An overview of the world of Allevent, where our rp takes place. It is a land of abundant magic, various races and many exotic flora and fauna.
Welcome to a land known as Allevent -- a land of balance. Good and evil; light and a dark; magic and technology; life and death all in balance. It is a realm of caith -- the spirits that all matter and energy comprise. Matter is caith in stasis; energy is caith in transition.
Although different kingdoms have varying levels of prosperity and technology, it is only in the last hundred years or so that Allevent entered what historians are now calling the Modern Era, which is characterized by the creation of caith crystals that are used to power various machines and contraptions that have revolutionized many aspects of the people's lives. Where once transport was by horse on land or ship by sea, we are beginning to see trains and airships connect people and cultures in a level never before imagined. Modern medicines are extending the lives of the citizens even as advances in agriculture are able to sustain larger populations.
Mankind is one of the largest of races, with significant presence in almost every country and city, although other races can be found living alongside humans, generally peacefully. In the wild, flora and fauna exist to a wondrous degree of variety, interacting with humans and other races.
The lifeblood of Allevent; the pure essence of creation/destruction.
The driving forces of creation and destruction. Matter is caith in stasis; energy is caith in transition. For thousands of years in Allevent it was barely understood by the people except as the simple building blocks of the world around them. The last hundred years have seen an exponential growth in knowledge of caith, and as man learns more of the world around him, the better he can manipulate it to his advantage. The great breakthrough came when man learned to purify caith -- distilling and sublimating it into stable crystals. These pure crystals of creation and destruction can be used to power heretofore unheard of technological devices, from simple conveniences like indoor lighting and hot water plumbing to arcane weaponry that can tear through the very fabric of space and time.
The Caith Life Cycle: Caith cannot be created or destroyed, though it is the agent of creation and destruction. It is theorized that it comes from the sun, the moon, the wandering stars and the land itself. Caith is generally unstable although over time it may accumulate into small shards on its own -- for instance old caverns, dense forests and other unperturbed scenes often have an abundance of raw caith shards that can be harvested and further purified into crystals.
Caith exists in three states. [Free] caith that exists in nature as either matter or energy; [trapped] caith in the form of condensed, purified crystals; and [primal] caith that is released from its trapped state as a cast spell. This third, primal state can only be released (i.e. cast) by a small fraction of the populace with the innate ability to see and interact with caith. These people are known as urgists, and play a powerful role in the growth of Allevent.
The various forms in which caith may be found, and their general uses.
Alumen ( ⊕ ) Earth: Forms amber crystals that can be used to strengthen metals for smithing or modern multi-storied constructions. Alumen weapons and armor can be noted by their faint amber hue, and are exceptionally light and durable. Commonly found in almost every natural environment, but the densest crystalline shards are often found underground or in exposed bedrock. Alumen is conjectured to come from within Allevent itself. Stability: High.
Stannum ( ♃ ) Wind: Forms orange crystals that are used to power airships, although current technological constraints make it an expensive and inefficient form of transport compared to traditional seafaring vessels. There are certain trade routes that are especially lengthy by sea (traveling around the Horn from Barberry to Dorstone, for instance), in which case stannum ships provide a direct route and a significant advantage. Stannum is commonly found in almost every natural environment but the densest crystalline shards are often found on windswept plains, coasts and mountaintops where the breezes are strongest. Stannum is conjectured to come from the wandering star Dias, named after the Sky Goddess. Stability: Moderate.
Ferrum ( ♂ ) Fire: Forms red crystals that are used in all sorts of applications to provide steady, smokeless heat or to make fire. Ferrum is one of the most commonly-used caith in wars throughout Allevent, making its harvesting one of the largest and most lucrative of mining industries. Ferrum is found in deserts, volcanic landscapes, certain ores like coal and cinnabar, and of course in fires. Some guilds have even begun burning large swathes of the great forests for harvesting ferrum. Ferrum is conjectured to come from the wandering star Ári̱s, named after the God of War. Stability: Low.
Vivum ( ☿ ) Water: Forms blue crystals that are used produce/manipulate water. Often used in agriculture and to power seafaring vessels, and can also be used to purify a water source. Many of the wealthiest households use vivum artifices to create water on demand right in their homes for cooking, cleaning, etc, without having to use a well. Vivum is almost exclusively found in moving water, with tides, rivers, waterfalls etc being the best place to harvest vivum crystals. Vivum is conjectured to come from the wandering star Ydrárgyros, named after the Messenger God. Stability: Moderate.
Lumen ( ☄ ) Light/Electricity: Forms yellow crystals that can power many modern contraptions, most notably to provide indoor lighting. Because ferrum is more abundant and can often serve a similar purpose, lumen is not often used for common artifices and is instead reserved for research guilds that highly value it for its greater stability and more controlled, quantifiable qualities. Lumen is rarely found in crystalline shards of any considerable size, making bulk harvesting rather difficult. It can be found after thunderstorms and lightning strikes, and often the best means of harvesting it is to use an urgist to draw the ambient lumen from the air after a storm. Lumen is conjectured to come from the wandering star Komí̱ti̱s, named after the Lightbringer. Stability: High.
Aurum ( ☉ ) Healing/Life: Forms golden crystals that are much prized in medicine for their ability to quickly heal wounds and cure illnesses. In conjunction with cuprum, aurum is sought after by many research guilds looking to find ways to extend life indefinitely. Aurum is found in various flora throughout Allevent, often concentrated deep in the great forests. Aurum is conjectured to come from the Sun itself. Stability: Moderate.
Cuprum ( ♀ ) Life/Nature/Wood: Forms green crystals that are used by farmers to increase their yields, and by horticulturalists to nourish their gardens. Cuprum can be seen in many spiritual functions as it is said to provide a sense of tranquility. Overuse can cause feelings of euphoria that are quite addictive. Cuprum addicts, or copperheads, are a significant social problem in some of the larger cities, but attempts to ban its use have historically served only to strengthen the black market. Cuprum, like aurum, is found mostly in the various flora deep in the great forests. Cuprum is conjectured to come from the wandering star Aphras, named after the Goddess of Love. Stability: Moderate.
Argentum ( ☾ ) Mind/Psyche/Dream/Illusion: Forms clear crystals that are used to treat mental illnesses and calm unrest, but is also known as WiLD, a drug taken recreationally to create what is known as a Wake-induced Lucid Dream, where users quickly fall into a deep sleep and can control the contents of their dreams. Unlike cuprum, physical addiction to argentum is highly unlikely - but overuse has been known to cause extreme despondence and even suicide when users can no longer stand reality as opposed to 'running WiLD.' Like lumen, argentum is found ambient in the air in low quantities, best found on full moons in clear skies. Argentum is conjectured to come from the moon itself. Stability: Low.
Kobold ( ♄ ) Chaos: Thought to form a purple crystal although many theorize it would be too unstable a caith to crystallize. Found naturally in some ores and craters. Conjectured to come from the wandering star Seidó̱n, named after the archdemon. Stability: Unstable
Spelter ( ♅ ) Space/Cosmos: Forms silvery-white crystals that theoretically could revolutionize the airship industry as it's claimed to influence gravity. Found naturally in some ores and craters. Conjectured to come from the wandering star Ouranó, named after the Father of Gods. Stability: Unstable
Plumbum ( ♄ ) Time: Forms grey crystals that can be shown to slow or speed up the passing of time in small areas. Used in small quantities by research guilds but is not currently viable for extended use. Found naturally in some ores and craters. Conjectured to come from the wandering star Krónos, named after the son of Ouranó and father of Dias the Sky Goddess.
Bismuth ( ʡ ) Death/Shadow: Thought to form a black crystal. Claims of its discovery or use are unsubstantiated, but it is rumored to be linked to a supposed secretive assassination guild that is oft-discussed in conspiracy theories. Conjectured to come from the wandering star Mi̱tra, named after the Goddess of Death.
The most dangerous of monstrous flora and fauna that roam Allevent.
Caith is drawn to life (or is the agent of life), and often naturally accumulates in various flora and fauna in the wild. Too much caith, however, and the affected flora or fauna become Caithness; monstrous beings of destruction. Most Caithness are spawned from a single caith type (earth, wind, water, fire, etc), but in rare occurences multiple-type-Caithness have been witnessed. Generally these creatures are especially deadly and targeted by only the most skilled hunter guilds. Caithness that are killed release all of their caith in the form of raw shards, making their hunting a large and lucrative part of the caith-harvesting guilds industry. Whether caith is harvested from the wild or from defeated Caithness, the end result is a powerful fuel that is the lifeblood of modern Allevent.
The magic-users of Allevent, and a quick guide to their abilities.
As a general rule as far as human interaction goes, caith only exists in one of two states. Either as [free] caith in the form of common matter or energy, or as [trapped] caith that has been sublimated and purified into crystalline form in a mechanical process that was discovered some hundred years ago. These crystals can be housed within devices that convert it back into free caith energy to do specific work such as lighting a room or cooking a meal. Urgists are the small portion of the population that can manipulate caith at will, absorbing it into their bodies from either [free] or [trapped] states before releasing it in its [primal] state to cast magic spells unobtainable by caith artifices. This makes such users incredible forces to be reckoned with, and many guilds are devoted to finding, training and utilizing these urgists throughout Allevent.
