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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Loud Angry Dead
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Loud Angry Dead The Rebelliously Law-Abiding Citizen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Here's the repost. I apparently can't delete my own posts so I just emptied the one over in the character section.

Character you have created: Exekiel Law
Alias: Predator
Speech Color:
Human Form
Demon Form

Character Alignment: Walking the Line

Identity: Secret

Character Personality:
Exekiel is very much an inconspicuous individual. He participates rather actively in his community and tends to hang around many different circles of people. Despite this he is pretty much a background character in most situations. Honestly, he only appears to be an active and involved member society and lacks any real close relationships to those around him. Exekiel seemingly exudes an aura of unobtrusiveness that allow even long time neighbors to easily bypass him on the street without recognition. He has a penchant for being very passive and lets most slights go with an almost graceful apathy as he views most conflicts to be due to miscommunication or not worth the effort. Humble and modest, he avoids the spotlight and strives almost exclusively to be just under extraordinary. This partly due to his character and partly due to his nature as a half demon of the Envy sub-type. Doomed to constantly envy others for their gifts and be endlessly overshadowed by their achievements.

In high stress situations, Exekiel will shed his passivity as his survival instincts will often kick in. While he will not take the lead, he will often take the best course of action that will allow him to walk out of the situation alive. However, it is when he goes into his demon form, Predator, that he will become aggressive and almost primal in nature. He relies more on instinct born of experience. While not cruel or malicious, Predator's reaction to force and intimidation is explosively violent and ruthless. He will often turn the tables on his enemies through use of fear and cunning as he switches from being the hunted to the hunter. Even in this form his top priority is survival and adaptation. If he is losing a battle, Predator does not see it as cowardly to escape and return later with a better plan. He may choose to extend mercy if he comes out victorious over his prey, but he is just as likely to kill them if he deems them too much of a threat to live.

Exekiel, and therefore Predator, walks the razor's edge of right and wrong. He strives to avoid too much publicity while staking out territory around the darker paths of Lost Haven and letting rumors float about of a monster that hunts for the evil in the night. Though he does not identify himself as a good guy, he does not agree with the criminal element nor does he care for those who seek to harm needlessly. As a result of these many factors, Exekiel lives a rather solitary life and is often consumed with loneliness. He accepts this painful disconnect from others as a necessary consequence.

Predator has no costume or uniform. In fact most people would never see him in all his terrible majesty. His form is rather malleable and his evolutions often will lead to additions of features. Overall, his current form has him standing about 7 feet 8 inches when he straightens up completely. He has a shaggy platinum mane the reaches from his crown to midway down his back. His eyes burn red and seem to seethe with barely contained rage. Predator's face is distinctly reptilian with obviously draconian features. He has several rows of sharp teeth contained within powerful jaws. His scales cover him from head to toe and seem to blend into shadowy darkness.

Predator's two powerful long arms terminate in five wicked talons each with corded muscle winding up to his broad massive shoulders. A deep, wide chest narrows down to the waist sharply with clearly defined musculature. Two large spikes erupt out of his shoulder blades and curve out above his head on either side. Thick thighs just out from his pelvis and turn into inverted knees with 6 inch curved talons coming out from the backs of them. Wide sturdy toes terminate into yet more razor sharp talons that allow him to grip the ground firmly. Finally, he usually sports a thick tail that is usually about half as long as he is tall.

Origin Info/Details:
Exekiel was born of an unfortunate union between his unknown demonic father and his human mother, Aria Law. There was clearly no love in the relationship as the circumstances leading to his conception was not consensual. Aria was actually volunteered as a sacrifice to summon said demon by her own cultist father and mother at the sweet age of 17. It ended up in catastrophic bloodbath as the summoned demon was rather irate at being called forth yet again by cultists. It only spared the sacrificial girl because it saw an opportunity to sow discord and chaos through an avatar of sorts. The demon forced her to carry to term upon threatening to not only kill off her friends but using them as vessels instead if she didn't cooperate.

