Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Stomping her way up beside Birdseed Condor swung her pistol round, slamming the ps brink hard enough on the side of the head to knock her back down onto the ground.

Squeezing the trigger Condor fired a shot which passed close enough to Birdseed's face to burn her cheek, but not so close as to break the skin. A small mound of earth puffed up in front of the woman's face but she only had a second to process the sight before Condor's foot swung into Birdseed's gut.

"For Fuck's Sake!" Condor screamed, lifting her arms in the air in exasperation, "This is exactly what I'm talking about, you stupid little fuck!" Swinging her foot again Condor kicked Birdseed even harder. "I gave you one simple instruction and you couldn't even do that right."

Kneeling down in the mud beside Birdseed Condor grabbed her teammate by the hair and yanked her head back roughly, "Now nod your fucking head to show you understand what I told you, otherwise I will shoot you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Ellie heard the comment from Archangel and turned her sigh of relief into a sigh of exasperation, suddenly with an inkling of an idea in the back of her mind. “Look, can you let the poor man go? I don’t know what he was doing here, but he’s a trustworthy sort. And kindly let myself and whoever-this-is go? I’m with him; I’m not doing another delivery for you lot. But my parents are expecting me at home and they’ll call the police if I’m not home by eight. So will you guys please let us go? Oh, sorry. Guys and gal, my mistake.” She pointed to the female guard, looking that direction, and instinctively knew that the guard behind her would be looking that way too.

She wrapped her feet around the front legs of the chair she was on, lifting with all the muscle-power in her legs, and threw all her weight back against the seat as hard as she could, toppling into the guard behind her. She fell, thwacking the man squarely in the chest with her head. He let out an “oof!” and the girl rolled, snatching the rifle from the dazed man. In that second her fear fled her mind, replaced with cool calculation, and she rose to one knee and shot the guard standing behind Fox. She shot the guard in the head, not wanting to miss and hit Fox, and whirled to shoot the one behind Patch. This one she was in a hurry for and the bullet went just over Patch’s head, imbedding into the guard’s lower chest.

At this point she was grappled to the ground by the guard she’d winded. Gritting her teeth she kicked the guard in a not-so-nice place and shot him through the throat as soon as she had room to bring the rifle up. Rolling from under the dying guard she brought the rifle up to shoot the two by the door, hitting one in the thigh and the other in the shoulder. She shot the male guard at the counter before shooting the female—big mistake. The woman turned, her rifle up, and shot Ellie, catching her in the left shoulder with the bullet. The force flipped Ellie onto her back and as a reflex to the pain she pulled the firearm’s trigger. An automatic weapon, it let off a steady stream of bullets as the girl flipped, one bullet happening to catch the woman in the side of the head.

The pain was intense and Ellie’s vision faded out for a moment, but only for a moment. Through her own willpower, the willpower that had enabled her to hold on for a year of pain a hundred times worse than this, she brought herself back into her mind. Mentally blank with the pain but not willing to check the damage, though her left arm hung limp beside her and every motion sent a jolt of agony through her, Ellie dragged herself to her feet and walked quickly through the now blood-splattered canteen, finding a kitchen knife and walking back to Fox. She cut the ropes on his hands and fumbled with the gag until it came undone.

Funny… the voices in her head were unusually silent. For that matter, so was everything. Her heart roared in her ears, her footsteps pounding on the floor, but… everything else was silent. For one blissful moment there was no fear, and even the pain in her shoulder dulling to a mere ache. She dropped the rifle onto one of the tables.
“Come on.” She spoke to Patches and Fox, her words clear and concise and containing no emotion in the heat of the moment. She spun on her heel and walked out of the canteen and out of the facility itself, and no one was there to stop her.

Of course, as soon as she got out into the light, she realized immediately three things. Firstly, she was extremely conspicuous, covered in blood. Secondly, a shocking amount of that blood was her own, coming from the wound in her shoulder. And thirdly…. Thirdly…. I-I… I k-k-killed s-s-s-seven p-p-people wh-who w-w-were j-just d-d-doing th-their jobs.