Two attributes determine an urgist's overall power with caith: [finesse] - the efficiency of the urgist's caith conversion, and; [strength] - the quantity and duration of holding caith within them. However, urgists cannot hold caith within them indefinitely or in vast quantities without suffering ill effects dependent on the caith type - for instance overdrawing ferrum can lead an urgist into a berserker rage, or overuse of lumen may temporarily blind him or her. Theoretically an urgist can release any caith, but in practice most users are comfortable only with one caith-type. Being an urgist is an innate ability, but there are various levels of mastery which can be learned.
Virtually all races of Allevent have urgists represented, although some races produce more urgists than others, and different races tend to be stronger or more familiar with different caith types.
Geurgy: Powered by alumen, geurgists create and manipulate rock structures such as spires, earthquakes, rockfalls, shieldwalls, etc.
Aeurgy: Powered by stannum, aeurgists manipulate wind to create strong gusts, fast 'punches', protective barriers, etc.
Pyurgy: Powered by ferrum, pyurgists create and manipulate fire for a variety of powerful offensive spells.
Hydrurgy: Powered by vivum, hydrurgists create and manipulate water for powerful blasts, 'whips', ensnaring opponents, etc.
Meteurgy: Powered by lumen, meteurgists create bolts of lightning or electricity to blast, burn, shock and paralyze.
Solurgy: Powered by aurum, solurgists can heal wounds, status afflictions, revive unconscious allies, grant protective auras, etc.
Theriurgy: Powered by cuprum, theriurgists can manipulate the flora and fauna of Allevent to tame and command beasts and nature.
Oneiurgy: Powered by argentum, oneiurgists can create illusions, invade dreams, create powerful mental blasts, etc.
Chaurgy: There are no known urgists who can release primal kobold.
Ouranurgy: There are no known urgists who can release primal spelter.
Chronurgy: There are no known urgists who can release primal plumbum.
Necrurgy: There are no known urgists who can release primal bismuth.
The various playable races of Allevent. Please feel free to PM me if you have a race that you would like added.
Bogle: Also known as earthmen, bogles are a race of diminutive, humanoid creatures with skin tones ranging from pale green to dark brown, long pointed ears and oversized eyes. Bogles have a considerable affinity with the earth, especially prizing the acquisition of gold and rare gems. While they have quite an industrious nature and are skilled tradesman, the stereotype is of a greedy and crafty rogue. Bogles live in an underground city called Demaarkt, in which exists a complicated blend of a political plutocracy and social meritocracy, regulated almost exclusively by contract law. Bogle urgists are often more adept with alumen than other caith-types, and can produce some of Allevent's most ingenious artifices.
[Please use old Dutch names, especially monosyllabic names with multiple concurrent vowels, for Bogle characters. Ex: Aart, Bastiaan, Cees, Daan, Else, Faas, Geert, Heleen, Ignaas, Jaap, Klaas, Luuk, Margreet, Noor, Olaf, Petra, Quinten, Roos, Servaas, Tuur, Ursula, Veer, Wilma, Yorick, Zoe. Bogle surnames are Dutch words as well, but will literally be the character's current profession. This often works as a typical surname because of family succession in business, but not always. For example, a Guardian's surname might be Voogd, Bewaker, Bewaarder, Gardiaan or Opzeiner, all of which translate more or less as 'guardian.']
Deor: Deors are a race of beastmen theorized to have either descended from Caithness, or from humans who were gradually exposed to caith for many generations. Scattered across Allevent in relatively isolated tribes that have developed independently into different animal/man hybrids, deors range from various animal characteristics such as leonine, reptilian, ursine, etc. Although these tribes vary in culture and location, and have often clashed with one another throughout the history of Allevent, different deor tribes have many similarities in outlook and disposition. Compared to humans they have a very spiritual relationship with caith - deor urgists are often the shaman of their tribes and view caith as animistic deities, whereas humans generally consider caith to merely be another feature of the natural world which can be examined, codified and manipulated. Deor urgists are often of the common-type such as alumen or ferrum but can also be quite strong in cuprum and aurum, perhaps due to their close connection to the land.
[A deor will have a single 'calling name' used by all others to identify your character. Please use a traditional or aboriginal name appropriate to the chosen animal's native geographical region for this calling name. For instance, a Leonine deor might have an African name like Adisa, Bosede, Chibuzo or Dubaku, while a Tigrine deor might have an Indian/Hindu name like Ajeet, Bharat, Chandra or Deepali. Bovine deor should have Native American names, etc. Deor characters also have a second name or 'true name' used only by family members / close tribesmen, which would signify extreme closeness if given to or used by an outsider. This second name is often translated into the common tongue to act as the deor's 'surname' in interactions with humans. In the common tongue the true name often evokes a natural phenomenon or takes an Adjective-Noun form. Ex: Crash-of-Thunder, Moonlit Plains, Blackwater, Soaring Cloud, Running Bear, Lonely Mountain, etc.]
Elfes: Elfes, or wood-folk, are a race in strong affinity with caith of virtually any type, especially the common caith elements, producing an abundance of powerful urgists. Elfes can sometimes be as tall as humans but are very slender, with amazing grace and dexterity. Preferring the solitude of the forest or other tranquil natural settings, the long-lived elfes don't often meddle in human affairs except when their way of life is threatened, in which case diplomatic emissaries can be seen throughout the human kingdoms. Although capable warriors in their own right, it is the elfes' innate strength with caith that truly makes them a force to be reckoned with.
[Please use traditional Welsh/Irish/Gaelic names for Elfe characters, especially those with multiple syllables. Ex: Aelwyn, Brynmor, Catriona, Delwyn, Eifion, Fferyll, Gwilenhin, Hywel, Isolde, Kelemon, Lynessa, Maelwys, Neifion, Olwyn, Prydwen, Rowena, Saeth, Talyessin, Una, Vanora, Wren, Yorath. Elfen surnames denote branches off of the great family tree, with the longer the surname representing the farther the offshoot, or the lower the character's standing. Bheara, for instance, may be a legendary bough of the tree, with Ael'bheara being a sizeable branch and Wenaelbera being a small, common leaf. Elfen society doesn't discriminate from 'greater' to 'lesser' lineage the way a human court might - viewing all parts of the tree vital to its overall health. However, the importance of playing one's part within the family and within the elfen society at large, as decided by the 'gardeners' of the family tree, the Elders, cannot be overstated.]
Gygr: Also known as giants, the gygr are a powerful warrior race that have historically clashed with both human and elfe civilizations, although the last few centuries have seen a relative peace from these proud, savage people. Gygr range from 6 to 8 feet tall and can weigh several hundreds of pounds, with heavy muscles and a thick, armor-like hide. Nomadic and strongly individualistic, gygr do not socialize among themselves any more than they would with other races; in fact sometimes less, considering how often such meetings end with bloodshed. The gygr venerate glory and honor primarily with battle, with much of their culture and religion formed by ancestor worship. Gygr have no known affinity with any caith-type and urgists are virtually unknown, but they also have a considerable resistance to any caith spells directed at them.
[Please use Old German / Norse names for gygr characters. Ex: Afvaldr, Bergulfr, Dagmar, Einarr, Farbjörn, Galmann, Hagni, Ingivaldr, Jörundr, Kalman, Leifr, Magnus, Nollarr, Oddbjörn, Petr, Ragnarr, Saxi, Tannr, Úlfarr, Vafri, Yngvarr. Giants venerate their forefathers and almost exclusively name their children after a legendary ancestor. A gygr will announce its lineage as far back as needed to claim the sufficient honor, however the fewer claims needed the better. Therefore an undestinguished gygr might be Aggi, son of Agmundr, son of Ogmundr, son of Ögvaldr Strongarm, while a prominent gygr may need only declare himself Arinbjörn, son of Arnbjörn Greatoak to satisfy his honor. Giants strive to earn their own title to greater honor their ancestors.]
Humans: The most populous of the races, Humans have over the centuries slowly and steadily carved their dominance into nearly every corner of Allevent, and aside from a few exceptions maintain a presence even where they are not the most predominant race. While in many tragic cases throughout their history this expansion is the result of outright war and conquest, the overwhelming reasons for man's ubiquity are his curiosity, sense of adventure, adaptability and drive. It is a general mindset among humans, and not altogether without merit, that they look forward while other races look back.
Humans are at the forefront of alchemy [the process of harvesting caith and producing stable crystals] and wrighting [fashioning machines and devices that utilize caith crystals, known as artifices], granting them a virtual monopoly in the modern era that has further made humans one of the most powerful and advanced races in Allevent.
Some of the major cities created so far. This will grow as we venture out and build on this world together. Again, PM me with ideas!
White-walled Adelost
A city whose landscape has promoted a history of tranquility and prosperity, Adelost is protected from its neighbors by a curtain mountain range known as the Sentinels, and its harbor has encouraged one of the strongest trading ports in the world. It has few natural resources save the limestone bedrock that gave the city its defenses and its moniker, but despite its lack of natural resources for generations Adelost has been an economic powerhouse - a place of scholarship, innovation and entrepreneurship - and so has some of the finest craftsman in the land. Raw goods come in through the docks, and leave as highly-prized manufactured goods for every corner of Allevent.
