Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

@Legion02@King Kindred

Artemis heard her named called shortly after David's was. She walked up to the teacher grabbing her ID card. It said her power was electrical charging arrows. Well, that's the easy way to put it. She smiled as she walked back hearing about their plan. "As much as that sounds like a good idea...don't we have classes later today? Or do they start tomorrow?" She asked curiously. "I was going to try to find my way around the school but when I try I get horribly lost." She said with a shrug. "I can navigate a forest but buildings are a total mind screw." She said laughing as she sat back down onto the sofa with a plop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@Dark Eternity@Legion02@themadhatter420@HHShetland

Alex took note of the four armed mutant from earlier. The one who used some awesome move on one of the rednecks. That guy sure was muscular. He wondered if it was something that came with his mutation or if he worked for it to fend off against people who picked on and talked down on him as a kid. If anyone decided to make fun of him today then they'd be in for a rude awakening.

He turned his attention back to Artemis and David. He had no idea why Artemis wasn't used to buildings. He didn't know about her homeless problem yet. He hadn't been there when she revealed it. He wasn't even sure what a homeless person looked like. He had never actually seen one before. He was almost too sheltered in life. Sometimes he felt that he was sheltered so the outside world couldn't know too much about him. Like the fact that he had powers instead of protecting him against the harsh reality of the world. David came back to them with an ID of his own and then Artemis was called up to get hers.

While she was gone David whispered to him about going to the village. He shook his head and whispered, "I don't know about that now. Things... changed." Yeah, they changed. He didn't want to be seen as stupid in front of that beautiful Vice-Headmaster of theirs. She was a smoke show. Speaking of smoke shows. One just sat next to him right then. Alex recognized her as the girl who hit a baseball through the auditorium. She didn't like the show "Cops" either and seemed to be looking for the roommate to change the channel. Then she looked at the bow and he was sure that she was calling him sweet cheeks. A smile appeared on his face and he said, "No, it's not mine. It's our friend's. Here she is now."

Artemis then returned with her ID and started talking about classes and getting lost and about how she could find her way in a forest, but not in a building. She was one weird girl, but she was cool. That's what made her part of his crew.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Eternity
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Dark Eternity The Lone Wolf Knight

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Michelle smiled, eyeing the bow a little while until Artemis returned. She chirped a moment at the girl's comments and then looked at the professors handing out IDs. "What's the fuzz about?", she asked, leaning closer to Artemis. Her eyes turned back to the bow, to which point she laid an arm on Artemis' shoulders. "So you are more of a country-type of girl. Don't worry, your friends here will show you around." She winked at the two guys. She remained fairly close to Artemis and listened in on their talk for a little longer.


In the meantime, most students have seen the videos that have spread over the campus and the interview turned the one or two confused faces. A few began to support what Lewis was offering. Others were blaming him for making their lives harder. It was all a cluster of different opinions. Nevertheless, all was halted when something new showed up.

Students switched TVs to a news channel, others had tablets and phones up with streams. It spread like a wildfire amongst the students to watch the live footage of a mutant going rampage.

The news helicopter keeps the scene in perfect view. There were multiple police cars swarmed around a supermarket, lights illuminating the large building from all sides. At the entrance, there were people unconscious, glass scattered, chaos was ensured. The anchorman explained the situation.

"After the events at Highsands Mutant College of Liberty and Equality, the people are still not safe in the streets. Violence against humans seems to rise. Mutants seem to attack people that openly encourage the Mutant Registration Act. This particular event here was created, when a cashier of the supermarket at ... asked for the ID of a customer that turned out to be a mutant. The mutant Samuel Eddison outraged at this and attacked the woman, resulting in what we seem to think of a massacre inside the supermarket. Witnesses called the police immediately and..."

There was an explosion in the building, which visibly shook the walls and roof of it. Policemen took cover behind their cars and then some charge for the entrance. Once they were inside, another explosion was heard and the officers were thrown out of the building with force. This scene remained a few minutes, before an armored van pulls up to the police cars and three people in black special operative clothing barged out and ran inside. After a series of loud explosion sounds and some silence, the three return into view with a young man between them. He was handcuffed and a collar was placed around his neck that blinked with blue lights, as he was dragged to the van.


