students began to disappear in other directions, her eyes catching a few as they scuttled off into buildings, but paid little attention as she focused on what the professor was saying.

“I have a pretty basic knowledge of computers, I suppose.” She began, actually thinking about how much she knew. She’d never had time to really tinker with computers much while living with her parents; her education was always top priority. “I’d mainly like to learn practical skills, actually.” She spoke up a bit more, general interest in her tone. Technology was an essential part of the world today, and as far as she was concerned, not understanding it could become a problem later on. That, and she’d heard a lot of fun things about online gaming, she thought and smirked subtly.

“Modern is perfect!” she couldn’t help herself from spouting the comment, but quickly caught herself. “Erm, I mean that, I’ve gotten a bit tired of rigid teaching methods. I’d be very interested in taking one of your classes.” She explain in a more polite tone. Despite sounding like the prim and proper lady that her parents evidently abandoned her as, she hoped to branch away from that way of life. She wanted to have a bit of fun, honestly.

~ ~ ~


“Mm, true. Fate is a fickle lady.” Daisy nodded, understanding a bit of where he was coming from. She’d never been raised to believe in any specific religion, but her mother was a very spiritual person, and a lot of that seemed to rub off on her from a young age. The opossum girl smiled and bounced Sumat’s name around in her head, along with his accent, and tried her best to remember it, not that she thought it’d be much trouble, being as unique to her vocabulary as it was.

She nodded again when he made a comment on her own name, which was a correct. Not many people could tell at first glance, thanks to her white hair and odd features, but she was Italian on her father’s side. The only true sign she held of her heritage was her naturally tanned skin. Just as she opened her mouth to answer, though, Trey swept through with an introduction, and then just as quickly, a farewell as he left to take care of his luggage. He was kind enough to give a handshake and a brief wave before leading, however, so Daisy didn’t much mind. She hoped they meet up later on as well, if only for a chance to see a familiar face around campus.

After Trey’s leave, Daisy turned to Sumat with another soft smile. “Would you like to get some lunch?” she offered, feeling a bit hungry herself. She’d finally managed to talk to someone here, and was completely ready to let the conversation die before she got to know the other mutant. Besides, it seemed like a good chance for them both to find the cafe here on campus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

She doesn't like TV? Who doesn't like TV? I grew up with TV! How can you not grow up with TV!? Did she live under a rock!? David thought as he looked at Artemis visibly confused. Of course, he didn't know that she lived in a forest for her entire life. When she said that it might take time to like it, David did understand. A little. The smile and giggle caught him a little off guard. He's normally not the type who's around giggling girls. Okay man, keep it cool. Keep your cool. She's just pretty. Nothing special. he kept repeating to himself. "I guess that's true." David said, returning the smile. Excellent! Very good. he congratulated himself. Then the interview appeared.

After the interview David was grinding his teeth. "Do you believe this!? Ugh, I just want to be normal. I mean, I'm not complaining about my powers but how long before you get that 'mutant' stamp. I hate it!" he said in anger. He then got a better idea. He turned to Artemis. Alex had already said they were a crew. He didn't know what mutation she had, but she wielded a bow and that was good enough for him. He leaned a little closer and whispered: "Alex and I have this idea to send a little message to those rednecks some night...you care to join?" he said with a rather evil smile. That would be the start. The second he saw Alex he would ask if Alex knew what Chairman Lewis' house was. If it was close, maybe that could be their next target. In his young, unexperienced mind it was the perfect plan. Though any adult with a hint of reason would tell him it was the worst idea ever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Alex walked into the room and noticed how cluttered and chaotic it looked. There were scattered papers all over her desk and her shelves didn't look any neater. Then he took note of the couch with the clothes all around it. Did she sleep in here? That couldn't have been very comfortable. He guessed that she only slept her when she was too tired to leave the office after a night of paperwork and dealing with whatever. By the appearance of the office and the couch that might have happened way too often. He sat down when she told him to do so and waited to be chewed out. He was glad that it didn't happen. He wasn't even here because he was in the fight and pretty much started it. That was good news, but then why was he here?

She was rummaging through some papers and seemed to find the one that she was looking for. He was surprised that she was even able to find it as quickly as she did. She started talking about the Mutant Registration and then handed over an ID. It was his ID. It was almost like a regular ID, but it was different in some areas. It even listed his powers and on the back it gave an explanation for them. This must have been the first step to this whole registration business. It was easy to get students of a mutant school to be the guinea pigs for this thing. He eyed her ID when she showed it and continued to listen. He didn't speak. He really didn't know what to say. What could he say?

A small smile appeared on his face when she called him smart. She thought he was smart. She wasn't wrong, but hearing a gorgeous woman like her sit there and call him smart made him feel all nice inside. He didn't show too much of what he was thinking though. Nothing between them would be likely to happen. He might as well just focus on the students of the school.