No city is without its troubles, and white-walled Adelost is no exception. In the last hundred years or so, in what historians now call the Modern Era, the development of caith crystals and the plethora of artifices they power has created an unstable political landscape. As neighboring kingdoms grow stronger they begin to see Adelost not as the untouchable city of scholars but more and more as some low-hanging fruit. Within its famed walls the burgeoning guilds and the ensconced nobility butt heads with ever more aggression, and each side makes its machinations to ensure the other's downfall in the years to come.
A constitutional monarchy, Adelost has seen a member of House Rannoch sit on the Whitestone Throne for the last half-dozen rulers, but the royal family's position is by no means secure, as other Great Houses have risen considerably in power with the rise of the Modern Era. To protect his hold on the throne, King Cristof utilizes the services of the Guardians - an elite order of warrior-diplomats who act as sword hand and shield arm to the throne, and wield considerable power in both times of peace and war.
Barberry, City of Guilds
A sunny port city, perfectly positioned with a natural harbor that promotes healthy trade and travel. The city has been built into the cliffed coast, giving Barberry a tiered layout that over the years its inhabitants have systemized. At the lowest tier are the docks, the warehouses, the poorest housing and various dens of ill-repute. Subsequent tiers climb from such levels as peasant housing, merchant shops, aristocratic dwellings -- although it is the second highest tier that has for centuries put Barberry on the map: Guilded Avenue.
Guilded Avenue houses the many dozens of licensed guild halls in the city, which range from small, niche service providers to the Master League (five of the grandest guilds, as much in charge of the city as the official government). Some guilds are for specialized professions such as artificers, Caithness-hunters, spellcrafters or mercenaries, while other guilds can have varied members that are united more by a mission or philosophy than a profession.
To be an official guild the guildmaster needs to buy a license from the city. Licensed guilds are ranked daily by prestige, which they earn along with coin by completing jobs for clients. The more prestigious the guild the better members it will attract. The better the guild's members, the more prestigious the bid it can accept. For this reason the guilds are quite insular and stable, making it a difficult business to enter.
On land Barberry is surrounded by gently-sloping meadows that give way to outlying villages and farmland -- it takes a good day's ride to reach any hillside or forest that can be described as wild. That does not mean that the immediately outlying regions of Barberry are always safe for travelers: the windy coast attracts many stannum- and vivum-infused Caithness, and the plains see their fair share of alumen-type Caithness.
Bokmakiri, the Desert City: Sunny Bokmakiri is a sprawling, ancient desert city buried deep within the forbidding Bokma Desert far to the east of most modernized cities. Although the people here are more acclimated to the heat than any other, still they prefer to sleep in the day and the city only truly comes to life at night. The ancient sandstone buildings shimmer in the sun and can be seen from miles away. This massive city has survived for thousands of years despite the harsh conditions it weathers, unfortunately Bokmakiri sees small profit and aside from a few wealthy merchants it has very little by way of caith devices or other modern luxuries. Vivum crystals are quite popular, but so scarce that they are seen more as a sign of wealth than as something to be utilized by artifices or urgists.
The sun beats down across the Bokma desert, infusing it with ferrum and aurum caith aplenty, making Caithness quite a problem for caravans or other travelers. The guilds have a very lucrative business in Bokmakiri taking care of such problems, although it is a business steeped in blood and not for those looking to make an easy profit. In fact Bokmakiri law punishes many offenders by having them serve time in such guilds, earning their freedom by protecting the city from the ever-present swarms of Caithness.
Despite these daunting challenges Bokmakiri is a land of opportunity, as it supplies the rest of the Allevent with much ferrum and aurum, two incredibly useful caith crystals in the world's economy. The desert city can promise many riches for the brave, lucky and industrious.
The population of Bokmakiri is predominantly beastmen tribes such as Leonine and Reptilian, although a sizeable segment of the population is human, who over the generations in the sunny desert city have developed dark features suitable for the climate.
The Advent City, Coeden: Tens of thousands of years ago the progenitors of the modern races of Allevent engaged in a total civil war that virtually destroyed their civilization. The war culminated with the Advent - when one side summoned the Nightbringer, storied to have desolated both armies and laid waste to the entire landscape. When the dust settled years later and survivors visited the site they found that within the massive crater left by the Nightbringer had formed a wondrous forest paradise, rapidly grown in the densely caith-infused environment. Over time those that stayed and built their homes into the very trees became the elfes, while those other survivors spread throughout Allevent and came to be the other races.
Although burgeoning with caith and Caithness, Coeden is a land of tranquility for the elfes who have come to be one with their environment, the race most in tune with the Caith Life Cycle. Living in the very remnant of their ancestors' hubris, the elfes have come to be the most peaceful and cultivated of the races, with much of their culture revolving around diplomacy, tranquility and communion with nature. Viewing themselves as caretakers of the rest of Allevent, the elders of Coeden have absolute authority in all matters of their peoples' lives, which they shape with much care for the betterment of all.
Demaarkt, the Abyssal City: Located beneath the surface of Allevent, Demaarkt is the ancient home of the bogle race, carved into a series of interconnected caverns that were originally great veins of alumen-infused bedrock. Being continuously pitch black, narrow and cold and claustrophobic, Demaarkt has virtually no outside races in any permanent setting, although there is surprisingly little animosity to any visitors from the surface. A race of craftsmen and tradesmen, bogles have developed lucrative partnerships all throughout Allevent, and the city takes great pains to ensure that these relations continually thrive.
Demaarkt is notable from other cities on Allevent in that there is no true government, and no laws beyond a strict self-enforcement of contract law. That isn't to say that the city is at all democratic; as coin is the only political currency, the wealthiest businesses run the city very much in the way that a court of noble houses would, with theoretically even less recourse for the weak. Despite this rather brutal fact, Demaarkt has seen great rises in average quality of life during the last century of innovation in the Modern Era, due to its people's great industry and fervor.
There is little Caithness in the underground systems surrounding Demaarkt, and great quantities of caith can be mined along with other natural resources and precious gems; however, there isn't enough water or vegetation to support a growing population, so as Demaarkt continues to prosper its position will become ever more precarious as it begins to rely on outside, above ground cities for its necessities.
Havenstad, Port of Pirates: Havenstad is a port city on the largest island of the archipelago Oceanica, halfway between the western continent of Saxia and eastern continent of Tiberia. For centuries pirates and privateers have worked from the many hidden coves of Oceanica to prey on seafaring vessels bearing supplies, passengers, or other worthy plunder, across the seas. In the Modern Era, with the development of airships, Havenstad has seen an even greater increase in piracy - in fact scholars say we are entering the 'Golden Era of Sky Piracy,' a term no doubt met with disgust by the many affected merchants and civilians who have been robbed or worse.
Oceanica is forever blasted by Stannum- and Vivum-infused storms that have for centuries made the seas a dangerous route to travel. Airships now ascend above 'the chop,' the storm clouds that blanket the skies, and sail in perpetually clear and sunny skies. Pirate ships often submerge beneath the chop for hiding, ambushes, and other tactics, but must be careful not only of turbulent skies but also the Caithness therein spawned.
Airships fly via an artifice known as the sky engine, which converts Stannum crystals into wind energy to keep vessels aflight. Ships are rigged with sails made from ventus, a material harvested from Stannum Caithness, which can collect Stannum caith in the wind and recharge the sky engine crystals, although currently at quite low efficiency, which means airships are still tied to resupply at harbors like Havenstad.
A sheet of characterness. If you have anything else you want to do, feel free to use a different template.
A few extra things that don't belong elsewhere. Just world-building for the sake of world-building:)
Languages: All modern races of Allevent can trace their heritage back to the Advent, when an ancient race known as the Lexons warred with one another and unleashed the Nightbringer, destroying their civilization. Decades later one section of their society returned to the site of their self-destruction, now a thriving forest infused with an abundance of unstable, 'living' caith. These people became the Elfes, and because of their longevity and their insular ways, they speak a virtually unaltered form of Antelexis even tens of thousands of years later.
The other branch continued to wander and spread throughout Allevent, becoming the modern races of Deor, Human, Bogle and Gygr (and more). Over the millennia each developed its own separate language - although because they all share a proto-language in the Antelexis, a common pidgin tongue allows each race to communicate with one another across Allevent. It is this tongue, known as the lexis, that we'll be writing/speaking in throughout the rp.
The human language is known as Yuma, and to other races' ears it can sound somewhat simplistic though not offensively so. Straightforward, Yuman is the most commonly known language outside of the lexis itself, and in fact sounds more like a heavy accent than a separate tongue.
The various deor tribes have a language with multitudinous dialects and accents, but collectively is referred to as Indigen. To other races it sounds rather obtuse, because even the slightest changes in tone can drastically alter the meaning. Indigenous songs can have entirely different meanings depending on the music they're set to.
The bogle tongue is called Folkl, and sounds quite complicated to other ears, as though twice the sounds are made in half the time. Folklor words are known for their surprising specificity and length - for instance having a single word meaning 'a friend who at one point was, or could soon become, a romantic partner.'