At first, Aria resented the half hell-spawn being carried by her, but she changed her mind once an extremely normal looking beautiful baby boy was born. He had her chocolate brown hair and her verdant green eyes and none of the demonic features she feared would be present. She knew that she could not allow her child to be corrupted by her demon captor. A rather quiet and obedient child even as a babe, not a sound was made as Aria escaped from her prison while a rather convenient confrontation occurred between a demon hunter, who had caught wind of the cultist massacre, and her captor,

Several years were spent on the run as Aria did her best to raise her child while looking for work to provide basic necessities. Despite her best efforts it was all for naught. The demon had found them when Exekiel was a mere 10 years of age. She died valiantly shielding her child from the infernal father. To an extent, Exekiel knew of his half blooded state because Aria though it best that he grew up knowing the burden that he naturally carries due to his father's influence. She wanted to prepare him for the eventuality in which is demonic heritage would manifest.

Exekiel's father would take over in educating the young boy on his heritage as well as his assumed destiny. The lessons were as harsh as they were intuitive. He found out that he was an Envy type demon; a sort of super soldier breed created to strengthen hell's army. Envy type demons were among the weakest breeds starting out, but would quickly surpass other types by leaps and bounds if given the opportunity. Resentment and vengeance kept Exekiel sharp and ready to strike his father when he least expected it. Though he couldn't kill his father since he was immortal, Exekiel weakened his father's physical form enough to force his banishment to hell.

Alone completely in a world that did not want him nor acknowledged his existence as real at times, Exekiel rebuilt some semblance of a life in Lost Haven. He chose to keep himself active in the world but separate from it still. He created Exekiel Law from various obscure official records that his mother gathered for his benefit. Ironically, his demon father also provided a hefty nest egg for him to draw on to build his pseudo life. Once his human life was set up, Exekiel started working on mastering his demonic powers. He would not allow something so banal as blood heritage to control his destiny. He would definitely wreak havoc on the world, but it would be on his terms and to those of his choosing.

Seeing the unfortunate difficulties that his mother had to suffer through in the poorer places around town, Exekiel determined that he would reign in the darkness around town. He would make the underworld quake in fear for their lives. For the monsters that stalked and hunted the downtrodden people would soon find that they are no longer the apex predators. Hell itself will open for the criminal element and consume them. As a hunter once said, "Even monsters can be made to fear."

Hero Type:

Power Level:
B. City Level

Shape-shifting - Predator can adjust his height, weight, mass, and physical characteristics to anything up to 3 times larger or smaller than him. This includes inanimate objects as well as living beings. However, if he wishes to function as said inanimate object, he needs an in-depth understanding of it. For example, Predator can appear in the likeness of a gun, but without proper understanding of the mechanisms that allow the gun to function, some random person couldn't pick him up and fire him as such. This is not applicable to humans but extraterrestrials as well as relatively obscure or unknown creatures will also suffer this lack of detail. This skill can also be used to add limbs and appendages as needed; such as wings, a tail, horns, etc.

Regeneration - Predator is rather difficult to injure at this point in his evolution. However, for the many possible occasions where someone or something proves capable of damaging him, he falls back on his regenerative capabilities. This particular aspect of his powers is still developing and is rather dependent on his Life Drain power currently.

Life Drain - Predator naturally absorbs life energy from the creatures around him. This can be reduced or even turned off in order to avoid harming those around him. This life drain is impartial to any life form. If they are alive or are emitting life-like energy, it will feed into Predator's power.This power is collected and then used to aid in his evolution to the next level. Predator may choose to consciously use this power to drain defeated opponents rapidly to force himself into the next evolutionary cycle. Though it is rarely lethal, Predator can literally suck the life out of a person if they are incapacitated and weak. This also feeds into his regeneration.

