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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gurren1
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Gurren1 Got Mechs?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chapter 1 of 3: Goons,Thugs,and Supervillains

The date is June 4th,2017 in the city of Golden Coast,California. It has been two months since the city hall bombing and the mass villain break-out. Today can be considered like many days in this unforgiving environment a normal day in the life of G.C.P.D and N.A.I.L units in the city which is Hell like. However something is happening in the city something cynical in nature that could tear the whole city and country in fear.....

But as of now the usual business is happening which is pesky villains causing trouble. Which the law enforcement of the city have to deal with on a daily schedule. A villain has made their presence know and needs to be taken care of.

Golden Coast Bank

As usually the banks since the outbreak have been heavily protected by private security guards patrolling the perimeter and making sure nothing is suspicious.
This has discouraged many would be robbers to not even think about robbing the bank due to the high security but not all.

As the two guards near the door with simple 9mm pistols were sitting in the chairs looking dull the automated door opened and in rolled in two grenade like objects. Before the guards could react the devices let out a loud bang followed by a light that was blinding. The guards both fell in pain with their hands over their eyes. Then entered a man in a black suit with a very bright,white,luminous, lighting strike going across the suit and a utility belt with all sorts of grenade like gadgets dotting it he also wore goggles. He entered casually as the teller pressed a button to call other guards and law enforcement. As he got close to the teller a door opened on his left side with three more guards running out.

"Please!" The man said as he pulled out two small devices and threw them at the guards. As soon as they hit the ground a bright flash went out and again they all fell. The man was now at the desk,"I know you called them so hurry up and open the vault before you end up like them over their."

"Y..Yea alright follow me." The terrified teller says leading it the back of the bank. " Who...who are you." The teller says cautiously.

The man grinned,"Call me Flash Bang. Now hurry up and open it."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Looks like more 'Super Villains' than ever before." Alexis mumbled past the half of croissant she had in her mouth, the pointed end comically jiggling up and down as her lips tried to form words despite the obstacle. She tilted her head back and opened her jaw a little, the food falling into her mouth where she quickly consumed it before washing it down with a sip from her mug, milky tea inside.

Opposite her was one of her old friend from the bank she had been working at before taking on the job as a NAIL agent. The lady was the same age as Alexis, possibly why they had bonded quickly, and saw her current job as a cashier as the first step to greater things. Already she was managing the cashier staff on a semi-official basis and often attempted, half-heartedly, to bring Alexis back into the fold.

"Yeah, none of them will come near our bank though. Although if they did we don't have any agents to protect us." Gwen said with a suggesting smile over the rim of her coffee mug, her accent placing her from Brooklyn was very much a contrast to Alexis' British tones. The NAIL agent rolled her eyes with a badly concealed smile at the obvious meaning,

"I told you, I'm not good at close quarters. Besides, I doubt the management will let me keep a gun in my till. I'm better off out and about with this." She patted the briefcase next to her, a disassembled rifle inside. Her friend glanced at the case in a distrusting kind of way; she didn't approve of Alexis' new job and believed that carrying around a weapon would actually make her more vulnerable rather than better able to defend herself.

Interrupting their conversation, Alexis' phone rang. Not her personal one; the work one. She flicked open the old, sturdy phone and listened to the caller's instructions before wolfing down the remainder of her continental breakfast and downed the tea.

"I'll catch you later, Gwen." With a friendly kiss on the cheek she was gone, the tails of her overcoat splayed out behind her as she pelted away. She knew where the bank that was being robbed was but she had no intention of running in haplessly. She wasn't a front line fighter; she was a patient hunter. Instead, Alexis headed for a nearby hotel and flashed her badge at the receptionist; they knew better than to ask questions.