See? I told you. You are a monster. You don’t deserve to be out in the light. You’ll join me soon, in the darkness where you belong, in agony that you cannot even comprehend. You’ve killed seven innocent people today. You should have done the noble thing, sacrificing yourself for your comrades. You were dirty before, but now you’re filthy. You’re not even a human being anymore, just a monster. Join me, and have a release from morals, if not from pain.

Ellie felt the ground under her knees and saw spots in her vision. “A-Angel, h-h-help m-m-me. H-help m-me pl-please… P-please…” her mind cleared a little bit as she sunk her teeth into her tongue, cleared enough for her to report somewhat normally, at least. “A-all agents a-accounted f-for. F-Fox a-and P-Pa-Patch u-un-unh-harmed… Owl w-wounded, c-c-condition unstable a-and d-d-dec-clining. E-es-escape c-c-complete, a-a-aw-awaiting p-p-pick-pickup… S-sec-curity comp-compromised. S-s-s… s-seven c-c-conf-firmed d-d-dead o-or m-m-mort… m-mortally w-wound…” She choked up. “A-angel, Kh-Khesh-shig… C-co-condor… s-s-someone… I k-k-killed s-s-seven p-people, I k-killed s-s-seven p-people, I d-don’t deserve t-to l-live but I-I’m sl-sl-slipping… H-help m-me…”
@Jangel13 @SimplyJohn @Avanhelsing @Skythikon @Genni (Everyone except Dragonite, basically. Sorry, Dragon. Love ya, just, you’re not part of the backup squad.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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SimplyJohn Static Generator

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As soon as he heard the first shot Patch began to move, sliding off his chair and onto one knee, just in time as it turned out to miss the bullet which took out the guard behind him. Quickly rolling passed the others Patch kicked the leg out from under the nearby table, causing it to drop down in front of him, blocking the view of the guards at the far end of the room but leaving him exposed to the ones by the door. Slipping the vial he'd concealed in his boot Patch quickly tossed it their way, causing a small cloud of smoke to form which had the men coughing. It wouldn't last long, but hopefully it would keep them from firing for a few crucial seconds.

As those seconds ticked by all Patch could hear was gunfire and screaming and every second he expected to feel the dull burning heat of a bullet hitting him, but none came. When things finally quietened down he slid a few inches over the floor to take a quick look around. All the guards seemed to be down with bullet wounds in various parts of their bodies.

A quick assessment showed the three closest guards were all dead, two killed instantly by wounds to their head and throat while the third looked like he'd drowned in his own blood from a wound which had punched up through his lung and probably ruptured his airway, Patch couldn't be sure without a further investigation but as the man was dead he didn't bother to worry about how.

Turning his attention to the far end of the room Patch saw the two guards there were also dead. The man had taken a bullet to the back which would've pierced his heart, killing him quickly. The woman wasn't so lucky, the bullet wound to her head had caused brain damage, triggering a seizure. Her mouth was dripping with foaming blood from where she'd bitten through her tongue and it would've been a horrifying death for her which thankfully only lasted a few seconds.

Moving over to the guards at the door Patch saw they were both still alive, but incapacitated. Kneeling down beside the one with the shoulder injury Patch took his head in both hands and with a quick twist snapped his neck. As he moved over to the last guard the man tried to crawl away, but the wound in his leg made it impossible to escape. Dropping heavily on the man's neck Patch crushed the guard's windpipe with his knee, holding it there as the man slowly suffocated.

@RomanAria “Come on.”

With a quick nod Patch stood up and followed Owl out of the canteen, picking up the two rifles from the guards by the door as he went. Slinging one over his shoulder Patch quickly checked the other to make sure it was ready for use before holding it in a firing position. He wasn't particularly skilled with a rifle, but he'd make do for now. Noticing the blood dripping from Owl's hand Patch quickly grabbed a first aid kit off of the wall and as they made their way outside he checked the contents. There wasn't much, a few plasters and some bandages as well as some antiseptic lotion, but it'd have to do.