Students watched this with fear. Their eyes told the truth. They were visibly afraid of what happened there, whether it was the alleged massacre or the fact that three men just walked in and took down a mutant easily. Also the way how Samuel looked like. He was beaten unconscious and the blinking collar around his neck looked menacing. Whispering spread amongst the students.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Maybe he's right? I mean, he might have been expelled. Yeah, I understand. He gave Alex an understanding smile. David might be somewhat impulsive, but not stupid. If someone wanted time, he understood that. But he still wanted to put the message out there: Don't mess with the mutants. Maybe he could convince Artemis of joining? Then again, that would be unfair. She just got here. I'll let it rest.

He wasn't really paying attention. Only when Michelle told Artemis that he and Alex would lead her around, David realized that the violent looking girl stood near Artemis, winking at the both of them. Wait, what? Oh yes, yes, yes, helping Artemis. Should I...just like. Okay how should I say it? C'mon David, be confident. "Yeah sure, I'll show you around. You know what courses you have?" David asked Artemis. Wait, didn't she say she barely knew anything about this place. Wait, I don't even know where everything is!? How am I going to help her!? I don't even know where my own classes are! A small glimpse of panic flashed across David's face, which he tried to keep hidden under his smile. Though anyone with a little knowledge of human nature had seen the flash of panic.

It was right about then that the TV showed the footage of the mutant. At first David watched, horrified. Yes, he was against the mutant registration act. But attacking innocent civilians? That's too much. He didn't feel sympathy for a sociopathic murderer. But all hate for the mutant, who was giving his brethren a bad name, vanished when he saw the black van pull up. At first he thought it was a SWAT team. But when they dragged out the mutant, David's face froze in shock. The man, Samuel, was being dragged out of the building. Unconscious, beaten up, with a strange flashing collar. Suddenly, the same 'bravery' he felt outside when facing the rednecks flared up: "See? The vote for the MutReg Act isn't even in Congress and they already have a way to dispose of us. They are extending a hand so we could shake it but hold a gun at our faces with the other!" David said in a burst of anger to no-one particular. But loud enough so most people around him would have heard it. He might have been exaggerating. But as the teen he was, he didn’t care for it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HHShetland


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Legion02@King Kindred@themadhatter420@Dark Eternity

Sumat couldn't help but listen in on the conversations occurring in the break room as he retrieved his wallet and held it open with his lower hands, enabling him to operate the vending machine and insert coins with the other pair.

He tried his best not to show his annoyance at some of them, but he couldn't help but grumble slightly when he heard one of the other students whispering about 'teaching the rednecks a lesson'. He turned around briefly as he vended a bag of chilli-flavoured crisps, noting that he, too, looked like one of the more beat-up students from in front of the auditorium. What did he think this was, a cliche High School movie? And he figured that the San Francisco area was liberal enough that Rednecks would be too spread thin to properly teach a lesson to, but apparently this particular student was willing to go to great lengths to fight a foolish cause that will only make things worse for everyone. As much as he admitted that these Rednecks often got what they came to them anyway. He was very tempted to go over there and explain to him why this was a bad idea, but decided against it. He was rarely in the mood for confrontations, especially when hungry.

He turned his head back towards the machine soon afterwards to vend another bag of Chilli crisps. This time, nothing much interesting happened before he decided to vend a third one. At which point the punkish girl who saw it fit to throw around baseball... balls in the middle of a formal gathering arrived, prompting another grumble from him. At least the other girl that was there seemed nice enough; he felt the same way about big buildings the first time his adopted father showed him around his mansion.