The lift got her to the top floor quickly enough and the door to the rooftop was unlocked; presumably to let the rich clients out into a private space to smoke safely. Thankfully no one was there so she could set up in peace, her rifle quickly taking shape. Fully loaded she found a place with a good view of the bank's front door and the alleyways leaving off of it. The recent multitude of villains apparently had a relatively low intelligence, getting overconfident without the 'heroes' around to stop them so they often just walked out the front door with no escape plan in place.

As far as Alexis knew, a bullet cared little whether you were a hero, a villain or just a normal person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Long gone were the peaceful days of Golden Coast, much to the excitement of the young N.A.I.L. agent. It wasn't as if she enjoyed the pain victims were experiencing due to the increase in violence, however she now had a outlet for her constantly growing energy. The field agent gripped the handles on her motorcycle, turning about the corners with ease. She gazed at the displays through the tinted visor of her helmet as she made her rounds, scouring the city for opponents. "Nova. Nova, can you hear me?" A voice buzzed in her ear moments before a small face popped up on her display. "Loud and clear. Got something for me Caden?" Nova grinned beneath her helmet, her heart beginning to react to the adrenaline pumping through her veins.
Caden sighed as he turned his attention to the blinking sensors on his monitor. "Please try not to sound so excited about it. Somebody is bound to get the wrong idea." A fierce tapping sound filled the space around the man as he combed through the various but vague reports. "My apologies, brother." Nova's laugh was met with another of Caden's sighs. "You didn't call just to scold me did you? What's going on?" Caden tapped a few keys on his keyboard, sending the coordinates of a bank to Nova's helmet display. "Golden Coast Bank appears to be experiencing some difficulty. I'm not quite clear on the details since there have been no follow up from the bank since its alarm was sounded." A flashing screen caught his attention, a relieved smile crossing his face. "G.C.P.D. reinforcements should be arriving on scene soon and Yuuko is picking up a friendly in the area."
Nova rolled her eyes as she wove through traffic on her way to the bank. "Of all the themes you just had to pick anime characters for your little robots, didn't you? It's lame." She banked around the corner, approaching the bank quickly. Caden remained silent on the topic, instead pulling up the feed from the only bot in the immediate area. Heading into the building across from the bank was a fellow N.A.I.L. agent, a woman she recognized but couldn't put a name to. "There hasn't been an official threat level released yet. She must have been in the area as well. At least I'll have back up I can count on." Nova mumbled to herself, pulling her bike off to the side of the road. Hopping off gracefully, the woman pulled the dark helmet from her head and plucked an earpiece from her pocket and clipping it to her right ear. "Can you patch me through to the agent on the roof?" She asked her brother as she pulled her long hair into a ponytail. "Do my drones look like a microphone to you?" Caden growled through the earpiece, typing angrily despite his protests. "Yeah, I think I can do it. Give me a minute to get Yuuko into position." Nova watched the small drone circle the air space twice before approaching the rooftop where the other agent was laying in wait. Fixing her eyes on the front doors of the bank, Nova pulled her two pistols from their holsters. "This is field agent Nova Black reporting in. How's the weather up there?" She asked, addressing her ally rather informally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gurren1
Avatar of Gurren1

Gurren1 Got Mechs?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Outside of Golden Coast Bank

As reports of a villain robbing the bank came through a N.A.I.L. Patrol squad consisting of 4 agents came zooming into the parking lot along with a GCPD officer who was already on the scene. " Reports indicate this is a Beta-1 villain named Franklin Evans AKA: Flash Bang. He was a former employee of the bank but was fired for trying to break into the vault. His weapons consist of burning bright lights used take out the guards we believe." One of the agents named Ross says on the local comm. channel to all agents in the area.

"We are setting a perimeter around the bank." Ross says again on the comm. while looking at the hotel. " We will push him out Agent

Inside Golden Coast Bank

As the vault opened Flash Bang heard the sirens coming from the walls. He quickly pushed the teller out of the way and stepped into the dim vault. Flash Bang completely ignored the tons of money that was free to take and instead grabbed a small brown box of the floor. He quickly opened it and inside was about a quarter sized blood red crystal of sorts.