As they reached the relative safety of the car park, where the clear lines of sight made ambush far less likely than the narrow corridors in the warehouse, Owl finally collapsed. Dropping to his knees beside her, placing his rifle on the ground next to his patient, Patch quickly tore her clothes away from her shoulder as he searched for the wound.

Despite the blood it seemed like a clean entry, passing just below Owl's clavicle and just missing her coracoid, but it would've impacted against her scapula and lodged against the bone, and there was nothing Patch could do about that here, they needed to get back to the safehouse and fast if the arm was going to be saved.

Looking up at Fox Patch quickly called out, @Avanhelsing "We need a vehicle, now! Preferably one of the jeeps, they might carry better medical supplies in those." As he spoke Patch quickly doused the wound with the antiseptic and started padding the cotton wool from the first aid kit. It'd make the job of cleaning the wound more difficult later, but for now it'd prevent a build-up of blood in Owl's chest, which could put pressure on her lungs and cause more problems he'd have to deal with.

Lifting Owl up onto his lap, her legs still resting on the cold ground Patch wrapped the bandages as tightly around her arm and shoulder as he could before pressing his hand against the bullet hole, trying to reduce blood loss as much as he could until their transport arrived. @Jangel13 "Archangel, this is Patch. I'm gonna need the surgical equipment set up for our arrival. I've got a deep bullet wound that'll require immediate extraction. Check on Owl's blood type and get as much of it from the storage locker in my room as you can."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Skythikon

Skythikon Fly like brick, sting like brick

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kheshig made himself scarce when Condor stalked off to take care of her 'little something', which he guessed had to do with Birdseed and her little outburst. From what he knew, Birdseed was a psychology expert as well as a gadgeteer, and he could tell that each and every one of her words had been chosen specifically to sting at Condor like a mass of wasps. There was absolutely no way things were going to turn out well, and Kheshig had no intention of getting himself involved. Still, he wanted the two of them to still be alive by the end of the confrontation, and thus he retreated to the security room with his plate of grass jellies.

He had his legs propped up on the control panel as he looked over each of the screens in turn, occasionally popping a jelly into his mouth. There she is. He spotted Birdseed smoking on the camera that was trained at the back of the house. There were a few minutes of absolutely nothing happening, and then Condor showed up. Kheshig had expected her to do something drastic - that much he could surmise from the very limited knowledge he had on her - but pulling a gun on Birdseed seemed a bit too much, even if it were just an empty threat. The only problem was that as it stood, it was just as likely that Condor was being serious.

"Fuck-" He began, but before he could even spring from his seat, Archangel's voice began playing over the in-house intercom.

Condor and Kheshig I need you both to get to the warehouse where the others are, their cover is blown and they need back up.

Kheshig did not even wait for Archangel to finish. As soon as he heard that they were to go to the warehouse, he jumped from his seat and ran straight for his room. There would be only one reason for them to be redeployed, and that was that the other team had well and truly gotten themselves into trouble. Birdseed and Condor could wait. For now, Kheshig's priority was getting himself suited up for a combat operation. Stealth had obviously failed the other team, and they were far better at it than him. Kheshig's shirt was off by the time he skidded into his room.

Opening his closet, he pulled out his combat equipment, all of it already prepared and ready. He threw on the black combat shirt and black load bearing vest. With one hand, he secured the buckles while the other pulled a black beanie over his head. Once he was done, he quick-walked his way over the briefcase containing his rifle and opened it. With practiced ease, he assembled the weapon within half-a-minute and was out of his room with his full combat load by the end of that minute. He pulled up the face wrap around his neck to cover his nose and mouth, then put on a pair of black gloves. Lots of things could fall off the body during a firefight, and the more of his body he covered, the less likely he would leave behind any incriminating evidence.