As he got around to vending a fourth bag of crisps (the last Chilli-flavoured one in the machine), it was then that a particularly alarming news story ended up on the TV nearby; it immediately caught his attention when he heard the reporter talking about 'the events at the Mutant College'. He'd already been fairly irritated with how the other Students were handling the protest, but now everything he did slowed down and he squinted his eyes, taking the report all in. And of course, once it was over, he frowned, as he knew that he was in the right, and yet everyone would start playing the Mutant card on him anyway, and not the new ID, either. To him, the existence of people like Samuel Eddison validated the existence of the M.T.S; who he immediately recognised when they showed up. He had done his research.

That would have been the end of it for that day, until the same student who had whispering about rednecks suddenly starting blurting out 'them', presumably the M.T.S., being the government's way of 'disposing' of them. He grunted with disgust even louder this time, and more significantly, the rattle on the end of his long tail went off involuntarily; the sheer audacity of a genocidal militia existing in a democratic society was enough to get Sumat to retort.

"They're not going to dispose of 'us'." He said, calmly but with force, as he put away his wallet and briefly bent over to retrieve his four packets of crisps from the vending machine.

"...They're going to dispose of wankers like this Samuel Eddison fellow." He paused again to let his words sink in, turning to face the others in the room directly, with a serious look on his face and his lower arms clutching bags of crisps.

"It's people like him that are the reason why non-Mutants carry that gun in their other hand. He deserves every punishment he'll get."

Once he had voiced that last opinion, he already knew that such a bold and controversial remark wouldn't be well-received. Even if he was right. But he wasn't done yet; he felt a sudden urge to complain on the Internet, as people do in modern western society. And his ex-celebrity status ensured that he had a decent number of people following him on Twitter. Thus, he turned around and thumped his way back to his room, still leaving the door open for the sake being open.

'Sumat Sajak (@) ExRajaSumat:
Samuel Eddison is a disgrace, no ifs or buts, and yet I still see other Mutants playing the minority card. It is most irritating.

Us Mutants need to grow up and face the reality: our powers make many of us reckless, proud, and feel as though we are above the system. We are not. At the end of the day, we are all human, and that includes the lust for domination over others characteristic of our species. What do you think would happen when otherwise-harmless thugs realise they can control the fires of Agni, or something similar?

Kind regards to the brave men of the M.T.S; you do us all a big favour. Support the Mutant Registration Act!'

These were the words that Sumat proceeded to post online, operating the keyboard with his lower hands and gobbling crisps with the upper hands. He consumed the crisps so quickly, it only took him about ten minutes to eat all four bags, and even then he didn't feel completely rejuvenated. He knew that between all this political thinking and wrestling briefly with a hillbilly, he'd need a substantial dinner that night.

He had also made sure to watch the recently-posted Interview with Chairman Lewis, as well as the footage of the protest. He was thankful to see that both the original and cutted versions left him out of frame, by sheer luck, so that the 'Raja Naga' wouldn't be mentioned in the news anytime soon, and they might have gotten the wrong idea and lumped him in with the privileged crazies. Sumat generally found himself agreeing with most of the media anyway; that mutant powers would need to be regulated, especially what with the Samuel Eddison fool coming in and further reinforcing the stereotype of the power-mad mutant that seemed so prevalent in recent years. And the Mutants who claimed the media were distorting these events were deluding themselves, as far as he was concerned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 23 days ago

Leopold bid the girl good day and booted up his laptop. It was now he got the flood of information over the last few hours, the joy of a 10X10 projector is a HUGE computer screen for dozens of screens bordering on a hundred. He made it himself, the the joys of a comp-sci major using infrared scanners to track body movement and gestures. It wasn't like tony stark's holo-tech, but it sure made the cat feel like it!

Blogs, so many blogs, all searching with various crawlers for key words. It always reminded him of that one part in 'watchmen' when he did this, made him feel smarter than he really was. he wasent looking forthe obvious,he set it to search for a number of words repeating but excluding the most obvious. He was searching for a group or a name to keep appearing, some sort of 'hate monger' to be stirring all this up. Either there was one person behind all this hate, or there wasn't. Both were equally terrifying.

Oddly, one of his tracers pinged on the typings of a student:
'Sumat Sajak (@) ExRajaSumat:
Samuel Eddison is a disgrace, no ifs or buts, and yet I still see other Mutants playing the minority card. It is most irritating.