Enhanced Senses - Predator can see in the dark as if it were day and is particularly sharp like an eagle. His sense of smell is strong enough to track someone up to a mile away. His hearing is specially selective and allows him to filter out certain sounds in his brain as less imperative to process. The process is comparable to tuning a radio for certain frequencies. He additionally has an extra sense that allows him to notice when he is being watched or focused on.

Hellfire - Predator can conjure and use to extreme prejudice the mythical powers of his demonic heritage. Hellfire traditionally appears as a particularly ever-burning fire that cannot be extinguished by normal means. However, with some willpower and imagination, Hellfire can be manipulated into something more than a slightly more effective fireball or infernal flamethrower. As a result, Predator can create flame walls, flame fists, and even concentrate it into a deadly demonic beam of high energy.

Infernal Scales - Many demons have tough hides that deflect normal blades and mundane weapons. Predator's skin and subsequently his body toughens as he continues to adapt and evolve. Theoretically, his body can eventually evolve to the point where he would be able to withstand even a nuclear strike. That is if he manages to survive that long. At the moment, he can shrug off bombs and even magical attacks to some extent. Bullets, fire, and mundane weapons have no effect on him.

Evolution - Predator is an ever evolving and changing demon of the Envy sub-type. As he encounters new situations, he makes small adjustments to his form and skill set to adapt and survive. Every so often, he will enter a cocoon-like stasis where all of his experiences and knowledge gained since his last evolution will be accumulated and mixed with the power he gained through his successful conquests. From anywhere between a full day and several days, Predator's entire being will undergo vast improvements to better suit his future encounters. Once the metamorphosis is complete, he will emerge more powerful and superior to his old form. Though Predator prefers to not take too many unique traits from other beings, he may adapt or mimic certain powers he manages to gain an understanding of or research thoroughly. This won't let him master space time or cast magic or suddenly be able to use psychic powers, but he can gain new heightened senses or adapt to harsher environments. It would also allow him to develop resistances to new attacks.


Strength Level: 50 Tons

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 70 MPH

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 4 Hours

Agility: 10X

Intelligence: Genius

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Average

Weaknesses: Generally, artifacts designed to indiscriminately target demonic entities or have broad interpretations of evil tend to affect Predator. In his human form the effects are reduced to an extent but will still hold sway over him. Since he is half demon, he is mortal and subject to death. Time will eventually claim him if nothing else. All other weaknesses will only remain so until he evolves past them. Divine energies will always be the most effective method of attack against him even if he manages to somehow gain some resistance through evolution. Predator also experiences various degrees of discomfort near holy relics and sanctuaries.

Supporting Characters: Exekiel doesn't enjoy the luxury of having friends and family.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes

Sample Post:

There was no reprieve tonight. Exekiel's soul was heavy with grief and weariness as he came across yet another casualty of the gang war that was raging across the streets. Turf wars were not unusual in this part of town and it wasn't uncommon for a bystander to get caught up in it by chance. This time it was a young boy.

"Can't have been more than 10 or 11 years old..." murmured Predator as his massive frame was hunched over the child's body.

The half demon did not deign to touch the corpse of that unfortunate extinguished life. He had no power over the dead and he could not heal the wounded. Even if the child somehow survived it was unlikely he'd receive medical help in the middle of a turf war this intense. Paramedics were brave not suicidal. Predator raised his massive head and inhaled the muggy night air deeply. His mind sorted the various scents that flooded his advance olfactory senses.

"Gun powder, blood, gasoline, wine, beer, excrement, urine..." thought out the demonic hunter as he cataloged each individual scent and determined roughly how far away they originated.

Predator took one last glance at the departed child and huffed in frustration. So called heroes fight their designated evil foes. The real evil was far more ephemeral and pervasive. It consumed good men and women and turned them into thugs and drug addicts. Tonight would be a long one and the next night after that. It was lucky that he required so little sleep and rest. Those he hunted would not be so lucky. He melted into the shadows and loped off after the nearest gun fight raging over a few blocks to the west. He wasn't interested in small prey this time. The street soldiers were expendable fodder in the greater scheme of things. He needed the Jefes. The Capos. They obviously chose to show up personally this time. He would make an example of them. The Monsters who hid amidst humans.