Holding his rifle in both hands, he ran to the back of the house, expecting to find Condor and Birdseed. Instead, he got there just in time to see Condor and Birdseed on the ground, with the former aiming a silenced pistol at the latter. "No, if you do not let her go, I will shoot you." Kheshig said coldly and raised his rifle, aiming it at Condor. "Whatever problems you two have, it can wait until later. Right now, we have to bail the other team out of a sticky situation, and I will be damned if you two are at each other's throats during the operation."

"Shoot each other if you must, but do it once we are done with this operation. For now, kiss and make up or I will do it for you." He said forcibly, but lowered his rifle. "Archangel only asked for Condor and I, but he is not here, and I say we need Birdseed. Condor, you and I are going in heavy and loud. No subtlety for this one, we are going to pull the other team out of whatever fire they found themselves in. That leaves Birdseed as our gadgetry expert. Anything to jam camera feeds, communication signals or to prevent us from getting caught on speed cameras would be best, but I will leave your final loadout to you."

It felt good to be giving orders again; it made him feel like the soldier he had started out as. "I will wait for you by the rover. Not the car, I have a feeling we may need to go off-road if things get even worse. Be there in seven minutes, and we move out ten minutes from now." With that, he turned and fast-marched himself to the rover. "Callsign Kheshig to Archangel. Mission prep time, seven mikes. ETA to first move off, ten mikes. ETA to mission area, approximately twenty, repeat, twenty mikes." He said to Archangel over his mic, then opened a frequency to the other team. "Kheshig here. We will be with you in twenty minutes. Attempt your own evacuation if safe and possible, but take the same route you took. We can meet you mid-way. If own evac is not feasible, find a safe place to hide. We are coming in hot and guns blazing."

@Genni @Dragonite777 @Jangel13 @RomanAria @SimplyJohn @Avanhelsing
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"No, if you do not let her go, I will shoot you...


...Be there in seven minutes, and we move out ten minutes from now."

For a moment Condor watched Kheshig, trying to determine if she'd be able to make the shot and get into cover behind the wall before he could get a clean shot off. She'd read his file and knew he had some skill with a rifle but at this range the heavy-bore weapon has was carrying would be a liability.

When he mentioned the other team's situation everything changed in a second, although Birdseed had been right about her expendability due to the other more skilled and field-craft proficient members of their little family, Condor couldn't risk losing their two medics and only infiltrator on a whim.

Growling angrily she lifted her pistol to point into the air and quickly slipped the safety into place. Giving Birdseed one last savage kick to her midrif Condor stormed back into the house and made her way into her room.

It took less than a minute for Condor to prepare herself, slipping out of her bathrobe and into the Kevlar-woven bodysuit which welcomed her like an old friend as it settled snugly over her womanly curves before locking two stripped down P90s to her back and strapping several spare clips to each thigh.

Reaching into her armoury Condor's hand froze over the fragmentation grenades for a moment before shifting to the stunners instead. This was supposed to be a rescue op after all and she'd prefer not to have to worry about killing her colleagues accidentally due to misused ordnance, and she was sure they'd forgive the headaches once she got them out alive.

By the time she got to the garage Kheshig had barely had time to start the engine on the armoured dune buggy they'd be using to get to the warehouse by the fastest route possible, which likely meant not using the winding roads which any normal driver would be stuck on. Jumping up into the back Condor pulled one of her SMGs down and checked the mechanism, readying it to fire.

Now it was just a matter of waiting on Birdseed, and given that girl's track record Condor sneered at her being ready anywhere near the seven minute deadline Kheshig had set for them. Perhaps it would be better to simply head off without her? After all her tech skills were good enough that she may be able to hack the cameras and radio signals without leaving the safe house, and having her in the field had proven to be nothing more than a liability so far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonite777
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Dragonite777 Dragon of Ages