"Finally I have it!" He says in excitement looking at it. "Wait a minute how...how did you know about the crystal?" The teller says quietly puzzled.

"Well Ashley we used to work together." He says turning around grinning at her. "Jesus! I knew you were Franklin from that voice! What are you going to do with that thing!" She says in absolute shock.

"You'll see in the future. But now I must leave." With that Flash Bang walked away from the vault into the main lobby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Matthew Mercer

Golden city, home to multitudes of unchecked and unsupervised 'heroes'. The heroes never being checked on always bothered Matt as they did anything they wished and the government just keeled over. Clicking his tongue he shook his head as he drove to the city hall, being one of the main benefactors for the charity he was invited but he was running rather late as something tied him up earlier. As he approached the building, it soon danced in a fiery explosion of orange and red, decimating the building in seconds.

In complete and utter shock, Matt just sat in his car for a minute trying to take in what just happened. How in the world, the heroes are meant to be indestructible. he also realized that he would have died in that event, but somehow by God's grace he was late and fortunately didn't die. Revving up the engine, he drove close to the explosion site and got out of the car he tried to examine what happened. It took him around an hour to find the bombs point of origins, it was all different and all where near the more delicate structure of the building. Whoever did this, he knew the structural integrity of the city hall in depth. No fingerprints, no residuemnothing. This guy was a professional.

His car radio has started to light up, "Dispatch, prisons under rebellion and attack we cannot hold them down. Where are the heroes?" Matt took a sample near from the point of origin and placed in a small plastic container and hurriedly got back into his car. "This is what happens when we get spoiled with heroes, the city is useless without them like a bad drug." he muttered to himself, grabbing his phone "Pick up. Pick up. as the tone passed by twice. Finally a click was heard and a female voice resounded, "Matt, what is going on!? Where are the heroes?" she asked in a deeply frightened voice. "Their not here anymore, a bomb exploded in city hall and it killed them all, I don't know how or why, but that's what happened. Tell me the situation there."

After she explained that there was mass panic and looting, and a villain named Flash Bang in the Golden Coast Bank, Matthew decided to revved his engine up once again and drive home to 'suit' up. Heroes were not here any longer and the city is going to have to accept that. After arriving home, he was met by the one that was on the phone, Anna, who was the brains of all the operations. She quickly ran up to hug him, with Matt just hugging back. He went into his home, opening a secret passage known only to him and a name few. He suited up, grabbing his gadgets and bow.

Arriving near the Golden Coast Bank, Anna was tapping into the GCPD and N.A.I.L reports at what and who the 'Flash Bang' was and directly made Matt hear the reports. "Always useful aren't you." he said to his communications with her replying with a giggle. Shooting a specialized arrow towards one of the windows. He grappled himself in the building. Then he finally finds 'Flash Bang' conversing with one of the tellers and finally turning around carrying what looks like a box.

Swiftly aiming his recurve bow down towards the villain, he had shot but intentionally missed. Instead landing near his feet. He had caught the villain's attention and with a voice modulator he says, "The next one goes directly in your heart. You have failed this city, drop the box and I will let you live, maybe." all the while drawing his recurve bow back and pointing it at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 3 mos ago

There was very little movement from the bank, although that was no surprise. In both hostage situations and raids people tended to duck down and hide rather than flee; rapid movement usually ended up with being shot whether you were dangerous or not. Criminals were rarely discipline or discriminate about who they killed in raids although there was a distinct lack of panic around the bank suggesting the events were still contained inside.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a small machine rising up above the rooftop and she backed away from her rifle, taking some small element of cover behind a large metal tube, part of the air-con system, that pushed air from inside the building out. Her trusty sidearm was in her hand but there was no other sign of an enemy attack and before long she could hear a voice through her earpiece, presumably transmitted via the drone.