"It's time to expand my territory." declared Predator in his deep gravelly voice tinged with something otherworldly.

A soul chilling roar, filled with rage and a promise of great suffering, tore through the night like a jagged knife. Gangbangers dropped to the ground as they suddenly felt terror unlike anything they'd ever imagined rip through them. Hardened men who spent years in prison and killed men for trifles felt their blood run cold at the thought of meeting whatever managed to produce such a sound. The demon was out to reap souls in abundance this night. Monsters would be made to fear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Robeatics
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Robeatics Codename: Fupa

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Very sorry for not posting when I said I would, the last bits of school is hitting me at once and it's been tough finding time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Okay! Got a post for the Cowl and a post for War-Pulse. They are a little rusty, but I will probably edit them over the week. If anyone wants to get involved with the Cowl's crime wave, either by stopping a few crooks on the street, or hearing about the crime wave, or otherwise involving themselves in the Shroud's business, let me know! I also intend to message a few of you and see if anyone wants to work for the Cowl personally.

Also, I have another CS sheet on the way, hopefully I can cover a niche we don't have yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 23 days ago

Okay! Got a post for the Cowl and a post for War-Pulse. They are a little rusty, but I will probably edit them over the week. If anyone wants to get involved with the Cowl's crime wave, either by stopping a few crooks on the street, or hearing about the crime wave, or otherwise involving themselves in the Shroud's business, let me know! I also intend to message a few of you and see if anyone wants to work for the Cowl personally.

Also, I have another CS sheet on the way, hopefully I can cover a niche we don't have yet.

Well, I kinda set something in motion...so you you I'll be getting involved
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by NeutralNexus>

Well, I kinda set something in motion...so you you I'll be getting involved

Oh yeah, I'm well aware and super excited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character you have created: Eva ‘Mouse’ Walsh
Alias: None yet

Speech Color This

Character Alignment: Hero in training

Identity: Secret/Known Will be known later, to start it’s a secret.

Character Personality: Eva is a troublemaker, who likes to party. She has dropped out of Highschool and is active on the rave scene. She shirks her chores and has an estranged relationship with her parents. Now after a tremendous weight has been placed squarely on her shoulders she begins to question her life choices which marks a turning point in her life. She will soon learn that there is more to life than partying as she searches for clues regarding the identities of the Murderers who killed her friends, while she grieves over her loss.

Uniform/costume: Her current clothes are a hoodie and bikini underneath. But will change to hoodie, shirt and pants. I based the character somewhat off of this image. She is a normal seventeen year old girl, with dyed hair and piercings. Natural hair color is brown, blue eyes, and of average height.

Excalibur would look somewhat like this.

Origin Info/Details: After Breaking into the American Museum of Natural History, via a borrowed key card. Eva and her friends surprisingly had a easy time setting up for a Flash Rave something that would only last thirty or so minutes before the Police were able to mobilize. However the real reason the Museum was quiet was because Eva and her friends were not alone, masked thieves had already killed the guards and began stealing ancient artifacts. Eva who tried to protect herself reached for what appeared to be a fossilized relic. Upon blocking the attackers who had gotten what they came for fled, and the stone which entrapped the sword crumbled to the floor. Where a Ghostly figure revealed the sword to be the Legendary Excalibur.

Hero Type (Select one): Normal

Power Level (Select one below): It’s really a combination of the two. The sword is only as good as the wielder and although mystical the wielder is only human.

A. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil)
B. City Level (Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops)

Powers (Be Specific): The Sword Excalibur is endowed with a variety of powers, It can cut any man-made object barring any alien or otherworldly materials. It will blind foes upon it being drawn from it’s sheathe. It is nigh unbreakable by any weapon forged by man, with the exception of other mystical weapons and those not from earth. The sheathe itself has powers as well, giving the wielder the ability of temporarily invulnerability, the wielder can be injured but will not bleed from wounds, nor can they be dismembered. And in case the wielder needs to recall the sword it is magically linked to whomever owns the sword, both halves the blade and the sheathe are required for ownership and for the teleportation to work. Apart the blade will remain where is was laid.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Below Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained - In training

Resources: Minimal

Weaknesses: She’s Human, although she is immune to dismemberment and bleeding. Fire will kill her, so too will poison, drowning et cetera.

Supporting Characters Her estranged parents Reuben and Amber Walsh, and her Aunt Briley Patton. And her diseased friends Julius ‘Rave Master’ Sloan, Leon Hurst, and Shari Conway.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yup.

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines):

11:48 PM Museum of Natural History. “Come on, it’s just ahead.” Eva, Leon and Shari followed just behind Julius as they carried a number of amplifiers and boxes along with them. Julius’s plan was simple sneak in during the Guard shift set up quickly ahead of the partygoers who were on their way for a flash Rave, an idea Julius had. Get in a back door using a lifted keycard from one of his buddies party for thirty minutes or so then bug out. All the police would find was a trashed storeroom filled with uncatalogued artifacts and more plastic cups then they’ve ever seen before. He had it all planned out for a strung out druggie, and to Shari’s surprise it was far too easy.

“Were in, were in. We don’t have much time. Leon find an outlet, Shari keep an eye out on the door. Eva help me bring the rest of the boxes in. We need more cups, chips and booze.”

Leon rushed around checking the walls, while Shari nervously waited by the door. “Julius you sure this will work out? I mean this is a museum, a big one! You’d think there’d be more guards or cameras.”

Relax Shari.” Eva spoke calmly. “We’re here in between shifts, there’s no one watching the cameras.

“I.. I just don’t know Eva, there’s just something wrong about this. I can’t explain it.”

“Found the outlets!! Julius give me a hand with the equipment.”

“Eva bring in the rest of the stuff the party starts in five!”

As I nodded and ran back to the car, I stopped just for a moment as a sound caught my attention. Like footprints though not nearly as pronounced. No, nothing I thought as I opened the car trunk and reached inside grabbing a banana box filled with food. I tossed a few smaller ones on top before closing the trunk and heading back inside.

When I walked up to the door I spoke out.”Hey Shari give me a hand here will ya?” A second passed while I entered the room and looked about.”Shari, Leon, Julius!!? Come on guys it’s no time to be playing around.. We.. Oh. My. God!” The boxes I held dropped to the floor as bloodstains splattered the walls. The panic and fear gripped my voice as I called out again.”SHARI! LEON! JULIUS! Wher..

From behind me the door closed and a arm thick as a tree grabbed me by my hoodie and tossed me into a rack.

“Another unaccounted guest, this one will not hinder our work.” The hulking figure spoke as others came in from the shadows.

“Finish it quick, we need you to help the rest of us look.”

He turned his gaze back to me.”She won’t take long at all.”

I scrambled back into the metallic rack, covered in blood. My own, my friends? I.. I looked to see him stretched out to me hand poised to snap my neck. My hands reached back fumbling over vases and stone tools, until I grabbed what I thought was a stick or was it a club, it felt hard as if made of stone. I swung it at him hitting his shin.

He acted as if it hadn’t fazed him in the slightest. But I could feel it, his anger penetrated my soul, like his eyes burned right through me. He slammed down with his fist pounding the club into me and cracking the floor. I felt the wind leave my chest completely and my own eyes were so heavy, they were being pulled down against my will. I saw him in that moment smiling as he walked away, and a light flashed before me.

Next thing I knew I awoke and just in front of me a specter wearing old clothes and a crown was shaking my body.