The gygr people speak in Glot. The Glottal tongue is virtually unintelligible to all other ears and can sound as little more than a deep, throaty rumble. Because the gygr people are sensitive to sounds at a lower frequency, there is much more nuance to the language than is readily apparent.
The elfes continue to speak in the old tongue, the Antelexis. It is incredibly formal and literal, and the grammatical and syntactical rules make mastery for nearly all other races impossible unless immersed in the language from birth. To the elfes, all other tongues are more or less understandable, except for the more idiomatic or figurative expressions.
Currency: Although caith shards and crystals have become such an ingrained part of society in the modern era that they can practically function as currency, there still exists a bimetallic system of gold and silver coins that was originally implemented by the guilded banks of Barberry and came to be used worldwide. The coins are called gilders - silver gilders are known as 'soft coin' and are used primarily for daily transactions, and gold gilders are known as 'hard coin' and generally used for larger purchases or shipped between guilds, banks and treasuries.
ʒ.01 - silver pip
ʒ.10 - silver crescent
ʒ1.00 - silver monarch
ʒ10.00 - gold Crescent
ʒ100.00 - gold Monarch
ʒ1,000.00 - gold Emperor
Calendar and Time-Keeping: In Allevent the calendar year was originally divided into 13 months. Builder, Innocent, Orphan, Hero, Saint, Wanderer, Rebel, Lover, Jester, Sage, Magician, Ruler, and Destroyer. The month was divided into four 7-day weeks. The days were: Heorte, Braegen, Lungen, Neir, Gealla, Lifer, and Splen.
The day was divided into two periods: dagr - sunrise to sunset; and nott - sunset to sunrise. Within each period were six watches: einn, tveir, frir, fjorir, fimm and setti. While these times of day are written formally as einn dagr through setti nott, in general parlance they are referred to by their watch only, leaving the period up to context unless required otherwise. In general terms such as midnight, dawn, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, dusk and twighlight are preferred.
In the Modern Era a new system was devised as there came to be a greater need for consistency and accuracy across many different fields. There are 12 months in a year - Unum, Duobus, Tribus, Quattour, Quinque, Sexta, Septimo, Octava, Nonam, Decima, Decunum, Deduobus. With each month divided into 30 days there are 360 days in the calendar year, followed by five days of solemn contemplation where all but the most essential activities in the Empire shut down. Time is divided into 24 degrees in a day beginning at midnight, with 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in a minute. Noon therefore is 12°0'0" - giving the Modern Era a much more sophisticated and accurate chronometry as befits their more exacting needs.
Current and completed missions. Can't wait to see this one grow!
Current Missions:
Completed Missions:
A list of the Caithness the party has fought - and hopefully beaten! PM me with your own ideas to add.
Slitherin (SLEE-TER-REEN)
Conservation status: Not endangered
Scientific name: Raptizurdis Slitheranur
Heterogenicity: Heterozygous
Genus: Reptilia
Classification: Pest
Indigenous to the Bokma region. These 1 to 2 meter long reptiles are cold blooded omnivores who rely on an abundance of sunlight and caith aurum radiation to keep themselves warm. Their diet primarily consists of large insects and succulent shrubs, however they are voracious and will attack anything they outnumber or outsize.

The males hunt for their packs, usually consisting of only 1 or 2 members of family. Though larger in size than the females, much of their mass is due to thick hide and their spines which are used to attack by brushing against their foe in a joust like manner. They are identified by bluish colouration present due to toxins in their skins.

The females are rarer but are even more aggressive than males, their diet is mainly carnivorus though they will eat vegetation when resources are scarce. Their hide is plated, but lack long spines, however they will bite more often than males. Their hide is usually pale and sandy, but darker in sunny regions due to melanin formation.
These reptiles do not take care of their young, sightings have been recently reported in Coeden.
"Strange were these creatures, like housepets I've seen in the noble manors of Adelant, but gruesomely larger.
My encounter with one, which drawings I've detailed, ended with my guide producing a spear and raving in his local language - which I've only begun to grasp recently. It sparked my curiousity how one such spercimen, smaller than even me, would incite such aggression in the local Bokmarian populace. Perhaps there is ought to more behind this, I'll be travelling the sand lands for a few more days and in my spare time I shall endeavour to study what I can of these ...slitherers." - Beastiarum Collectivis, Journal entry by Horatio of Dust.

Official Name: Living Caith Capsules
Scientific name: Anima Pacaith
Common Name: Caith Sacs
Conservation status: Currently under revision
Genus: Unknown(Slime?)
Classification: Pet/Specimen
Appearance: The Caith Sacs, as many have come to call them, are a rather intriguing specimen. Appearing as a ball of colored slime, with big, round eyes, some have thought them to be rather cute. Their size can very from a water droplet, to even one the size of a large dog.
Biology: It is currently unknown what the Caith Sacs are made off. That and what animal they come from.
Their diet consists of 'trapped' Caith. However, what seems intriguing, is that they don't actually need it to survive. The Caith Sacs don't necessarily need to eat. They only seem to be attracted to the crystal for reasons unknown.
However, what's intriguing is that if they eat small amounts of the same Caith, those separate crystals will become a single piece of Caith. For example, if a Caith Sac eats two small Stannum crystals, that will -over time- form a larger, singular Stannum crystal. This does NOT combine different Caith together.
While this may seem like something only at a level of amusing, Caith researchers and some Urgist find this creature of an absolute value. Especially for those who work with Caith that can only be obtained bit by bit, or even crystal that had been shattered, the Caith Sacs are used to combine the pieces to a more manageable size.
Caith Sacs expel the crystal out of their bodies when stroked or petted. Thus, some Urgist utilize them as storage that doubles as a pet.
The interesting this about these creatures is that, they never die, nor do they reproduce. Akin to water(or anything liquid), they split apart into multiple smaller Caith Sacs, or mold back together into a larger Caith Sac. Slicing, crushing, any physical damage only 'reproduces' them, while elemental damage seems to do nothing.
They move by either hopping, rolling, or sticking and inching up/down.
Caith Sacs are extremely social creatures. Once they become attached to a person, they are known to follow and even climb onto them. Mostly, they prefer to bond with those who work with Caith, generally rolling around their 'owner's' work station, picking up all Caith dust and minuscule crystals that may have dropped onto the floor.
Those that don't bond, generally can be found wherever Caith research takes place, with more Caith researchers tolerating, and sometimes even enjoying their presence.
They seem to communicate with a series of 'pops' and 'squish' sounds, along with slight changes to their shape and consistency.
A list of the tools and technologies we encounter. Lemme know what you want added!
Aidkit: A small portable aurum artifice the size and weight of a hefty gold coin. When activated against the flesh it heals a minor injury.
Airship: A wide variety of large-scale artifices that generally take the form of seafaring vessels but are equipped with a multitude of smaller artifices, most notably the sky engine, to enable flight.
Alumail: Fine metallic fibers woven into a robe, infused with alumen. Incredibly resilient to slashing / piercing damage. Uniform of the Tiberian Empire's Imperial Arbiters.
Alumen Well: An artifice that can store alumen, for a geurgist's later use. Not as efficient as a pure alumen crystal.
Blundergust: A two-handed ranged weapon that discharges two stannum blasts with the squeeze of a trigger. Wide-spread accuracy for close-range but energy dissipates at longer ranges. Requires stannum core.
Elixer: A small glass vial like a parfum bottle, filled with an aurum tonic that cures minor illnesses and maladies.
Extinguisher: A modification of the Grenade, an Extinguisher is a vivum artifice that explodes with a blast of water, used to extinguish fires.
Ferrum Core: A small cartridge designed to load into a firearm, capable of firing six bolts or one blast.
Firearm: A one-handed ranged weapon that discharges ferrum bolts with the squeeze of a trigger. Can fire bolts singly or discharge the core in one blast. Requires ferrum core.
Grenade: A small pear-shaped ferrum artifice that explodes five seconds after activation, creating a fiery blast.
Lighter: A small cylindrical lumen artifice that provides light in an adjustable beam.
Sky Engine: The stannum artifices that allow airships their flight. Depending on the size and type of vessel, a sky engine can range in size to fit comfortably within a single room or take up an entire deck. Stannum crystals housed within the engine are used to generate controlled lift via exhaust vents at fore and aft of the ship's hull. Contrary to popular conception, sky engines do not work by 'blowing' air or exhaust to generate lift or thrust; they operate by creating and shaping stannum barriers around the hull that manipulate how the surrounding air behaves.
Stannum Core: A small cartridge designed to load into a blundergust, capable of firing two blasts.
I think you guys get the idea of these lists by now... :)
Welcome to a land known as Allevent -- a land of balance. Good and evil; light and a dark; magic and technology; life and death all in balance. It is a realm of caith -- the spirits that all matter and energy comprise. Matter is caith in stasis; energy is caith in transition.
Although different kingdoms have varying levels of prosperity and technology, it is only in the last hundred years or so that Allevent entered what historians are now calling the Modern Era, which is characterized by the creation of caith crystals that are used to power various machines and contraptions that have revolutionized many aspects of the people's lives. Where once transport was by horse on land or ship by sea, we are beginning to see trains and airships connect people and cultures in a level never before imagined. Modern medicines are extending the lives of the citizens even as advances in agriculture are able to sustain larger populations.