"Sunny with a chance of ass-kicking. Agent Alexis Chandle here." She returned to her sniping position, taking a better look at the drone to ensure it wasn't dangerous. At least, dangerous to her. As she resumed her surveillance of the building she noticed NAIL vehicles pulling up around the bank, established a perimeter and then informing Alexis they would flush the Villain inside out. "If you want to get in on the action you might want to get a move on, Agent Nova Black. I'm just here in case they make a break for it." She flicked the safety off her weapon, watching to see how the drama would involve.

Apparently it would be a classic Hero vs Villain battle.

"I've got someone else entering the building from the west side, first floor. Could be another Villain, stay alert." She spoke into her mouthpiece, scanning the building to see if she could get a better idea of what was going on inside but it was impossible from here. "Keep me apace with events inside."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nova sighed with slight disappointment as she switched her mic to the wider channel, approaching the building calmly. "Only a Beta-1? That's kind of disappointing, even a single G.C.P.D. squad could handle this on their own. No offense." She stood assessing the area, observing what she could from the outside before she decided on how to proceed. "Any idea of what he was trying to steal from the vault?" She asked out of curiosity, thinking about how stupid the man must have been to try breaking into the vault he worked for.

She didn't get her answer, however, instead her attention was drawn to a movement out of the corner of her eye. Nova wasn't quite sure what it was exactly but her suspicions were confirmed when Alexis mentioned a breach in the perimeter. "Doubtful that it would another Villain. We've already surrounded the building, it wouldn't make sense for an accomplice to show up now." Taking a deep breath, Nova rolled her neck to relax the joints. "I'm going in." Without waiting for a response, Nova marched boldly through the front door with her weapons drawn.

"Well what do you know? It's Robin Hood, we're all saved." Nova chuckled sarcastically, each of her two guns pointed at a different target. "Franklin Evans, N.A.I.L. has you surrounded. Surrender your weapons and the stolen goods and you might just make it out of here in one piece." She demanded before partially shifting her gaze toward the man who had beaten her to the punch. "Hey you, Robin Hood. Not coming in first really pisses me off, so why don't you tell me who you are before I just decide to take you down as an accomplice to a bank robbery?" Her tone held a menacing growl behind it, blue eyes so cold the hostages had to look away. Losing the opportunity to enter the building first had really struck a nerve, at this point she'd be lucky if she didn't shoot him before hearing who he was. Caden sighed as he listened to the feed, knowing full well how competitive his sister could be.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gurren1
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Gurren1 Got Mechs?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"So I have Robin Hood and a mad agent? Whoa,it must be my day." Flash bang said with the cystal in his right hand."I wanted to use it later but I guess its time to show it to the world." Flash Bang dropped two drone pods which walked quietly to the Agent and Hero then once in front of them blew up with a bright white light.

Once they were distracted Flash Bang crushed the crystal which was a rather simple task and with the dust swallowed it. NOW! You will see what the Blood Eye Crystals can do!!!" He said as his eyes turned into a dark red and the muscles in his body started flexing out. In a matter of seconds this nobody villain was now an extremely buff and deadly villain.

"You are Dead!" He said looking at the Agent and charging her with his now basketball sized fist pointed straight at the stunned Agent.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Matthew Mercer

Rather suddenly, a gun toting and rather sharp tongued N.A.I.L. agent came out of the shadows, pointing her guns towards Matthew and 'Flash Bang' "Stay out of the wa-" Matthew replied before being cut off when the drone that he didn't notice suddenly exploded in a flash. Managing to cover his eyes half way, the explosion had only blinded him for half the length. With the blur of the flash still somewhat affecting him, he sees 'Flash Bang' popping something in his mouth and then becoming a pseudo-hulk.