Us Mutants need to grow up and face the reality: our powers make many of us reckless, proud, and feel as though we are above the system. We are not. At the end of the day, we are all human, and that includes the lust for domination over others characteristic of our species. What do you think would happen when otherwise-harmless thugs realise they can control the fires of Agni, or something similar?

Kind regards to the brave men of the M.T.S; you do us all a big favour. Support the Mutant Registration Act!'

He sent an amused annonymous reply:
"All of life is a circle, seasons, reincarnations, ragnarock. This has happened a thousand times in history up till now and will keep happening another thousand times after now. Mutants are the newest threat, just wait and soon mutants will fight alongside humans against an alien invasion or something from another dimension. It's an 'us' versus 'them' and mutants are just the next 'them'. This too shall pass."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

@HHShetland@Legion02@Dark Eternity@King Kindred

Artemis smiled at everyone. She handed David her schedule that was written down on a piece of paper. "Here is the list the headmaster gave me. I tried finding a few of the buildings but I got lost." She said with a giggle. "Thank you...I'm sorry I didn't catch you name?" She smiled at the other female in the room holding out my hand. "My name is Artemis." She said smiling brightly. She than looked down at her id and placed it in her pocket so she wouldn't lose it. She also smiled at the guy who walked up to them not knowing his name or what he was talking about either. "The Mutant what act?" She asked curiously. She had not been in the loop about everything. Her mother told her that normal people wouldn't like someone like her and she understood that...but not enough to know all the political information.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Eternity
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Dark Eternity The Lone Wolf Knight

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Michelle shook Artemis' hand and smiled. "Pleasure to meet you. I am Jackhammer." The arm that rested on the girl's shoulder remained there, even daring to pull Artemis' closer to the mutant. The students that were listening in on David were cheering him, agreeing with the fact that the humans were trying to justify disposing the mutants. A guy that heard Sumat's speech against this wanted to discuss things with the lizard mutant in a more physical manner, but a fellow student stopped him, telling him that Sumat was the Raja Naga, the famous mutant wrestler. It silenced and cooled down the fellow student down instantly.

-----Thursday: Mutant Power Training-----

After the warm-up, the teacher blew a whistle and directed all back to the front side of the sport's field. The group of students in the course were large but enough for three people to have the overview of things. "So you guys signed in on the Power Training at...", Johnathan Froggers looked at his wristwatch. "9am. I am Corporal Johnathan Froggers, you can just call me Corporal or John. I will coach most of the training, warm-up and sports routine for the day. Beatrice over here...", he motioned over at the redhead in a Grinder sports uniform. Beatrice Letterman liked to play along with the girl's volleyball team and showed that with her sportive figure. "... and this year's student assistant, Miss Jameson..." Michelle waved her hand, wearing jogging shorts and a grey tank-top. "...are both going to work around helping develop your abilities as we go through the day. So with that, let's make a run around the field. Five turns should be enough." He chuckled at the last remark, getting nudged by Beatrice. "Alright guys, one turn for the start", Michelle barked and made haste to get her round around the field done.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Alex watched the footage on television. The expression on his face didn't change. He hid what he was thinking inside. This was ridiculous on both ends. That mutant wasn't making things easier for them by doing unnecessary things like this. He was one of the mutants that gave this registration act the push it needed. That collar though. It had to do something. The collar didn't look like an ordinary accessory to a rave and he was sure the authorities wouldn't be able to peacefully walk him out if it didn't do something to stop his powers. He was with David. They already had a way to stop the use of their powers. The research and money it had to take to make that was one of the things that concerned him. What if his parents had been backing something like this?

He turned to look at Sumat as he spoke. This guy was the Uncle Tom of the mutants. He wanted to say something, but he didn't want to start an argument that would lead nowhere. Plus the guy ended up leaving. Alex didn't trust the Mutant Registration Act or this "disposal" method of criminal mutants. They could turn this into the extermination of all mutantkind if they wanted to and this guy didn't think humans were capable of that. And don't even get Alex started on the gun statement. Non-mutants carried guns way before they knew about mutants. He sighed and turned to Artemis who didn't know what the act was.