Awaken! Awaken already!! Quickly now you must flee!!

I groggily looked about to see the room engulfed in flames. My bones felt as if they were glass, I was overcomed with fear, desperation. I wanted to scream at the sight of the Ghost, of the fire.

Young Miss! Young Miss! Eva!! Get a hold of yourself, you’ll burn. Take the sword, it will protect you. Do not let it leave your grasp!!

How do you know..

Eva! Now is not the time. Take the sword. And hurry!!

The Ghost confused me more than the fire, my assailants. This night just couldn’t be real none of it could. The Ghost spoke of a sword and as I looked about I saw no such thing. But clinched in my hand was no other than the sword he spoke of. I didn’t remember holding a sword. But it was there sure as day. I stood to my feet limping away, I could feel the heat liking my back. The pain felt unbearable, I shouldn’t be walking I must be dead, I have to be dead. The cracking of the flames tore the walls down to my left, my right and all around me.

You must hurry Eva! Before the flames consume you!

The door seemed so close now, the handle was just in reach. But I couldn’t lift my arm. It was then the door flew open as the Ghost blasted it aside. I fell to the ground as I lost all the feeling in my legs.

Just a little farther Eva. Crawl if you must.

Strange, I should be afraid of this Ghost. But his words were so familiar so comforting. The concrete tore my skin up I could see the flesh under my skin. But no blood, not a drop. As I managed to crawl to saftey. I looked up at the Specter. “Who, are you?

I shall answer my King. I am Arthur Pendragon. Former King of Camelot. And you who have broken the curse sealing my sword, your sword. Excalibur. Is the rightful King of England.

Kin...g” I said with my last breaths before everything went blank. The sounds and sights gone as I passed out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 23 days ago

Here's the repost. I apparently can't delete my own posts so I just emptied the one over in the character section.

Character you have created: Exekiel Law
Alias: Predator

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 23 days ago

Character you have created: Eva ‘Mouse’ Walsh
Alias: None yet

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by VATROU>


Sweet. I'll post her in the Character pages, but did you get my PM I sent you?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 20 min ago

Okay! Got a post for the Cowl and a post for War-Pulse. They are a little rusty, but I will probably edit them over the week. If anyone wants to get involved with the Cowl's crime wave, either by stopping a few crooks on the street, or hearing about the crime wave, or otherwise involving themselves in the Shroud's business, let me know! I also intend to message a few of you and see if anyone wants to work for the Cowl personally.

Also, I have another CS sheet on the way, hopefully I can cover a niche we don't have yet.

Tearstone's PC, Justine, and Racheli currently have living quarters in the least damaged area of Sherman Square. Currently as far as the Shroud know or can tell, they will seem like two normal, average humans. Though any plotting will have to wait until Justine gets Rach. :p

As side note, I noticed there was mention about Gene Co, which NMS allowed me and another Player to develop in greater depth, so I'm not sure how much that might influence what was mentioned about Gene Co. NMS basically told me there wasn't much about the corporation IC wise. So if the Shroud had a spy within the company, we might want to work that out as I have an NPC business woman who owns it and according to the company system Tearstone worked out, has been massively successful. >_>
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


So, how far is the car lifted up? Are we talking a few feet or a few stories?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by NeutralNexus>

Tearstone's PC, Justine, and Racheli currently have living quarters in the least damaged area of Sherman Square. Currently as far as the Shroud know or can tell, they will seem like two normal, average humans. Though any plotting will have to wait until Justine gets Rach. :p

As side note, I noticed there was mention about Gene Co, which NMS allowed me and another Player to develop in greater depth, so I'm not sure how much that might influence what was mentioned about Gene Co. NMS basically told me there wasn't much about the corporation IC wise. So if the Shroud had a spy within the company, we might want to work that out as I have an NPC business woman who owns it and according to the company system Tearstone worked out, has been massively successful. >_>