Mankind is one of the largest of races, with significant presence in almost every country and city, although other races can be found living alongside humans, generally peacefully. In the wild, flora and fauna exist to a wondrous degree of variety, interacting with humans and other races.
The lifeblood of Allevent; the pure essence of creation/destruction.
The driving forces of creation and destruction. Matter is caith in stasis; energy is caith in transition. For thousands of years in Allevent it was barely understood by the people except as the simple building blocks of the world around them. The last hundred years have seen an exponential growth in knowledge of caith, and as man learns more of the world around him, the better he can manipulate it to his advantage. The great breakthrough came when man learned to purify caith -- distilling and sublimating it into stable crystals. These pure crystals of creation and destruction can be used to power heretofore unheard of technological devices, from simple conveniences like indoor lighting and hot water plumbing to arcane weaponry that can tear through the very fabric of space and time.
The Caith Life Cycle: Caith cannot be created or destroyed, though it is the agent of creation and destruction. It is theorized that it comes from the sun, the moon, the wandering stars and the land itself. Caith is generally unstable although over time it may accumulate into small shards on its own -- for instance old caverns, dense forests and other unperturbed scenes often have an abundance of raw caith shards that can be harvested and further purified into crystals.
Caith exists in three states. [Free] caith that exists in nature as either matter or energy; [trapped] caith in the form of condensed, purified crystals; and [primal] caith that is released from its trapped state as a cast spell. This third, primal state can only be released (i.e. cast) by a small fraction of the populace with the innate ability to see and interact with caith. These people are known as urgists, and play a powerful role in the growth of Allevent.
The various forms in which caith may be found, and their general uses.
Alumen ( ⊕ ) Earth: Forms amber crystals that can be used to strengthen metals for smithing or modern multi-storied constructions. Alumen weapons and armor can be noted by their faint amber hue, and are exceptionally light and durable. Commonly found in almost every natural environment, but the densest crystalline shards are often found underground or in exposed bedrock. Alumen is conjectured to come from within Allevent itself. Stability: High.
Stannum ( ♃ ) Wind: Forms orange crystals that are used to power airships, although current technological constraints make it an expensive and inefficient form of transport compared to traditional seafaring vessels. There are certain trade routes that are especially lengthy by sea (traveling around the Horn from Barberry to Dorstone, for instance), in which case stannum ships provide a direct route and a significant advantage. Stannum is commonly found in almost every natural environment but the densest crystalline shards are often found on windswept plains, coasts and mountaintops where the breezes are strongest. Stannum is conjectured to come from the wandering star Dias, named after the Sky Goddess. Stability: Moderate.
Ferrum ( ♂ ) Fire: Forms red crystals that are used in all sorts of applications to provide steady, smokeless heat or to make fire. Ferrum is one of the most commonly-used caith in wars throughout Allevent, making its harvesting one of the largest and most lucrative of mining industries. Ferrum is found in deserts, volcanic landscapes, certain ores like coal and cinnabar, and of course in fires. Some guilds have even begun burning large swathes of the great forests for harvesting ferrum. Ferrum is conjectured to come from the wandering star Ári̱s, named after the God of War. Stability: Low.
Vivum ( ☿ ) Water: Forms blue crystals that are used produce/manipulate water. Often used in agriculture and to power seafaring vessels, and can also be used to purify a water source. Many of the wealthiest households use vivum artifices to create water on demand right in their homes for cooking, cleaning, etc, without having to use a well. Vivum is almost exclusively found in moving water, with tides, rivers, waterfalls etc being the best place to harvest vivum crystals. Vivum is conjectured to come from the wandering star Ydrárgyros, named after the Messenger God. Stability: Moderate.
Lumen ( ☄ ) Light/Electricity: Forms yellow crystals that can power many modern contraptions, most notably to provide indoor lighting. Because ferrum is more abundant and can often serve a similar purpose, lumen is not often used for common artifices and is instead reserved for research guilds that highly value it for its greater stability and more controlled, quantifiable qualities. Lumen is rarely found in crystalline shards of any considerable size, making bulk harvesting rather difficult. It can be found after thunderstorms and lightning strikes, and often the best means of harvesting it is to use an urgist to draw the ambient lumen from the air after a storm. Lumen is conjectured to come from the wandering star Komí̱ti̱s, named after the Lightbringer. Stability: High.
Aurum ( ☉ ) Healing/Life: Forms golden crystals that are much prized in medicine for their ability to quickly heal wounds and cure illnesses. In conjunction with cuprum, aurum is sought after by many research guilds looking to find ways to extend life indefinitely. Aurum is found in various flora throughout Allevent, often concentrated deep in the great forests. Aurum is conjectured to come from the Sun itself. Stability: Moderate.
Cuprum ( ♀ ) Life/Nature/Wood: Forms green crystals that are used by farmers to increase their yields, and by horticulturalists to nourish their gardens. Cuprum can be seen in many spiritual functions as it is said to provide a sense of tranquility. Overuse can cause feelings of euphoria that are quite addictive. Cuprum addicts, or copperheads, are a significant social problem in some of the larger cities, but attempts to ban its use have historically served only to strengthen the black market. Cuprum, like aurum, is found mostly in the various flora deep in the great forests. Cuprum is conjectured to come from the wandering star Aphras, named after the Goddess of Love. Stability: Moderate.
Argentum ( ☾ ) Mind/Psyche/Dream/Illusion: Forms clear crystals that are used to treat mental illnesses and calm unrest, but is also known as WiLD, a drug taken recreationally to create what is known as a Wake-induced Lucid Dream, where users quickly fall into a deep sleep and can control the contents of their dreams. Unlike cuprum, physical addiction to argentum is highly unlikely - but overuse has been known to cause extreme despondence and even suicide when users can no longer stand reality as opposed to 'running WiLD.' Like lumen, argentum is found ambient in the air in low quantities, best found on full moons in clear skies. Argentum is conjectured to come from the moon itself. Stability: Low.
Kobold ( ♄ ) Chaos: Thought to form a purple crystal although many theorize it would be too unstable a caith to crystallize. Found naturally in some ores and craters. Conjectured to come from the wandering star Seidó̱n, named after the archdemon. Stability: Unstable
Spelter ( ♅ ) Space/Cosmos: Forms silvery-white crystals that theoretically could revolutionize the airship industry as it's claimed to influence gravity. Found naturally in some ores and craters. Conjectured to come from the wandering star Ouranó, named after the Father of Gods. Stability: Unstable
Plumbum ( ♄ ) Time: Forms grey crystals that can be shown to slow or speed up the passing of time in small areas. Used in small quantities by research guilds but is not currently viable for extended use. Found naturally in some ores and craters. Conjectured to come from the wandering star Krónos, named after the son of Ouranó and father of Dias the Sky Goddess.
Bismuth ( ʡ ) Death/Shadow: Thought to form a black crystal. Claims of its discovery or use are unsubstantiated, but it is rumored to be linked to a supposed secretive assassination guild that is oft-discussed in conspiracy theories. Conjectured to come from the wandering star Mi̱tra, named after the Goddess of Death.
The most dangerous of monstrous flora and fauna that roam Allevent.
Caith is drawn to life (or is the agent of life), and often naturally accumulates in various flora and fauna in the wild. Too much caith, however, and the affected flora or fauna become Caithness; monstrous beings of destruction. Most Caithness are spawned from a single caith type (earth, wind, water, fire, etc), but in rare occurences multiple-type-Caithness have been witnessed. Generally these creatures are especially deadly and targeted by only the most skilled hunter guilds. Caithness that are killed release all of their caith in the form of raw shards, making their hunting a large and lucrative part of the caith-harvesting guilds industry. Whether caith is harvested from the wild or from defeated Caithness, the end result is a powerful fuel that is the lifeblood of modern Allevent.
The magic-users of Allevent, and a quick guide to their abilities.
As a general rule as far as human interaction goes, caith only exists in one of two states. Either as [free] caith in the form of common matter or energy, or as [trapped] caith that has been sublimated and purified into crystalline form in a mechanical process that was discovered some hundred years ago. These crystals can be housed within devices that convert it back into free caith energy to do specific work such as lighting a room or cooking a meal. Urgists are the small portion of the population that can manipulate caith at will, absorbing it into their bodies from either [free] or [trapped] states before releasing it in its [primal] state to cast magic spells unobtainable by caith artifices. This makes such users incredible forces to be reckoned with, and many guilds are devoted to finding, training and utilizing these urgists throughout Allevent.
Two attributes determine an urgist's overall power with caith: [finesse] - the efficiency of the urgist's caith conversion, and; [strength] - the quantity and duration of holding caith within them. However, urgists cannot hold caith within them indefinitely or in vast quantities without suffering ill effects dependent on the caith type - for instance overdrawing ferrum can lead an urgist into a berserker rage, or overuse of lumen may temporarily blind him or her. Theoretically an urgist can release any caith, but in practice most users are comfortable only with one caith-type. Being an urgist is an innate ability, but there are various levels of mastery which can be learned.