He got up when she did and shook her hand as well. "Umm. Thanks Vice Headmaster. I'll make sure not to get into anymore trouble like that again." He then moved himself from her desk and placed his new ID into his wallet before heading out of her office and closing the door behind him.

After he left the office he pulled his phone and started looking through social media and found a lot of people talking about some video from the protest. He found a link to the cut version and sighed. His parents were definitely going to chew him out for this. What was up with the media twisting things to better suit them and the majority? This was certainly an interesting first day. Now what would the rest of the year bring him?

Alex wasn't sure, but he was very willing to find out. For now he'd head for the dorms.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Artemis smiled as he asked for her help. "Sure I can try to help you guys out." She said turning down the tv pressing a button called "volume" from what she could read. Her mother taught her some things or at least how to sound out words. She turned back to David. "Sorry if I seem weird. I have lived in the forests outside of upper New York all my life." She said not sure what he meant by rednecks. Maybe it was a name for normal humans? She had no idea at all. "I also don't know how to use my power very well but I have control of it for the most part if you need me to help with that. I can charge my arrows with electrical energy causing them to make a bigger impact or stun someone." She said pulling out her bow off her back showing him it was hand carved by herself but looked pretty sturdy.

((Fixed this post))

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 25 days ago

Leopold smirked as she started to shine with interest. Even if he was always warm to all, it was easy to feel comfort around her as she didn't seem to be on the verge of destruction with her powers. He hadn't asked about them, nor did he really need to. If she trusted him, she would tell him. If he truly needed to know he could look it up or just watch the PE classes, everyone loved showing off at P.E.

"Well, ath it ith, I teach computerth in the afternoon in increathing complexity on the odd hour one, three, five. And teach progrethive English in the morning at the thame, theven, nine, eleven. Until a new English teacher will take my place. If you can't do a class, you must thit in the next clath up and take dictation. I teach Monday Wednesday and Friday. I alwayth test Mondays tho you have the weekend to thtudy. Here...I'll text you a code for free comic online archive. Thpend the day looking for a comic or two you rethonate with.""

The catfolk pops the rubix cube with one side done into his pocket and pulls out his phone but stops as there is a poster on his door....

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Christian finally arrived at the Grinder and was being dropped off by one of his fellow models. She also happened to be one of his best friends. On top of that she was a human who for the most part supported mutants. As they pulled up to the dorm she looked over at Christian and sighed. "Are you sure that you want to do this? You saw those videos. The school year isn't starting off well and I don't want you to get hurt."

"Ashley, I'll be fine. They have to catch me to hurt me. Plus I'm a social blogger. This is pretty much perfect for me. I never thought it would be easy." He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. "Visit me from time to time. Meet other mutants. They can't be as awesome as me, but I'm sure they'd be cool." He was about to get out of the car before she unhooked her seat belt and pulled him in for a hug. After the hug was done he got out of the car and went inside to sign-in so he could get his key and all of that.

He then rushed back out to the car to unload it and get his things. He carried the lighter things first and rushed to his room. Troy would hear the door opening widely accompanied with a gust of wind. By the time he'd look over the cause would be gone, but he'd see a laptop and a bag of PS3, PS4, Wii, and WiiU games on his roommate's lofted bed.

The rush of wind would return and more things would be dropped off on the bed before a blur would exit the room. This continued for a bit and the more it happened the larger that the objects got which also slowed down the blur.

When Christian was finished he saw Ashley off and returned to his room where he'd hook up his microwave, tv, games, and fridge before picking up an Oatmeal Cream Pie and looking over at Trey on his bed. "Sorry I took so long. You wouldn't believe the traffic. By the way, I'm Christian, but you can call me Chris if you want."


Alex eventually made it back to the dorms and was about to pass through the Rec Area when he noticed that David and Artemis were there. He headed over to them and plopped down into a chair. He looked up to the TV and saw that they were watching Cops. That show showed a lot about human nature. And it wasn't the good parts either. He looked over at Artemis and her bow. She was showing it to David. Those two were getting along well. He probably didn't even have to be the guy's wing man.

"Hey, you two. Did you get one of these yet?" He pulled out the ID Card from his wallet and showed it to them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HHShetland


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"Hmm..." Sumat thought Daisy's offer over, placing his lower hands on hips. He certainly took his sweet time rolling the question about in his head, as he tended to do. He was a little hungry, but somehow he didn't feel particularly up to spending more time than necessary in his sun-blocking clothes. He'd already discovered it had mostly been wasted effort, anyway.