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

After catching her breath, Cecelia quickly stumbled inside to get ready. After washing her face, it took thirty seconds to find and put on her attire for the mission: a form fitting black shirt, black skin-hugging athletic pants, and dark sneaks. Once dressed, she jogged to the tech lab and grabbed stun grenades, shock traps, EMPs, and a few other helpful gadgets for a loud-and-proud rescue mission, along with the large medical bag in case they needed it. Throwing all the gadgets into a dark leather belt with pouches on it, she hustled out to the vehicle, only stopping to grab her pistol, finishing everything in about four to five minutes. Not able to look either in the eye or make direct contact, she simply stated, "ready."
Cecelia didn't- no, couldn't- say anything during the entire ride. There was nothing she could say to Condor that could help the situation. Other than repeating how sorry she was. There was also nothing she could say to Kheshig. She didn't start this fight or anything, but didn't want to seem like a victim, because she wasn't. Her actions had violent consequences from Condor. Now knowing the full extent of the older woman's rage, she could analyse the teammate better. Bouts of anger when talking about the wrong subject, over-sexualization, manipulation, revenge? What would this all mea- BPD! Borderline Personality Disorder, that's it. That explains the myriad of mood changes, sexual tactics, manipulation of allies, and anger when put on a specific topic- her past. Nothing I can do with this information, but it's a step in the right direction. Though, I don't think I'd prefer to find more information this way... Mentally shaking herself, Cecelia focuses on the mission ahead rather than what's already done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skythikon

Skythikon Fly like brick, sting like brick

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"I hope you are doing something about those cameras, Birdseed." Kheshig said as he sped down the roads leading to the warehouse, his foot pressing the accelerator as far down as it would go, only releasing it ever so slightly when he had to negotiate difficult turns and corners. Up ahead, a light turned red just as he was about to reach the stop line. Without hesitation, or even thinking, Kheshig sped up and ran the light, almost running over a poor woman who had thought it safe to cross. "If you can somehow hack the news networks to keep everything I am doing out of the circuit, that would be great as well." He said dryly, not for a second believing that Birdseed would be able to pull that off.

He could see the warehouse's carpark up ahead, as well as the other team who were out in the open. For a moment, Kheshig wondered if they had taken leave of their senses; to be out in the open with a casualty was tantamount to suicide if a sniper decided to open up on them. With great difficulty, he pushed aside his doubts and simply trusted that they knew what they were doing. "Callsign Kheshig with callsigns Birdseed and Condor, approaching from your five o'clock." He said, keeping his tone calm and level. To the two women in the vehicle, he said, "Once we get there, Condor and I will provide cover. Birdseed, you have the medical equipment, so I will need you to move ahead to assist in getting Owl back here."

Even though he had released the accelerator and had been slowly applying the brakes, the vehicle was still moving much too fast for his liking by the time they were in the parking lot. "Hang on," Kheshig said simply, then jammed the brakes hard, at the same time full-locking the wheel to the right. The vehicle jerked violently and skidded a fair distance even as it turned towards the right, eventually coming to a full halt not far from the other team. "Go!" Kheshig shouted out and jumped out of the vehicle, taking cover behind the engine block, his rifle up and aimed ahead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As they skidded into the parking lot Condor grabbed the frame in front of her while keeping her weapon steady with the other the whole time. This wasn't the first time she'd raided a potentially hostile location, and she almost felt guilty about the giddy excitement the mission gave her, compared to the sedentary 'sneak-and=peek' assignment they'd had earlier. Almost.

Leaping down from the back of the vehicle Condor quickly swung her P90 round as she scanned the area. There didn't seem to be any targets in the immediate vicinity so she quickly made her way towards where Patch and Owl were sitting on the ground, out in the open. Condor was about to comment on how stupid they both were when she caught sight of the blood oozing out between Patch's fingers as he pressed his hand tightly against Owl's shoulder.


"Bad?" She asked, quickly and simply, the question aimed at Patch since Owl looked as though she'd either passed out or was close to it. No state to give a clear answer either way. Looking up Condor kept her eyes dancing around the area, spotting any possible hiding places for a gunman and making sure the shadows were clear, her hands holding her P90 steady and ready all the while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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SimplyJohn Static Generator

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Patch looked up sharply as he heard the high-powered engine approaching between the warehouses, half expecting t5o see a truck full of enemy reinforcements come careening around the corner. Instead the small offroad buggy the team had procured came hurtling towards him at breakneck speed, swerving at the last moment to come to a skidding halt nearby.