Virtually all races of Allevent have urgists represented, although some races produce more urgists than others, and different races tend to be stronger or more familiar with different caith types.
Geurgy: Powered by alumen, geurgists create and manipulate rock structures such as spires, earthquakes, rockfalls, shieldwalls, etc.
Aeurgy: Powered by stannum, aeurgists manipulate wind to create strong gusts, fast 'punches', protective barriers, etc.
Pyurgy: Powered by ferrum, pyurgists create and manipulate fire for a variety of powerful offensive spells.
Hydrurgy: Powered by vivum, hydrurgists create and manipulate water for powerful blasts, 'whips', ensnaring opponents, etc.
Meteurgy: Powered by lumen, meteurgists create bolts of lightning or electricity to blast, burn, shock and paralyze.
Solurgy: Powered by aurum, solurgists can heal wounds, status afflictions, revive unconscious allies, grant protective auras, etc.
Theriurgy: Powered by cuprum, theriurgists can manipulate the flora and fauna of Allevent to tame and command beasts and nature.
Oneiurgy: Powered by argentum, oneiurgists can create illusions, invade dreams, create powerful mental blasts, etc.
Chaurgy: There are no known urgists who can release primal kobold.
Ouranurgy: There are no known urgists who can release primal spelter.
Chronurgy: There are no known urgists who can release primal plumbum.
Necrurgy: There are no known urgists who can release primal bismuth.
The various playable races of Allevent. Please feel free to PM me if you have a race that you would like added.
Bogle: Also known as earthmen, bogles are a race of diminutive, humanoid creatures with skin tones ranging from pale green to dark brown, long pointed ears and oversized eyes. Bogles have a considerable affinity with the earth, especially prizing the acquisition of gold and rare gems. While they have quite an industrious nature and are skilled tradesman, the stereotype is of a greedy and crafty rogue. Bogles live in an underground city called Demaarkt, in which exists a complicated blend of a political plutocracy and social meritocracy, regulated almost exclusively by contract law. Bogle urgists are often more adept with alumen than other caith-types, and can produce some of Allevent's most ingenious artifices.
[Please use old Dutch names, especially monosyllabic names with multiple concurrent vowels, for Bogle characters. Ex: Aart, Bastiaan, Cees, Daan, Else, Faas, Geert, Heleen, Ignaas, Jaap, Klaas, Luuk, Margreet, Noor, Olaf, Petra, Quinten, Roos, Servaas, Tuur, Ursula, Veer, Wilma, Yorick, Zoe. Bogle surnames are Dutch words as well, but will literally be the character's current profession. This often works as a typical surname because of family succession in business, but not always. For example, a Guardian's surname might be Voogd, Bewaker, Bewaarder, Gardiaan or Opzeiner, all of which translate more or less as 'guardian.']
Deor: Deors are a race of beastmen theorized to have either descended from Caithness, or from humans who were gradually exposed to caith for many generations. Scattered across Allevent in relatively isolated tribes that have developed independently into different animal/man hybrids, deors range from various animal characteristics such as leonine, reptilian, ursine, etc. Although these tribes vary in culture and location, and have often clashed with one another throughout the history of Allevent, different deor tribes have many similarities in outlook and disposition. Compared to humans they have a very spiritual relationship with caith - deor urgists are often the shaman of their tribes and view caith as animistic deities, whereas humans generally consider caith to merely be another feature of the natural world which can be examined, codified and manipulated. Deor urgists are often of the common-type such as alumen or ferrum but can also be quite strong in cuprum and aurum, perhaps due to their close connection to the land.
[A deor will have a single 'calling name' used by all others to identify your character. Please use a traditional or aboriginal name appropriate to the chosen animal's native geographical region for this calling name. For instance, a Leonine deor might have an African name like Adisa, Bosede, Chibuzo or Dubaku, while a Tigrine deor might have an Indian/Hindu name like Ajeet, Bharat, Chandra or Deepali. Bovine deor should have Native American names, etc. Deor characters also have a second name or 'true name' used only by family members / close tribesmen, which would signify extreme closeness if given to or used by an outsider. This second name is often translated into the common tongue to act as the deor's 'surname' in interactions with humans. In the common tongue the true name often evokes a natural phenomenon or takes an Adjective-Noun form. Ex: Crash-of-Thunder, Moonlit Plains, Blackwater, Soaring Cloud, Running Bear, Lonely Mountain, etc.]
Elfes: Elfes, or wood-folk, are a race in strong affinity with caith of virtually any type, especially the common caith elements, producing an abundance of powerful urgists. Elfes can sometimes be as tall as humans but are very slender, with amazing grace and dexterity. Preferring the solitude of the forest or other tranquil natural settings, the long-lived elfes don't often meddle in human affairs except when their way of life is threatened, in which case diplomatic emissaries can be seen throughout the human kingdoms. Although capable warriors in their own right, it is the elfes' innate strength with caith that truly makes them a force to be reckoned with.
[Please use traditional Welsh/Irish/Gaelic names for Elfe characters, especially those with multiple syllables. Ex: Aelwyn, Brynmor, Catriona, Delwyn, Eifion, Fferyll, Gwilenhin, Hywel, Isolde, Kelemon, Lynessa, Maelwys, Neifion, Olwyn, Prydwen, Rowena, Saeth, Talyessin, Una, Vanora, Wren, Yorath. Elfen surnames denote branches off of the great family tree, with the longer the surname representing the farther the offshoot, or the lower the character's standing. Bheara, for instance, may be a legendary bough of the tree, with Ael'bheara being a sizeable branch and Wenaelbera being a small, common leaf. Elfen society doesn't discriminate from 'greater' to 'lesser' lineage the way a human court might - viewing all parts of the tree vital to its overall health. However, the importance of playing one's part within the family and within the elfen society at large, as decided by the 'gardeners' of the family tree, the Elders, cannot be overstated.]
Gygr: Also known as giants, the gygr are a powerful warrior race that have historically clashed with both human and elfe civilizations, although the last few centuries have seen a relative peace from these proud, savage people. Gygr range from 6 to 8 feet tall and can weigh several hundreds of pounds, with heavy muscles and a thick, armor-like hide. Nomadic and strongly individualistic, gygr do not socialize among themselves any more than they would with other races; in fact sometimes less, considering how often such meetings end with bloodshed. The gygr venerate glory and honor primarily with battle, with much of their culture and religion formed by ancestor worship. Gygr have no known affinity with any caith-type and urgists are virtually unknown, but they also have a considerable resistance to any caith spells directed at them.
[Please use Old German / Norse names for gygr characters. Ex: Afvaldr, Bergulfr, Dagmar, Einarr, Farbjörn, Galmann, Hagni, Ingivaldr, Jörundr, Kalman, Leifr, Magnus, Nollarr, Oddbjörn, Petr, Ragnarr, Saxi, Tannr, Úlfarr, Vafri, Yngvarr. Giants venerate their forefathers and almost exclusively name their children after a legendary ancestor. A gygr will announce its lineage as far back as needed to claim the sufficient honor, however the fewer claims needed the better. Therefore an undestinguished gygr might be Aggi, son of Agmundr, son of Ogmundr, son of Ögvaldr Strongarm, while a prominent gygr may need only declare himself Arinbjörn, son of Arnbjörn Greatoak to satisfy his honor. Giants strive to earn their own title to greater honor their ancestors.]
Humans: The most populous of the races, Humans have over the centuries slowly and steadily carved their dominance into nearly every corner of Allevent, and aside from a few exceptions maintain a presence even where they are not the most predominant race. While in many tragic cases throughout their history this expansion is the result of outright war and conquest, the overwhelming reasons for man's ubiquity are his curiosity, sense of adventure, adaptability and drive. It is a general mindset among humans, and not altogether without merit, that they look forward while other races look back.
Humans are at the forefront of alchemy [the process of harvesting caith and producing stable crystals] and wrighting [fashioning machines and devices that utilize caith crystals, known as artifices], granting them a virtual monopoly in the modern era that has further made humans one of the most powerful and advanced races in Allevent.
Some of the major cities created so far. This will grow as we venture out and build on this world together. Again, PM me with ideas!
White-walled Adelost
A city whose landscape has promoted a history of tranquility and prosperity, Adelost is protected from its neighbors by a curtain mountain range known as the Sentinels, and its harbor has encouraged one of the strongest trading ports in the world. It has few natural resources save the limestone bedrock that gave the city its defenses and its moniker, but despite its lack of natural resources for generations Adelost has been an economic powerhouse - a place of scholarship, innovation and entrepreneurship - and so has some of the finest craftsman in the land. Raw goods come in through the docks, and leave as highly-prized manufactured goods for every corner of Allevent.
No city is without its troubles, and white-walled Adelost is no exception. In the last hundred years or so, in what historians now call the Modern Era, the development of caith crystals and the plethora of artifices they power has created an unstable political landscape. As neighboring kingdoms grow stronger they begin to see Adelost not as the untouchable city of scholars but more and more as some low-hanging fruit. Within its famed walls the burgeoning guilds and the ensconced nobility butt heads with ever more aggression, and each side makes its machinations to ensure the other's downfall in the years to come.