"Well, as much as I'd be happy to indulge in such an activity..." He began to say, somewhat apologetically, as he clasped his upper hands together. "...I'm starting to feel rather sluggish after what just happened. It's the suit, you see, it blocks the sun. Makes me cold. That, and... well, I prefer not to draw attention to myself."

He felt like she was at least old enough to know what he was talking about, so he wouldn't need to elaborate. Namely, he guessed that she was in her early 20s at most, whereas Sumat was 28, and it wasn't at all unusual for people to think he was even older than that. He was a little surprised she hadn't picked up on that, in fact.

"Perhaps another time." He continued; under other circumstances, he may very well have said yes, but in addition to the other reasons, he did feel a very slight urge to get on the Internet and find out what fuss may have been raised about the protest. "I suppose I shall 'see you later', as they say. Or, as I say, Alavidā."

When he said that, his native accent once again flared up, as you'd expect when speaking in one's native tongue, and with his upper hands still clasped, he held his lower right hand upright, with the palm facing outwards. It was an Abhayamudra, a traditional Hindu gesture which entails reassurance and safety. He also bowed his head a little bit, just in case she got confused with another, less polite gesture he knew existed in the West.

With the proper respects afforded to the nice lady, Sumat proceeded to walk with great strides, as he did, through the Campus and towards his dormitory building...

...Shortly after he returned to his dorm building, however, he was greeted by two surprise discoveries. First of all, as part of some kind of pilot scheme initiated by the MutRegAct people, the staff told him, he was given a prototype Mutant ID. It was pretty much identical to his Green Card, albeit with the addition of a single line:

'POWER(S): Additional Arms; Heat Detection; Vibration Detection; Venom Dispension.'

@King Kindred

He didn't think much of it, considering his views on Mutant ID in general; he just took it and moved on; though he doubted that some other Mutants would be so pleased, lacking the responsibility to accept that some people are afraid of them, and rightly so. With this in mind, what was more worrying to him, however, was that he recognised one of the other Freshmen who was living there; he vaguely remembered him being one of the people he saw beat-up outside the Auditorium, which meant he probably fought with the protestors. Admirable, perhaps, but the mark of a fool nonetheless. And maybe he'd try something else what with the IDs now in place.

Trying his best not to think about it, he stomped along the hall (unwillingly, of course), past the rec room where the worrisome Student stood, squeezing his way past the many other Students who had arrived late, hauling around boxes, he soon arrived back at his own room. Without bothering to close the door behind him, he made a beeline for his built-in wardrobe. He opened the door with one pair of arms as he removed his tie with the other.

He then went on to unbutton his shirt as he inspected himself in the mirror on the other side of the wardrobe door, which took half as long as it would on a two-armed person, and finally slung his jacket off. He proceeded to carefully place his removed clothes on top of the door before stretching his muscular upper body as he stood in the sun, enabling him to take all the heat in, making him feel considerably refreshed.

It wasn't long after that that he decided to leave his room once again, now shirtless, and stomp back over to the rec room, fingering his pocket for spare change. He remembered seeing a fully-stocked vending machine in there, and tried to convince himself to not empty it out single-handedly like he did back at Madison Square Garden. The crisp companies probably couldn't believe their luck that day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

@King Kindred

Artemis blushed not knowing she even had to have one. "Umm...no I don't have one. I don't even know how I found this room to be honest with you." She said looking around. "I'm not quite used to being in buildings for that matter." She said with a laugh. She knew they thought she was weird for saying it but she knew you had to tease yourself sometimes to show no one is perfect. Her mother taught her that and she never forgot it. She suddenly wondered how her mother was but shook the thought away. She promised her mother she would not worry too much.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

@King Kindred, @themadhatter420
David looked at the ID, noting nothing special until he saw that their power was listed. "Wait, that's your power?" he asked confused. Until he heard his named yelled by one of the teachers. He walked up and received his card, listing as power: Plasma blasts, anti-gravity He chuckled for a second. They weren't wrong, but it felt so over-simplified. He knew there was so much more to his powers than just that. But then again, his entire explanation wouldn't fit on the card anyway. After he put the card in his pocket he walked back at Alex and Artemis, who just finished telling Alex she wasn't used to buildings. Well that's pretty normal for a girl living in the forest. God I can't even imagine living 2 days without internet and this girl probably doesn't even know what internet is! he thought to himself. "I heard about those IDs on the television. Its the first step to accepting the Mutant Registration Act." David explained, not knowing Alex got his explanation from the vice-headmaster. Never the less he wanted to sound smart, to impress Artemis. After that he looked right and left, hoping no teachers were near. Most were busy shouting names and handing IDs."I did some internet stalking and found the closest redneck village. So I'd suggest we taught them a lesson not to screw with mutants." he whispered to Alex. Should i tell Alex about taking on the chairman too? Maybe later. That's probably for the better. Right now we should focus on getting back to those rednecks. Yes, yes, the chairman can wait. he thought to himself with a smile obviously told everyone who was looking that he was cooking up a plan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Eternity
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Dark Eternity The Lone Wolf Knight

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The chaos of the first days of college. The best time to vent off some steam by pushing students. Michelle walked through the stuffed hallways, "gently" giving those in her way a push to the side. Of course she made sure that people knew who they were messing with, should they have the balls to call against her then.