The then pseudo-hulk started to charge towards the gun toting agent, clicking his tongue Matthew had managed to shove her out of the way and take the brunt of the attack. Matthew falls and starts rolling the opposite way the villain came, slowly getting up with a small stream of blood coming out of his mouth with him quickly wiping it off. "Matthew! Are you alright!?" the voice from his communication earpiece came, "It's fine, just some small internal damag- *cough*" he replied to the communication device. Finally catching his breath, he draws his bow back and shoots two explosive arrows towards each shoulder blade of the Villain. It sounded a 'click' and exploded, "Stay down." he said to 'it', Matthew then clutches his stomach, still reeling from the pain of getting bulldozed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alexis listened to the snatches of conversation he could hear through her earpiece but it was hardly enough to go on. With an irritated grumble she rummaged in her briefcase and pulled out the binoculars in there, flicking through the available lenses before returning to her vantage point. The world through the lenses appeared to her as an array of bright red, yellows and oranges with darker blues, purples and greens. With the infra-red she could at least see what was going on inside the building.

The shift in Flash Bang was immediate, the heat signature rising significantly along with his size.

"What the-" She swore, never having seen such a rapid change in all her experience. "Nova, pull back with your hero friend. I can't give you any support from here." She returned to her rifle, aiming towards the entrance of the bank. She could just make out the others through the window but at this range she'd have to change to different ammo for an accurate shot and there was no time. So instead she fired at the window, aiming at the base of it, shattering a large pane of glass and thanking whichever architect designed the place for choosing large panes and not small, artistic windows. The 'Robin Hood' had managed to counter-attack but the new and improved Flash Bang didn't seem critically affected by it.

Heroes, Villains. They're all bloody monsters. Give me a flesh and blood target any day.

"Lure him out into the open, the flash bangs won't have as much relative effect outside and we can flank him." She spoke before speaking to the NAIL support outside. "Have you got any smoke grenades, Agent Ross? I think it's our turn to rob him of sight."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gurren1
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Gurren1 Got Mechs?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Outside Bank

"We have a few Agent Chandle! Everyone else light him up if he gets out of the bank." Ross said then quickly turning and heading back to one of the Black Jeeps blocking off the entrance into the bank. Meanwhile across the street from the bank crowds off people were watching the horror unfold before them.

"Damn civilians must think this is some petty thief! Officer Mike where is the rest of the GCPD to get the people away from here and let NAIL work." Ross said while holding a duffle bag filled with smoke grenades. The GCPD officer shook his head,"I don't know won't respond to my calls but I guess I try to get them back."

"Good. Because its about to get ugly." Ross said holding a smoke grenade.

Inside Bank

"Those arrows are nothing!" Flash Bang says walking towards the hero. "You see Blood Eyes let me have incredible strength while retaining my intelligence! Too bad the damn things are hard as hell to find around he-" Just then the glass broke and Flash Bang could see the outside with Agents pointing pistols at him. "I'll deal with those flys later but I want the hero first!" With that he threw another Grenade down flashing the hero while he charged again with his fist.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nova saw the pod too late, the flash completely blinding her with a painful light. "Damnit!" She hissed, rubbing at her watering eyes. Somewhere in front of her she could feel an unnatural shift, like a small object being replaced with a brick wall. By the time she realized it was moving towards her, the mystery man had pushed her out of the way of the monster's charge. As her vision slowly returned, Nova stared on in shock at the mere size of the petty thief. "Why the hell is something like that sitting in a bank vault?" She hissed into her earpiece, not really expecting an answer.

Shaking off her hesitation, Nova reassessed her situation more seriously. The man who had helped her was injured, something she wasn't going to forgive herself for a while. Innocents were still in the building but it didn't appear that he was very interested in them anymore, now that he had his snack. Getting you outside should be simple enough. Nova thought to herself as she returned her guns to their holsters. The shattering glass pane seemed to distract Flash Bang momentarily, but it was obvious by his demeanor that he was looking to attack the mysterious vigilante out of revenge. "I'm not one to leave debts unpaid." She growled, closing her eyes as she bolted forward into the monster's path. She felt the heat of a second grenade go off close to them as she forced the vigilante to the ground, slamming a metal staff to the tiled floor just moments before Flash Bang's fist met the "hero" pair.