"Mutant Registration Act. It's where mutants register who we are and what our powers are so they could keep a tighter eye on us than they already do." He then turned to the girl who introduced herself as Jackhammer. He was sure that wasn't her real name, but he didn't have any other name to introduce himself as so he went with his real one. "Jackhammer, I'm Alex." He said with a smile. "It's nice to meet you as well." He said despite her really only saying it was a pleasure to meet Artemis.

-----Thursday: Mutant Power Training-----

Alex wasn't sure why he signed up for Power Training at 9 A.M. He liked being able to sleep in and the fact that this was really just starting off like gym class wasn't sitting well with him. It wasn't like he wasn't athletic. He of course was, but this was too early to be running five laps around a field. The only consolation for this was that he had his two new best friends with him and Jackhammer as the student assistant. He wasn't going to look like a fool out here with her and Beatrice watching.

"Ready to start, Artemis and David?" He asked while running in place.

Meanwhile Christian was pumped for this. He was going to be able to use his speed without any limitations. Except for the ones that he would put on himself. He didn't want to leave these guys so far into the dust, right? He smirked and prepared to show them how it's done. He realized that they wouldn't really be able to see him run the five laps if he moved at mach 2 so he decided to go slower. It was a shocker to him as well.

When Michelle started he took off and turned around when he reached her. "See you and the others in five turns." He gave his best modeling smile and turned around before starting off again. He was running slow enough for the others to actually see him move around the field in a blurred state. He came around and overlapped the others until he finished his five. He then decided to sit down and yell to their coach. "What do I do while I wait for them?!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

@King Kindred

She smiled at everyone around them as they explained the registration act. "That does not seem very fair...isn't there a law saying we have certain types of freedoms?" She said remembering what her mom used to tell her when she was "teaching" her. She wondered if it was all fake just so she would seem like she was going to school. Her mom would have been in a lot of trouble if they found out.

--Thursday Morning--

Artemis was wearing shorts and a t-shirt when she arrived at gym class. She knew where it was when David showed her around. She smiled running over to Alex and David. "I am ready." She said getting excited. She was bouncing up and down with her bow still on her back. She literally never left to go anywhere with out it. It was almost as if it was out of habit. She always had to be prepared for anything living in the woods.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

--Thursday Morning--
David was stretching out, yawning and half noticing what was up. He was suspiciously bad dressed for the occasion. In a long jeans and normal t-shirt. With red eyes he looked at their teacher hidden among the students. Some might question if didn't sleep well. In fact, David only got 5 hours of sleep. During his waking hours he was on the internet, searching for something. He didn't know exactly what. Things that helped him against the Mutant Registration Act. It had become somewhat of an obsession. An unhealthy one for sure.

But right now, that didn't really matter. Despite looking tired, he was really anxious to start his training. Except that he thought he'd get to fire his lasers and lift rocks. Instead the teacher would make him run laps. At which David internally groaned. When Alex asked him if he was ready to start he answered: "Have I ever told you my condition is virtually none-existent?" He then eyed Artemis, who said she was ready. Is she really going to run with a bow on her back? he asked himself. Oh of course she is, she's going to bring that everywhere. Oh god, she really does look more ready than I'll ever be. He tried to keep up pace as much as he could though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 22 hrs ago


Artemis could see that David looked a little nervous. "Hey what if I ran with you David. I can pace myself." She said smiling to see what he would say. She knew she was taking a chance for him to say no. But she really wanted them to be close friends. He seemed like he would be able to help her out in the long run. She smiled adjusting her bow a little more so she would not damage it by running. Other students stared at her bow and it was making her blush the more she noticed it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Trey had been checking his Facebook on his laptop when the door had burst open. He had expected to be met with the face of an eagerly eyed youth, yet instead all Trey found was an empty doorway. He was about to assume that it was simply the wind or something of that nature, when his eyes stopped over his roommate’s bed. What had once been a perfectly clean bed was now covered in a laptop and a bag of video games. Trey’s eyes widened as he rose to his feet, staring in amazement.