She passed Leopold and Julian, giving a light tap on Julian's shoulder that was having enough of a push as if she would have shoved the girl aside. Chuckling happily, the girl greeted the professor with a wave. "Ohaio, Mister Oromake. Enjoying your day?" She did not pay too much attention to a response and made her way through the corridors. She wore some clean, non-ripped jeans and her shirt was fitting her fine, unlike the loose shirts she wore usually. Of course, she would not wear her current outfit if it weren't for Victoria's little inception to take a better look at herself.

Ending up in the rec room of the dorms, the girl slumped down on a chair close to Alex and the group, grunting at the sight of the series running. "Who turned that crap on?", she sighed and looked for the remote. Her eyes ended up catching a glimpse of a bow and she forgot the TV altogether. "Oh hey, sweet cheeks, is that yours?" She got up to get a better look at it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fumari
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Fumari Friendly Bird Nerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Julian did her best to catch all of the bits of information that Leopold gave her, smiling happily while she trailed after the professor. Her ears perk up at the mention of comics, and she felt a little more excited for the class. Before she could manage to grab her own phone or respond though, they’re both stopped at what she assumes is his office door. Plaster to it, in brightly printed color, is a poster that she assumed was left there as a rude attempt to rile the professor up. She frowned a bit, looking back to Leopold and hoping he wasn’t too bothered by it.

Before Julian even had the chance to look however, something suddenly shoved into her. She braced herself against the wall, and quickly turned just in time to watch the offending woman disappear down the corridors. She mouthed a few profanities and rolled her shoulder a bit. The shove didn’t hurt any, no, but it felt off to Julian, and left her a bit bitter for not receiving an apology. She huffed, settling with the thought that all schools have rude students, and turned back to Leopold.

~ ~ ~

Daisy might have felt a bit disappointed at the rejected invitation, but the thought that they might bump into one another again later gave her some reassurance that this wasn’t a completely wasted effort. “That is a fair reason.” She smiled, and nodded in acceptance. There was always the chance they’d meet another time, so it didn’t bother her any. She dipped her head a little in response to Sumat’s gesture, smiling and saying goodbye herself before trotting off in the direction of her own dorm.

The dorm building wasn’t too far of a walk, and even short if you cut through other buildings. It only took a short time before she was back at her room, most of her things unpacked and set up thanks to her early planning. Her roommate hadn’t arrived yet, but she wasn’t too worried about who she’d be living with; she was sure she’d get along with them somehow. Sometime or another, a staff member stopped by to give her a new ID of sorts. It looked just like her driver’s license, only with a few changed markings and an additional space for powers: graspable tail, heightened hearing/smell, immunity/resistance to most venoms, playing dead. She laughed towards the end.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 25 days ago

@Fumari(Apologies for any automatic assumptions and decelerations of another. Looking to wrap this up for the GM.)
The hackles had risen at the poster, unsure on who did something like this to a professor or even anyone at this school. With everything else going on, mocking others would still seem like the thing we try to avoid. Then again, it could be a haze from-
*THUD!* "Ohaio, Mister Oromake. Enjoying your day?"
He was so focused on the moment, that he completely missed the approach of another or the discharge of power. "Konishiwa, ith afternoon." It was only then that the noticed the lack or another student, looking around to find her pulling herself out of the drywall seemingly unhurt. That was certainly a subtle but useful power. "You alright, did you fall? Come on in."

Opening the door, he forgot about the poster for the moment and let her into his office where there was a manila folder on his table labeled 'Student ID's, one per student!' but that was the least impressive. The room was shockingly cold, about 30 degrees, and full of..stuff. A long nerf gun laid across three different laptops sitting on a table that was bolted to the ceiling instead of resting off the floor. One wall was completely blank except for the projection of a beach coming from the ceiling, its waves slowly rolling in high definition with a crash of wave seeming to come from nowhere. One corner nook had a few books sitting on top of a private server tower, but no titles standing out and the sole illumination for the room was a dim lamp pressed against the wall in a semi-circle. The center of the room and seemingly the only piece of actual furniture was a single beanbag the size of a couch with some video game controllers resting on top.

He opened the folder and looked at the ID's. Getting a mental roster of who and what they could do with his ADHD, he handed over Julian's ID with a soft smile. "I'll add you to both, thee you at theven A.M. I'll get you the on-line code later."
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