The sonic staff activated, pushing the large mass backward a few steps. "Note to self... Staff is less effective on objects with the mass of an elephant." Nova mumbled, collapsing the staff before pocketing the staff and grabbing "Robin Hood" by the bicep. "Outside. Now." She ordered him, daring to open her eyes in order to guide the man to the door.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alexis could see the agents following her suggestions, arraying themselves by the window to give cover to the retreating pair inside. She still had no clear line of sight to Flash Bang and she didn't want to give away her position for little gain; if she could take him out in her first couple of shots then there'd be less collateral damage.

"That's good. Keep him in your sight but maintain a safe distance. It doesn't look like a few bullets are going to stop him." She said, encouraging the agents. Now she could make out Agent Nova and the 'Hero' as they pulled out. 'Robin Hood' looked injured but not too badly while Nova seemed to be in good condition still. "Let those smoke grenades go now." She commanded, watching as her order was carried out.

Soon there was a gap between the agents, Nova and her charge and Flash Bang inside the building. "Alright, pull back away from the smokescreen now." There was little wind that low to the ground so the smoke screen endured well enough. Her keen eyes spotted movement inside it, a swirling of the murkiness, and she trained the binoculars to see the same high-heat blob that was Flash Bang. Returning to her rifle she aimed and fired two shots.

In the time since the Hood's attack she had switched her ammunition to AP rounds, seeing as the explosive shots he had fired had proved ineffective. If a broad-based attack did little damage, she hoped a focused one might. There was movement within the screen and she swung her rifle, firing again before waiting to see the results.

"Anyone have eyes on the target?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gurren1
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Gurren1 Got Mechs?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Inside Bank

The Agents fired smoke into the building just as the two other personal got out of the bank. The thick smog angered Flash bang who couldn't see and to make matters worst an elite sniper had sights on him.

"Where the Hell is everyo-" Just then a round penetrated Flash Bangs left shoulder going straight through the bone all while making an awful "CRACK" noise. Flash Bang yelled in pain as he dropped to his knees holding his shoulder. "I thought this stopped pain!!" He said in agony just as another bullet missed him by inches.

Outside Bank

As the mighty rifle rang out its second round the Agents were readied with standard issues glock pistols. They would have brought the heavy weapons but due to the assumption this was just another goon had only brought the light gear. As they neared the bank's broken windows Agent Ross took point along with Agent Mark and Greenhill. Their blacks suits now littered with smut and smoke as Ross was a foot away from entering the bank.

"I think he is hurt I can hear some moans...but no visual yet." He said onto the comm channel. Out of nowhere a noise was being heard inside the bank;a screeching noise of metal. Before the Agents could react a large,metal,bench was thrown at the three leading men. Ross tripped trying to move out of the way but Mark and Greenhill were hit with the the full force of the bench knocking them at least five feet back. The cracks of ribs and even a nose were heard as the two fell onto the pavement. The other Agents following behind them which were three started firing rounds into the smoke all while a now very pissed Flash Bang was starting to emerge with many Flash grenades in his hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nova didn't look back as smoke grenades were launched into the building with Flash Bang, focusing instead on putting some distance between her and the maniac inside. She turned just in time to watch Alexis fire a round and then another, Flash Bang roaring with mixed rage and pain from within the smokescreen. "At least she was able to do some damage." She noted to herself, glancing over at the vigilante to make sure he was alright too. Nova stood, watching angrily from a safe distance as Flash Bang launched a bench at her comrades. Different scenarios were playing in her head, the young agent chewing on her bottom lip as she cycled through them, trying to devise a plan to bring the monster down quickly. "I could jump on his back and go for the jugular, but I'd need to find a way to get behind him. You, vigilante guy... Do you think you could draw his attention away from us long enough for Agent Chandle to shoot another round into his leg?" Nova drew her twin blades from their sheaths, mentally preparing herself before looking up at the building where Alexis was hiding.