A constitutional monarchy, Adelost has seen a member of House Rannoch sit on the Whitestone Throne for the last half-dozen rulers, but the royal family's position is by no means secure, as other Great Houses have risen considerably in power with the rise of the Modern Era. To protect his hold on the throne, King Cristof utilizes the services of the Guardians - an elite order of warrior-diplomats who act as sword hand and shield arm to the throne, and wield considerable power in both times of peace and war.
Barberry, City of Guilds
A sunny port city, perfectly positioned with a natural harbor that promotes healthy trade and travel. The city has been built into the cliffed coast, giving Barberry a tiered layout that over the years its inhabitants have systemized. At the lowest tier are the docks, the warehouses, the poorest housing and various dens of ill-repute. Subsequent tiers climb from such levels as peasant housing, merchant shops, aristocratic dwellings -- although it is the second highest tier that has for centuries put Barberry on the map: Guilded Avenue.
Guilded Avenue houses the many dozens of licensed guild halls in the city, which range from small, niche service providers to the Master League (five of the grandest guilds, as much in charge of the city as the official government). Some guilds are for specialized professions such as artificers, Caithness-hunters, spellcrafters or mercenaries, while other guilds can have varied members that are united more by a mission or philosophy than a profession.
To be an official guild the guildmaster needs to buy a license from the city. Licensed guilds are ranked daily by prestige, which they earn along with coin by completing jobs for clients. The more prestigious the guild the better members it will attract. The better the guild's members, the more prestigious the bid it can accept. For this reason the guilds are quite insular and stable, making it a difficult business to enter.
On land Barberry is surrounded by gently-sloping meadows that give way to outlying villages and farmland -- it takes a good day's ride to reach any hillside or forest that can be described as wild. That does not mean that the immediately outlying regions of Barberry are always safe for travelers: the windy coast attracts many stannum- and vivum-infused Caithness, and the plains see their fair share of alumen-type Caithness.
Bokmakiri, the Desert City: Sunny Bokmakiri is a sprawling, ancient desert city buried deep within the forbidding Bokma Desert far to the east of most modernized cities. Although the people here are more acclimated to the heat than any other, still they prefer to sleep in the day and the city only truly comes to life at night. The ancient sandstone buildings shimmer in the sun and can be seen from miles away. This massive city has survived for thousands of years despite the harsh conditions it weathers, unfortunately Bokmakiri sees small profit and aside from a few wealthy merchants it has very little by way of caith devices or other modern luxuries. Vivum crystals are quite popular, but so scarce that they are seen more as a sign of wealth than as something to be utilized by artifices or urgists.
The sun beats down across the Bokma desert, infusing it with ferrum and aurum caith aplenty, making Caithness quite a problem for caravans or other travelers. The guilds have a very lucrative business in Bokmakiri taking care of such problems, although it is a business steeped in blood and not for those looking to make an easy profit. In fact Bokmakiri law punishes many offenders by having them serve time in such guilds, earning their freedom by protecting the city from the ever-present swarms of Caithness.
Despite these daunting challenges Bokmakiri is a land of opportunity, as it supplies the rest of the Allevent with much ferrum and aurum, two incredibly useful caith crystals in the world's economy. The desert city can promise many riches for the brave, lucky and industrious.
The population of Bokmakiri is predominantly beastmen tribes such as Leonine and Reptilian, although a sizeable segment of the population is human, who over the generations in the sunny desert city have developed dark features suitable for the climate.
The Advent City, Coeden: Tens of thousands of years ago the progenitors of the modern races of Allevent engaged in a total civil war that virtually destroyed their civilization. The war culminated with the Advent - when one side summoned the Nightbringer, storied to have desolated both armies and laid waste to the entire landscape. When the dust settled years later and survivors visited the site they found that within the massive crater left by the Nightbringer had formed a wondrous forest paradise, rapidly grown in the densely caith-infused environment. Over time those that stayed and built their homes into the very trees became the elfes, while those other survivors spread throughout Allevent and came to be the other races.
Although burgeoning with caith and Caithness, Coeden is a land of tranquility for the elfes who have come to be one with their environment, the race most in tune with the Caith Life Cycle. Living in the very remnant of their ancestors' hubris, the elfes have come to be the most peaceful and cultivated of the races, with much of their culture revolving around diplomacy, tranquility and communion with nature. Viewing themselves as caretakers of the rest of Allevent, the elders of Coeden have absolute authority in all matters of their peoples' lives, which they shape with much care for the betterment of all.
Demaarkt, the Abyssal City: Located beneath the surface of Allevent, Demaarkt is the ancient home of the bogle race, carved into a series of interconnected caverns that were originally great veins of alumen-infused bedrock. Being continuously pitch black, narrow and cold and claustrophobic, Demaarkt has virtually no outside races in any permanent setting, although there is surprisingly little animosity to any visitors from the surface. A race of craftsmen and tradesmen, bogles have developed lucrative partnerships all throughout Allevent, and the city takes great pains to ensure that these relations continually thrive.
Demaarkt is notable from other cities on Allevent in that there is no true government, and no laws beyond a strict self-enforcement of contract law. That isn't to say that the city is at all democratic; as coin is the only political currency, the wealthiest businesses run the city very much in the way that a court of noble houses would, with theoretically even less recourse for the weak. Despite this rather brutal fact, Demaarkt has seen great rises in average quality of life during the last century of innovation in the Modern Era, due to its people's great industry and fervor.
There is little Caithness in the underground systems surrounding Demaarkt, and great quantities of caith can be mined along with other natural resources and precious gems; however, there isn't enough water or vegetation to support a growing population, so as Demaarkt continues to prosper its position will become ever more precarious as it begins to rely on outside, above ground cities for its necessities.
Havenstad, Port of Pirates: Havenstad is a port city on the largest island of the archipelago Oceanica, halfway between the western continent of Saxia and eastern continent of Tiberia. For centuries pirates and privateers have worked from the many hidden coves of Oceanica to prey on seafaring vessels bearing supplies, passengers, or other worthy plunder, across the seas. In the Modern Era, with the development of airships, Havenstad has seen an even greater increase in piracy - in fact scholars say we are entering the 'Golden Era of Sky Piracy,' a term no doubt met with disgust by the many affected merchants and civilians who have been robbed or worse.
Oceanica is forever blasted by Stannum- and Vivum-infused storms that have for centuries made the seas a dangerous route to travel. Airships now ascend above 'the chop,' the storm clouds that blanket the skies, and sail in perpetually clear and sunny skies. Pirate ships often submerge beneath the chop for hiding, ambushes, and other tactics, but must be careful not only of turbulent skies but also the Caithness therein spawned.
Airships fly via an artifice known as the sky engine, which converts Stannum crystals into wind energy to keep vessels aflight. Ships are rigged with sails made from ventus, a material harvested from Stannum Caithness, which can collect Stannum caith in the wind and recharge the sky engine crystals, although currently at quite low efficiency, which means airships are still tied to resupply at harbors like Havenstad.
A sheet of characterness. If you have anything else you want to do, feel free to use a different template.
[center][img](Insert character image here)[/img][/center]
[center][i]"Character Quote"[/i][/center]
[b]Past:[/b] [Your character's history up until now. What has shaped them to be who we see now?]
[b]Present:[/b] [Your character's current situation, especially appearance & personality.]
[b]Future:[/b] [Your character's goals, dreams, etc.]
[b]Skills[/b]: [List urgist-type if applicable, combat skills, social skills, etc. For now, characters can either have considerable combat skills or be an urgist; cannot be both. Also for now, most races' urgists can only be of one common-type caith. Elfe urgists can have two 'commons' or one 'rare.' No unstable/conjectured urgists yet.]
[b]Strengths:[/b] [Choose two and describe/elaborate: Attack; Defense; Dexterity; Intelligence; Charisma; Willpower; Perception]
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] [Choose two and describe/elaborate: Attack; Defense; Dexterity; Intelligence; Charisma; Willpower; Perception]
[b]Equipment:[/b] [What they likely have on them at any given time, but can also include other assets]
What other characters would know: [Miscellaneous information; not required]
What other characters won't know: [Miscellaneous information; not required]
A few extra things that don't belong elsewhere. Just world-building for the sake of world-building:)
Languages: All modern races of Allevent can trace their heritage back to the Advent, when an ancient race known as the Lexons warred with one another and unleashed the Nightbringer, destroying their civilization. Decades later one section of their society returned to the site of their self-destruction, now a thriving forest infused with an abundance of unstable, 'living' caith. These people became the Elfes, and because of their longevity and their insular ways, they speak a virtually unaltered form of Antelexis even tens of thousands of years later.
The other branch continued to wander and spread throughout Allevent, becoming the modern races of Deor, Human, Bogle and Gygr (and more). Over the millennia each developed its own separate language - although because they all share a proto-language in the Antelexis, a common pidgin tongue allows each race to communicate with one another across Allevent. It is this tongue, known as the lexis, that we'll be writing/speaking in throughout the rp.
The human language is known as Yuma, and to other races' ears it can sound somewhat simplistic though not offensively so. Straightforward, Yuman is the most commonly known language outside of the lexis itself, and in fact sounds more like a heavy accent than a separate tongue.