The source of this was reveals seconds later as another gust of wind hit Trey’s face. He caught the brief look at what appeared to be a blur whiz past him before once again disappearing, leaving behind a cardboard box of stuff. This continued for about a minute; numerous gusts of wind and the sight of a moving blur, followed by the arrival of more luggage. By now Trey had made a guess as to what was going on. It seemed that his new roommate was a Speedster. Much like the guy from that CW show on TV. Regardless of his understanding though, he was still speechless when the guy finally stopped.

The guy was certainly attractive, Trey had to give him that. Well attractive was probably an understatement. He fell back into a sitting position onto his bed as the new teenager spoke. He gave a short wave after Chris introduced himself. “Name’s Trey.”

The comment about the traffic stuck with him however. “I assumed traffic wouldn’t have been an issue for you.” He commented, intrigued.

-----Thursday: Mutant Power Training-----

Despite it still being extremely early, Trey still managed to rock up to the sports field with a coffee in hand. The drink was practically essential to keep him awake after the last few nights he had had. This was due to the fact that night was the time his roommate Chris decided would be a fantastic idea to play on his multitude of game consoles. Trey obviously was not impressed although kept his mouth shut for the most of it, trying to “keep the peace”.

The power training was actually worse than he had expected. He had expected it to be more of a Mr Miyagi training session, although instead it was basically just like gym class. Yuck. What made things worse was that Chris was apparently in full spirits, despite his late nights and was ready to show off his speed. It didn’t take Trey long to run the laps himself, although by the time he was done he was already fully out of breath and coated with sweat. To be fair he didn’t look that different from most at this point.

“y’know Chris…” He began, as he slouched over to him. “Without those powers of yours, you’d be as screwed as the rest of us”. He gave a short laugh before slouching onto the floor. Lying back he continued. “Honestly, I always hated gym.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Alex laughed when David said his condition was virtually non-existent. He knew that David had been staying up late and that was probably the main reason as to why he wasn't really up for these laps, but he was sure that Artemis could get him to run. He started to jog off on his own and would wait for them to catch up before he'd increase the pace a bit. He didn't want to them to be the last ones to finish their laps. Some of the students had already started and others were already finished. Power Training certainly wasn't starting out in their favor.


Chris was chewing on a Three Musketeers bar when Trey got to him. He smiled when he said that he'd be as screwed as everyone else without his powers. Trey was definitely right about that. He didn't know what he'd do without his super speed now that he'd gotten so used to them. "I always hated gym too. I had to place these big limitations on myself while there. Had to make myself slower than everyone else. It's not the best thing in the world." He looked at the others as they were running their laps and then back to Trey. "That's what makes this school and this class so perfect."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

@King Kindred @themadhatter420
Oh dear god, Artemis if you could read my mind. You have no idea how grateful I am right now! he thought as a smile formed over his face. He knew for a fact that she could run faster than this. She was built like some athletic amazon he'd watch back when he was 9 and girls were yukie. Now he was actually running next to one! Eventually he caught up with Alex. Who then just had to increase the pace a little. David did everything in his human power to keep going. But running a jeans is everything but comfortable and he was getting out of breath. Until he had the craziest but best idea he had in his entire life. He took a careful breath and tried to focus on making himself lighter. It's working! he thought excited, as a thin purple glow began to form around him. Lifting his weight so much that he only weighed 30kg. With that, he could up his pace a little, making sure he, Artmis and Alex wouldn't be the last ones. David felt ridiculously proud of his own clever thinking. And that could easily be seen on his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

@Legion02@King Kindred

Artemis was running at a steady pace but kept right up with David and Alex with no issues at all. Her breathing was steady, her heart rate normal...even her bow stayed perfectly in place with out moving an inch. "This is fun huh guys!" She said laughing as she kept jogging smiling at her friends. She was finally happy she had some people to talk to when she would work out. She was always alone. Even her mom wouldn't be around much. She smiled as she kept moving wondering how many laps that would have to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Eternity
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Dark Eternity The Lone Wolf Knight