"We can't keep letting this guy stomp around like this. He's relying on his modified body right now, so let's take that away from him. Think you could take out a kneecap from that distance agent?" She playfully taunted, recalling the skillset of this particular agent. Nova had no doubts in her mind that Alexis could make the shot, she only hoped the rest of the players were up to the task.... Including herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gurren1
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Gurren1 Got Mechs?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Agent we need another round in that monster NOW!" Ross said getting up just to see the mad man walking out of the building staring right at him. "Oh Shit!" He said quickly firing three rounds from his glock into the behemoth. Two missed but one was a lucky shot. The grenades he was holding in his right hand was hit by single bullet leading to a chain reaction with the others.

The light was intense and even with the special goggles on Flash Bang jumped back from the light and hit the ground with a loud "THUMP". "This is our chance." Ross said to everyone while Flash Bang was trying to get up." Lets end this!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago


His consciousness violently lapsing back and forth, he was luckily awake when the agent whom he had pushed away was barking him orders. Not having enough energy rebuke her for giving her orders, he only silently nodded and weakly said "Al- Alright." Prepping himself to stand properly, he felt extremely lightheaded. Seems like he got me worse than I thought. he thought, grabbing his bow while turning on his voice modulator, "HEY, UGLY, ALL THAT POWER AND YOU STILL COULDN'T BRING ME DOWN? PATHETIC. he shouted while mockingly laughing at the hulking figure.

Right as he said that, three shots resounded the building, with one hitting one of the grenades the villain, Flashbang, had. It caused a chain reaction and made everything explode in a flash of light, to which Matthew covered his eyes again. It had knocked down the figure. Aiming his bow and arming them with his especially sharpened arrowheads he shot two on his hands and feet, trying to keep him down. Falling downwards and roughly breathing, he just watched with pained eyes as the scene unfolded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Stubborn thing.

Alexis watched the events in front of the bank from her high perch, the scope giving her such clarity it was as if she were there in person with sound relayed to her in static-filled patches via her earpiece. Despite most of his limbs now nearly useless, Flash Bang looked to be getting up again. The arrows 'Robin Hood' had put through the villain's feet and hands to pin him down proved ineffective, the enlarged man ripping them from his flesh and grumbling to his feet. Regular bullets practically bounced off his skin and Alexis could see the beginnings of what she referred to as 'blood rage' in Flash Bang's stature; a rage brought on by pain at the very edge of consciousness that would make the sufferer nigh upon impossible to stop.

She had seen it in battle before. Men and women injured, sometimes fatally, picking up their weapon and charging full tilt screaming hate and death all the while firing with terrifying accuracy at their perceived enemies. Often they would suffer more wounds that would drop anyone else but they would carry on until either their heart or head was taken out. Adjusting her aim she took out Flash Bang's kneecap and then put a round in his chest, avoiding any vital areas. Again, he stood up and prepared to charge.

"This is Agent Chandle. He can't be stopped now without significant casualties, maybe even civilian. I'm dropping him."

She ignored the requests for clarification, sighting onto the villain's forehead and fired. Her mind flashed back to the scores of men and women she had taken out in this fashion, both 'domestic terrorists' (as classified by her superiors) and other dangerous malcontents as well as those during her time in the Middle East. Every time it was the same result, the product of high-pressure training that turned her into a weapon just as much as the one she used; the two combining into a killing machine that never missed its target.

Flash Bang's head was thrown back as the bullet bored through his skull, just above the goggles he wore, and then he collapsed in an ungainly heap.