Seeing Condor jumping down and heading towards him Patch relaxed a little, she looked armed for bear and her eyes were wide and alert as she quickly surveyed their surrounding, presumably looking for something to kill, so he pulled his free hand away from the rifle lying on the ground and turned his attention back to Owl.


"She's bleeding internally and I won't be able to get the bullet out without surgery, we need to evac now if she has any hope." He said loud enough for the entire team to har, trying to convey the urgency of the matter to them all. "I'll need two people to help move her into the buggy, and if someone could check the area for any medical supplies that'd be useful too."

Patch couldn't move himself right now, not without taking his hand off of Owl's wound and letting her bleed out, so until the others did something to assist he'd be stuck pinned beneath the crazy little girl's unconscious body.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonite777
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Dragonite777 Dragon of Ages

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"I hope you are doing something about those cameras, Birdseed."

Birdseed looked confused at Kheshig. "Not till we get there. I don't have gadgets that can work at those distances, and my computer skills aren't good enough to hack computers remotely." Taking some EMPs and some spare wires, Birdseed starts working on a device. Moments before his red-light-running, she flipped it on, creating an electrical hum and a distant sounding, soft whine form it. "Well, I can't hack news stations either, but I got this now, which will take down any cameras that happen to catch us within fifteen yards."

"Once we get there, Condor and I will provide cover. Birdseed, you have the medical equipment, so I will need you to move ahead to assist in getting Owl back here."

Birdseed nodded in agreement and simply said "right." Once there, at Kheshig's "Go!", Birdseed took the EMP-wave-generator and the medical bag. Running over to meet the other teammates, Birdseed started prepping stun grenades. Not seeing anyone to throw them at, she pockets them again. Turning to Patches, she holds out the medical bag towards the non-injured medic. @SimplyJohn "Not sure if there's any surgical equipment in here, but I grabbed the largest med bag we had at base. Do you know the locations of any medical supplies here? I need to get inside and disable the cameras, so I can't help carry her right now." Setting the bag down at his feet, within arms reach for the alcoholic healer, Birdseed rushes in, along with her EMP-wave-maker. Her plan was to detonate an EMP on the control panel. Not a horrible plan, but there wasn't much other way she could destroy camera data from a closed circuit system. Once back there, first turning off the cameras and hitting the delete button on all the files and backup files for the cameras, she noticed one that had recorded what happened when they were caught. Ellie whooped ass! Deciding she didn't have anything to save the video on anyways, she let the computer delete it. Once all camera recording files were deleted, Birdseed set two EMPs on the console and hooked them together on a delayed timer. Once she was out of the camera room, she heard the electrical explosion and the satisfactory sizzling of fried computers. Birdseed heads back to Patches and the others to help out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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SimplyJohn Static Generator

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Not sure if there's any surgical equipment in here, but I grabbed the largest med bag we had at base. Do you know the locations of any medical supplies here? I need to get inside and disable the cameras, so I can't help carry her right now."

Patch shook his head as he quickly reached into the bag and prepared a large syringe single-handed, moving almost automatically due to his rigorous training and field experience. "Surgical gear's back at base, all I can do is stabilise her and hope for the best. This gear should do for now, but we'll have to get moving soon." He explain as he stabbed the high strength sedative directly into the girl's heart. That should keep her calm for a while, and prevent any cardiac problems for now, he thought to himself taking his hand away from the shoulder wound to inspect the bandages.

They were already soaked through with blood so peeling them away he tossed them to one side on the tarmac as he pull proper sterilised dressings and a can of antiseptic gel from the medical kit. Jamming the tip of the canister into the gunshot wound Patch quickly pulled the activator, sending a spray of foam into the wound which quickly pressurised it from the inside, reducing the internal bleeding and helping to keep the wound clear from infection.