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The students took their lap around the field. It was rather large, so many were getting out of breath along the way, but this seemed to be the plan. The quickest ones that were not running with super-speed were asked to take another lap. Michelle, who was rather quick on her feet, but still in poor condition, seen that large parts of her grey tank top were darker by the end of her run, grabbed a clipboard with a list. She went through that list and ticked off the attendance of students, getting quick to know people's faces and names. Beatrice and Johnathan were quick on their feet to take their two laps while Michelle spoke to the students, which she gathered once everyone was finished.

"Hi, euhm...", she hesitated a moment as she scribbled something down at the list. "Well, yeah. Hi again. For those that did not listen up before their warm-up, I am Michelle Jameson. I will be student assistant to Mister Froggers and Miss Letterman. That means I will participate in the activities in the Power Training course, assist you guys in whatever way I can and I will be the person to speak to, should you feel uncomfortable to talk to the teachers." She took a quick look around the gathered students once more. "As you might know, some of you guys have physical abilities. Those should have it easy to learn in this course, as your abilities mostly rely on your physical prowess."

Corporal Froggers and Beatrice slowly stopped next to Michelle. The Corporal gave the girl a clap on the shoulder. "Those that have mental abilities and some more... extraordinary powers... You might have trouble getting the right training in this, but that's why we try and keep enough professors and teachers interested in participating. As for today, Johnathan would keep things easy..." The Corporal smirked like he just played a prank at someone. "... and go through some sports activities. Miss Letterman and I will try and start with the actual Power Training."

"Alright guys, you take another turn with me, let the girls have the fun first." The Corporal dashed off and clapped his hands in order to get even the laziest of the men to get up. Beatrice and Michelle gathered the girls and started training with them. Some more peculiar powers were shown, when a few of the shy girls were posing. One of the girls could grow flowers on her body, another was able to create ice out of nowhere and even encase her body with a layer of it that she could easily move in. Either were they training with the two teachers or grouped together on their own and showed off what they could do. Michelle turned to Artemis when it was her turn (more or less). "Hey, Artemis. Show me what you got."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Alex eventually finished his laps with the others and listened to the Corporal talk. Even though he had mental powers he still had a seemingly physical one. This would definitely be the training for him. When the group split off into boys and girls he looked to Artemis and said, "I guess we'll see you when the groups recombine or after class." He didn't want to keep the Corporal waiting so he started jogging off towards him after he clapped his hands.

Chris took an extra lap as instructed and was one of the first students to follow the Corporal. He didn't need to use his super speed for that. It wasn't always the time to show off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

@King Kindred @themadhatter420
Despite the fact that he made himself lighter, David still felt exhausted after the lap. Breathing heavy and focusing mostly on not collapsing. Though he did hear the explanation of Michelle. After which he loudly groaned. "C'mon. More running!?" After that he realized he might have said that a little too loud. So in a way of distraction he too turned to Artemis, who seemed to be the polar opposite of him and said: "Yeah, what Alex says. Have fun training!" he cheered and then tried to catch up with Alex. But after only 5 steps he realized he wouldn't be able to keep up if he didn't get distracted by the damn cramps in his legs. So starting a small talk with Alex seemed to be the best option: "Artemis seems really nice, don't you think?" The words were out faster than he knew. Probably because of the shortage of focus due to a lack of sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

@Legion02@King Kindred@Dark Eternity

Artemis smiled when it was her turn. "One sec." She said grabbing her quiver she put on the bench near by. "Don't worry I wont break anything." She said putting the arrow on her bow as she aimed at a target across the room. She took a slow deep breath as the arrow began to glow bright red as she shot the arrow into the air hitting the target square on the bulls eye. Than the charge from the arrow exploded leaving a black soot around the target with the arrow still in tact. "How was that?" She asked worried they thought her ability was lame.
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