Sure, I'm more than happy to work with you on Gene Co! I have been placing the Shroud Syndicate's fingers in almost everything in the city(The group wouldn't be much of a threat to anyone if they were clueless!), but if you got your own plans for Gene Co, I can retool the Syndicate's involvement with Gene Co specifically.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 20 min ago

<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

Sure, I'm more than happy to work with you on Gene Co! I have been placing the Shroud Syndicate's fingers in almost everything in the city(The group wouldn't be much of a threat to anyone if they were clueless!), but if you got your own plans for Gene Co, I can retool the Syndicate's involvement with Gene Co specifically.

For the most part, I like to be in the loop over those thing which involves Gene co, mostly to account for the infomation gains and influence it might have over future planning. Gene co at some point will be playing a bigger part in the Rp as time goes on. Namely in Racheli's as well as Gabriel's Plotline and, I hope, being a bad guy for many pcs in the future.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 8 mos ago


So, how far is the car lifted up? Are we talking a few feet or a few stories?

Not far. Maybe to Gabriel's eye level, or just above it. So, around five or six feet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by NeutralNexus>

For the most part, I like to be in the loop over those thing which involves Gene co, mostly to account for the infomation gains and influence it might have over future planning. Gene co at some point will be playing a bigger part in the Rp as time goes on. Namely in Racheli's as well as Gabriel's Plotline and, I hope, being a bad guy for many pcs in the future.

Right now, I can tell you that the syndicate is probably using a few dummy companies to invest in gene co projects. This is a two fold strategy to invest in ways to keep their stranglehold on Lost Haven and keep tabs on any potential breakthroughs that gene co could create. The Cowl will have a sizeable investment in The Financial District, and he won't act on anything there unless he sees a profit in doing so. For anything that you are planning, consider them a non factor unless you intend to drive them out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Robeatics
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Robeatics Codename: Fupa

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Marik, if you put up a post before me I'd like to mention that for mine Maverick will have turned to rubber, dropped out of the magnetic grip while Icarus was eyeing the getaway car and grabbed onto his leg when he took off (and promptly got thrown off when he stops). I hate to describe my post like this, but I don't want to drag the action sequence down any more than I have. :X

I realize this probably means his two robots will follow and keep her occupied, just a little closer to you two.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Loud Angry Dead
Avatar of Loud Angry Dead

Loud Angry Dead The Rebelliously Law-Abiding Citizen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay! Got a post for the Cowl and a post for War-Pulse. They are a little rusty, but I will probably edit them over the week. If anyone wants to get involved with the Cowl's crime wave, either by stopping a few crooks on the street, or hearing about the crime wave, or otherwise involving themselves in the Shroud's business, let me know! I also intend to message a few of you and see if anyone wants to work for the Cowl personally.

Also, I have another CS sheet on the way, hopefully I can cover a niche we don't have yet.

Yeah... I'm still reading up everything from the beginning to current so it'll take me some time before I'm ready to go in. However, once I do... Predator might om nom nom some of Cowl's crooks. Possibly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by NeutralNexus>

Yeah... I'm still reading up everything from the beginning to current so it'll take me some time before I'm ready to go in. However, once I do... Predator might om nom nom some of Cowl's crooks. Possibly.

Please do so, that's like half the fun of being one of the few organizations in the story right now with disposable reinforcements!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marik, if you put up a post before me I'd like to mention that for mine Maverick will have turned to rubber, dropped out of the magnetic grip while Icarus was eyeing the getaway car and grabbed onto his leg when he took off (and promptly got thrown off when he stops). I hate to describe my post like this, but I don't want to drag the action sequence down any more than I have. :X

I realize this probably means his two robots will follow and keep her occupied, just a little closer to you two.

It's no problem, I haven't even started my next post yet. I'll take note of that info if I manage to get mine up first though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

In case you’re wondering, yes, I have played a TON of Bloodborne.
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