"Subject terminated. I'll leave the cleanup to you, Agent Ross."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Colonel Letterman walked down a hall way to his office, and was not happy at all. Behind him were two men, one from the military science wing, and the other from NAIL. "How did this happen?" Letterman said in and aggravated and annoyed tone. "How did such a volatile and Top Secret bio enhancing agent get into public hands?"
"NAIL thought it would be better to keep the shipment of this item low profile." The NAIL agent said. "So we shpped in via civilian transport and stored it in a bank vault between movements."
"HA!" Letterman laughed. "Who's idea was that because, might I say, it is shit show that someone has to now clean up for them." The group walked past a desk where a secretary sat and look up at the group briefly as they passed into Col. Letterman's office. "Take a seat." He said to the two men as he walked behind his desk. "Now, Dr.Hunter, What is it that we can expect to see from this?"
"Well," the scientist began a little nervous. "An extreme spike in all physical abilities, but the testing is not finished. We have yet to see its full affects on the other parts of the body."
"This is even better!" Col. Letterman exclaimed even more annoyed than before. "NAIL thought it was a great idea to ship and store an experimental bio weapon domestically." The NAIL agent was about to speak. "Shut it!" Letterman said before the agent could say anything. "How long do the effects last doctor?" The NAIL agent was not looking very happy at this point, but remained silent.
"The time can vary from a few hours to days, and in very few cases it has been a permanent change." At this response Col. Letterman stared at the NAIL agent.
"We are handling it." The NAIL agent said calmly.
"I hope so!" Col. Letterman said as he stared bullets at the agent. "Remeber what happened last time NAIL said I had to clean up a mess of yours?" The doctor looked slightly puzzled at the NAIL agent who was shifting uncomfortably in his chair. "Yes, I terminated the target you wanted to bring in, and left it hanging around your neck!" Col. Letterman was not cutting this agent any slack, and it was now clear that that the reason was due to past experiences. "Luck for you I have known about this and never trusted it from the start. That is why I have had Over Watch tailing it." The agent's eye opened wide.
"How did you- How did we not-"
"I have the authority to observe, but not intervene with, any mission that I see fit. That means even ones I am not supposed to know of. You can leave until you have more news from your superiors." The agent's jaw almost dropped. After standing and straightening his suite he took his leave.
"And what about me?" Dr.Hunter asked after the agent left.
"You can stay." Col. Letterman said as he pick up a remote and pressed a button. This causes a cabinet to open with five screens inside. four were what seemed like the perspective of people while the fifth had yet to turn on. "Consider this lesson one in domestic testing of your drug."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gurren1
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Gurren1 Got Mechs?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Flash Bang was dead. His body bloodied up and his face was something else. "Damnit Agent Chandle you mad a very bloody mess down here." Ross said stepping into the bank now littered with dried and wet blood.

"Well... We will get a cleanup team everyone report back to base to give your report and after that get home... We will figure out what happend here tomorrow. Oh boy the GCPD chief is going to chew our ass for this mess ." He said looking at the now ruined bank riddled with bullet holes and broken glass.

Just then more GCPD units came rushing in and right behind them were an ambulance.

(This is the time to introduce yourself or flesh out your character at their home or base. The next paragraph is just setting up for the next case.)

Marathon Chemical Industry's
June 22nd 11:35 PM

The giant skyscraper watching over Golden Coast was only surpassed in size by the Roosevelt Credit Union building and on this hot steamy summer night things would forever change the war on "villains". It was by air a lone jetpack powered man made his way to the building hellbent on something. His target was the 45th floor and was closing in fast. He grabbed a gun of sorts from his holster and pressed its trigger releasing a sonic wave breaking the panel of glass. As the glass cracked he enter the building and was greeted by three NAIL Agents. Without a word the man quickly disarmed one of the guards throwing him out of the building then dodged a swift left arm from another. The man's fist then busted into flames and grabbed the two guards roasting them as his flames engulfed their bodies.

He then made his way to a large painting of Downtown Golden Coast lifted it up to revel a safe with a NAIL logo on it. The man ripped it open and to his delight was Blood Eyes.

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