The simple act had probably just doubled Owl's life expectancy at this point and lifting his head he called out to the others. "She's ready to be moved as soon as you can give me a hand." As he waited for them to respond Patch quickly padded the outside of the wound and applied the fresh dressings, doing the best he could to stop Owl losing any more blood. Looking up at her face for the first time since she'd collapsed Patch saw how pale and gaunt she was looking, a bad sign in both his medical and aesthetic opinion. They needed to get her a transfusion as quickly as they could, and Patch hoped the team had things ready for him back at base.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rolling her eyes with exasperation as Birdseed yet again ran straight into an enemy facility without back-up or cover Condor wondered for a moment whether she should go after her 'friend' to provide support in case any guards were still around at all. Fuck her, Condor finally thought, if the stupid bitch is so eager to get herself killed it's not my problem.

"She's ready to be moved as soon as you can give me a hand."

Quickly shouldering her P90 Condor moved over to Owl'd legs and hoisted her up with both arms as Patch wrapped his arm around the girl's waist while cradling her head at the same time. Owl's breathing seemed very shallow, and her face was ashen and grey. In Condor's experience the girl would already have been written off as a casualty, but the resident field medic seemed to believe things were still hopeful.

Shuffling over towards the buggy Condor let Patch lead the way, letting him slide into the backseat before helping him work Owl in onto his lap, her damaged shoulder close so he'd be able to keep an eye on it easily. Dashing back across the parking lot Condor gathered up the medical kit and the rifle Patch had left on the ground before moving back and handing both of them to the medic. "Didn't you forget something?" She said wryly, before leaping up onto the back of the vehicle and pulling her own weapon down and ready.

Glancing around Condor began to wonder how they were all going to fit in the buggy for the ride home. With Owl and Patch taking up the back seat and her riding in the small space to the rear there was only the front passenger seat left, but they were still waiting on both Birdseed and Fox to join them. Banging on the roof to attract his attention Condor leaned down and called in to Patch, "Where'd you leave your car?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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SimplyJohn Static Generator

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Genni "Where'd you leave your car?"

"It's parked over behind that building," Patch replied, waving his hand in the general direction of the neighbouring warehouse before quickly returning his attention to Owl.

The blood flow had slowed considerably since he'd applied the gel, but her face was still ashen. He hoped that didn't mean he'd been too late and the slowing blood loss was a sign that there wasn't enough blood left for her to lose. In the confusion of their getaway he hadn't even noticed when the girl had been wounded and could only guess how long she may have been bleeding before he'd started to treat her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Condor leapt down off the back of the buggy and pulled her second P90 off of her shoulder as she jogged across the parking lot over towards the building Patch had indicated. If she was heading out alone then she'd want all the firepower she could get if something unexpected happened.

Turning the corner she immediately spotted the car, parked off to one side out of clear view in a way which wasn't obviously trying to hide the vehicle while at the same time not making it too obvious to a casual observer. Pulling the door open Condor slipped inside, dropping her guns on the floor beneath the driver's seat, out of sight from anyone glancing in from outside.

Pulling the sun visor down Condor caught the falling keys in mid-air and snapped them into the ignition, feeling a little strange to be sitting on the wrong side of the car as she did. "Drive on the left, drive on the left..." She muttered to herself as she brought the engine to life and slowly backed out onto the access road.


Reaching up she quickly tapped her earbud, "Archangel, Condor en-route in secondary vehicle," she reported quickly and concisely before cutting the line again. At this point she really didn't want to hear how Birdseed was going to fuck things up for them again, and so instead reached for the radio and started searching for some good music as she settled in for the drive back to the safehouse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Angelo sighed as he listened and watched the events unfold in front of him and Angelo had no idea what else he could at this point anymore. Angelo decided instead to check on birdseed and see how she was doing. Angelo really cared about her and right now he wished he could just give her a hug and let her be mad before feeling better. Angelo was unsure if he should just head back to base or wait for further confirmation of their status either way Angelo was just the observer at the point hoping and praying that something good would happen...
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