The various deor tribes have a language with multitudinous dialects and accents, but collectively is referred to as Indigen. To other races it sounds rather obtuse, because even the slightest changes in tone can drastically alter the meaning. Indigenous songs can have entirely different meanings depending on the music they're set to.
The bogle tongue is called Folkl, and sounds quite complicated to other ears, as though twice the sounds are made in half the time. Folklor words are known for their surprising specificity and length - for instance having a single word meaning 'a friend who at one point was, or could soon become, a romantic partner.'
The gygr people speak in Glot. The Glottal tongue is virtually unintelligible to all other ears and can sound as little more than a deep, throaty rumble. Because the gygr people are sensitive to sounds at a lower frequency, there is much more nuance to the language than is readily apparent.
The elfes continue to speak in the old tongue, the Antelexis. It is incredibly formal and literal, and the grammatical and syntactical rules make mastery for nearly all other races impossible unless immersed in the language from birth. To the elfes, all other tongues are more or less understandable, except for the more idiomatic or figurative expressions.
Currency: Although caith shards and crystals have become such an ingrained part of society in the modern era that they can practically function as currency, there still exists a bimetallic system of gold and silver coins that was originally implemented by the guilded banks of Barberry and came to be used worldwide. The coins are called gilders - silver gilders are known as 'soft coin' and are used primarily for daily transactions, and gold gilders are known as 'hard coin' and generally used for larger purchases or shipped between guilds, banks and treasuries.
ʒ.01 - silver pip
ʒ.10 - silver crescent
ʒ1.00 - silver monarch
ʒ10.00 - gold Crescent
ʒ100.00 - gold Monarch
ʒ1,000.00 - gold Emperor
Calendar and Time-Keeping: In Allevent the calendar year was originally divided into 13 months. Builder, Innocent, Orphan, Hero, Saint, Wanderer, Rebel, Lover, Jester, Sage, Magician, Ruler, and Destroyer. The month was divided into four 7-day weeks. The days were: Heorte, Braegen, Lungen, Neir, Gealla, Lifer, and Splen.
The day was divided into two periods: dagr - sunrise to sunset; and nott - sunset to sunrise. Within each period were six watches: einn, tveir, frir, fjorir, fimm and setti. While these times of day are written formally as einn dagr through setti nott, in general parlance they are referred to by their watch only, leaving the period up to context unless required otherwise. In general terms such as midnight, dawn, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, dusk and twighlight are preferred.
In the Modern Era a new system was devised as there came to be a greater need for consistency and accuracy across many different fields. There are 12 months in a year - Unum, Duobus, Tribus, Quattour, Quinque, Sexta, Septimo, Octava, Nonam, Decima, Decunum, Deduobus. With each month divided into 30 days there are 360 days in the calendar year, followed by five days of solemn contemplation where all but the most essential activities in the Empire shut down. Time is divided into 24 degrees in a day beginning at midnight, with 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in a minute. Noon therefore is 12°0'0" - giving the Modern Era a much more sophisticated and accurate chronometry as befits their more exacting needs.
Current and completed missions. Can't wait to see this one grow!
Current Missions:
Completed Missions:
A list of the Caithness the party has fought - and hopefully beaten! PM me with your own ideas to add.
Slitherin (SLEE-TER-REEN)
Conservation status: Not endangered
Scientific name: Raptizurdis Slitheranur
Heterogenicity: Heterozygous
Genus: Reptilia
Classification: Pest
Indigenous to the Bokma region. These 1 to 2 meter long reptiles are cold blooded omnivores who rely on an abundance of sunlight and caith aurum radiation to keep themselves warm. Their diet primarily consists of large insects and succulent shrubs, however they are voracious and will attack anything they outnumber or outsize.

The males hunt for their packs, usually consisting of only 1 or 2 members of family. Though larger in size than the females, much of their mass is due to thick hide and their spines which are used to attack by brushing against their foe in a joust like manner. They are identified by bluish colouration present due to toxins in their skins.

The females are rarer but are even more aggressive than males, their diet is mainly carnivorus though they will eat vegetation when resources are scarce. Their hide is plated, but lack long spines, however they will bite more often than males. Their hide is usually pale and sandy, but darker in sunny regions due to melanin formation.
These reptiles do not take care of their young, sightings have been recently reported in Coeden.
"Strange were these creatures, like housepets I've seen in the noble manors of Adelant, but gruesomely larger.
My encounter with one, which drawings I've detailed, ended with my guide producing a spear and raving in his local language - which I've only begun to grasp recently. It sparked my curiousity how one such spercimen, smaller than even me, would incite such aggression in the local Bokmarian populace. Perhaps there is ought to more behind this, I'll be travelling the sand lands for a few more days and in my spare time I shall endeavour to study what I can of these ...slitherers." - Beastiarum Collectivis, Journal entry by Horatio of Dust.

Official Name: Living Caith Capsules
Scientific name: Anima Pacaith
Common Name: Caith Sacs
Conservation status: Currently under revision
Genus: Unknown(Slime?)
Classification: Pet/Specimen
Appearance: The Caith Sacs, as many have come to call them, are a rather intriguing specimen. Appearing as a ball of colored slime, with big, round eyes, some have thought them to be rather cute. Their size can very from a water droplet, to even one the size of a large dog.
Biology: It is currently unknown what the Caith Sacs are made off. That and what animal they come from.
Their diet consists of 'trapped' Caith. However, what seems intriguing, is that they don't actually need it to survive. The Caith Sacs don't necessarily need to eat. They only seem to be attracted to the crystal for reasons unknown.
However, what's intriguing is that if they eat small amounts of the same Caith, those separate crystals will become a single piece of Caith. For example, if a Caith Sac eats two small Stannum crystals, that will -over time- form a larger, singular Stannum crystal. This does NOT combine different Caith together.
While this may seem like something only at a level of amusing, Caith researchers and some Urgist find this creature of an absolute value. Especially for those who work with Caith that can only be obtained bit by bit, or even crystal that had been shattered, the Caith Sacs are used to combine the pieces to a more manageable size.
Caith Sacs expel the crystal out of their bodies when stroked or petted. Thus, some Urgist utilize them as storage that doubles as a pet.
The interesting this about these creatures is that, they never die, nor do they reproduce. Akin to water(or anything liquid), they split apart into multiple smaller Caith Sacs, or mold back together into a larger Caith Sac. Slicing, crushing, any physical damage only 'reproduces' them, while elemental damage seems to do nothing.
They move by either hopping, rolling, or sticking and inching up/down.
Caith Sacs are extremely social creatures. Once they become attached to a person, they are known to follow and even climb onto them. Mostly, they prefer to bond with those who work with Caith, generally rolling around their 'owner's' work station, picking up all Caith dust and minuscule crystals that may have dropped onto the floor.
Those that don't bond, generally can be found wherever Caith research takes place, with more Caith researchers tolerating, and sometimes even enjoying their presence.
They seem to communicate with a series of 'pops' and 'squish' sounds, along with slight changes to their shape and consistency.
A list of the tools and technologies we encounter. Lemme know what you want added!
Aidkit: A small portable aurum artifice the size and weight of a hefty gold coin. When activated against the flesh it heals a minor injury.
Airship: A wide variety of large-scale artifices that generally take the form of seafaring vessels but are equipped with a multitude of smaller artifices, most notably the sky engine, to enable flight.
Alumail: Fine metallic fibers woven into a robe, infused with alumen. Incredibly resilient to slashing / piercing damage. Uniform of the Tiberian Empire's Imperial Arbiters.
Alumen Well: An artifice that can store alumen, for a geurgist's later use. Not as efficient as a pure alumen crystal.
Blundergust: A two-handed ranged weapon that discharges two stannum blasts with the squeeze of a trigger. Wide-spread accuracy for close-range but energy dissipates at longer ranges. Requires stannum core.
Elixer: A small glass vial like a parfum bottle, filled with an aurum tonic that cures minor illnesses and maladies.
Extinguisher: A modification of the Grenade, an Extinguisher is a vivum artifice that explodes with a blast of water, used to extinguish fires.
Ferrum Core: A small cartridge designed to load into a firearm, capable of firing six bolts or one blast.
Firearm: A one-handed ranged weapon that discharges ferrum bolts with the squeeze of a trigger. Can fire bolts singly or discharge the core in one blast. Requires ferrum core.
Grenade: A small pear-shaped ferrum artifice that explodes five seconds after activation, creating a fiery blast.
Lighter: A small cylindrical lumen artifice that provides light in an adjustable beam.
Sky Engine: The stannum artifices that allow airships their flight. Depending on the size and type of vessel, a sky engine can range in size to fit comfortably within a single room or take up an entire deck. Stannum crystals housed within the engine are used to generate controlled lift via exhaust vents at fore and aft of the ship's hull. Contrary to popular conception, sky engines do not work by 'blowing' air or exhaust to generate lift or thrust; they operate by creating and shaping stannum barriers around the hull that manipulate how the surrounding air behaves.
Stannum Core: A small cartridge designed to load into a blundergust, capable of firing two blasts.
I think you guys get the idea of these lists by now... :)